Review on thematic repertory and materia medica of the mind symptoms

Review on thematic repertory and materia medica of the mind symptoms – Jose Antonio Mirilli

Dr Prathibha Angya M

Thematic (adj) of the basic word Theme, which means a subject being discussed or a Melody which is repeated in a work.

This book is named so, as it contains words or words and its synonyms, or words with its antonyms which are repeatedly told by the patient with a special delight or emphasis.

Hahnemann used to consider the mental symptoms as the most valuable when choosing a medicine.

§210- Whenever there is a disease that we must heal, the general health must get the same special attention as the totality of the symptoms.

§211- This is so true that the choice of the homoeopathic medicine is often determined by the state of mind of the patient which is a very characteristic symptom.

§212- The creator of therapeutical agents also observed this main characteristic of all disease, the physical and spiritual altered states.

§ 213 – Thus if we do not see among the other symptoms in each disease, even the grave ones, the symptoms related to changes in mental and moral conditions we will never be able to heal according to nature, that is, homoeopathically.

DR JOSÉ ANTONIO MIRILLI DE OLIVEIRA, M.D, is a Brazilian Homoeopath. Mirilli, a 1984 graduate of the Rio de Janeiro Medical College is a simple, purposeful, deep-thinking man. He enjoys staying up late, sleeping late, and attending patients through the afternoon and into the evening. 

He graduated from the Institute Hahnemannian do Brasil (IHB), the oldest homoeopathic institution and school (founded in 1859 by B. Mure) in this country of 170 million.

Early on, before his medical studies, he learned acupuncture and osteopathic type manipulations becoming quite a successful practitioner before commencing formal medical studies. During medical studies, he became dis-hearted and took a half-year leave because it was so hard to reconcile his allopathic training with his deeper, heartfelt desires. The break was just what he needed and he then finished medical school and also took his diploma from the IHB in 1989. In Brasil, homoeopathy is recognized by the federal government, and only medical doctors are legally permitted to practice homeopathy.


  • Repertorio tematico (English-Portuguese) – 1993-1996
  • Materia medica tematica (English) – 1994-1996
  • Dicionario Tematico (English)-1994 
  • Materia medica tematica (Portuguese)- Robe Publisher, 1996.

The symptoms of a Pure Materia Medica seemed to the author totally unintelligent. Later he understood the experimental nature of homoeopathical symptoms and started thinking about how hard it was to study the symptoms that are spread along the several volumes of Materia Medica. He wondered if there was an easier way of organizing the symptoms for the homoeopathists. When he discovered Bernal’s thematic work he foresaw the possibility of organizing the homeopathic symptoms of the Pure Materia Medica by themes.
This work is an aid to understand the mental pictures of many of the polychrests using keywords and themes.

The following Materia Medica’s were used for quotations:

  • Materia Medica Pura and Chronic Diseases of Hahnemann.
  • T.F. Allen’s Encyclopedia, and The supplementary symptoms of the tenth volume.
  • H.C. Allen’s Materia Medica of the Nosodes.
  • Hering Guiding symptoms.
  • Jeremy Sherr’s Dynamic Provings, vol.1.  

Alphabetical in construction with the related meaning of the rubric are arranged under each rubric from different sources in the form of themes in order to differentiate the remedies of the main rubric.

Title of book: Thematic Repertory And Materia Medica Of The Mind Symptoms.

REPERTORY PROPER 1st published in the year 1994 &  revised edition came in 1998.



    Aldo Farias Dias…………………………………………………………..i

    Ariovaldo Ribeiro Filho……………………………………………………………….ii

    Mauricio Castellini……………………………………………………………………..iii

    Ian Towsend………………………………………………………………………………v

    Roger Van Zandvoort…………………………………………………………………..v

     Frederik Schroyens…………………………………………………………………….vi


     by J. A. Mirilli…………………………………………………………….vii

Thematic Repertory Index………………………………………………x

    Alphabetic List of Themes 

Analogical Index ……………………………………………………….. xiii

    of Themes and Synonyms

Thematic Repertory ……………………………………………….1 – 827

     Symptoms of Repertory and Pure Materia Medica ordered by Themes

Remedies and Abbreviations …………………………………828 – 874

The Rubrics and Themes Related ………………………….875 – 977

     Alphabetic list of symptoms and related themes

The Author’s identification and frequency list……………978 – 980

FOREWORD is given by seven authors of this century who have appreciated his work as it makes the study of mind symptoms of Pure Materia Medica easy.

The authors are: 

  • Aldo Farias Dias MD 
  • Ariovaldo Ribeiro Fillho, MD 
  • Frederik Schroyens MD
  • Ian Townsend M.A., R S Hom, PoCH
  • Mauricio Castellini MD
  • Roger Van Zandvoort

INTRODUCTION (includes the STUDY OF WORDS, in revised edition)
The author has mentioned as how he got the idea of writing this book. Initially he attempted on reading the homoeopathic symptoms and did an analogical research of the key words of the symptoms in English and later used those words to create the themes. He has spent 5 years in researching and organizing the Pure Materia Medica symptoms.

The main aim of the repertory is to classify the homoeopathic symptoms so they could be used by the homoeopaths for fast medical advice, but there are four limitations, as mentioned below:
• The symptoms being served and classified in alphabetical order have no connections and lose their dynamic expressions.
• The symptoms come from several sources, but the similar symptoms are at different places and are not related.
• The symptoms taken from Pure Materia Medica are not totally represented in rubric form.
• There is a great difference in vocabulary between the Repertory and Materia medica. In Repertory the symptoms are organized not by description but according to the author’s own perception and awareness of reality.

It is not enough to add new medicines in the rubrics but we have to review its concepts and create new rubrics. For example – classical symptoms such as “anxiety of conscience” are explained now-a-days as the “guilt” according to psychoanalytic concept.
For replacing old terminologies with the present, various dictionaries have been used, e.g. “The American Heritage”, “Webster’s old unabridged edition”, “Aurelio Portuguese dictionary”, “Houaiss” English Portuguese dictionary and the CD-ROM “Microsoft Bookshelf”.

In compiling the work, the author has attempted to satisfy these points by putting all the related rubrics of the symptoms under one theme and giving the medicines with original source in the proving.
In Barthel’s Repertory, e.g., symptoms of Pulsatilla are related to the forsaken theme: – Delusions; alone, she is always, – Delusions; alone world, she is a. in the, – Delusions; deserted, forsaken, is – Delusions; neglected, of being, – Fear; neglected of being, – Forsaken; isolation, sensation of.
In Hahnemann’s Materia Medica, the complete symptom is given (Ha,1143): “Her head is so quiet and all about her is so empty as if she were alone in the house and in the world; she doesn’t wish to talk to anyone, just as if all around her were no concern of her and she belonged to nobody.”

In Pure Materia Medica, we can observe that certain words give significance to symptoms, and these are the theme words. We can make a group of theme words and create thematic groups. It was necessary to deeply scrutinize the meaning of most important words present in symptoms in the English language, and to search for their analogues, and look for resemblances. A dictionary with more than 4,000 words in English language was created, with main words of PMM mental symptoms, and their synonyms. The meanings of the Words are exemplified by the symptoms in which they occur rather than from the dictionary.

For example – the word hypochondria, in the classical texts, can be, in some symptoms, similar to melancholia or other symptoms – fear of illness, or illusion of illness – like in the contemporary dictionary meaning. These studies resulted in the compilation of the Thematic Dictionary.

The author used the Thematic Dictionary as a side repertory, extending the entry menu of traditional Repertories.

The nomenclature of the bibliographical references given at the end of each medicine, refer as:

  • Ha- with numbering below 200 is for the Chronic Diseases and above 200 for Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura
  • Al- for the T.F. Allen’s Encyclopedia, Al-S for the supplementary symptoms of the tenth volume.
  • Al-N- for the symptoms of the H.C. Allen’s Materia Medica of the Nosodes.
  • He- for the symptoms taken from Hering’s Guiding Symptoms.
  • Sh- for the symptoms taken from Jeremy Sherr’s Dynamic Provings, vol.1


  • Allen, T.F., Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica, New York / Philadelphia, Boericke & Tafel, 1879.
  • Allen, H.C. The Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Philadelphia, Boericke & Tafel, 1910.
  • Hahnemann, S. The Chronic Diseases, Translated by Tafel, Annotations by Hughes Jain Publishing, 1986. 
  • Hahnemann, S. Materia Medica Pura, Translated by Dudgeon, Annotations by Hughes Jain Publishing,1986.
  • Hering, C. Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica, Philadelphia 1879-1891.
  • Mirilli, J.A. Repertório Temático English- Portuguese 1993 -1996
  • Mirilli, J.A. Matéria Médica Temática English   1994 -1996
  • Mirilli, J.A. Dicionário Temático English 1994
  • Mirilli. J.A. Matéria Médica Temática Portuguese – Robe Publisher 1996
  • Sherr, Jeremy Dynamic Provings Dynamis school 1997
  • Zandvoort, Roger Van The Complete Repertory IRHIS  1996

More than 4,000 symptoms from 17,000 that compound the Pure Materia Medica mental symptoms were selected and 300 mental themes were formed.
Someone may ask what about the rest of the 13,000 symptoms?
A theme listing is a collection of repertory rubrics (from Complete Repertory) related to one theme. For example, in the Thematic Repertory, the theme ‘Water’ contains all the rubrics with the word water but also incorporates rubrics with drowning, drinking, fishes, ships, rain, wet and washing.

In this references are given to themes (e.g. ‘Abandoned’, see theme ‘Forsaken’).
At the end of the repertory an index where all Complete repertory mind rubrics referring to the themes in the repertory in which these rubrics are incorporated has been given.


Macro structure

Thematic repertory is an alphabetically arranged index.

It is mainly based on Complete Repertory.

The entire book has 300 themes on mind rubric.

Themes with their meaning and page number is as follows:  ABROAD, distant 1

  • ACCIDENTS, danger 1
  • ACCUSED, charged 4
  • ALIVE, animated 5
  • AMBITION, greed 5
  • ANGER, rage 7
  • ANIMAL, identity 23
  • ANTAGONISM, opposition 35
  • ANTICIPATION, presentment 40
  • APPROACHED, attacked 44
  • ATTACKED, beaten 46
  • AVARICE, greed 49
  • BETRAYED, suspicious 50
  • BITE, wound 52
  • BLOOD, 54
  • BOTHER, to harass 56 
  • BOTHERED, upset 57
  • BRIGHT, glistening 61
  • BROTHER, 64
  • BURN, fire 64
  • BUSY, engaged 65
  • CAMOUFLAGE, dissimulation 67
  • CAPRICIOUS, fickle 68
  • CARES, others 70
  • CAUGHT, seized 71
  • CENSORIOUS, fault finding 72
  • CENSURED, criticized 75
  • CHILD, young 78
  • CLAIRVOYANCE, anticipation 83
  • CLOTHES, 84
  • COMPANY, 87
  • COMPASSIONATE, sympathy 91
  • CONDUCTED, guided 95
  • CONFIDENCE, want of 95
  • CONSCIENCE, guilty 101
  • CONSCIENTIOUS, careful 116
  • CONSTRICTION, narrowing 120
  • CONTEMPTUOUS, scornful 120
  • CONTRADICTION, vexation 125
  • CONTRARY, opposite 128
  • CORPSE, cadaver 129
  • COWARDICE, timidity 130
  • CRAWLING, creeping   132
  • CRIMINAL, illegal 133
  • CROWD, throng 137
  • CRUSHED, smashed 138
  • DAMAGE, hurt 139
  • DANGER, hazard   141
  • DARK, black 144
  • DEATH, finale 148
  • DECEITFUL, deceptive 167
  • DEFIANT, insolence 167
  • DESPAIR, desperation 168
  • DESPISED, scorned 174
  • DEVIL, fiend 178
  • DICTATORIAL, despotic 180
  • DIRTY, soiled 181
  • DISAPPOINTMENT, frustration 184
  • DISCONTENTED, dislike 186
  • DISCUSSION, debate 188
  • DISEASE, ailment 190
  • DISINTEGRATION, disunion 208
  • DISPERSION, inconstancy 213
  • DISTANCES, far way 215
  • DIVIDED, disunion 215
  • DOOMED, ill-fated 218
  • DOUBLE, identity 223
  • DOUBTFUL, indecisive 227
  • DROWNING, 230
  • DUTY, obligation 230
  • DWELLS, brood 236
  • EATING, 239
  • EGOTISM, self-centred 240
  • EMPTY, hollow 241
  • ENEMY, antagonist 242
  • ENERGY, vitality 243
  • ENVY, spite 250
  • ESCAPE, run away 251
  • EXECUTED, murdered   255
  • FAILURE, failing 256
  • FALL, drop 260
  • FAMILY, relations 263
  • FATHER  267
  • FEARFUL, afraid 267
  • FEARLESS, courageous 278
  • FEIGNING, pretending 279
  • FIGHT, confrontation 282
  • FINE, refined 287
  • FIRE, combustion 287
  • FIT, faint, stroke 289
  • FLATTERY, adulation 293
  • FLOATING, weightless 294
  • FLY, elevate 295
  • FORSAKEN, abandoned 297
  • FORSAKES, reject 302
  • FRAGILE, frail 305
  • FRIEND, acquaintance 307
  • FRIENDLESS, isolated 311
  • FRIENDLY, amiable 311
  • FUNERAL, burial ceremony 313
  • FUTURE, fated 314
  • GHOSTS, spirits 318
  • GO OUT, home 321
  • GOD, 323
  • GODLESS, irreligious 323
  • GREAT, huge 324
  • GREATNESS, superiority 372
  • GRIEF, sorrow   333
  • GROW, enlarge 337
  • HALF, incomplete 340
  • HANGED, executed 341
  • HARD, solid 341
  • HAUGHTY, arrogant 341
  • HEALING, health 344
  • HEALTH, 344
  • HEART, blood pump 345
  • HEAVY, weighty 350
  • HEIGHT, elevation 352
  • HELL, purgatory 354
  • HELPFUL, useful 355
  • HELPLESSNESS, unprotected, unfit 356
  • HIDE, conceal 362
  • HIMSELF, conflict, anger 364
  • HOME, habitation 368
  • HOMESICKNESS, nostalgic 373
  • HOMICIDAL, killer 375
  • HOPELESS, despairing 379
  • HORRIBLE, frightful 381
  • HUNTER, pursuit, killer 384
  • HURRY, hasten 384
  • HURT, harm 389
  • HUSBAND, family 395
  • IDENTITY, personality 396
  • IMITATED, copied 402
  • IMPATIENCE, haste 402
  • IMPRISONED, jailed 404
  • INDIFFERENCE, insensitiveness 407
  • INDIGNATION, anger 415
  • INEXPUGNABLE, invulnerable 416
  • INFECTIOUS, contagious 417
  • INJUSTICE, unfairness 419
  • INSANITY, madness 420
  • INTEGRATION, unity 431
  • INVADED, attacked 435
  • INVERSION, 437
  • IRRESOLUTION, indecision 438
  • ISOLATION, solitude   440
  • JEALOUSY, possessiveness 446
  • JUSTICE, fairness, equity 448
  • KNOWLEDGE, understanding 449
  • LACK, need, want 454
  • LASCIVIOUS, lewd 457
  • LIAR, falsehood 462
  • LIBERTY, freedom 463
  • LIFELESS, inanimate 466
  • LIGHT, weightless 467
  • LOATHING, aversion 471
  • LOST, missing, destroyed 480
  • LOVE, relations 483
  • MAGIC, supernatural 487
  • MANIA, monomania 487
  • MASOCHISM, sadism 488
  • MEDITATION, reflection 488
  • MENACED, threatened 491
  • MENACING, threatening 493
  • MILDNESS, kindness 494
  • MISANTHROPY, antisocial 495
  • MISERABLE, unfortunate 498
  • MISFORTUNE, calamity 501
  • MONEY, cash 509
  • MORTIFICATION, regret, chagrin 511
  • MOTHER, family 516
  • MOVEMENT, activity 517
  • MURDERED, killed 521
  • MUSIC, dance 523
  • MUTILATED, cripple 527
  • NAIVE, ingenuous 528
  • NATURE, rural setting 528
  • NEGLIGENCE, careless 530
  • NEWS, report 533
  • NOISE, sound 535
  • NOSTALGIA, longing 539
  • OBSERVED, spied 540
  • OBSTINATE, stubborn 541
  • OBSTRUCTED, hindered 544
  • OFFENDED, insulted 549
  • OFFENSIVE, abusive 556
  • OFFICER, soldier, police 562
  • OLD, past 564
  • OPPRESSION, weigh heavy 564
  • ORDEALS, tests 566
  • ORGANIZATION, order 566
  • OTHERS, relation with 569
  • PARALYSIS, immobility 572 
  • PASSIONATE, emotional 574
  • PAST, past time 576
  • PEACE, serenity   581
  • PENITENCE, remorse 582
  • PERFECTION, ideal 583
  • PERSECUTION, pursuing   586
  • PESSIMISM, discouragement 591
  • PHILOSOPHY, speculations 593
  • PLANNING, intending   594
  • PLEASURE, joy, glad 595
  • POETRY, verses 604
  • POINTED, sharp 604
  • POISONED, suspicious 607
  • POSITION, rank 609
  • POSTPONING, delay 611
  • POVERTY, indigence 612
  • PUNISHED, reproved 613
  • PURE, innocent, clean 614
  • RELIGIOUS, scrupulous, devout 614
  • REMORSE, guilty 621
  • RESENTMENT, rancor 622
  • RESERVED, taciturn 624
  • RESTLESS, agitated 627
  • REVENGEFUL, spiteful 635
  • REVOLUTIONARY, activist 636
  • RIDICULOUS, absurd, foolish 636
  • ROBBER, thief 637
  • ROTTEN, decayed 639
  • RUINED, destroyed 640
  • RUN OVER, collide 642
  • SADISM, cruelty 643
  • SADNESS, sorrow 644 
  • SALVATION, redemption 660
  • SARCASM, satire 662
  • SEIZED, possessed 664
  • SENSITIVE, impressionable 668
  • SEXUAL, 672
  • SHAME, humiliation 687
  • SINKING, decline 689
  • SISTER, 690
  • SMALL, little 690
  • SOLITUDE, isolation 692
  • SQUANDERS, wastes 702
  • STAGNATION, inert 703
  • STARVING, hungry 703
  • STORM, thunderstorm 704
  • STRANGE, unusual 706
  • STRANGER, intruder 711
  • SUCCEED, prosper 713
  • SUFFOCATION, choke 717
  • SUICIDAL, self-destructive 720
  • SUPERNATURAL, ghostly 728
  • SUPPRESSED, repressed 728
  • SURROUNDED, encircled 731
  • SUSPICIOUS, distrustful 733
  • TALK, speech 740
  • TEAR, cut 747
  • TEDIUM, ennui 748
  • THEORIZING, speculation 749
  • TIME, measure 749
  • TIMIDITY, cowardice 754
  • TORMENTED, suffering 756
  • TORTURED, suffering 758
  • TOUCH, contact 758
  • TRANSMUTATION, mutation 762
  • TRAVEL, wander 763
  • UGLY, repulsive 766
  • UNFIT, inapt, incompetent 768
  • UNFORTUNATE, unhappy 774
  • UNION, marriage 777
  • UNREAL, imaginary 779
  • VANITY, futility 783
  • VEXATION, 785
  • VIOLENCE, destructive 786
  • VORACITY, insatiability 792
  • WALK, 792
  • WATER, liquid 793
  • WEALTH, riches 797
  • WICKED, evil 799
  • WIFE, 806
  • WILD, savage 807
  • WILL, resolution 810
  • WORK, labor 811
  • WRONG, incorrect 819
  • YIELDING, submissive 820
  • YOUNG, juvenile 82

Micro structure
Symptoms of Repertory and Pure Materia Medica ordered by Themes are arranged in Thematic Repertory part of the book. After the symptoms there are the themes they motivated so we may observe its possible intentionality.

Thus, a theme listing is a collection of repertory rubrics (from complete repertory) related to one theme. For example, in the thematic repertory, the theme ‘water’ contains all the rubric’s with the word water but also incorporates rubric’s with drowning, drinking, fishes, ships, rain, wet and washing.

The theme or main rubric is give in CAPITAL, it follows alphabetical order of arrangement, there are approximately 300 mental themes and under each theme sub-rubrics related to the theme are arranged in alphabetical order.

After the list of the thematic classification there is the list of symptoms for each medicine thus representing their Materia Medica. The medicines are arranged in alphabetical order. At places word meaning of the symptom or the origin of the symptom (clinical, proving or toxicological symptom) are given in parenthesis. 

To explain the nomenclature of the bibliographical references; ever after the abbreviation of the medicine there comes its source 

a.“Ha” on the numbering below 200 for the Chronic Diseases’ symptoms and above 200 for the Hahnemann’s Pure Materia Medica symptoms;

 b- “Al” for the T.F.Allen’s Encyclopedia, “Al-S” for the supplementary symptoms of the tenth volume;

 c- “Al-N” for the symptoms of the H.C.Allen’s Materia Medica of the Nosodes;

 d- “He” for the symptoms taken from Hering’s Guiding Symptoms).

 Thus when in doubt we may compare the symptom with the original one. And we may also consult the source to know what is the origin of the symptom (experimental, toxic, or clinical cure).

Each medicine has a number given succeeding it, representing its source – numbering below 200 are from Chronic Disease and above 200 from Hahnemann’s Pure Materia Medica. 

The page layout is in double column.

Gradation of Medicine:

Medicines are graded on the scale of 4.

Grade                                  Letter Type                             Marks

First                                     BOLD UPPERCASE             four (e.g., ACON)

Second                                 BOLD UPPERCASE            three (e.g., ACON)

Third                                    bold italics                               two (e.g., acon)

Fourth                                   roman                                      one (e.g., acon)

Demonstration of a theme from the book:


Delusions; animals abdomen, are in: croc.162 thuj.

 • body, alive, only half alive: croth.36

 • body, mouth, living things were creeping into, at night: merc.

 • side, alive on one side and buried on the other, he is: stram.

 • talking, inanimate objects with 

  names, t. to but observes no one standing by him: stram.10

 • vagina, living things creep into (at night): merc.

 • voices, hears, abdomen, are in his: thuj.

Discontented; inanimate objects: caps.

Dreams; animals, eating alive: hydrog.222

 ▫ buried alive, being: arn. chel. ign. pariet.72

 ▫ vivid, images, life like: aster.54 natm.54

Fear; buried, alive: atro.38 tub.56 zinc.54

Thoughts; abdomen, as if from: thuj.5

Thoughts; stomach, as if from: acon.5

CHOC.  Sh,2 Feel very excited, very alive, bright and efficient.  Had an image of a hedgehog’s face.

 Sh,152 Wanted to eat slugs and grasshoppers. I could feel how they would be in my mouth while they were still alive and wriggling. (Has been vegetarian for twenty years).

CROTH.  He,13 Marked indifference, seems only half alive; utter apathy.

NATP.  Al,1 Awakes at night, and imagines pieces of furniture are persons.

PETR.  Ha,27 The whole day, he is only half conscious, as if only half alive.

STRAM.  Al,122 For some days the patient was affected with hallucinations and thought that one side of him was alive, while the other side was buried.

THUJ.  He,10 Fixed ideas: as if a strange person were at his side; as if soul and body were separated (split); that body, particularly limbs, are made of glass (frail) and will readily break (weakness); as if a living animal were in abdomen; talks about being under the influence of a superior power. (possessed)

ZINC.  He,43 Great fear, as if persecuted by men or the devil, on account of crimes he has never done (injustice); is afraid of becoming imprisoned, or poisoned, or shot, or buried (inter) alive…0 Delirium tremens.


The use of a thematic approach has been incorporated into Cara Professional with the co-operation with Dr. José Mirilli who has pioneered the use of this approach as a more accurate and meaningful way of finding the indicated remedy.

The Millenium Edition of the Complete repertory has included a chapter on Themes. This allows to quickly see which remedies are associated with a theme and the verifying rubrics, which is based on the work of Dr Jose Mirilli.

The thematic classification gave us the possibility to observe the psychodynamics of each medicine. 

It is a very useful work to establish the fine distinctions between rubrics as well as work from which one can study Pure Materia Medica.

It enables us, once we recognize the theme running through the case, to approach it using the provers’ own expressions, and differentiate between numerous remedies.

This book offers reference possibilities which go far beyond a standard word search or any repertory format we are acquainted with.

It’s clinically applicable, it enables the homoeopath to explore a theme running through the proving of a remedy.

In grouping by themes, the comparative function of the repertory is enhanced without losing any differentiation.

Its open concept leaves a lot of space for improvements, alterations and additions by the homoeopathic community.


It cannot be used for general repertorization as it only deals with themes on mind.

The author has himself told that he uses this repertory as a side reference along with the traditional repertories in his clinic.


  1. Shashi Kant Tiwari. Essentials of Repertorization. Fourth edition. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.2005; New Delhi.
  2. Siju PV. A reference to repertories for homoeopathic students. Reprint ed. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 2007; New Delhi.
  4. THEMATIC REPERTORY- A useful article about Thematic Repertory. Full details about Thematic Repertory – by J. A. Mirilli March 15, 2009

Dr. Prathibha Angya M
PG Repertory part II
Government Homoeopathy Medical College and Hospital, Dr. Siddaiah Puranik Road, BasaveshwaraNagar, Bengaluru-560079.

Under guidance of  Dr. MUNIR AHMED


  1. All three Materia Medica of the Mind, each by a different author can be found online at

    Anyone familiar with all three? Recommendations? The cheapest versionis Comprehensive Homeopathic Materia Medica of Mind 3rd Edition (very good sign) by H. L. Chitkara $20 at Abebooks

  2. From where we can purchase thematic repertoire book? I searched online and offline, but it is not available anywhere.

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