Dr Arun Kumar
Warts are horny projection on the skin that is caused by any of several papilloma viruses. It is also known as Verruca vulgaris. Wart is a skin disease that can be either symptomatic or only present as a cosmetic problem to some patients. Cryosurgery, laser treatment and several topical applications are available for the treatment of warts but all of them are either inconvenient or do not provide permanent solution to the problem. Homoeopathy is branch science with a good scope in such cases. Few indications are given here for quick reference.
CAUST. Nit-ac. THUJ. |
Nit-ac. |
Calc. CAUST. DULC. Kali-c. lyc. Nit-ac. Sep. sulph. Thuj. |
Lyc. THUJ. |
Caust. kali-s. NIT-AC. thuj. |
Cund. Psor. |
Nit-ac. sil. thuj. |
Nit-ac. |
Nit-ac. sil. thuj. |
Nit-ac. thuj. |
Ars. bov. CALC. carb-an. Caust. dulc. kali-c. lyc. merc. NAT-C. nat-m. Nat-s. Nit-ac. petr. phos. rhus-t. SEP. Sil. Sulph. thuj. |
Calc-f. |
Sil. |
Anac. Ant-c. BAR-C. berb. bov. bufo CALC. CAUST. DULC. ferr-ma. ferr-pic. Ferr. Fl-ac. kali-c. kali-chl. Lach. Lyc. Nat-c. Nat-m. NIT-AC. Ph-ac. phos. Psor. Rhus-t. Sep. sil. SULPH. THUJ. |
Berb. DULC. lach. ruta Sep. |
Ant-c. Caust. Sep. Thuj. |
Sep. |
Dulc. |
Nat-c. |
Ambr. fl-ac. Ruta |
Pall. |
Anac. berb. Dulc. nat-c. Nat-m. ruta |
Dulc. nat-m. ruta |
Nat-m. |
Ambr. Bar-c. berb. Calc. carb-an. Caust. Dulc. Ferr. Fl-ac. LAC-C. lach. lyc. Nat-m. Nit-ac. petr. psor. ran-b. Rhus-t. sang. sars. Sep. sulph. Thuj. |
Sars. |
CAUST. dulc. thuj. |
Caust. |
Berb. lach. |
Nat-s. |
CAUST. dulc. fl-ac. |
Berb. lach. ran-b. thuj. |
Con. |
Med. |
Spig. |
Nat s. Sep. |
Castor. |
Castorea. |
Thuja.. |
Caust. |
42.PREPUCE – | Cinnab. Phos.ac. sab. |
Table 2 : ACCORDING TO THE Character OF WARTS1,2 :–
CAUST. cinnb. hep. lyc. nat-c. Nit-ac. ph-ac. Rhus-t. staph. THUJ. |
Nit-ac. |
Caust. Nit-ac. |
Lyc. |
Ruta |
Rhus-t. |
Thuj. |
Dulc. |
Ferr. pic.. |
Thuj. |
Sil. |
Sep. Thuj. |
Am-c. ars. hep. lyc. Petr. phos. Rhus-t. sep. sulph. |
Dulc. |
Staph. |
Acet-ac. berb. Caust. DULC. fl-ac. lach. ruta Sep. Thuj. |
Calc. Caust. Dulc. sil. |
Ant-c. Calc. Caust. dulc. fl-ac. lach. ran-b. Sep. Sil. Sulph. |
Calc. |
ANT-C. Calc. Caust. dulc. graph. Nit-ac. ran-b. Sep. Sulph. thuj. |
Calc. euphr. lyc. nit-ac. Ph-ac. rhus-t. sabin. sep. staph. Thuj. |
Am-c. bell. bov. Calc. Caust. Hep. lyc. nat-c. Nit-ac. rhus-t. sars. sep. Sil. staph. sulph. thuj. |
Lyc. Thuj. |
Euphr. Kali-c. Nit-ac. phos. psor. Sep. thuj. |
CAUST. Lyc. NIT-AC. ph-ac. rhus-t. Sep. staph. THUJ. |
Caust. DULC. kali-c. nat-c. NIT-AC. ph-ac. Rhus-t. Sep. Sil. THUJ. |
Aur. Nit-ac. Staph. |
Caust. lyc. NIT-AC. ph-ac. psor. Rhus-t. staph. THUJ. |
Calc. Caust. Kali-c. Nit-ac. rhus-t. sulph. Thuj. |
Am-c. Bov. Calc. Caust. hep. kali-c. kali-s. lach. lyc. nat-c. nat-m. Nit-ac. petr. phos. rhus-t. ruta sabin. sep. sil. sulph. Thuj. |
CAUST. Dulc. Lyc. Med. NIT-AC. ph-ac. Rhus-t. sab. sil. Staph. Thuj. |
Calc. kali-c. lyc. Petr. sep. Sil. sulph. |
Calc. nat-s. Thuj. |
Calc. |
Caust. Cupr. hep. Nat-c. nat-m. STAPH. Thuj. |
Bar-c. berb. Calc. Caust. dulc. ferr-p. ferr. hep. lach. Nit-ac. rhus-t. Sars. Sep. Sulph. Thuj. |
Calc. Graph. Hep. THUJ. |
ANT-C. DULC. Ruta. |
Ant-c. Calc. NIT-AC. sil. Thuj. |
Am-c. ant-c. bar-c. Calc. caust. Hep. lyc. NIT-AC. rhus-t. sep. sil. staph. sulph. THUJ. |
Bov. HEP. NIT-AC. |
Ars. Bov. Calc. Caust. Hep. Nat-c. Sil. Thuj. |
Am-c. |
Ant-c. Ars. Calc. Nat-c. phos. |
Ars. calc. camph. caps. cham. CHIN. clem. cocc. croc. Ferr-ar. Ferr-p. Ferr. hyos. Iod. kali-c. lyc. merc. Ph-ac. phos. rheum rhod. Sars. SEC. seneg. sil. spong. sulph. Verat. |
Constitutional medicine is although the best way to cure and eradicate tendency to warts. But therapeutic approach is also immensely useful especially in busy clinical practice and when there is paucity of symptoms. Here is a short index provided for rapid and easy selection of the medicines as per the location of the warts and their character and provide gentle and permanent solution to the problem of warts.
- Boericke W, Boericke OE. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory comprising of the characteristics and guiding symptoms of all remedies. New York: Boericke & Runyon; 1906.
- Kent J.T. Repertory of the homoeopathic material medica. New Delhi: B.Jain Publishers Pvt. (P) Ltd.; 2013.
Dr Arun Kumar
PG ScholarHomoeopathy University
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