“to understand susceptibility and remedy reaction with focusing on advantages and limitations of various potency scales in homoeopathic prescribing”
Hahnemann in Organon of Medicine states the inter relationship between the potency, the repetition of dose and susceptibility which a homoeopathic physician must know to become a good prescriber. Roberts suggests that the potency should not be readily changed as long as it helps the patient; otherwise, a needless aggravation may be precipitated. Kent, however, is of the view that the same potency should to be repeated more than twice .Dr . M . L . Dhawale states susceptibility to the subsequent adm inistration of the same potency tends to fall gradually and this is reflected in the progressively decreasing response as evidenced by shorter remission. This can be offset by changing the potency. Close , Guernsey – have emphasized that physician needs to b e open to use all the available scales without prejudice by understanding individual susceptibility of each case for selection of appropriate potency and repetition
But do we have criteria to select potency scale?
How many times do we think consciously to select the right potency scale for our patient s ?
We do know some indication/s of each scale [Decimal, CH , and LM & Q ] but more often than not it is on our ‘assumptions’.
The LM scale has not been very popular among homoeopaths in comparison to decimal & centesimal, primarily due to historical reasons. It now seems to be coming into greater use as modern homoeopaths are experimenting with it more and more.
Hahnemann himself, in his later years, was experimenting with a schedule in which every subsequent dose was of a slightly higher dynamization and he expresses himself in favor of this innovation. But subsequent prescribers have not much to record on this interesting aspect of Posology.
Date: 8 th / 9 th / 10 th December 2017 (9.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M.)
Venue: -Anjoy – The Retreat’, 85/A Sumatra Colony, Opp. Chappanbhog, Off B.P.C. Road, Alkapuri, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Symposium Faculty : –
- Dr. N. L. Tiwari
- Dr. S. K. Phansalkar
- Dr Anand Kapse
- Dr. Sunil Bhalinge
- Dr. Manoj Patel
- Dr. Hitesh Purohit
- Dr. Mihir Parikh
Symposium Director : Dr.Hitesh Purohit . 09825592130 drhiteshp@gmail.com
Contact For Symposium Registration & Accommodation: – Dr. Chirag Shah – 09376939627 – chirashana@gmail.com
Symposium Fees: –
- For Practitioners: – 3000/ – before 20th November / 3500/ – after 20 th November
- For Students: – 2500/ before 20 th November / 3000/ – After 20 th November
- (Includes Breakfast + Tea, Lunch, & Evening Tea, Case Materials)
Organized By: –
- Homoeopathic Education and Charitable Trust, Vadodara
- ‘The Department Of Organon & Homoeopathic Philosophy’ Dr. M. L. Dhawale Memorial Homoeopathic Institute, Palghar – PG – Wing
- Smt. Malini Kishore Sanghvi Homoeopathic Medi cal College, Karjan, UG – Wing
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