Kerala University MD Homeopathy Materia Medica Question Papers of various Years
Three Hours
Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer all questions.
1. Write in detail about the sources of Materia Medica 20
11. Short notes on
- a) Chronic diseases
- b) Materia Medica pura
- c) Classification of symptoms
- d) Concordant drugs with examples. (4×5=20 Marks)
111. Write the common characteristic features of ‘Noble metals’ and Antimony. (10±10=20)
IV. Write notes on the following
- a) Drug proving
- b )Limitations o Materia Medica (10+10=20)
V. Compare the following with five characteristic features of each group.
- a) Solanaceac
- b Compositae
- c) Magnesium group
- d) K ali group. (4×5=20 Marks)
January 2008
Paper .II : Comparative Medica and Practice of Homoeopathy in Medicine, Psychiatry, Surgery Gynaccology and Obstetrics
Avoid repetition of same medicines under different questions.
SECTION — A (Comparative Materia Medica)
1. Compare the following with their five characteristic symptoms
- a) Lac caninum arid anacadium in Schizophrenia.
- h) Uranium nitricum and Phosphoric acid in Diabetes.
- c) Hydrastis and China in Anorexia.
- d) Hekla and Calc fluor in exostosis. (4×5=20 Marks)
II. Write two characteristic symptoms for each of the following
- a) Indigo
- b) Leptandra
- c) Guaiacum
- d) Theridion
- e) Lemna minor
- f) Verbascum
- g) Physostigma
- h) Lac defloratum
- i) Thea
- j) Silphium. (10×2=20 Marks)
III.Write the drug picture of strychninum. (10)
(Practice of Homoeopathy in Medicines, Psychiatry, Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics)
IV. a) Describe the following:
- 1) Clinical symptoms
- 2) Characteristic symptoms
- 3) Totality of symptoms
- 4) Keynote symptoms. 10
b) Write the pathognomonic symptoms of Typhoid fever. 8
c) Write four characteristic features of the following medicines in Typhoid fever
- 1) Baptisia
- 2) Arnica
- 3) Typhoidinum
- 4) Belladonna. 7
V. a) A patient aged 35 yrs. complaints of pain and bleeding per rectum after passing stool. Name four disease under differential diagnosis with their two pathognomonic symptoms.
b) Write the medicinal management of the above condition with six medicine with their two characteristic symptoms each. (8+12=20)
VI. a) Mention three disease conditions that can present as profuse bleeding per vagina in a lady between the age of 35 – 45. Give their main pathognomonic symptoms.
b) Discuss two Homoeopathic medicines with indication for each of those condition. (3+2=5)
1(A)Write 5 common characteristic features of Mercury group of medicines.
(B) Differentiate the following with 5 characteristic symptoms
- 1.Merc sol and Merc cor in rectal complaints
- 2.Merc cyanatus and diphtherium in diphtherium
- 3.Mercurious proto iodide and mercurius bin iodide in throat affections.
- 4.Mercurius dulcic and argentums nitricum in catarrhal complaints. (25marks)
II. Write 4 characteristic indications of the following in septic conditions.
- a. Gun powder
- b. Kali permagnitcum
- c. Sepia
- d. Carbolic acid
- e. Hippozaenium
- f. Staphylococcin (24marks)
III.Compare and contrast with 5 characteristic symptoms
- a. Tubercullinum and ars iodide in psoriasis
- b. Medorrhinum and syphillinum in alzheimer’s disease
- c. Sulphuric acid and crotalus horridus in purpura
- d. Muriatic acid and phosphoric acid in exhaustion
- e. Platinum and palladium in ovarian complaints (25 marks)
IV. Write 2 characteristic indications
- a. Kali bromatum in acne
- b. Hecla lava in glandular affections
- c. Picric acid in pernicious anaemia
- d. Thiocynaminum in dupuytren’s contracture
- e. Naphthalinum in cough
- f. Slag in knee affections
- g. Ova tosta in female complaints
- h. Iodoform in brain affections
- i. Castor equirum in breast affections
- j. Martyer of ozaena
- k. Aethiops antimonalis in scrofula
- l. Cadmium sulph in malignancy of stomach
- m. Mutabile (26 marks)
1. Write short notes on the following with their five characteristic features
- a. Construction of cyclopedia of drug pathogensy
- b. Scope of Homoeopathic Materia medica
- c. construction of leaders in Homoeopathic therapeutics
- d. Evaluation of symptoms 5×5+= 25
2. Write five characteristic indications of any five medicines in nail affections 25
3. Compare & contrast the following with their five characteristic symptom
- a. Leptandra, Oleum Jecoris — liver affections
- b. Abrotanum , Sarsaparilla — Emaciation
- c. Calendula, Echinecea — Injuries
- d. Bryonia, Mercurialis Perennis – Tongue affections
- e. Senna , Jalapa – GIT 25
4 a. Define key note symptoms
b. Write two keynote symptom : Xray, Adrenalin, Electricitas, Arundo, Strychinine, Phellandrium, Laurocerasus, Santonine, Eel serum, Calotropis, Ornithogalum, Icthyolum 1+ 24 = 25
Branch – II : Materia Medica Paper – I : BASIC MATERIA MEDICA
I. How will you study Materia Medica ?Write the different ways of studying Materia Medica. 2 0
II. What do you mean by relationship of remedies ? Write in detail about that with examples. (5+15=20)
III. Write in detail about the scope and limitations of Homoeopathic Materia Medica. 20
IV Compare the following with five characteristic symptoms of each group.
- a) Natrum and carbon group of medicines.
- b) Common characteristics of Ophidia and Arachnida. (10+10= 20)
V. Make a synthetic study of the following:
- a) Aurum group of medicines (Three characteristics)
- b) Halogen group of medicines (Five characteristics)
- c) Calcarea group of medicines. (Five characteristics)
- d) Nosodes (Two characteristics)
- e) Sarcodes (Two characteristics)
- f) Acid group of medicines (Three characteristics). (3+5+5+2+2+3=20)
(Part II) Branch : Materia Medica
I. Differentiate the following with five characteristic indications:
- (a) Trio of condylomata.
- (b) Trio of drooping eyelids. (15 + 15 = 30 marks)
II.Write four characteristic symptoms of the following in female complaints:
- (a) Aurum muriaticum.
- (b) Mel cum sale.
- (c) Palladium.
- (d) Eupionurn.
- (e) Natrum hypochlorosum. (4 x 5 = 20 marks)
III. Compare and contrast the following with their five characteristic symptoms:
- (a) Ars.iodide and Kali.iodide in respiratory complaints.
- (b) Sanicula and Plumbum met in constipation.
- (c) Tellurium and Bacillirium in ring worm.
- (d) Phosphoric Acid and Selenium in spermatorrhoea.
- (e) Syphilinum and Aur.met in alcoholism. (5 x 5 = 25 marks)
IV. (a) Differentiate uncommon peculiar symptoms from characteristic symptoms.
(b) Write two characteristic symptoms of each of the following:
- 1 Fuligo.
- 2 Cuprum oxydatum nigrum.
- 3 Gallicum acidum.
- 4 Morphenum.
- 5 Niccotinum.
- 6 Chininum sulph.
- 7 Melitagrinum.
- 8 Septicaemium
- 9 Kali cynatum.
- 10 Bacillinum Testinum.
- 11 Proteus.
- 12 Sycotic Co.
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