A clinical study of urtica urens in the management of urticaria

AUTHOR 1: Dr Padmaja Pawshe BHMS MD ( Practice of  Medicine)
Assistant professor department of practice of medicine
A.M Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College Belgaum.

A.M Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College Belgaum.

A.M Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College Belgaum.

Urticaria or Hives or Nettle rash is commonest skin disease which is characterized by marked itching and formation of rash, wheals and scaly eruptions due to increased permeability of dermal vessels.

Urticaria can occur in any group and affects 10% to 25% of the population. estimates of the lifetime occurrence of urticaria range from less than 1% to as high as 3% in general population.

Urticaria usually occurs during the appropriate season especially in those who are suffering from respiratory allergies as a result of exposure to animal moles, inhalation or physical contact with pollens, animal dander, spores and also ingestion of fruits, shelfish, fish, milk products, chocolates, legumes including peanuts.

Conventional treatment includes Histamine Antagonists and other H1 receptor antagonist. Chronic usage of such anti-histamines leads to many adverse effects such as sleepinees or drowsiness, headache, giddiness, loss of appetite, dryness of mouth and throat, Nausea, vomiting and constipation.

Homoeopathic treatment appears to be more efficacious due to its individualistic approach, not only prevents but cures completely. Homoeopathic treatment is safe and very effective for urticaria, which is strongly recommended.

Thus this study is undertaken to know effectiveness Urtica Urens in the Homoeopathic management of Urticaria.

Hence “A Clinical Study Of  Urtica Urens in the management of Urticaria is done to


  • To study Urtica Urens in Homoeopathic management of Urticaria.

For the present study thirty patients who visited to A. M. Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Belgaum, with clinically confirmed Urticaria were selected for trial based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. They were treated with homoeopathic remedy “Urtica Urens” on the basis of homoeopathic principles with fixed criteria to know the results of treatment as recovered, improved or not improved.

All the cases of Urticaria were registered between the period of FEB 12 2021 – 5 MAR 2021, were taken up & every case was followed up for a period of one month. A detailed case history was taken up by interview & clinical examination as per the proforma prepared for the study.

The result of this study showed that the most common age group with Urticaria was 21-30yrs with 63%. Out of 30 cases 7 cases markedly improved, 19 improved and 4 cases did not improved.

From this study it is evident that majority of cases of Urticaria can be effectively relieved by homoeopathic remedy Urtica Urens . Homoeopathy by addressing all aspect of the individual and their complete set of symptoms offers better treatment for patients suffering from Urticaria. Homoeopathic remedy Urtica Urens reduces the intensity of symptoms and the relapse and chances of recurrence.

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