Subclinical hypothyroidism and homoeopathic treatment

Dr Uzma Muneer

Subclinical hypothyroidism is a condition where TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) level rises above normal range (normal TSH level = 0.3-5.5) without any disturbance in the T3 and T4 levels. With the awareness of side effects of conventional treatment there are number of patients who prefer homoeopathic mode of treatment. Homoeopathy plays significant role in management of subclinical hypothyroidism by eliminating the root cause and restoring the complete health. With the reference of the topic subclinical hypothyroidism, couple of cured cases has also been presented.

Subclinical hypothyroidism is also called mild thyroid failure. It is diagnosed when both the thyroid hormones i.e T3 and T4 are in normal range and only TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) elevated.

It’s called subclinical because only the serum level of thyroid-stimulating hormone from the front of the pituitary gland is a little bit above normal. The thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland are still within the laboratory’s normal range.

Research shows that 3 to 8 % people have subclinical hypothyroidism. If it is not treated timely it can lead to disturbances in other thyroid hormones.

In one study, 26.8 percent Trusted Source of those with subclinical hypothyroidism developed full-blown hypothyroidism within 6 years of their initial diagnosis.


TSH triggers the thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped gland at the front of the neck, to make the hormones T3 and T4. Subclinical hypothyroidism occurs when TSH levels are slightly elevated but T3 and T4 are normal.

Subclinical hypothyroidism and hypothyroidism (where T3 and T4 are not in normal range) exhibits the same causes. They are as follow:

  • A family history of autoimmune thyroid disease.
  • Any injury to the thyroid gland.
  • The use of radioactive iodine therapy, a treatment for hyperthyroidism.
  • Taking medications that contain lithium or iodine.


Risk factors that study shows are as follows:-

  • Gender: females are more prone to this.
  • Age: old aged peoples are more at risk.
  • Iodine intake: persons who takes excess of iodine.


Mostly it is asymptomatic but if it shows symptoms they are mostly similar to as the full-blown hypothyroidism shows. It includes:

  • Palpitation
  • Suffocation
  • Weight gain
  • Breathlessness
  • Tired
  • Depression
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss


It is diagnosed when peripheral thyroid hormone levels are within normal reference laboratory range but serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are mildly elevated.


For the treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism Levothyroxine (Levoxyl, Synthroid) , a synthetic thyroid hormone taken orally, is generally used and is well tolerated.


Homoeopathic treatment proves to be effective in treatment of thyroid disorders as it emphasizes on the removal of the root cause leading to the permanent cure.

While using conventional treatment in curing lifestyle disorders may adversely affects other hormones leading to the complexity of the disease.

Homoeopathy offers safe and reliable cure for the subclinical hypothyroidism without adversely affecting the mechanism of the body. It heals the patient at emotional, mental and physical level to ensure complete and safe recovery. The speciality and peculiarity of homoeopathic treatment is that it provides individual remedy for each individual persona (patient). Which is very similar to the mental and physical state of the patient and the constitutional remedies rectify the cause of disorder.

As well said by someone the attitude of gratitude must prevail, I am very thankful to Allah Almighty, and the publisher who gave me the platform to share my experience.


A lady 31 years old diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism reported the complaint of palpitations, suffocation, difficult breathing and fatigue wanted to pursue homoeopathic treatment for the above complaints. On enquiring more about the complaints she revealed her nature that she is very sensitive, always expecting attention from everybody around her and weeping on trivial matters. She finds solace on being enquired and being heard made her feel relaxed. On further interrogation she revealed about the irregularity and delayed menstruation. Added to the above she had palpitation that is followed after eating. Suffocation and difficult breathing better in open air. She takes negligible amount of water in a day.

Her reports was as follows –

  • T3-1.21ng/ml
  • T4- 5.70μg/dl
  • TSH – 020 μIU/ml

Rubrics Taken:

  • Weeping –tearful mood etc trifles, at
  • Consolation –amel
  • Palpitation- heart- eating, after
  • Respiration- difficult
  • Thirstless

Pulsatilla Nigricans 1m 3 doses / 12 hourly with Pl for fortnight was given and medicine repeated as the case required. As we proceeded with the medications patient has eminent relief. Six months later her thyroid profile reverted back to normal.

Other case male child 13 years old diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism with the subjective symptoms gaining weight, weakness, fatigue, forgetfulness and hair fall since last 3 months. On enquiring more about the case mother revealed he is getting more lazy and careless with every progressing day. Getting lethargy in his daily activities and unable to concentrate on his studies. He is becoming slow witted after spending couple of hours he is able to complete only a small part of work. Since last three months he is literally behaving like a couch potato consequently leading to the obesity. Along with hair fall eyelashes have started losing hair. The physical constitution of the child is fat, flabby, fair complexion with a prominent habit of nail biting.

His thyroid profile was as follows:

  • T3= 164 ng/dl
  • T4= 6.6 μg/dl
  • TSH= 02 μIU/ml

Rubrics Taken:

  • Slowness – calculating; when
  • Duty – no sense of duty
  • Biting – nails
  • Hair – falling – eyelashes; from
  • Weakness – children; in
  • Obesity – children; in

After repertorial analysis the medicine prescribed was Calcarea carb which was very similar to the physical constitution of the patient. Calcarea carb 1m /1dose repeated every fortnight followed by Pl for about 3 months. During regular follow up patient got better with every succeeding day. After 3 months his thyroid profile reverted back to normal.

Above are only two examples of cured cases but there are number of cured cases which are still behind the curtain due to the lack of exposure. Not only through constitutional approach but also, therapeutic approach helps in curing subclinical hypothyroidism. Medicines like Thyroidinum , Bromium, Iodium, Calcarea Iod , Lycopodium , Merc iod , Silicea , Natrum mur etc. have marvelous effects in treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism.


  1. A Textbook of physiology “CONCISE MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY” by Chaudhary”
  2. Fatourechi, V. (2009, January). Subclinical hypothyroidism: an update for primary care physicians. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings(Vol. 84, No. 1, pp. 65-71). Elsevier
  3. Available from
  4. Kent repertory Available from RadarOpus 2.1.11
  5. Synthesis repertory by Fredrick Shroyens Available from RadarOpus 2.1.11

Dr Uzma Muneer
MD Scholar, Materia Medica
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana

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