Cases and rules of case management by Dr EE Case- a great prescriber from practical homoeopathy

Dr Jalpa  Atri, Dr Jaimin R.

In Practical Homoeopathy, prescribing is most essential task for every homoeopath. To prescribe Similimum in most of the cases need struggle and hard work. Learning from experience of Pioneers will help us to establish a good base for our prescription style. Successful Homoeopathic Practice requires a good skill in case management not just in Prescribing Similimum.

Among many pioneers, Dr. Erastus E. Case (E. E. Case) was master in Prescribing as well as in Case management. Here, let’s explore his rules with case example and some learning points on practical aspect to improve our Homoeopathic Practice.

KEYWORDS: Homoeopathy, E. E. Case, Repertorization

Short information about Author: –

Dr. Erastus E. Case (5-28-1847 • 10-27-1918)

Education: Graduated NY Hom. (1874)

Works and achievement: IHA President 1901-2. Practiced in Hartford, CT.  Author of one of the first clinical text on classical Homoeopathy, Some Clinical Experiences of E. E. Case, M.D.

His rules for good case management were mentioned in his book “Some clinical Experiences of E.E. Case.”

He believed in keynote Prescribing and, in his writing, he mentioned about various symptomatology by different Pioneers and gave more stress upon Hahnemann’s Aph. 153 of Organon of medicine 6th edition.

He mentioned about various rules in 3 different headings namely, Choice of Remedy, Potency and Repetition of dose.

The attractive Point about his writing was his case example with every Rule. These all cases are helpful to understand the rules in elusive way as well as give more insight of rule in Practical Form.

Choice of Remedy: 4 rules were mentioned under the heading Choice of Remedy

  1. Rule -1:  Other things being equal, give the preference to a Mental symptom rather than to bodily one.

Case example: A printer, aged thirty-eight years, chronic dyspeptic, presented these symptoms:

  1. Stomach full to satiety after only a little food.
  2. Stomach distressed by cold food or drink; bears only warm things.
  3. Abdomen tympanitic; worse in the afternoon.
  4. Soreness throughout the abdomen in the morning.
  5. Sleep disturbed by starting, talking.
  6. Difficult to remember what he has read, to recall names and words when talking.

Learning with your new understanding brings new flow of knowledge and wisdom. Good critical appraisal on Our precious Homoeopathic Data is always helpful for better understanding. The intention of this article is to develop a new type of thinking pattern for little new Homoeopaths (students) and Experienced Homoeopath.

Authors: –

  1. Dr. Jalpa P. Atri M.D. (Hom.)
  2. Dr. Jaimin R. Chotaliya M.D. (Hom.) (Lecturer in Department of Repertory, Swami Vivekanand Homeopathic medical college and Research Centre, Bhavnagar)

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