BoG and Education Committee of CCH on 04 Nov 2020 released a letter to All Principal of Homoeopathy Medical Colleges across the country stating that Teachers doing regular Post-graduation in the concerned institute – that period cannot be counted as teaching experience but the PG period of external candidates will be counted as teaching experience!!
What an utopian decision of our apex body – these fellows have no idea of what is going on in the teaching field. The teachers doing regular PG for three years are already teaching the students and discharging their duties as of the pre-PG period. This decision will affect their promotion to higher posts.
The External PG is a two year “postal graduation”. Just pay the fee at the end of two years you will get the certificate. No teaching, No attendance, No seminar, No Journal Presentation, No OPD, No IPD. The external PG degree is an off-campus course which does not require formal institutionalized training. But that period is considered as Teaching experience by our apex body !!
Our Council is upgrading or degrading the homeopathic education?
We are requesting the Council to revoke this decision.
– Dr Mansoor Ali