Demonstration of the study of Materia medica through Repertory

Dr Manish K Tiwari 

Repertory is a systematically and logically arranged index to the symptoms of homoeopathic materia medica, which is full of information collected from toxicology, drug proving and clinical experience.1

The Repertory helps us to find out the required symptoms, together with the medicine or a group of medicines having different grades.’

It is a connecting link between the materia medica and disease. Materia medica is like an ocean full of pearls which cannot be reached out without a suitable device.1 The aim of the Repertory is never to replace the materia medica. Materia Medica and Repertory are complementary to each other.

Materia medica and Repertory
Repertory today is an indispensable aid to homoeopathic practitioners. The advent of Repertory has facilitated the maximum utilization of the facts recorded in the numerous pages of homoeopathic literature.

Homoeopathy provides a unique method of studying the drugs (drug proving) with the ability to study the most minute detail at physical as well as mental level. This results in a large number of symptoms of a single drug. The materia medica books we have today contain a large number of symptoms for each drug. Different materia medica provide wide range of symptoms for the drugs. Therefore, to know about a particular drug we may have to consult various materia medica books, as no materia medica is complete. Referring many materia medica books is a cumbersome process and it is difficult to remember all the symptoms of a drug.

At this juncture I wish to quote Pierre Schmidt1 – “No one can know everything and that is why in all honesty one must admit that no conscientious homoeopathic doctor can practice homoeopathy in a serious and really scientific way without a repertory. To meet the challenges of the exploding materia medica, the homoeopathic repertory was born

To overcome such difficulties in study of materia medica and selection of similimum a Repertory comes to a great help. Repertory has a large number of symptoms in the form of rubrics, along with the information about the intensity of the symptom.

As per the father of repertory Boenninghausen’s title page of therapeutic pocket book, the main purpose of repertory is to study materia medica and select an indicated remedy. He calls repertory as “expedients”.1

Repertory brings all the symptoms from provings, toxicology and clinical experiences at one place. 

It gives information about the rare indications for medicines, which might be missed in materia medica. The modern repertory also includes the source of symptoms from which they are collected and included in the rubric; therefore, the authenticity of symptoms can be verified.2

The modern repertories are very rich in information about symptoms and the number of medicines; hence a medicine can be studied from repertories which has plethora of information at one place. 

One of the great use of repertory is the study of materia medica. 

I wish to take up the study of mind of bryonia from synthesis repertory which could demonstrate the utility of studying a drug from sections of repertory.

 we need to refer the chapter Mind in the Repertory (here synthesis 9.0) and then note down the presence of Bryonia against the given rubric and their grades. This list of symptoms is the symptoms of mind of Bryonia

The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 against the rubric indicate the degree of Bryonia.

  1. MIND – MORNING    1 
  3. MIND – EVENING   1 
  4. MIND-NIGHT   1
  6. MIND – ACTIVITY – desires activity   1
  8. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – anger   2 
  9. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – anger – anxiety; with 1 
  10. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – anger – indignation; with 1 
  11. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – anger – vehemence; with   2
  12. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – anger-vexation; with   3
  13. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – anger – silent grief; with   2
  14. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – anticipation   1
  15. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – bad news   2
  16. MIND-AILMENTS FROM – disappointment 1 
  17. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – emotions   2
  18. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – excitement – emotional 1 
  19. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – fright   1
  20. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – grief   2
  21. MIND -AILMENTS FROM – hurry 2
  22. MIND -AILMENTS FROM – indignation 1 
  23. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – mortification   2
  24. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – position; loss of   1
  25. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – scorned; being    3
  26. MIND – AILMENTS FROM – violence 2
  27. MIND – AIR; in open – amel 1
  29. MIND – ANGER  3
  30. MIND – ANGER – evening   2
  31. MIND – ANGER – answer; when obliged to 1 
  32. MIND – ANGER – chill – during 1
  33. MIND – ANGER – contradiction; from   2
  34. MIND – ANGER – face – red – face; with red 2 
  35. MIND – ANGER – refused; when things he wants are 1 
  36. MIND – ANGER – trifles; at   1
  37. MIND – ANGER – violent   2
  38. MIND – ANGUISH   1
  39. MIND – ANSWERING – aversion to answer   1 
  40. MIND – ANSWERING – hastily    1
  41. MIND – ANSWERING – refusing to answer   1
  43. MIND – ANXIETY  3
  44. MIND – ANXIETY – morning   1 
  45. MIND – ANXIETY – evening    1
  46. MIND – ANXIETY – evening – bed; 2
  47. MIND – ANXIETY – night   1
  48. MIND – ANXIETY – night – midnight – before 2
  49. MIND – ANXIETY – air in open – amel.  2
  50. MIND – ANXIETY – bed – driving out of bed 1  
  51. MIND – ANXIETY – bed – in bed   2
  52. MIND – ANXIETY – business; about   1
  53. MIND – ANXIETY – causeless 3
  54. MIND – ANXIETY – conscience; anxiety of 1
  55. MIND – ANXIETY – do something; compelled to 2
  56. MIND – ANXIETY – driving from place to place 1 
  57. MIND – ANXIETY – fear; with 1
  58. MIND – ANXIETY – fever – during   2
  59. MIND – ANXIETY – Future, about   4
  60. MIND – ANXIETY – health; about 1
  61. MIND – ANXIETY – health; about – own health, one’s 1 
  62. MIND – ANXIETY – house, in 2
  63. MIND – ANXIETY – hypochondriacal 1 
  64. MIND – ANXIETY – money matters, about 2 
  65. MIND – ANXIETY – pains, from the 1
  66. MIND – ANXIETY – perspiration during 1
  67. MIND – ANXIETY – sleep – during 1
  68. MIND – ANXIETY – thinking about it.  1 
  69. MIND – ANXIETY – vomiting, on 1
  70. MIND-ANXIETY-waking, on 1
  71. MIND – APPROACHED by persons; being – agg 2
  72. MIND – APPROACHED by persons; being – aversion to 2
  73. MIND – ASKING – nothing; for 2
  74. MIND – AVARICE  1
  75. MIND – AVARICE – anxiety about future; avarice from 2 
  76. MIND – AVERSION – nursed, in children; to being – moistening mouth amel.  1 
  77. MIND – AVERSION – raised; to being 1
  78. MIND – AWKWARD – drops things 1
  80. MIND – BED – get out of bed; wants to 2 
  81. MIND – BULIMIA  1
  82. MIND – BUSINESS – Incapacity for 1 
  83. MIND – BUSY  2
  85. MIND – CAPRICIOUSNESS-rejecting the things for which he has been longing, when offered, he is 1 
  86. MIND – CAPRICIOUSNESS – rejecting the things for which he has been longing; when offered, he is – children; in   1
  88. MIND – CARRIED – aversion to be carried 2
  89. MIND – Carried – desire to be carried 3
  90. MIND – CHANGE – desire for 2
  91. MIND – CHAOTIC – chill: during 1
  94. MIND – CLOSING EYES – agg 1
  95. MIND – COMPANY – agg.   1
  96. MIND – COMPANY – aversion to 2
  97. MIND – COMPANY – aversion to – strangers, aversion to the presence of   2
  98. MIND – COMPANY – desire for   1
  100. 100.MIND – COMPLAINING – fever, during 1
  101. 101.MIND – CONCENTRATION – difficult 1
  102. 102.MIND – CONFIDENCE – want of self-confidence 2
  103. 103.MIND – CONFUSION of mind 3
  104. 104.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – morning 2
  105. 105.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – morning – rising – after 1 
  106. 106.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – morning – nosing – when 1 
  107. 107.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – morning – waking, on 2
  108. 108.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – afternoon 1
  109. 109.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – night – lying down, on 1
  110. 110.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – air, in open – amel.   1
  111. 111.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – concentrate the mind on attempting to   1
  112. 112.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – drinking – after   1 
  113. 113.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – eructations: amel.  1
  114. 114.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – fever, during   1
  115. 115.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – head – pain; with 1
  116. 116.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – heat, during   1
  117. 117.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – intoxicated – as after being 2
  118. 118.MIND – confusion oi mind – intoxicated – as it   1
  119. 119.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – lying; when 1
  120. 120.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – motion, from   1
  121. 121.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – riding, while 1
  122. 122.MIND-CONFUSION of mind – rising – after 1
  123. 123.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – sleep – after   1
  124. 124.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – standing, while   1
  125. 125.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – vertigo, with   1
  126. 126.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – waking, on   1
  127. 127.MIND-CONFUSION of mind -walking   2
  128. 128.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – walking – air, in open – amel.  1
  129. 129.MIND – CONFUSION of mind – yawning – amel.  1
  130. 130.MIND – CONGESTION of blood agg.  1
  131. 131.MIND – CONSCIENTIOUS about trifles 1
  132. 132.MIND – CONTEMPTUOUS   1
  133. 133.MIND – CONTRADICTION – agg.  1
  134. 134.MIND – CONTRADICTION – disposition to contradict    1
  135. 135.MIND – CONTRADICTION – intolerant of contradiction 2
  136. 136.MIND – COWARDICE  2
  137. 137.MIND – CRUELTY (= inhumanity) 1
  138. 138.MIND – DARKNESS – lie down in the dark and not be talked to, desire to 1
  139. 139.MIND – DEATH – presentiment of 2
  140. 140.MIND – DELIRIUM  3
  141. 141.MIND-DELIRIUM-morning 1 
  142. 142.MIND-DELIRIUM-morning-sunrise, at 1
  143. 143.MIND – DELIRIUM – noon 1
  144. 144.MIND – DELIRIUM – evening 2
  145. 145.MIND-DELIRIUM-night 1
  146. 146.MIND – DELIRIUM – air amel.; in open 1
  147. 147.MIND – DELIRIUM – alternating with – sleep – comatose sleep   1
  148. 148.MIND – DELIRIUM – anxious   1
  149. 149.MIND – DELIRIUM – anxious – business 1
  150. 150.MIND – DELIRIUM – anxious – future; about the 1
  151. 151.MIND – DELIRIUM – bed – escapes Jumps up suddenly from bed 2
  152. 152.MIND – DELIRIUM – business, talks of 2
  153. 153.MIND – DELIRIUM – busy   2
  154. 154.MIND – DELIRIUM – chill, during 1
  155. 155.MIND – DELIRIUM – closing the eyes, on 2
  156. 156.MIND – DELIRIUM – fever – during 2
  157. 157.MIND – DELIRIUM – furious 2
  158. 158.MIND – DELIRIUM – heat – agg.  1
  159. 159.MIND – DELIRIUM – home, wants to go 3
  160. 160.MIND – DELIRIUM – loquacious 1
  161. 161.MIND – DELIRIUM – maniacal 1
  162. 162.MIND-DELIRIUM-muttering   3
  163. 163.MIND – DELIRIUM – muttering – sleep, in 1
  164. 164.MIND – DELIRIUM – pains – from   1
  165. 165.MIND – DELIRIUM – perspiration – with   1
  166. 166.MIND – DELIRIUM – picking at nose or lips, with 3
  167. 167.MIND – DELIRIUM – quiet 3
  168. 168.MIND – DELIRIUM – raging   1
  169. 169.MIND – DELIRIUM – raging – fever; during 2
  170. 170.MIND – DELIRIUM – restless 1
  171. 171.MIND-DELIRIUM-sleep-during   3
  172. 172.MIND – DELIRIUM – sleep – during – comatose 1
  173. 173.MIND – DELIRIUM – sleep – going to sleep; 2
  174. 174.MIND – DELIRIUM – sleepiness, with 2
  175. 175.MIND-DELIRIUM-sleeplessness-with 
  176. 176.MIND-DELIRIUM-waking, on   1
  177. 177.MIND – DELIRIUM – warm room agg.  1
  178. 178.MIND-DELIRIUM-wild 2
  179. 179.MIND – DELIRIUM TREMENS   1
  180. 180.MIND – DELUSIONS (= imaginations) 1
  181. 181.MIND – DELUSIONS – morning 1
  182. 182.MIND – DELUSIONS – evening 1
  183. 183.MIND – DELUSIONS – evening – going to sleep; on 1
  184. 184.MIND – DELUSIONS – night 2
  185. 185.MIND – DELUSIONS – assembled things, swarms, crowds etc.  1
  186. 186.MIND – DELUSIONS – beaten, he is being 1
  187. 187.MIND – DELUSIONS – bed – sinking – bed is sinking 1
  188. 188.MIND – DELUSIONS – bed – sinking – she is sinking – down deep in bed   1
  189. 189.MIND – DELUSIONS – brain – turning around; were   2
  190. 190.MIND – DELUSIONS – business – doing business; is 2
  191. 191.MIND – DELUSIONS – business – occupied about business 1
  192. 192.MIND – DELUSIONS – chill; during 1
  193. 193.MIND – DELUSIONS – dead – persons, sees 1
  194. 194.MIND – DELUSIONS – delirious – become delirious; he would – night 1
  195. 195.MIND – DELUSIONS – drunk – been drunk; he had – night; before 2
  196. 196.MIND – DELUSIONS – faces, sees – closing eyes, on 1
  197. 197.MIND – DELUSIONS – faint; he would 1
  198. 198.MIND-DELUSIONS-fancy, illusions of 1
  199. 199.MIND – DELUSIONS – fancy, illusions of – heat, during 1
  200. 200.MIND – DELUSIONS -figures – seeing figures 1
  201. 201.MIND – DELUSIONS – figures – seeing figures – strange 1
  202. 202.MIND – DELUSIONS – floating – air, in   1
  203. 203.MIND – DELUSIONS – head – circle; head were going around in a 1
  204. 204.MIND – DELUSIONS – head – heavy; his own head seemed too   1
  205. 205.MIND – DELUSIONS – home away from home; he is 4
  206. 206.MIND-DELUSIONS-home-away from home; he is – must get there 3
  207. 207.MIND – DELUSIONS – images, phantoms; sees – all over 1 
  208. 208.MIND – DELUSIONS – images, phantoms; sees – frightful   1
  209. 209.MIND – DELUSIONS – injury – being injured; is   1
  210. 210.MIND – DELUSIONS – objects; about – reel   1
  211. 211.MIND – DELUSIONS – people – seeing people 2
  212. 212.MIND – DELUSIONS – people – seeing people – closing eyes; on 1
  213. 213.MIND – DELUSIONS – poor; he is 1
  214. 214.MIND – DELUSIONS – pursued; he was 1
  215. 215.MIND – DELUSIONS – pursued; he was – soldiers, by 1
  216. 216.MIND – DELUSIONS – rising – could not rise up; he – stooped; could not rise up again if he 1
  217. 217.MIND – DELUSIONS – sinking; to be   2
  218. 218.MIND-DELUSIONS-sleep-falling asleep; delusions on 1
  219. 219.MIND-DELUSIONS-smoke; of 2
  220. 220.MIND – DELUSIONS – soldiers – cutting him down – cool amel.; on getting 1
  221. 221.MIND – DELUSIONS – soldiers – seeing   1
  222. 222.MIND – DELUSIONS – specters, ghosts, spirits – closing eyes, on   2
  223. 223.MIND – DELUSIONS – strange – land; as if in a strange 1
  224. 224.MIND – DELUSIONS – strangers – control of; under   1
  225. 225.MIND – DELUSIONS – strangers – friends appears as strangers   1
  226. 226.MIND – DELUSIONS – strangers – room; seem to be in the 1
  227. 227.MIND – DELUSIONS – turn – she – was turning 1
  228. 228.MIND – DELUSIONS – unfortunate, he is 1
  229. 229.MIND – DELUSIONS – visions, has 1
  230. 230.MIND – DELUSIONS – visions, has – closing the eyes, on 2
  231. 231.MIND – DELUSIONS – whirled around – surroundings – standing; when 1
  232. 232.MIND – DELUSIONS – work – accomplish her work; she cannot 1
  233. 233.MIND – DELUSIONS – work – hard; is working 1
  234. 234.MIND – DEMENTIA – senile   1
  235. 235.MIND – DESIRES – full of desires   1
  236. 236.MIND – DESIRES – full of desires – indefinite 1
  237. 237.MIND – DESIRES – full of desires – more than she needs   1
  238. 238.MIND-DESIRES-full of desires – unattainable things; desire for   1
  239. 239.MIND – DESPAIR   1
  240. 240.MIND – DESPAIR – chill, during 1
  241. 241.MIND – DESPAIR – perspiration, during 1
  242. 242.MIND – DESPAIR – recovery, of 2
  243. 243.MIND – DIRTY – everything; dirtying 1
  244. 244.MIND-DISCOMFORT  1
  245. 245.MIND-DISCOMFORT-eating, after 1
  246. 246.MIND – DISCONTENTED  2
  247. 247.MIND – DISCONTENTED – everything, with 1
  248. 248.MIND – DISCONTENTED – himself, with 1
  249. 249.MIND-DISCOURAGED  1
  250. 250.MIND – DISHONEST  1
  251. 251.MIND – DISTURBED; averse to being 3
  252. 252.MIND – DOUBTFUL – recovery, of   1
  253. 253.MIND – DULLNESS  3
  254. 254.MIND – DULLNESS – morning 1
  255. 255.MIND – DULLNESS – morning – waking, on 1
  256. 256.MIND – DULLNESS – afternoon 1
  257. 257.MIND – DULLNESS – chill, during   1
  258. 258.MIND – DULLNESS – head – complaints of head; with 1
  259. 259.MIND – DULLNESS – headache, with 1
  260. 260.MIND – DULLNESS – heat – during 1
  261. 261.MIND – DULLNESS – lying, while   1
  262. 262.MIND – DULLNESS – motion – agg.  1
  263. 263.MIND – DULLNESS – perspiration, during 2
  264. 264.MIND – DULLNESS – sleep – after   1
  265. 265.MIND – DULLNESS – spoken to, when   1 
  266. 266.MIND – DULLNESS – standing – agg.  1
  267. 267.MIND – DULLNESS – vertigo; during   1
  268. 268.MIND – EATING – after – agg.  1
  269. 269.MIND – ECSTASY   1
  270. 270.MIND-ENVY   1
  271. 271.MIND – ERUCTATIONS – amel.  1 
  272. 272.MIND – ESCAPE, attempts to 2
  273. 273.MIND – ESCAPE, attempts to – delirium; during 1 
  274. 274.MIND – ESCAPE, attempts to – jumps up suddenly from bed 2 
  275. 275.MIND – ESCAPE, attempts to – run away, to   1 
  276. 276.MIND – ESCAPE, attempts to – window, from   1
  277. 277.MIND – EXCITEMENT  2
  278. 278.MIND – EXCITEMENT – noon 1 
  279. 279.MIND – EXCITEMENT – evening – bed, in 1
  280. 280.MIND – EXCITEMENT – night 1
  281. 281.MIND – EXCITEMENT – chill – during 1 
  282. 282.MIND – EXCITEMENT – fever; during 1
  283. 283.MIND – EXCITEMENT – feverish 1
  284. 284.MIND – EXCITEMENT – nervous   1
  285. 285.MIND – FANCIES – exaltation of   2
  286. 286.MIND – FANCIES – exaltation of – evening – bed, in 2
  287. 287.MIND – FANCIES – exaltation of – night   2
  288. 288.MIND – FANCIES – exaltation of – sleeplessness, with 1 
  289. 289.MIND – FANCIES – sleep – going to sleep, on 1
  290. 290.MIND – FEAR (= apprehension, dread) 2
  291. 291.MIND – FEAR – air – open; in – amel.  1
  292. 292.MIND – FEAR – alone, of being 1
  293. 293.MIND – FEAR – bad news; of hearing 2 
  294. 294.MIND – FEAR – business failure; of   1
  295. 295.MIND – FEAR – carried, fear of being 1
  296. 296.MIND – FEAR – church or opera, when ready to go 1 
  297. 297.MIND – FEAR – crossing – street 1
  298. 298.MIND – FEAR – death, of 2
  299. 299.MIND – FEAR – death, of – heat, during 1 
  300. 300.MIND – FEAR – death, of – impending death; of 1 
  301. 301.MIND – FEAR – death, of-perspiration, during 1
  302. 302.MIND – FEAR – disease, of impending 1
  303. 303.MIND – FEAR – escape; with desire to   2
  304. 304.MIND – FEAR – evil; fear of 1
  305. 305.MIND – FEAR – insanity 1
  306. 306.MIND – FEAR – misfortune, of 1 
  307. 307.MIND – FEAR – motion, of 2
  308. 308.MIND – FEAR – motion, of – cough; lest it brings on 1
  309. 309.MIND – FEAR – narrow place, in (= claustrophobia) 1
  310. 310.MIND – FEAR – narrow place, in – vaults, churches and cellars; fear of 1
  311. 311.MIND – FEAR – pain – of the pain   1
  312. 312.MIND – FEAR – poisoned – being poisoned; fear of 1 
  313. 313.MIND – FEAR – poverty, of 3
  314. 314.MIND – FEAR – raised, fear of being 1 
  315. 315.MIND – FEAR – riding in a carriage, when 1 
  316. 316.MIND – FEAR – room, on entering – air amel.; open 2 
  317. 317.MIND-FEAR-sold; of being 1
  318. 318.MIND-FEAR-starving, of 2
  319. 319.MIND – FEAR – stomach – arising from 1 
  320. 320.MIND – FEAR – suffering, of   1
  321. 321.MIND – FEAR – suffocation, of 2
  322. 322.MIND – FEAR – talking – cough; lest it brings on   1
  323. 323.MIND – FEAR – thunderstorm, of   2
  324. 324.MIND – FEAR – waking, on 2
  325. 325.MIND – FEVER – agg.  1
  326. 326.MIND – FORGETFUL   1
  327. 327.MIND – FRIGHTENED easily 2 
  328. 328.MIND – GESTURES, makes – hands; involuntary motions of the – throwing about   1 
  329. 329.MIND – GESTURES, makes – hands; involuntary motions of the – waving in the air   1
  330. 330.MIND – GESTURES, makes – one arm or leg or head   1
  331. 331.MIND-GRIEF   2
  332. 332.MIND – HEAT – during   1
  333. 333.MIND – HELD – amel. being held   2
  334. 334.MIND – HIDING – himself- delirium; in   1
  335. 335.MIND-HOME-desires to go 3
  336. 336.MIND – HOME – desires to go – go out; and when there to   2
  337. 337.MIND-HOME-leave home; desire to   2
  338. 338.MIND – HOME – talks of home   2
  339. 339.MIND – HOMESICKNESS   2
  340. 340.MIND – HUMILITY  1
  341. 341.MIND – HURRY (= hastiness) 2 
  342. 342.MIND – HURRY – drinking, on 1
  344. 344.MIND – HYSTERIA  1
  345. 345.MIND – HYSTERIA – hypochondriasis; with   1
  346. 346.MIND – IDEAS – abundant 2
  347. 347.MIND – IDEAS – abundant – evening – bed, in 1 
  348. 348.MIND – IDEAS – deficiency of 1
  349. 349.MIND – IMPATIENCE  2
  350. 350.MIND – IMPETUOUS   2   
  351. 351.MIND – IMPETUOUS – perspiration, with 2 
  352. 352.MIND – INDIFFERENCE   1
  353. 353.MIND – INDIFFERENCE – everything, to 1 
  354. 354.MIND – INDIGNATION   1
  355. 355.MIND – INDISCRETION   1
  356. 356.MIND – INDUSTRIOUS (= mania for work) 1 
  357. 357.MIND – INDUSTRIOUS – menses – before   1
  358. 358.MIND – INSANITY – loquacious 1
  359. 359.MIND – INSANITY – puerperal 1
  360. 360.MIND – INSANITY – restlessness, with 1 
  361. 361.MIND – INSANITY – travel, with desire to 2
  362. 362.MIND – INSECURITY; mental 1
  363. 363.MIND – IRRESOLUTION (= indecision) 3 
  364. 364.MIND – IRRITABILITY   1
  365. 365.MIND – IRRITABILITY – morning 1 
  366. 366.MIND – IRRITABILITY – morning – rising, after 1 
  367. 367.MIND – IRRITABILITY – morning – waking on   1
  368. 368.MIND – IRRITABILITY – alone – wishes to be alone 1 
  369. 369.MIND – IRRITABILITY – chill, during 2
  370. 370.MIND – IRRITABILITY – cough, from – whooping cough, in 2 
  371. 371.MIND – IRRITABILITY – eating – after 1
  372. 372.MIND – IRRITABILITY – headache, during 2 
  373. 373.MIND – IRRITABILITY – heat – during 2
  374. 374.MIND – IRRITABILITY – liver trouble, in 1
  375. 375.MIND – IRRITABILITY – menses – during 1
  376. 376.MIND – IRRITABILITY – perspiration, during   1
  377. 377.MIND – IRRITABILITY – questioned, when 1
  378. 378.MIND – IRRITABILITY – spoken to, when 1
  379. 379.MIND – IRRITABILITY – trifles, from   1
  380. 380.MIND-IRRITABILITY-waking, on    1
  381. 381.MIND-IRRITABILITY-waking, on-whooping cough; on   2
  382. 382.MIND-JESTING   1 
  383. 383.MIND-JUMPING-bed, out of 1  
  384. 384.MIND – KLEPTOMANIA   1
  385. 385.MIND – LAMENTING  2
  386. 386.MIND – LAMENTING – fever, during 1 
  387. 387.MIND – LAMENTING – perspiration, during 1 
  388. 388.MIND – LAMENTING – sleep; during   1
  389. 389.MIND-LAZINESS   2
  390. 390.MIND – LOQUACITY – business; about 2 
  391. 391.MIND – LOQUACITY – changing quickly from one subject to another 1 
  392. 392.MIND – LYING – agg.   1
  393. 393.MIND-MALICIOUS  1   
  394. 394.MIND-MANIA  1
  395. 395.MIND – MEMORY – loss of memory 1 
  396. 396.MIND – MEMORY – weakness of memory 2 
  397. 397.MIND – MENSES – during 1
  398. 398.MIND – MENTAL EXERTION – aversion to 1 
  399. 399.MIND – MENTAL SYMPTOMS  1
  400. 400.MIND – MENTAL SYMPTOMS – accompanied by – physical symptoms 1 
  401. 401.MIND – MISTAKES; making – localities, in   1
  402. 402.MIND-MOANING   2
  403. 403.MIND – MOANING – heat, during 1
  404. 404.MIND – MOANING – perspiration, during 1 
  405. 405.MIND – MOANING – sleep, during 3
  406. 406.MIND – MOANING – sleep, during – fever; during   1
  407. 407.MIND – MOANING – sleep, during – perspiration; during   1
  408. 408.MIND – MOCKING – sarcasm   1
  409. 409.MIND – MOOD – changeable   1
  410. 410.MIND – MOOD – changeable – perspiration, during   3
  411. 411.MIND – MOROSE (= gloomy, fretful, ill humor, sullen) 3
  412. 412.MIND – MOROSE – morning 1
  413. 413.MIND – MOROSE – morning – bed, in 1
  414. 414.MIND – MOROSE – causeless   1
  415. 415.MIND – MOROSE – chill, during   1
  416. 416.MIND-MOROSE-eating, after 1
  417. 417.MIND – MOROSE – waking, on 1
  418. 418.MIND – MOROSE – whooping cough; in   2
  419. 419.MIND – MOTION – agg.  1
  420. 420.MIND – MOTION – amel.  1
  421. 421.MIND-MUTTERING   1
  422. 422.MIND – OBSTINATE (= headstrong) 2
  423. 423.MIND – ORIENTATION; sense of – decreased   2
  424. 424.MIND – PAIN – abdomen agg.; pain in 1
  425. 425.MIND – PAIN – head agg.; pain in – left   1
  426. 426.MIND – PASSIONATE [= choleric] 2
  427. 427.MIND – PERSEVERANCE  1
  428. 428.MIND – PROSTRATION of mind 2
  429. 429.MIND – PROSTRATION of mind – chill; during 1
  430. 430.MIND – QUARRELSOME  2
  431. 431.MIND – QUARRELSOME – anger, without 1
  432. 432.MIND – QUIET disposition – heat, during   2
  433. 433.MIND – QUIET; wants to be 4
  434. 434.MIND-QUIET; wants to be-chill, during 3
  435. 435.MIND – RAGE (= fury) 1
  436. 436.MIND – REASON increased, power of   1
  437. 437.MIND – REBELS against poultice   1
  438. 438.MIND – RESERVED   1
  439. 439.MIND – RESIGNATION   1
  440. 440.MIND – REST – desire for 2
  441. 441.MIND – RESTLESSNESS  1
  442. 442.MIND-RESTLESSNESS-night 1
  443. 443.MIND – RESTLESSNESS – night – midnight – after 1
  444. 444.MIND – RESTLESSNESS – anxious 2
  445. 445.MIND – RESTLESSNESS – bed – driving out of 1
  446. 446.MIND – RESTLESSNESS – bed -tossing about in   2
  447. 447.MIND – RESTLESSNESS – busy 1
  448. 448.MIND – RESTLESSNESS – children, in 1
  449. 449.MIND – RESTLESSNESS – children, in – roving 1
  450. 450.MIND – RESTLESSNESS – headache, during   1
  451. 451.MIND – RESTLESSNESS – heat – during   1
  452. 452.MIND – RESTLESSNESS – motion – agg.  1
  453. 453.MIND – RESTLESSNESS – pain, from 1
  454. 454.MIND – RESTLESSNESS – perspiration – during 3
  455. 455.MIND – RIDING – wagon; in – amel.  1
  456. 456.MIND – RISING – agg.  1
  457. 457.MIND – RISING – bed; from – when rising from bed 1
  458. 458.MIND – ROOM; in a – agg.  1
  459. 459.MIND – ROVING – senseless (= insane) 1
  460. 460.MIND – SADNESS  2
  461. 461.MIND – SADNESS – causeless 2
  462. 462.MIND – SADNESS – chill – during 1
  463. 463.MIND – SADNESS – gloomy 3
  464. 464.MIND-SADNESS-heat-during 1
  465. 465.MIND – SADNESS – perspiration – during 2
  466. 466.MIND – SENSES – confused 2
  467. 467.MIND – SENSES – dull 1
  468. 468.MIND – SENSES – vanishing of   3
  469. 469.MIND – SENSES – vanishing of – vertigo; with 1 
  470. 470.MIND – SENSITIVE   1
  471. 471.MIND – SENSITIVE – chill, during 1 
  472. 472.MIND – SENSITIVE – jar to 1
  473. 473.MIND – SENSITIVE – music, to 1 
  474. 474.MIND – SENSITIVE – noise, to 2
  475. 475.MIND – SERIOUS (= earnest) 1
  476. 476.MIND – SHRIEKING   1
  477. 477.MIND – SHRIEKING – cough – agg.  3
  478. 478.MIND – SHRIEKING – fever, during 1
  479. 479.MIND – SHRIEKING – pain, with the 1
  480. 480.MIND – SHRIEKING – sleep, during 2
  481. 481.MIND – SHRIEKING – waking – on   2
  482. 482.MIND – SIGHING  3
  483. 483.MIND – SIGHING – night 1 
  484. 484.MIND – SIGHING – heat, during 1 
  485. 485.MIND – SIGHING – perspiration, during 3
  486. 486.MIND – SITTING – amel.  1
  487. 487.MIND – SITTING – inclination to sit 1 
  488. 488.MIND – SLEEP – after   2
  489. 489.MIND – SLEEP – during 2
  490. 490.MIND – SLEEP – loss of sleep   1
  491. 491.MIND – SLEEPLESSNESS agg.   1
  492. 492.MIND – SLOWNESS  3
  493. 493.MIND – SOMNAMBULISM  3
  494. 494.MIND – SOMNAMBULISM – work; to make daily   1
  495. 495.MIND – SPEECH – affected   1
  496. 496.MIND – SPEECH – confused   1
  497. 497.MIND-SPEECH-delirious-business, of 3
  498. 498.MIND – SPEECH – delirious – waking, on 1
  499. 499.MIND – SPEECH – foolish 1
  500. 500.MIND-SPEECH-hasty 1
  501. 501.MIND – SPEECH – incoherent 3 
  502. 502.MIND – SPEECH – incoherent – fever; during 2 
  503. 503.MIND – SPEECH – prattling 3
  504. 504.MIND – SPEECH – prattling – morning 3
  505. 505.MIND – SPEECH – wandering 2
  506. 506.MIND – SPEECH – wandering – night 1 
  507. 507.MIND – SPOKEN TO; being – aversion 1 
  508. 508.MIND – STANDING – agg.  1
  509. 509.MIND – STARTING (= startled) 3 
  510. 510.MIND – STARTING – evening – sleep; on going to 1 
  511. 511.MIND – STARTING – bed, in – awake; while lying   1
  512. 512.MIND – STARTING – easily   2
  513. 513.MIND – STARTING – fright; from and as from   1
  514. 514.MIND-STARTING-pain-from   1
  515. 515.MIND-STARTING-sleep-during   1
  516. 516.MIND – STARTING – sleep – from   1
  517. 517.MIND – STARTING – sleep – from – fever; during 1 
  518. 518.MIND – STARTING – waking, on 2
  519. 519.MIND – STRANGER – presence of strangers – agg.  2 
  520. 520.MIND-STRIKING-wall, the 1
  521. 521.MIND – STUPEFACTION (= as if intoxicated) 3
  522. 522.MIND – STUPEFACTION – morning – rising, after 1 
  523. 523.MIND – STUPEFACTION – chill, during 2
  524. 524.MIND – STUPEFACTION – perspiration, during 1 
  525. 525.MIND – STUPOR  2
  526. 526.MIND – SUSPICIOUS  3
  527. 527.MIND – TACITURN   1
  528. 528.MIND-TACITURN-perspiration, during 1 
  529. 529.MIND-TALKING-business, of   3
  530. 530.MIND – TALKING – sleep, in 1
  531. 531.MIND – TALKING – sleep, in – raving 1 
  532. 532.MIND-THINKING-aversion to   1
  533. 533.MIND – THINKING – complaints – agg.; thinking of his complaints 1 
  534. 534.MIND – THOUGHTS – intrude and crowd around each other   1
  535. 535.MIND – THOUGHTS – intrude and crowd around each other – night 1 
  536. 536.MIND-THOUGHTS-persistent 1
  537. 537.MIND – THOUGHTS – persistent – desires, of 1 
  538. 538.MIND – THOUGHTS – persistent – waking on 1
  539. 539.MIND – THOUGHTS – rush   2
  540. 540.MIND – THOUGHTS – rush – evening – bed; in   2
  541. 541.MIND – THOUGHTS – rush – night   2
  542. 542.MIND – THOUGHTS – rush – sleeplessness from   1
  543. 543.MIND – THOUGHTS – vanishing of   2
  544. 544.MIND – THOUGHTS – vanishing of – chill, during 1
  545. 545.MIND – THOUGHTS – vanishing of – reading, on   1
  546. 546.MIND – THROWING things around 1 
  547. 547.MIND – TIMIDITY  3
  548. 548.MIND – TOUCHED – aversion to be 2 
  549. 549.MIND – TRAVELLING – desire for 1
  551. 551.MIND – UNCONSCIOUSNESS – morning   3
  552. 552.MIND – UNCONSCIOUSNESS – morning – rising, on 3 
  553. 553.MIND – UNCONSCIOUSNESS – evening 1
  554. 554.MIND – UNCONSCIOUSNESS – alone, when   1
  555. 555.MIND – UNCONSCIOUSNESS – delirium – after 1
  556. 556.MIND – UNCONSCIOUSNESS – fever, during   1
  557. 557.MIND – UNCONSCIOUSNESS – pregnancy, during 2
  558. 558.MIND – UNCONSCIOUSNESS – rising up. on 3
  559. 559.MIND – UNCONSCIOUSNESS – uremic coma   1
  560. 560.MIND – UNFORTUNATE, feels   1
  561. 561.MIND – UNGRATEFUL – avance, from 1
  562. 562.MIND – VIOLENT (= vehement) 2
  563. 563.MIND – VIOLENT – deeds of violence; rage leading to 1 
  564. 564.MIND – VIOLENT – perspiration; during 2
  565. 565.MIND – WALKING – while – agg.  1
  566. 566.MIND – WANDERING – desire to wander 2 
  567. 567.MIND – WEARISOME  1
  568. 568.MIND – WEATHER – thunderstorm – before 1 
  569. 569.MIND – WEATHER – thunderstorm – during   1
  570. 570.MIND – WEEPING  3
  571. 571.MIND – WEEPING – daytime 1 
  572. 572.MIND – WEEPING – night   1
  573. 573.MIND – WEEPING – night – midnight – after 1 
  574. 574.MIND – WEEPING – cough – before 3
  575. 575.MIND – WEEPING – headache, with 1
  576. 576.MIND – WEEPING – heat, during   1
  577. 577.MIND – WEEPING – nervous – all day 1 
  578. 578.MIND – WEEPING – perspiration, during   1
  579. 579.MIND – WEEPING – sleep, in   1 
  580. 580.MIND – WEEPING – telling – sickness; when telling of her 1 
  581. 581.MIND – WEEPING – whimpering 2
  582. 582.MIND – WEEPING – whimpering – perspiration; during 1
  583. 583.MIND – WEEPING – whimpering – sleep, during   3
  584. 584.MIND – WILL – weakness, of 1


  1. MIND-AVERSION-raised; to being 1
  2. MIND – CONFUSION of mind – yawning – amel.  1
  3. MIND – DELIRIUM – air amel.; in open 1
  4. MIND – DELIRIUM – anxious – business 1
  5. MIND – DELIRIUM – warm room agg.  1
  6. MIND – DELUSIONS – delirious – become delirious; he would – night 1
  7. MIND – DELUSIONS – drunk – been drunk; he had – night; before 1
  8. MIND – DELUSIONS – soldiers – cutting him down – cool amel.; on getting 1
  9. MIND – DELUSIONS – whirled around – surroundings – standing; when 1
  10. MIND – DULLNESS – lying, while 1
  11. MIND – FEAR – room, on entering – air amel.; open 2
  12. MIND – IRRITABILITY-waking, on – whooping cough; on 2
  13. MIND – RIDING – wagon; in – amel.  1
  14. MIND-SPEECH-delirious-business, of 3
  15. MIND – SPEECH – delirious – waking, on 1
  16. MIND – SPEECH – prattling – morning   3
  17. MIND – UNCONSCIOUSNESS – morning – rising, on 3

Referring to the common materia medica in use like Boericke’s materia medica, Materia Medica by Clarke, we find a few symptoms related to the mind, like irritable, wants to go home, talks of business, fear with desire to run away, restlessness with fear of future etc3., 

Bryonia is commonly known for its use in conditions like rheumatism, inflammations, constipation, dyspepsia etc.4 where it is usually given as a sector or acute remedy. With the help of the Repertory we see an extensive list of a mind symptoms which are missed in the conventional materia medica. 

Therefore, Repertory is an index to the materia medica, which helps us to know all the symptoms from various materia medica, it also facilitates the task of finding a similimum by providing a group of similar remedies to the totality of symptoms of the case.    


  1. Tiwari SK, Essentials of Repertorization, New Delhi: B jain Publishers Pvt Limited; 2016
  2. R Ahmed Munir, Fundamentals of Repertories, Bangalore: Hi-Line Publishers and Distributors; 2016
  3. Clarke J. A dictionary of practical materia medica. 1st ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers; 2012
  4. Boericke William. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica with Indian medicine and Repertory. 9th ed. New Delhi: Indian Books and Periodicals Publishers; 2010.
  5. R.A.D.A.R. 

Dr Manish K Tiwari
Department Of Case Taking And Repertory
Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College,Bangalore, 560079

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