Dr Santhi Priya AU
Dr. Hahnemann’s discovery of the Homoeopathic System of Medicine and his journey to prove it in the face of constant criticism and speculation are well documented and made public. Those leaders of Homoeopathic medicine who were the pillars of strength for Dr. Hahnemann, their accomplishments, struggles, and contributions to Homoeopathy are frequently overshadowed or forgotten. A good Homoeopath should be aware of these legendary figures who were Dr. Hahnemann’s closest companions and formed his most trusted group of Provers union. This article is an humble attempt by the author to gain an understanding of Dr. Hahnemann’s provers union, highlighting a brief note on each of these provers, their achievements, and the medicines proven by them.
KEYWORDS: Dr.Hahnemann, Provers union, Medicines
Dr. Hahnemann, by 1814 had formed the Union for Proving Remedies, devoted to the sole purpose of seeking new and indispensable discoveries for the welfare of suffering humanity. This high-flying rhetoric suffused the proving literature and provers aided medical progress by contributing their time and effort.
The Provers Union comprised of Franz, Gross, Hartmann, Hornburg, Herrmann, Langhammer, Rueckert, Stapf, Teuthorn and Wislicenus.
Out of these ten disciples, two (Hermann and Teuthorn) had little interest in this work from the start and later abandoned Homoeopathy. In Hahnemann’s “Materia Medica Pura,” their names are frequently mentioned, and some of them later gained a reputation as leaders of homoeopathy in the first half of the nineteenth century.
KARL GOTTLOB FRANZ (1795 – 1835)
Karl Gottlob Franz was born May 8, 1795, in Plauen in the Royal Saxon Voigtland. He had suffered from various considerable chronic ailments owing to a wrongly treated cutaneous eruption from his childhood and was seeking medical treatment for it. He was introduced to S. Hahnemann, who was then living in Leipzig and lecturing on Homoeopathy by another student. This encounter determined Franz’s future course in science because he was compelled to pay special attention to Homoeopathy as a result of his conversations and communications about medicines with Hahnemann, who was responsible for restoring his health after it had been severely damaged. He later became Hahnemann’s Secretary for a brief period of time. It was Franz who suggested the idea of the “Central Homcepathic Union”. He was also a good botanist and devoted himself to Pharmaceutical Researches. The Materia Medica Pura of Hahnemann and the Archiv fur die homoopathische Heilkunst gives weighty testimony to his meritorious labours.
Medicines proved :
Angustura Argentum metallicum Arnica Montana Asarum europaeum Aurum metallicum Calcarea acetica Camphora Cannabis sativa Causticum China officinalis Clematis erecta
Conium maculatum Cyclamen Digitalis purpurea Hyoscyamus niger Ledum palustre Magneis polus arcticus Magnetis polus australis Manganum aceticum Menyanthes Oleander Phosphoricum acidum |
Rhus toxicodendron
Ruta graveolens Sambucus nigra Spigelia anthelmia Stannum metallicum Staphysagria Stramonium Sulphuricum acidum Taraxacum officinale Thuja occidentalis Veratrum album Zincum Metallicum |
He was born at Kaltenborn, near Juterbogk, September 6, 1794. He was an industrious collaborator and the founder of the Archiv fur die homoopathische Heilkunst, which was published by Stapf and others. Dr. Gross having adopted Korsakoff’s notion, had cured cases using blood potency. Along with clinical articles and drug provings, he also produced a number of well-written essays and significant critical works. One of these, is his critique of Prof. Heinroth’s “Anti-Organon” from 1826, which was issued both separately and as a supplement to the 5th volume of the Archiv and is distinguished by its broad scope and depth of thought. He started editing the Archiv in its 16th volume (1837) and continued to collaborate with Stapf as a director and promoter of the new ideas that he accepted, all the while maintaining the true Hahnemannian spirit. He was focused on the editorship of the Allgemeine homoopathische Zeitung, in con- junction with Rummel and Hartmann. He was in favour of giving high potencies and was also a popular upholder of Isopathic doctrines. There is a reference to the “Organon,” 5th edition, page 70 in the sixth volume of the British Journal in a note to the sketch of Gross, on which Hahnemann says: “The eccentric upholders of this doctrine, especially Dr. Gross, vaunt this Isopathy as the only true therapeutic rule and see nothing in the similia similibus, but an indifferent substitute for it.” His works include, “Dietetic Handbook for the healthy and the sick”, “The Homoeopathic science of Healing and its relations to the State,” “Directions for Mother and the infant” etc.
Medicines proved:
Aconitum napellus
Agaricus Ammonium carbonicum Anacardium Angustura Argentum metallicum Arnica montana Arsenicum album Aurum metallicum Baryta carbonicum Belladonna Calcarea Cannabis sativa Cantharides Chelidonium majus Cinchona officinalis |
Cocculus Conium maculatum Dulcamara Digitalis purpurea Ferrum Ignatia amara Iodum Manganum aceticum Mercurius solubilise Mezereum Moschus Natrum carbonicum Oleander Phosphorus Phosphoricum acidum Platina |
Rheum palmatum
Ruta graveolens Sambucus nigra Sepia Silicea terra Spigelia Stannum metallicum Staphysagria Sulphuricum acidum Thuja occidentalis Verbascum Thapsus Zincum metallicum |
FRANZ HARTMANN (1796 – 1853)
He was born in Delitsch on the 18th of May, 1796. Franz Hartmann went to study theology in 1814 at Leipzig where under the influence of his friend Hornburg, who was his roommate became acquainted with Dr. Hahnemann. He was appointed as the Clinical Director of Leipzig Homoeopathic Hospital . The first piece of independent work following his clinical reports in the Archiv was an article on Nux vomica. After this received positive feedback, he worked out similar articles on Chamomilla and Belladonna for the Archiv and on Pusatilla and Rhus tox. for the Homoopathische Zeitung. Dieting Directions to Everybody, and Diet for the Sick were printed in 1830. His largest work, Therapeutics of Acute Diseases, first published in 1831, passed through three editions. Fascinating data concerning Hahnemann’s life may be found in Hartmann’s “ Aus Hahnemann’ s Leben” in the Zeitung, Vol. xxvi.
Medines proved:
Bismuthum Carbo animalis Chelidonium majus Cinchona officinalis Guaiacum officinale Helleborus niger Magnetis Polus Arcticus Menyanthes Mercurius solubilis Muriaticum acidum Oleander |
Phosphoricum acidum
Ruta graveolens Sambucus nigra Sarsaparilla officinalis Spigelia anthelmia Spongia tosta Squilla maritima Stannum metallicum Staphysagria Thuja occidentalis Verbascum thapsus |
JOHANN ERNST STAPF (1788 – 1860)
Johann Ernst Stapf was born the 9th, of September 1788, at Naumburg. Dr.Stapf was the first to embrace the principles of Dr. Hahnemann. He started learning Homoeopathy in 1811 and began to practice exclusively with the remedies listed in the Materia Medica Pura’s first volume in 1812. He was at the time the only supporter of this system, and did a good job of developing it. He was a type of pure Homoeopathist and disdained Isopathy. He is the great favourer of the remedy – Lachesis. He was a physician with a European reputation and Dr. Hering introduced Lachesis into Europe through him. He employed olfaction of the higher dilutions. He commenced his studies upon high potencies during the last of 1843 and published the results in June, 1844. In 1822 he became the editor of the ” Archiv fur die homoeopathische Heilkunst”, which was published at Leipsic, three times a year. In 1829 he collected and edited the fugitive writings of Hahnemann titled : Lesser writings of Hahnemann. Dresden : Arnold. 1829. This book was presented to Hahnemann on the occasion of his fiftieth Doctor Jubilee, August 10, 1829. He also published a book known as Stapf’s additions to the Materia Medica Pura.
Medicines proved:
Aconitum napellus
Ammonium carbonicum Anacardium Arnica montana Arsenicum album Asarum europaeum Baryta Carbonicum Belladonna Bryonia alba Calcarea Camphora Cannabis sativa Causticum Chamomilla Cinchona officinalis |
Clematis erecta Colocynthis Digitalis purpurea Dulcamara Helleborus niger Hepar sulphuris calcareum Hyoscyamus niger Ipecacuanha Magnetis Polus Australis Manganum aceticum Mercurius solubilis Moschus Muriaticum acidum Nitric acid |
Nux vomica
Opium Phosphorus Phosphoricum acidum Pulsatilla Rhus toxicodendron Ruta graveolens Silicea Spigelia anthelmia Spongia tosta Squilla maritima Staphysagria Veratrum album Zincum metallicum
Dr. Ernst Ferdinand Rueckert, was born in Grosshennersdorf, near Herrnhut, March, 3, 1795. Dr. Rueckert was one of the first pupil of Dr.Hahnemann, together with Dr. Hartmann and Dr. Hornburg. He was active in Homeopathy with great zeal, industry and perseverance and especially to facilitate as far as possible the difficult task of finding the proper remedy in any given case. After a journey full of thorns and thistles, due to a lung disease he fell asleep in the eternal rest in the year 1843 at the age of forty-eight years. His most excellant work being, ” Systematic Presentation of all the Homoeopathic Medicines known to this Time”. This book quickly (1835) received a second edition and the symptoms are described there exactly as they appear in the provings. Some of his other works include: “A Brief Survey of the Effects of Homeopathic Medicines on the Human Body”in 1834,
“Medicines Sketch of a Future Special Homeopathic Therapy” in 1837, “The Effects of Homoeopathic Medicines under Certain Conditions represented in a Tabular Manner” in 1833, “Cutaneous Diseases”,” Practical Experiences in the Domain of Homoeopathy,” in 1842, etc.
Medicines proved:
Aconitum napellus
Bryonia alba Digitalis purpurea Dulcamara |
Helleborus niger
Pulsatilla pratensis Rheum palmatum Rhus toxicodendron |
Christian Gottlob Hornburg was horn in Chemnitz in the Royal Saxon Erz-Geberge, October 18, 1793. He was one of the oldest disciples of Dr. Hahnemann. He was never able to obtain a diploma and his box of medicine was once buried by the authorities in a public place with great eclat. The zeal with which Hornburg lived and worked for Homoeopathy, his solid knowledge in this department, his many successful cures, and especially his openness and readiness to give information to every searcher after truth, gained him many admirers. He was a man of great gifts, of extraordinary practical talent, which gave him much certainty in the diagnosis of disease, as well as in the discovery of the right remedy, through which he obtained the repute of a successful practitioner. He had contributed to the glory of our doctrines by clinical results. He is credited with the first cures of pleurisy and pneumonia with Aconite. He had proved Causticum on himself and others, particularly women, for the second volume of the Materia Medica Pura.
Medicines proved:
Aconitum napellus
Arnica montana Arsenicum album Asarum europaeum Belladonna Bryonia alba Cinchona officinalis Cicuta virosa Cocculus Colocynthis Digitalis purpurea Helleborus niger |
Manganum aceticum
Menyanthes Mercurius solubilise Pulsatilla pratensis Rheum palmatum Rhus toxicodendron Ruta graveolens Spigelia anthelmia Spongia tosta Squilla maritima Staphysagria |
Dr. Hering mentions Dr. Herrmann as the apostle of Homoeopathy in Russia. He was the one who had shown the actual state of Homoeopathic method in that vast empire. He was a contributor to the Hahnemann Jubilee of 1829, at which time he was practicing Homoeopathy in Soraw in the Niederlausitz, Prussia.
Medicines proved :
Argentum metallicum
Aurum metallicum Belladonna Bryonia alba Bismuthum Camphora Chelidonium majus Cinchona officinalis |
Ledum palustre Phosphoricum acidum Ruta graveolens Sarsaparilla officinalis Spigelia anthelmia Stannum metallicum Staphysagria |
Dr. Wislicenus had contributed many articles upon the blood, the treatment of syphilitic affection , which may be found in the first six volumes of the Archive. Wislicenus made trials of Homoeopathy in the Garrison Hospital at Berlin, under the control of military surgeons, the results of which were favourable. The military doctors took the case journal kept by Wislicenus under their supervision and read it at their leisure. Despite his repeated requests, they failed to bring it back. He died on July 14th, 1864.
Medicines proved :
Argentum metallicum Arnica montana Aurum metallicum Belladonna Calcarea acetica Camphora Capsicum annuum Cinchona officinalis Conium maculatum Drosera rotundifolia Euphrasia |
Helleborus niger
Hyoscyamus niger Menyanthes Muriaticum acidum Phosphoricum acidum Ruta graveolens Sambucus nigra Spigelia anthelmia Spongia tosta Squilla Maritima Stannum metallicum Thuja occidentalis |
Chr. Dav.Teuthorn proved fourteen important medicines, but did not long continue a disciple of Hahnemann. Hartmann, a fellow prover had soon lost sight of him.
Medicines proved:
Chelidonium majus
Cinchona officinalis Digitalis purpurea Guaiacum officinale Ledum palustre Manganum aceticum Menyanthes |
Phosphoricum acidum
Rheum palmatum Sarsaparilla officinalis Squilla Maritima Staphysagria Thuja occidentalis Veratrum album |
Langhammer, even though much favoured by Dr. Hahnemann, was deformed in his body which seemed to be reflected in his mind and thus his provings were doubtful in nature. Hartmann says about Langhammer that His symptoms are of little significance due to a lack of exactness in his description of his sensations and of clear, precise language. Dr. Gross in the Archiv mentions about Langhammer that he lived in a very straitened circumstances, which made his otherwise shy disposition even more retiring and vulnerable to sorrow and care. As a result, all of the moral symptoms he observed in himself are of little or no value. An account of the provings of Langhammer can be found in the Homoopathische Vierlejahrschrift, Vol. xiv., page 406.
Medicines proved:
Anacardium Angustura Antimonium crudum Argentum metallicum Arnica Montana Arsenicum album Aurum metallicum Belladonna Bismuthum Calcarea Causticum Chelidonium majus Cinchona officinalis Cicuta Virosa Cina maritime |
Clematis erecta
Cocculus Conium maculatum Cyclamen Digitalis purpurea Drosera rotundifolia Euphorbium Euphrasia Guaiacum officinale Helleborus niger Hyoscyamus niger Ipecacuanha Ledum palustre Magnetis Polus Arcticus Manganum aceticum Menyanthes |
Mercurius solubilis
Muriaticum acidum Natrum carbonicum Oleander Phosphoricum acidum Ruta graveolens Sambucus nigra Spigelia anthelmia Spongia tosta Stannum metallicum Sulphuricum acidum Staphysagria Taraxacum officinale Thuja occidentalis Verbascum thapsus |
This brief view into the Dr. Hahnemann’s Provers Union, accentuating a sneek peek into the life of the provers, definitely would have aroused the curiosity of the readers as to the much more struggles and hardships faced by these eminent figures and their ardent passion towards Homoeopathy. At the same time questions can be raised as to the authencity of the symptoms, especially in the case of Dr. Langhammer’s proving. Controversies within Homoeopathy have existed since the time of Hahnemann with different author’s views, which have infact led to the more indepth study and scientific provings.
- Bradford TL. Pioneers of Homoeopathy.Boericke and Tafel. 1897.
- Bradfrd TL. The Life and Letters of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. B. Jain Publishers; 2004.
- Dimitriadis G. HAHNEMANN’S PHARMACOGRAPHY, an examination of our primary materia medica record. [cited 2022 Jul 30]; Available from: www.hahnemann-institute.com
MD Part II, Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica,
White Memorial Homoeo Medical College,
Kanyakumari District. TamilNadu.
email.id: santhipriyasp75@gmail.com