The principle of homeopathy in the light of nanopharmacology and ultrahigh dilutions

Dr S Nandha Gopal

Background: The purpose of this article is to make a connection between the homoeopathic system, Nano pharmacology and mRNA therapy.

KEY WORDS: Dr Samuel Hahnemann, Law of Similar, Nanoparticle-Exclusion Zone Shell Model, Nanopharmacology, Nosodes, Sarcodes, mRNA Therapy.

Dr Samuel Hahnemann (1755 – 1843) was translating a medical treatise and got fascinated with the information that Cinchona (known as Peruvian bark) which cures malaria and which produces symptoms similar to it when taken in excessive doses.

Hahnemann came to realize that a drug cures a disease because it cause its similar symptoms. He then radically shifted his orthodox medical practice to one based on this principle of similar.

THE LAW OF SIMILAR – Fundamental Law of Homeopathy

“A substance that can artificially produce certain disease-like symptoms on a healthy person; only that substance can cure a similar disease when it is given to the patient in the form of homeopathic medicine.”

Serially diluted succussed solution of a suitable drug/toxic substance can exhibit physiochemical and biological properties even far beyond Avogadro’s limit defying conventional wisdom. They can show hormesis and homeopathy uses them as medicine. Many studies confirm that they can have an impact on gene expression differently than controls.

The Nanoparticle-Exclusion Zone Shell Model may be an important step toward explaining the nature and bioactivity of serially diluted succussed solutions used as homeopathic medicines. This model may also provide insight into the workings of hormesis.

Hormesis is the primary phenomenon through which homeopathic phenomenon may have evolved exhibiting the principle of similars. Hahnemann exploited it to establish homeopathy.

The nanoparticle-exclusion zone shells present in the remedy, selected on the principle of similars, can be patient-specific nanoparticles in a symptom syndrome-specific manner. They can carry the drug-specific information for safer clinical applications in an amplified form for high yielding. It suggests homeopathy is a type of nanopharmacology.

“Since the homeopathic drugs are very highly diluted, they are non-toxic and could be used as nanomedicines for personalized treatment that depends on the individual genome.”

Homeopathic Medicines are derived from sources like plants, minerals, chemicals, nosode and sarcodes.

Nosodes are a specific category of homeopathic treatment derived from an element of a disease or from diseased tissue, defined as “a homeopathically prepared remedy made from an infectious disease product either directly from the bacteria or virus, or less directly from a tissue purported to contain it”. The preparation of a nosode involves a succession of serial dilutions of biological material, usually by factors of 100, which is then administered to prevent or treat a health disorder.

“Sarcodes are homeopathic drugs prepared from healthy animal tissues and secretions that in crude form contain biological molecules having specific physiological functions in the human organism”

“sarcodes contains information of biological structure of an organ and by resonating the organ substance energetically its natural healing energy is stimulated. Thus removing toxins and optimizing organ function.”

Sarcodes utilize mRNA to regulate and correct the function of organs and bodily systems on a cellular level. The use of sarcodes transfers genetic information from the cell nucleus to ribosomes in the cytoplasm, where it serves as a template for protein synthesis. The main requirement for the successful use of these medicines is an understanding of the pathology involved in the disease being addressed.


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Dr S Nandha Gopal
PG Scholar Part 1
Department of Materia Medica
Father Muller Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Mangalore, Karnataka, India.

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