Homoeopathy Quantum Science and healing power of Nanoscience

Dr Nicky Seth

From scam, quackery, pseudoscience to fraud, we have heard it all!! Homoeopathy has been subjected to immense criticism even after repeated trails, researches and treatment results in not only acute cases but also in complicated cases of cancer, renal failure, thyroid disorder, psychiatric ailments, diabetes and what not. One of the reasons behind this can be the lack of Materialism or material evidence in Homoeopathic medications and treatment. But it is really true that Homoeopathic medications are completely devoid of any material doses of the source drug?

The answer to this is NO. This is because the process by which homoeopathic medications are prepared and the sphere of action in the body can be clearly explained with the help of Quantum Nanoscience. Homoeopathic science and principles can be understood with the help of few theories of Quantum physics which emerged as a new scientific standard and model of understanding of reality. Also, there are multiple studies and clinical researches that deal with the physiochemical properties of Homoeopathic drugs.

We all know that living systems are basically open systems which maintain continuous exchange of energy and matter with the environment. At any given point of time, there are interactions of billions of different biological components at different levels in the atmosphere. These interactions and the transfer of energy occurring between innumerable organic and inorganic elements form the basis of a Homoeopathic medicinal preparation and a Homoeopathic prescription.

The preparation of a Homoeopathic medicine undergoes a process of progressive dilution called Potentization (Triturition and Succusion). In the process of Triturition, the nanoparticles of the source drugs can be produced. These nanoparticles stay even after repeated dilutions. On the other hand, succusion helps in providing energy to the system. These two processes help in activating inert medicinal properties of a crude substance (i.e. a substance from which the medicine is prepared).

Homoeopathy is based upon the following principles:

  1. Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) and Quantum Coherence.
  2. Entropy and the Concept of Vital force.
  3. The Resonance theory.
  4. The law of conservation of Energy – i.e., `Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form into another. `
  5. The Substantialism school of philosophy

Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the motion and interaction of electromagnetic forces. It deals with the attraction and repulsion between charged particles. According to the quantum theory, the electromagnetic force is not mediated by fields but rather by interaction between virtual photons. This theory helps us to explain a phenomenon occurring at an atomic and even sub atomic levels. It is with the help of this theory that we can understand how homoeopathic medicines act inside the human body and lead to cure and recovery.

The second concept in this theory is the existence of quantum coherence in all living cells. Quantum coherence is the ability of a quantum system to demonstrate interface (interface is the net effect of two or more waves with same frequency or the phenomena of interaction between the waves). This coherence is an inherent property of all living cells.

Entropy is defined as the measure of disorder or randomness. This clearly means that more entropy means more disorder. So, a positive entropy means an increase in disorder and a negative entropy means a decrease in disorder. Survival of a living organism is based on a process known as negative entropy (P.s. negative entropy means an ordered state). So, when a system has enough negative entropy, it can maintain an order and remain in a state of balance/state of ease. When this synergistic and collaborative work of bio photons is disturbed due to any reason, the state of coherence in a living cell is lost and then the biological system enters into a positive entropy state.

The Resonance theory states that 2 objects will naturally resonate with one another if they have the same frequency or vibrations. This forms the basis of the concept of Similimum remedy in Homoeopathy., i.e., Like cures like (Similia Similibus Cure

The human body consists of various elements like Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Sodium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Chlorine, Potassium, Calcium and also some of the trace elements like Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum and Zinc. These elements inside an organism are constituted of fields of force. This means that when the body of an organism is observed interacting with the environment, we can see different spins of electrons by these different elements in the body. Whenever there is any functional or structural pathology, these fields of force (Electromagnetic forces) change since there is a disturbance in the spins of the electrons. This leads to an imbalance in the organised structure of the vital force. It is during this state when the body enters into positive entropy (Disease/Disordered state).

All these processes are dynamic, and therefore its reset can take place ONLY when a dynamic medicine interferes with this positive entropy state. When an agent SIMILAR TO THE DISTURBED ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS OF FORCE enters the system, it creates similar vibrations or frequency and this results in Resonance.

Under the influence of this resonance, the Vital force gets its signal to reactivate itself and maintain the harmony of the system by readjusting the natural spins of electrons.

Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can be transformed from one form to another.

Biological systems remain in a state of non-equilibrium which leads to long range coherence in them. These containing bio-photons carry information within and between cellular systems which obviously cannot be observed via regular electron microscopes. So, the emission of biophotons occurs from these non-linear coherent interactions between weak radiation and biomolecules thus proving the transfer of information through channels.

This transfer of energy/information is a continuous process, i.e., from the original crude substance of the drug, to the process of potentization (Succusion and trituritions), their preservation followed by consumption as a medicine by a living organism. The energy is thus conserved and is continually transformed from one form to another.

The Homoeopathic source drug carries the imprint of the characteristics of the original drug substance even after repeated Dilutions. The energy is therefore contained in these nanoparticles which when dispensed in water, it leads to the transfer of information from the substance to the water solution. Water holds it as a memory and when the medicine is being consumed, it can produce a very powerful action after being absorbed by the sentient nerves in the human body; thereby causing shift from the disordered to the ordered state.

Homoeopathy is based upon a school of philosophy known as Substantialism. So, quoting these important lines from `THE GENIUS OF HOMOEOPATHY LECTURES AND ESSAYS ON HOMOEOPATHIC PHILOSOPHY BY Dr STUART M. CLOSE, CHAPTER 3 – `Within every living creature, there exists a vital and mental organism, the (invisible) counterpart of the physical structure which is the source of all vital and physiological phenomena. All things in nature, including the so-called principles or forces of nature or the atoms of corporeal bodies are substantial entities. Therefore, everything in nature cannot be merely reduced into a tangible form (as believed in the Materialistic theory/Newtonian Physics). For example, the wave theory, the gravitational effect, the magnetic energy, the heat and light energy and also the human mind, are all present, but they are not necessarily present in tangible forms; they are substantial entities.

Ever thought how can a person experience ill-health even after having normal vitals and completely normal pathological reports?

Ever thought how does a person narrate so many symptoms of their disease inspite of having no structural or functional abnormality in their laboratory reports?

Or have you even seen a patient happy with their overall well-being after the consumption of homoeopathic medication even without having any change in their lab reports?

The answer to this is the dynamic and immaterial quality of the vital force and the Homoeopathic drug. There is always a cause when we observe an effect.

Homoeopathy is based on quantum nanoscience. Therefore, the sphere of action and the physiochemical constituents of Homoeopathic drugs cannot be explained using the theory of Newtonian Physics which requires every phenomenon to be explained by experimentation and observation.

No wonder Homoeopathy has remained a subject of debate since the day it was discovered. But it has proved its efficacy in every trials, clinical research and case reports from the homeopathic physicians across the entire world. QED, Quantum coherence, Resonance theory and the Concept of Entropy and the Vital force clearly are proof that the Homoeopathic Art of Medicine is purely scientific, rational, and is completely based upon facts. Also, Substantial and Immaterial things do exist even if we cannot measure it.

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