Causation in Homoeopathy: A short compilation for a quick review

Dr. Jaimin R. Chotaliya

“Causation” – this word is familiar with all medical man irrespective of their treatment methods. Dr. Hahnemann also mentioned about the causation in his writings. Detailed study about this causation theory led him to introduced miasm in Homoeopathy. 

Dr. Hughes beautifully explained about causation and Aph. 5 from organon of medicine in his book, “There are, you will observe, two distinct points made in this aphorism. The first is that the causes of disease, predisposing and exciting, are to be taken into account, not merely that they may be removed where possible, but as guides to the selection of the remedy. Thus, in choosing between nux vomica and Pulsatilla in a case of dyspepsia, the sex, temperament and disposition of the patient, as also the kind of food which most disagrees, go for something in inclining the balance; in prescribing for rheumatic pains, we think of aconite or Bryonia if dry cold, of Rhus. Tox. or Dulcamara if damp, has been the exciting cause. If a morbid condition is traceable to a fit of anger, we are thereby inclined to give chamomilla for it; if to a fright, aconite or opium; if to long-continued depressing emotions, phosphoric acid. For complaints having origin in an injury, arnica is always useful, not only immediately upon its reception, but long afterwards.” [2]

Apart from this, Dr. Clarke’s works on causation are still considering authentic one. His repertory or causation section of Dictionary of Practical materia medica both gives us useful matters about causation. 

But Dr. Cleveland had also written some symptoms regarding causation in his materia medica called “Salient materia medica and therapeutics”. It is a short characteristic symptom compilation of authentic materia medicas during early era. So, let’s take glimpses from causative section of Salient materia medica and therapeutics.   

Causation: – 

  1. Acid Benzoic: Abuse of Copaiva; Suppressed Gonorrhea.
  2. Acid Carbolic: Bad Drainage.
  3. Acid Fluoric: Abuse of Mercury of Silica.
  4. Acid Nitric: Abuse of Mercury, Syphilitic or Sycotic Disease. 
  5. Acid Phosphoric: Too Rapid Growing, Sexual Excesses; Onanism, Grief, Sorrow, Homesickness or Unfortunate Love.
  6. Acid Sulphuricum: Mechanical Injuries (Especially Bruising and Chafing), Climacteric.
  7. Aconite Napellus: Dry Cold; Fear, With Indignation; Anger; Fright; Chagrin; Suppressed Perspiration.
  8. Actea Racemosa (Cimicifuga): Rheumatic Constitution.
  9. Aethusa Cynapium: Summer Season, Dentition
  10. Agaricus Muscarius: Frost Bites; Sexual Debauches.
  11. Agnus Castus: Abuse of Sexual Organs;
  12. Apis Mellifica: Stings; Abuse of Iodine, Cinchona, Turpentine, Or Cantharides; Bad Results from Vaccination; Suppressed or Delayed Eruptions;
  13. Argentum Metallicum: Abuse of Mercury; Onanism;
  14. Arnica Montana: Mechanical Violence, Blows, Falls, Strains;
  15. Arum Triphyllum: In the Respiratory Sphere, From Over Use Of Voice in Singing or Speaking (Clergymen’s Sore Throat)
  16. Asafetida: Abuse of Mercury
  17. Bromium: Follows Well Spongia In Croup 
  18. Bryonia Alba: Warm Weather After Cold Days; Sour Bread and Beer; Exposure to Heat of Fire.
  19. Calcarea Phosphorica: Scrofulosis; Tuberculosis; Rachitis;
  20. Camphora: Taking Cold, Or Exposure to Cold.
  21. Capsicum Annuum: Complaints from Coffee; Fevers from Or After Abuse of Quinine.
  22. Cedron: Damp, Warm, Marshy Climates; Tropical Regions; Bites of Venomous Serpents.
  23. Chamomilla: Anger; Teething; Indigestible Substances; Worms; Liver Disturbances.
  24. China Officinalis: Loss Fluids, Blood, Semen, Leucorrhoea, Night Sweats, Nursing, Diarrhea, Salivation; “Malaria”.
  25. Cicuta Virosa: Concussion of Brain; Repercussed Eruptions.
  26. Cina: Worms, Especially Lumbrief; Intestinal Irritation;
  27. Cistus Canadensis: Scrofulosis; 
  28. Cocculus Indicus: Motion of Carriage, Swing, Or Ship.
  29. Coffea Cruda: Sudden Emotions, Especially Sudden Pleasurable Surprises;
  30. Collinsonia Canadensis: Hemorrhoids and Rectal Disease;
  31. Dolichos Pruriens: Dentition.
  32. Drosera R.: Tubercle?
  33. Erigeron Canadensis: Dentition;
  34. Ferrum Act.: Abuse of Quinine; Abuse of Tea.
  35. Gelsemium S.: Bad or Exciting News; Sudden Emotions, Grief, Fright, Etc.; Anticipation of Any Unusual Ordeal; Overwork of Brain and Nervous System Generally; Sexual Abuse;
  36. Glonoine: Exposure to Rays of Sun; Mental Excitement, Fright, Fear; Later Results of Mechanical Injuries;
  37. Helleborus Niger: Abnormal Dentition.
  38. Helonias Dioica: Atony in General;
  39. Hydrastis Canadensis: Abuse of Mercury of Chlorate of Potash, Especially in Mouth and Throat Affections;
  40. Hyoscyamus Niger: Cold Air; Abuse of Belladonna; Jealousy; Unhappy Love.
  41. Hypericum P.: Mechanical Injuries of Nerves, Especially of Spinal Cord and Nerves at Their Peripheral Extremities; Shock or Fright; Punctured Wounds;
  42. Ignatia Amara: Mortification (Emotional); Bad News; Grief; Suppressed Mental Suffering; Disappointed Love.
  43. Kali Chloricum: Abuse of Mercury.
  44. Kali Iodatum: Abuse of Mercury;
  45. Lachesis: Abuse of Mercury.
  46. Ledum Palustre: Stings of Insects, Especially Mosquitoes; Punctured Wounds; Alcoholic Drinks;
  47. Menyanthes Trifoliate: Nervous Affections from Abuse of Quinine.
  48. Mercurius S.: Syphilis; Scrofulosis;
  49. Millefolium: Violent Physical Exertions.
  50. Nux Vomica: Highly Seasoned Foods; Coffee, Tobacco, Spirits; Drug Mixtures; Mental Over-Work; Over-Eating; Sedentary Life; Loss of Sleep.
  51. Opium: Fright or Emotion; Charcoal Vapors; Lead Poisoning.
  52. Podophyllum Peltatum: Abuse of Mercury; Abuse of Lead;
  53. Pulsatilla Pratensis: Rheumatic Diathesis; Fatty Foods; Menstrual Suppression or Irregularities from Getting Feet Wet.
  54. Rhus Tox: Exposure to Wet; Sprains; Bruises.
  55. Ruta Graveolens: Bruises and Injuries of Bones and Periosteum; Overstraining the Eyes.
  56. Scutellaria Laterifolia: Long Illness; Over-Exercise; Excessive Study; Exhausting Labors; Dentition.
  57. Secale Cornuatum: Suppression of Lochia;
  58. Staphysagria: Abuse of Mercury or Thuja; Sexual Excesses; Incised Wounds.
  59. Stillingia Sylvatica: Syphilis 
  60. Stramonium: Vapor of Mercury; Sight of Water; Suppressed Eruptions; Fright; Sight of Bright, Dazzling Objects.
  61. Taraxacum Officinalis: Fatty Foods.
  62. Teucrium Marum Varum: Ascarides
  63. Thuja Occidentalis: – Sycosis, Syphilis
  64. Veratrum Alb: Abuse of Cinchona (Chronic Affect); Fright, Fear, Or Vexation; Copper, Fruits and Vegetables.


  1. Cleveland C. L., Salient Materia Medica, May 20016, Published by Leopold classic library. 
  2. Hughes, R., Principles and Practice of Homeopathy, April 2008, published by B. Jain publishers, New Delhi. (P. 83) 

Dr. Jaimin R. Chotaliya (M.D. Part – II)
Department of Repertory
Dr. V. H. Dave Homoeopathic medical college and research Centre, Hahnemann House, Amul dairy road, Anand, Gujarat. 388001


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