Dr Sana Shahid
Dr SK Ezaz Murshed
“If you really want to do something you’ll find a way if you don’t, you’ll find an excuse”— Jim Rohm
The cause is hidden; the effect is visible to all. Without causes there can be no effect, in other sense effect is always preceded by some cause. Causation is the relationship between two things whereby the first is necessary or sufficient to bring about the second.
The old school of medicine believes in the material cause of disease to search in the interior of the organism for that primary cause without being guided by the symptoms of individuals but Homoeopathy believes in the dynamic which deranges the vital force and produces disease.
Aetiology has been defined as a study or the theory of the causation of any disease.
Causation is the relationship between an event and a second event, where the second event is understood as a consequence of first.
Since the beginning of human life on this earth man was in search of causation of disease. Several theories were advance from time to time to explain disease causation such as the supernatural theory of disease.
- Pre Hahnemannian view:
- PRIMITIVE CONCEPT: All primitive men assumed that disease are sent by ghost, spirit or God offended by some taboo violation. The supernatural force brings about a disease by shooting foreign matter into the body of the patient or by introducing spirits into it. Other primitives believed in the existence of several souls in one body and assumed that disease is caused by abduction of one of these souls from sufferer.
Hippocrates (ca.460-377 B.C,), the father of medicine, used the concept of the Four Humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile) in harmonious balance in health. In practice, Aristotle and Galen followed the Hippocratic method accepting the doctrine of HUMOURS. In Ayurvedic Medicine we find the same fundamental idea developed in the Theory of Tridosha.
- Hippocratic Concept-
In course of time great clinician Hippocrates (460 B. C.) came to regard disease as a deviation from the normal and ceased to regard it as a definite entity. He accepted the fact that drugs selected on the basis of similar as well as opposite effects are useful in practice. He did not apply himself to further elucidation of this problem.
- Sydenham’s concept-
Sydenham (1624-1689) considered disease as a definite clinical entity grafted on the host. It was, therefore, something of which the host was to be purged. This view readily explains the ‘heroic’ treatments that were freely practiced then. Against these Hahnemann rightly rebelled.
- Morgagnian Era-
Morgagni’s (1682-1771) understanding to be due to pathological changes in the tissues and organs. This can be considered as the restricted view of disease treating it only as a local disorder.
Hahnemann champions the opposite view, that pathological changes represent the – end products of disease and that functional disturbances always precede organic changes in the tissues. Lack of understanding of physiological phenomena prevented the acceptance of his views at that time, although, we now know that he was remarkably accurate in assessment.
Hahnemann’s View (Dynamic concept of disease):
As our Master Hahnemann mentioned about causation in different aphorism in the Organon of Medicine as
a) Exciting cause- A cause which excites a disease condition. In aphorism 5 and 73 Dr. Hahnemann mentioned as “…the most probable exciting cause of the acute disease”. It is responsible for acute disease and also acute exacerbation in chronic disease. Exciting causes are responsible for transient explosion of latent Psora.
b) Fundamental cause- In aphorism 5 Master Hahnemann mentioned as “the most significant points in the whole history of the chronic disease, to enable him to discover its fundamental cause, which is generally due to chronic miasm”.
There are 3 chronic miasm –
- Psora
- Syphilis
- Sycosis
Among them PSORA is the basic miasm. Master Hahnemann referred to some factors such as ascertainable physical constitution of the patient, his moral and intellectual character, his occupation, mode of living and habits, his social and domestic relations, his age, sexual function etc. In aphorism 80 Dr. Hahnemann mentioned that the Psora, the only fundamental cause and producer of all the other numerous form of disease.
c) Maintaining cause:- In aphorism 7 and 77 Hahnemann mentioned about causa occasionalis and avoidable noxious influences responsible for the inappropriately named chronic disease.
Again in aphorism 93 & footnote of 93 master Hahnemann mentioned “….Any cause of disgraceful character, which the patient or his friends do not confess voluntarily is the obvious cause. The examples are: poisoning, attempt to suicide, onanism, unnatural debaucher, excess of wine, worry, grief, imperfection in private part etc.
In his early years Hahnemann thought that principle of Similia and individualization were sufficient to treat all cause of disease. At that time, Homoeopathy was the simple matching of the symptoms of the patient to the symptoms found in the Materia Medica. It was Hahnemann’s failure to permanently cure chronic disease that caused him to reassess his clinical approach. This led to twelve year study of chronic disease that produced a fundamental change in his view of etiological factors as well as the sign and symptoms.
In aphorism 5 of Organon of Medicine, he attributed the cause of acute and chronic disease to exciting cause and fundamental cause respectively.
Post Hahnemannian View:
For long, man was groping in darkness about the causation of disease. Several theories were advance from time to time to explain disease causation such as the supernatural theory of disease, the theory of humours by Greeks and Indians, the theory of contagion, the miasmatic theory which attributed disease to noxious air vapors, the theory of spontaneous generation, etc.
ERA OF CELLULAR PATHOLOGY:- With the advanced of the microscope, the emphasis shifted from organs and tissues to the Cell as the unit. Structural changes in the cell were responsible for disease. The restrictive local concept still ruled, as technical difficulties came in the way of the development of Experimental physiology and understanding of the physiological processes that went on in the cell.
In 1873 and 1877, Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch disproved the theory of spontaneous generation and advanced the “GERM THEORY OF DISEASE”.
GERM THEORY OF DISEASE:- This theory was focused on microbes and their role in disease causation. The emphasis had shifted from empirical cause (e.g., bad air) to microbes as the sole of cause of disease. The concept of cause embodied in the germ theory of disease is generally referred to as a one to one relationship between causal agent and disease.
The disease model accordingly is:
The germ theory of disease, though it was a revolutionary concept, led many epidemiologists to take one –sided view of disease causation. It is now recognized that a disease is rarely caused by a single agent alone, but rather depends upon a number of factors which contribute to its occurrence. Therefore, modern medicine has moved away from the strict adherence to the germ theory of disease.
All biological phenomenon-The reactions of the host to the environment are governed by the response elicited is always, from this point of view, purposeful.
No biological phenomenon is ever due to a single cause. A number of causes, predisposing and precipitance of each factor may vary from case to case.
Flexibility is the essence of all living things. No two individuals belonging to the same species, except uni-ovular twins, are alike. This is attributed to variable hereditary features and the equally variable effects of environment on them. But, this variation in the species is limited to the characteristics of the species. This limitation allows of nature classification. Thus, the ‘Uniformity in Nature’ is revealed to us by ‘Unity in Diversity’.
The importance of this in the study of Epidemiology is well- recognized which are following-
The germ theory of disease has many limitations. There are other factors relating to the host and environment which are equally important to determine whether or not disease will, occur in the exposed host. The disease model accordingly is—
Agent Host
The above model helps epidemiologists to focus on different classes of factors, especially with regard to infectious disease.
Environmental factors can include the biological aspects as well social, cultural, and physical aspects of the environment.
Agents of infectious diseases include bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, chemicals from dietary foods, tobacco smoke, nutritional deficiency etc.
The concept that disease is due to multiple factors in not a new one. So –called “modern” diseases of civilization, e.g., lung cancer, coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, mental illness, etc., These diseases could not be explained on the basis of the germ theory of disease nor could they be prevented by the traditional methods of isolation. This new model also reflects the causes of current illnesses and conditions. Behavior, lifestyle factors, and environmental causes, ecologic elements, physical factors, and chronic diseases must also be taken into account. The term agent is replaced by causative factors, which implies the need to identify multiple causes or an etiologic factors of disease, disability, injury, and death.
This model is ideally suited in the study of chronic disease, where the disease agent is often not known, but is the outcome of interaction of multiple factors. The “web of causation” considers all the predisposing factors of any type and their complex interrelationship with each other.
It can be visualized that the causal web provides model which shows a variety of possible interventions that could be taken which might reduce the occurrence of myocardial infarction.
The web of causation does not imply that the disease cannot be controlled unless all the multiple causes or chains of causation or at least a number of them are appropriately controlled or removed.
- STABILITY OF ENVIRONMENT:- The maintenance of optimum conditions is considered essential to a state of continued health.
- REFLEX RESPONSE:- This capacity to respond to stimuli in the external environment is an expression of susceptibility- the fundamental property that separates the living from the non- living.
Certain characteristics which have been linked up with the GENES are transmitted according to Mendellian principles. We have thus the dominant traits, recessive traits and the sex – linked traits like hemophilic.
Disease, thus, is a total response of an organism to adverse environmental factors, external or internal; it is conditioned by environmental factors, inherited and acquired; and it manifests itself through symptoms in the three spheres- emotional, intellectual and physical. This response is divisible into (a) Individual response (b) Group response.
In old school of Medicine, they used MATERIA PECANS. In footnote of paragraph 11 of Introduction to Organon of Medicine, Hahnemann wrote “IN GENERAL INFLAMATORY FEVERS, IN ACUTE PLEURISY, THEY EVEN REGARD THE COAGULATION LYMPH IN BLOOD –THE BUFFY COAT, AS IT IS TERMED AS THE MATERIA PECANS”
The old school of Medicine said that as RATIONAL MEDICINE-because they only fancied that they could discover the cause of disease that is PRIMA CAUSA MORBI; which was at one and the same time the proximate cause of disease. They believed that remove the cause –disease is cure.
But in aphorism 8, he says there cannot be anything left in the interior, besides health, as remnants of a disease if the entire collection of the perceptible phenomenon disappears permanently. Since it is impossible to know all the antecedents of disease (cause), we must treat the disease effects by considering totality of symptoms.
- J.T. Kent’s view:
In his “LECTURES ON HOMOEOPATHIC PHILOSOPHY”, he describes as- All disease causes are simple substance. It may not be known that causes are continuing into effects, but it is true that all ultimates to a great extent contain the cause of the beginnings. And since cause continue into ultimates and things is ultimate shadow forth cause, the removal of the symptoms will lead any rational man to assume that the cause has been removed.
- H. A. Robert’s view:
The book “The principle and art of cure by Homoeopathy” by Dr. H. A. Robert under chapter ‘disease classification’ that it was Hahnemann’s teaching that the removal of the cause was the first step in the proper method of cure. So in Homoeopathic therapeutics, prescription on the basis of Causative factor is a unique feature. It meets with the management of the Psychic, Psycho- neurotic and Psycho – somatic illness and other maladies in which hereditary predisposition play an important role.
The Exciting causes take precedence in an acute prescription while the maintaining and fundamental causes are to be considered when selecting a deep-acting constitutional remedy for the eradication of illness. The Homoeopathic physician however is a firm believer in peculiar manifestation of individual susceptibility.
In the chapter ‘taking the case’ , he goes on to say, “Now we will return to the necessity of rounding out the symptom picture in our record. Some symptoms may have been given with a fair degree of completeness; others are very incomplete. We must complete , as far as possible, every symptom that has been presented, and for this careful questioning is necessary. Each symptom must be rounded out as to time and place; the sensations; the kind of distress; the type of pain; all of the modalities connected with it; the probable causation, that is what the patient thinks was the start of the trouble. Under the modalities, we must secure the aggravations and ameliorations of each individual symptom, so far as possible. Not the least important is the emotional reaction of the patient.”
- Stuart Close’s view:
According to him “The real cause is the whole of the antecedents, and we have no right, philosophically speaking, to give the name of the cause to one of them, exclusively of the others”.
A morbid vital process as manifested by the symptoms, using symptomatically similar medicines capable of causing a counter action of the organism similar in nature to that of the pathogenic agent, neutralizing its effects and thus restoring systems balance, or health.
- Boenninghausen’s concept of causation:
Boenninghausen specifies seven points to make easy understanding of the complete image of the disease, such as—Quis., Quid ., Ubi., Quibus Auxiliis., CUR., Quomodo., Quando.
He said, the causes of disease (CUR) are more generally and indeed very properly divided into external and internal. The internal causes properly refer only to the general natural disposition, which in some cases amounts to a peculiar sensitiveness (idiosyncrasy). The external causes embrace everything which, where there is such internal disposition to disease may produce disease.
- C.M. Bogers concept of causation:
Boger has given an adequate place and importance to causation and time of the expressions.
The section on aggravation also contains many causative factors. From his point of view, causation and time factors are more definite and reliable in cases as well as in medicines. In his own practice, he has successfully employed these factors to find out similimum in the shortest possible time.
From Boger Synoptic key, a valuable gift to the Homoeopathic world it is obvious that his hierarchy in evaluating symptom was somewhat different from Boenninghausen and Kent. He gave more importance to causation and general modalities [mental and physical] followed by general sensation [pathological general and physical generals], which hold the key in the remedy as well as in person. Thus according to Boger they need to be given an adequate place in repertorization.
In the book “THE ELEMENTS OF HOMOEOPATHY” by P. Sankaran, he mentioned different types of causative factors which is under following –
- Headache- sun heat- Nat.carb
- Headache – bathing- Ant.crud
- Sciatica-wet weather –Rhus.tox
- Stiffness of limb-physical exertion over lifting-Rhus.tox
- Facial paralysis-wetting- Caust; Rhus.tox
- Eruption after using cosmetics -Bov;
- Convulsion after vaccination –Silicea
- Cough after vaccination-Thuja
- Coal gas from-Arn, Bov, carb-s,carb-v;
- Asthma from measles- Carbo veg , Brom;
- Bleeding profuse, from wound –after an injury-Mill;
- Epilepsy- Blow on head-Melilotus
- Surgical shock-Surgical operation-Stron.c
- Involuntary stool and urine-Injury-Arnica
- Urine retention of –after operation –Caust
- Urine retention -after catheterization –Mag .phos
This is perhaps one of the most important of etiological factors which modern medicine is just recognizing.
- Stool urging to exciting news, after-Gels
- Perspiration, news, from unpleasant- Cal.phos
- Urging to urinate when thinking of it- Hell; Ox.ac;
- Emission prostatic fluid talking to young lady, while –Nat-mur; Phos;
- Sleeplessness joy excessive –Coff.
After affections from external influences, there may be some changes in the internal dynamis which may remain long even after the recovery from the external influent. This internal change which may be termed as DYNAMIC CAUSATION may later manifest itself in the form of some disease. Suppose a patient has suffered from injury or from loss of blood, after repair the injury and to replace the blood lost, the patient has not been well since that episode –We as Homoeopaths, realize that loss of blood not only produce a certain type of anemia but it also produce dynamic changes which may not be completely neutralized by replacement of the blood lost.
The cause and its corresponding effect combined with the individuality of the patient make the basis of the prescription or from the totality.
1. | Mental effects | History of head injury | NAT. SULPH |
2. | Pain in eye or bony part | Bone injury | SYMPHYTUM |
3. | Greenish discoloration of puncture wound | Injury caused by pointed instrument | LEDUM |
4. | Mashed fingers, pain in coccyx or spine | Injury to parts rich in sentient nerves | HYPERICUM |
5. | Torn or ragged wound, loss of substance | Lacerated Injury | CALENDULA |
6. | Pain in deeper tissues | Auto traumatism | BELLIS PER |
7. | Sore lame bruised feeling all through the body as is beating | After traumatic injury | ARNICA |
1. | Involuntary sighing, nervous hysterical features | Grief especially of recent origin | IGNATIA |
2. | Any mental disorder with consolation <state of mind | Long standing effect of grief | NAT. MUR |
3. | Paralysis of body parts with difficulty in urination | Long lasting grief and sorrow | CAUSTICUM |
1. | Pain all over the body with physical restlessness | Getting wet especially after being over heated or too much summer bathing in lake or river | RHUS TOX |
2. | Catarrhal symptoms or diarrhea or rheumatic complains appear | Weather becomes damp in rainy weather | DULCAMARA |
3. | Profuse, watery and acrid nasal discharge with catarrhal dull headache | After bad effects from getting wet | ALLIUM CEPA |
4. | Suppression of menses in women with thirst less | After wetting feet | PULSATILLA |
Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica by J. T. Kent:-
1. Bad news, ailments from—–Calc., Gels., Nat.m., Med.,Sulph.
2. Grief, ailments from———–Aur., Caust., Cocc., Ign., Lach., Nat.m., Ph-ac., Staph.
3. Home-sickness, ailments from—–Caps.,Clem.
4. Love, ailments, from disappointed—-Hyos., Ign., Nat.m., Ph.ac.
5. Scorn ailments from—–Bry., Cham., Nux.v
6. Anemia, Hemorrhage, after—-Chin., Ferr.
7. Chorea, wet, after getting —–Rhus-t.
8. Hemorrhage, exertion, after—–Mill.
9. Collapse, diarrhea after—–Ars., Camph., Carb.v., Verat.
10. Vaccination, after——Maland., Sil., Sulph., Thuj.
Boenninghausen`s Therapeutic Pocket Book:
From the chapter AGGRAVATION some of the rubrics are:-
- Alone, when –Ars., Bor., Con., Dros., K. carb., LYC., Mez., Phos., Sil., STRAM., Zinc.[PG-271]
- Climacteric, during –Croc., LACH., Sang., Vinc.[PG-274]
- Cutting Hair –BELL., Led., Puls., Sep. [PG-276]
- Dancing, when-Bor;[PG-276]
- Eating, After Eating to Satiety- Bar-c., Calc-c., Carb. V., LYC., Nat-c., Nat. m., Nux v., PULS., Sep., Sil., Sul. [PG-279]
- Food and Drink, Odor of, and of the Cooking-Thought of Food She Would Like— SEP. [PG-284]
- Looking around- Over a Large Surface- Sep. [PG-288]
- Mercury Abuse of –Fumes of-Carb. v., Chin., Puls., Stram. [PG-291]
- Storm, Approach of a- Bry., Hyper., Meli., RHODO. [PG-302]
- Twilight – AM. M., Ars., Calc. c., Dig., Nat. m., Pb., PULS, Rhsn., Staph., Sul. ac., Valer. [PG-305]
Boger Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and repertory:-
1. [MIND] aggravation; Night watching from—Nux.vom
2. [RESPIRATION] aggravation; sulphur fumes, as from—ARS; IGN; PUL;
3. [SWEAT] aggravation, emission, after—Nat.m;
4. [HEAT AND FEVER IN GENERAL] aggravation, anger, after—cham; SEP;
5. [STOOL]agg and amel, vaccination after—Ap; thuja.
6. [STOOL]agg and amel, mercury, abuse of——HEP; Nit.ac
7. [AGG and AMEL IN GENERAL] — sexual desire, suppression of continence, agg. : —–CON.
A clinical Repertory to the Dictionary of Materia Medica by J. H. Clarke:-
In the second part in repertory of causation at the beginning J. H. Clarke states that although causation and aggravation are not the same, they are closely allied. Rhus. is related to the effect of damp weather and appears in the list of remedies having this causation; but it also has its symptoms, when not caused by damp, aggravated in a supreme degree by conditions of damp. In this repertory, when cause is associated with any particular effect that effect is placed in (brackets) and precedes the name of the remedy.
Some of these rubrics are given below:-
- Operation-(for fistula)- Ca.P;
- Over-strain-(prolapsus uteri)-Pod;
- Rice-(vomiting)-Tel;
- Suppressed Anger (Asthma)- Ptl;
- Sweat, Suppression of(on a warm day)- Fe.P;
- Tobacco(amblyopia)- Phos;
- Sneezing(severe pain in chest)- Bor;
- Sleep, loss of (agalactia)- Caus;
- Milk-Boiled(diarrhea)- Sep;
- Injuries(Hydrocele)- Smb.n;
- Bath(Suppressed menses)- Nx.m;
- Flowers(fainting)- Pho;
- Typhoid fever(remote effect of)- Pyro;
Homoeopathic Medial Repertory by Robin Murphy: Causation plays a major role behind every disease. The cause and its corresponding effect combine with the individuality of the patient to make the basis of the prescription or form the totality.
Some rubrics are given-
1. Biopsies, cancer from getting—- calen., graph., hyper., kreo., led., sil., staph., thuj.
2. Breast cancer, contusion, from—arn., bell-p., CON., phyt.
3. Breast cancer, mastectomy after— calen., carc., graph., sil., x-ray.
4. Breast cancer, vaccination, after—-maland., sil., thuj.
5. Abscess general, suppurations-fever, after— Ph.ac.
6. Acne, general- mercury, abuse of, from— kali- i., mez ., nit.ac
7. Ascites, dropsy-kidney, inflammation, from- apis., senec.,
8. Bleeding, general- exertion, after—bell-p., mill., NIT.AC
9. Catalepsy, general-joy, from——COFF.
10. Convulsion-drug, after——acon., ARN., gels., nux.v
11. Involuntary, stool, excitement, from–-hyos.
12. Retention, of urine-beer, after—- Nux.v
13. Perspiration- anger, from- cham., pet., SEP.
A Concise REPERTORY of Homoeopathic Medicine by S.R. Phatak:-
1. [CHEST] Hemorrhage injury, after: Rut.
2. [CHILL] Coition, after: Nat.m
3. [CHILL] Convulsion, after: Cup
4. [CONSTIPATION] Sea, going to, from: Bry. ,Lyc
5. [COUGH] Coition, after: Tarn
6. [COUGH] Influenza, after: Am-c., Sang
7. [COUGH] Smallpox, after: Calc.
8. [ECZEMA] Sun, exposure, from: Mur.ac
9. [EPILEPSY] TOOTH Extraction, after: Buf
10. [HEART] Palpitation, hunger, after: Kali-s
11. [HYDROCELE] over lifting, from: Rhus-t
12. [LEUCORRHOEA] Piles, suppression from: Am-m
13. [MENSE] absent weaning, after: Sep
14. [MENSE] Dancing, after: Croc ., Cyc
15. [NAUSEA] Alcoholism, from: Cimi
The Essential Synthesis by Frederik Schroyens:-
1. [HEAD] Trembling-conversation, from: ambr
2. [ANXIETY] Eruption, after suppressed: mez
3. [STOMACH] APPETITE ravenous coition, after- agar
4. [ABDOMEN] Pain- mortification, from: cham., Colo., puls
5. [BLADDER] Pain-Coition, after: All.c., Staph
6. [MALE GENITALIA/SEX] ERECTION- wanting, celibacy, from: Phos
7. [FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX] Pain, ovaries, left, delivery; after: Lach
8. [RESPIRATION] Dust, as from: Ars., Brom., Calc. Cycl., Sil
9. [CHEST] Cancer-mammies, contusion; from: Bell-p., Con., Ruta
10. [SLEEP] Disturbed – delivery, after: lyc
A REPERTORY based on ALLEN`S KEYNOTES and NASH`S LEADERS by Captain K.K. Sirker:-
1. [FLATULENCE] fruit, after: Chin, Puls
2. [BACK] lifting, from: Rhus-t
3. [BACK] URINATION, involuntary, catheterization, after: mag.p
4. [COUGH] ECZEMA, suppressed, after: psor
5. [EYE] INFLAMATION, vaccination, after: thuj
6. [GENERALITIES] WEAKNESS, anesthesia, after: acet-ac.
7. [GENERALITIES] PARALYSIS, agitans: typhoid, typhus, after: caust, rhus.t
8. [GENERALITIES] IRON, after abuse of: puls
9. [GENERALITIES] eruption, suppressed, from: ant.t., cupr., zinc
10. [VERTIGO] NOISE, from: Ther
11. [STOMACH] VOMITING, convulsion, after: Cupr
12. [SLEEP] CONVULSION, after: op
13. [SLEEP] SLEEPLESSNESS, itching, from: Psor
14. [RECTUM& ANUS] CONSTIPATION, home, when away from: lyc
15. [THROAT] INFLAMATION- suppressed food sweat, from: Bar.c
1. [HEAD] HEADACHE (cephalangia) – cause: vaccination- Thuja
2. [EYE] EYE BALL- Bad effect from sightseeing, morning pictures- Arn.
3. [STOMACH] NAUSEA – (qualmishness): Nausea from beer- Kali. Bich
4. [ABDOMEN] In general –CAUSE –from travelling; in emigrants- Plat
5. [URINARY SYSTEM] RETENTION (Ischuria) from surgical operations- Caust
7. [SKIN] ACNE SIMPLEX-From cosmetics- Bov
8. [NERVOUS SYSTEM] Adynamia, worse from descending- Stann
9. [GENERALITIES] ANEMIA- Chlorosis: From grief – Nat. m., Phos.ac
10. [GENERALITIES] COMPLAINS- Abuse of aconite- Sul
11. [GENERALITIES] DROPSY- From eruption suppressed, sweat, rheumatism- Dulc
12. [STOMACH] Hiccough, after smoking- Ign; Selen
Some Homoeopaths have been misled by Newtonian conception of action and reaction, namely that reaction is equal and opposite of action. This law is no doubt true in mechanics. But to apply it to the actions going on in the animate world is a fallacy- because; Intensity of reaction of individual is different. More over in primary action our vital force seems to conduct itself merely in a passive (receptive) manner.
Causation plays a major role behind every disease. The cause and its corresponding effect combine with the individuality of the patient to make the basis of the prescription or from the totality.
- Allen H. C., Keynotes and Characteristics with comparisons of some of the leading remedies of the Materia Medica, Reprint edition 2002, Medical Book Publication
- Boenninghausen B.C. M.F. VON, The lesser writings of C.M.F. von Boenninghausen, compiled by Lindsley Bradford, Translated from the original German by Prof. L. H. Tafel, 10th impression:2012, B. Jain Publisher(P) Ltd.
- Boericke William, Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory, low price edition 2005, B. Jain Publishers(P) Ltd.
- Boger C ., A Synoptic key to the Materia Medica, low price edition 2007, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.
- Clarke John Henry, A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, Indian Books & Periodicals Publishers.
- Close Stuart, The genius of homoeopathy lectures and essays on homoeopathic philosophy, Reprint edition 2005, B. Jain Publishers (P) Lid.
- Dhawale, M.L., Principle& Practice of Medicine, first edition 22nd October, 1967, B.G. Dhawale, Bombay.
- Hahnemann S., Organon of Medicine, Translated from the fifth edition with an appendix by R. E. Dudgeon with addition and alteration as per six edition translated by William Boericke and introduction by James Krauss, Reprint edition 1994, B. Jain publisher (P) Ltd.
- Journal, Homoeopathy for all, vol. 16-No. 6 (174) June 2014.
- Kent J.T., Lectures on homoeopathic philosophy, Reprint edition 2006, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.
- Kent J.T., Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Reprint edition 2006, B. Jain Publishers(P) Ltd.
- Murphy Robin, Homoeopathic Medical Repertory, Third revised edition, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.
- Park K., Park’s text book of Preventive Social Medicine, 19th edition 2007, Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers.
- Phatak S. R., A Concise Repertory of the Homoeopathic Medicines, fourth edition2005, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.
- Sankaran P., The elements of Homoeopathy, Reprint edition2003, Homoeopathic medical Publishers.
- Sirker, Captain K K., A Repertory based on Allen’s Keynotes Nash’s Leader, Reprint edition 2007, B. Jain publishers(p) Ltd.
- Schroyens Frederik, Synthesis- Repertorium Homoeopathicum Syntheticum, Edition 9.1 2009, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.
Dr Sana Shahid
Dr SKEzaz Murshed
[PGT] Guidance of Prof (Dr.) Ardhendu Shekhar Chakraborty
H.O.D.Department Of Case Taking And Repertory
Mahesh Bhattacharyya Homoedpathic Medical College And Hospital
Doomurjala, Howrah-04 (Govt. Of W B)
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