How to list your clinic in Google Search and Google Map

Dr Mansoor Ali

In the past, if you wanted to know about a local doctor, you had to inquire at the nearest house or shop. Now no one tries for it. They will look at the mobile in their hand and know all the information about the doctor in the nearby area and his treatment excellence.

Doctors must understand that online strategy is by far the #1 method to grow patient volumes, and build their clinic’s profitability. Since almost all individuals using their smartphones to find out a good doctor or a treatment plan.

A physician has to see that he maintains a presence in Google, which enables him to be in touch with the masses beyond the immediate locality.

But if our information is not online … we will lose the client..I once did a Google search for “Homeopathy Doctor” at Homoeo College. I do not see the names of most of our teachers who live near the college. But Google shows detailed clinic information and phone numbers of many people in the distance. Without an online presence, it is difficult to hold on for long.

Today we are going to talk about how to put our information on Google in a local search.

All our information is available on Google Search and Google Maps. Google also gives us a beautiful website. Google Maps will give you the exact route and time to reach your clinic. Patients can reach our clinic without asking anyone for directions. There is also the facility to write articles. This service is provided by Google completely free of cost.

Go to the link and start a Google MyBusiness account. Overview, Business Profile and Website buttons. First, click on overview. Enter the name of your clinic. Then enter the clinic information, photos, and operating hours. Multiple institutions can be listed. Enter the exact information for each link on the left side of your account dashboard.
Patients also have the option to write a review of our services. The more positive reviews or stars you have, the more your name will appear at the top of the internet search. The link to write a review can be sent to the customer.

Every week, Google will send you information on how many people your organization searched for on Google, how many people called you, and how many came to your clinic.

When a customer types in your name, Homoeo Clinic, on Google or Google Map, a photo of your clinic and all the information on the right-hand side of the page will appear

It doesn’t matter if we have a good product/service. Others need to know that we have it!
More marketing methods in the next post


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