76 percentage of Indian Homoeopaths demand for a single organisation in homoeopathy

Homeobook team conducted an opinion poll on the desired future trend in Organisational setup of Indian Homoeopathy. 

Indian homoeopaths from across the country and abroad participated in the survey 

More than 30000 participants 

Poll started on 7th April and concluded on 25th April 2020 

Questions are 

1.Remain in Status Quo (as in present and the existing state of affairs in Homeopathy)

2. A common coordination body of existing organisations 

3. A single national-level professional organisation (like IMA) merging national and state organisations 

76.5 % homoeopathy doctors demand a single national organisation like IMA by merging national and sat organisations in Homoeopathy 

13.6% wants to remain Status Quo

10.4% wants a common coordination body of existing organisations 

Publishing the results with a humble appeal to all Homoeopathy Organisations to take a note of the result and work together in this direction of single organisation acknowledging the demand expressed by the fraternity in total clarity. 


  1. It is a very belated decision.
    The view òf organisation should be made for different opportunities for homoeopaths like MD in PATHOLOGY. MD in Radiology &.other allied subjects rather than to be a leader in that organisation.
    It should not have any politicaland racial obsession.

  2. “76 percentage of Indian Homoeopaths demand for a single organisation in homoeopathy” survey is a commendable job. We’re unnecessarily wasting our energy to fight each other. Let’s pool all our resources and fight for a common cause. Let’s keep the survival of homeopathy as our primary goal.
    Thanks Dr. Mansoor for your efforts.

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