Amarsinha Nikam’s Classical Homoeopathy Workshop at Pune

The workshop @ Aditya Homoeopathic hospital is setting new standards of classical & clinical learning in entire homoeopathic community, practically clearing up years of confusion in Homoeopaths.
(Starting on 24 & 25 Feb 2018)
By Dr Amarsinha Nikam & Team
At the Aditya Homoeopathic Hospital (Full-fledged Pvt 100 bed Homoeopathic Hospital)
In the view of overwhelming response from all over India we are starting New 7th Workshop Batch on Feb 2018.
🔸 What makes this workshop a Unique & most practical learning Experience….?
✅ The Entire workshop is conducted at the Aditya Homoeopathic Hospital, Pune….
Where patients of various Gross pathologies are treated with Single Hom. medicine & managed without injection & IV fluids or Oxygen! (since past 23yrs..!!)
✅ Schedule :  6 Sessions in a year (2 days for each session i.e. 4th Sat & Sunday. On every alternate month)
📌 Learn classical homoeopathy practically step by step in six sessions and understand various topics deeply which clear out confusions forever.
✅ Theory sessions : Dr Amarsinha Nikam sir & His team of senior classical homeopaths gives ppt presentations on various practical topics such as Case taking, Materia Medica, Miasm, Thermal, Vital Force, Potency…etc.
✅ Practical sessions :
🔸 Live case taking : In each Session we provide each delegate to see live case taking where they can observe case taking process in Acute, Chronic, Emergencies..
🔸 Live Case analysis with Dr Amarsinha Nikam sir. The real learning experience with a living legend..
🔸 Hospital Round : Hospital Round in each session where 100+ patients with gross pathologies are tackled with single remedy… without any mix/remix…!!
This helps to build the unshakable faith & confidence in doctrines classical homoeopathy…
⏩ This workshop is Surely going to be turning point in career of Every sincere homoeopath…
Contact :
Dr Manish Nikam (Pune): 9970747080
Dr Sainath Chinta (Nagar): 9403620858
For Details :