Rheumatoid Arthritis Cured with Homeopathic remedy Sepia

Dr. Uttara  Agale
Dr.  D.G .Bagal,

A 45 years old lady from a village, a farming community, economically middle class, complained of pain and swelling in multiple joints since almost one year.  The complaint increased in the last three months. She was having pains in both ankles with pedal oedema, more prominent on the left, both  knees, finger joints, wrists, lumbar back. The location of pain was shifting. Almost every 2-3 days the pain changed its location except the knee joint pain and lumbar back, which were almost continuous. All complaints worse in the evening, around 7pm. On examination there was no marked swelling except pedal oedema.  The pain was so severe that she had to take painkillers almost thrice a day, so she could walk (but still there was much pain). She had left much household routine work due to this.

Almost every 2-3 days the pain changed its location except the knee joint pain and lumbar back, which were almost continuous. All complaints worse in the evening, around 7pm. On examination there was no marked swelling except pedal oedema.  The pain was so severe that she had to take painkillers almost thrice a day, so she could walk (but still there was much pain). She had left much household routine work due to this.

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  1. Dear Sir/ Madam
    I am a RA patient having RA Factor 80+ and suffering from hands, toes, waist joint pains, inflammation and stiffness more in the every morning.Always feel weak and sleeping tendency.Hemoglobin 10.5, at present under allopathy treatment.Looking for your advice and help for homeopathy medicines for treatment and cure the problem related to RA please.
    Krishna Das Banerjee

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