Singapore Faculty of Homeopathy Seminar 2007

A journey of learning, inspiration and love
Report on the 7th International & 27th National Conference on Homeopathy and Complementary Medicine

Presided by Her Royal Highness Permaisuri Siti Aishah Bt. Dato Seri Abdul Rahman
Organized jointly by the Malaysian Homeopathic Medical Practitioner Association (MRHP), Persatuan Iktisad Homeopathy Malaysia (POLYCREST) The faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia (FAHOM) and Singapore Faculty of Homeopathy (SIFOH)
Sponsored by Masood Homeopathic Stores and Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan
Chaired by Prof Dr Nik Omar bin Hj Nik Daud
1-3 September 2006, Genting Highlands, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

1. The Journey
The Singapore team, comprising 19 practitioners and 6 accompanying family members set out from Singapore in the early hours of September 1, 2006 by various means, by coach, by plane and by car, but all to the one and same destination, Genting Highlands. For many of us, it was a first experience in an international homeopathic conference with many homeopathic masters and real practicing doctors. For once, we would be seeing more of, and different “Dr Rangacharis”, who till now, is our one and only Homeopathic master. In our hearts there was hunger to learn and grow in homeopathy. Little did we know that this would turn out to be more than just a journey of learning, but more so, one of inspiration and love.

Arriving at the conference hotel past 3pm, we were pleasantly surprised at the efficiency and simplicity of the check-in process, very ably handled by Dr Nik Omar himself and his team. Each armed with our conference kit and bags, we set out to our rooms and thereafter to a hearty local Malaysian lunch.

Being in the midst of a large and inviting shopping mall and with the majority of us being of the female gender, the next course of action was obvious. No need for consensus, it was obviously time to shop, shop and shop. After 3 hours of enriching the Malaysian economy, and with aching legs, we settled down to a relaxing dose of foot reflexology which calmed the nerves and added to the joy of a day well spent. Somehow the pains from the long journey just vanished magically.

By evening, it was time to gather in Dr Rangachari’s room and in very organized Singaporean style, to get a briefing for the next day. Aunty (Mrs Rangachari) had arranged for dinner for all and made sure everyone had a chance to eat his/her fill before a good nights sleep. It felt like being at home with love and warmth of family.

After dinner, the more energetic amongst us ventured out to the conference hall, to as they say, “check it out” and to do a dry run of the Singapore presentations. Along the way, we were pleasantly surprised to meet Dr Dhole who started the journey of inspiration by expounding on various aspects of homeopathy. His words flowed like music to the ears. Mesmerised by the depth and complexity of the discussion, we were finally led back to the basics – the simple principles of Homeopathy. So complex and yet so simple.

2. The Conference – Day 1
The Singapore Team in full force.
The Singapore team sat together in full force with pride and enthusiasm. The programme started with the reading of the Quran and the solicitation of blessing from the Almighty Allah.

Address by Prof Nik Omar
Prof Nik Omar, gave the opening address and welcomed all the participants from over twenty-seven nations. He highlighted that Homeopathy had grown from its infant state in Malaysia and was now a major challenging force to modern medicine. The number of homeopaths had grown from a mere handful to over 2000 today. Much of this growth was possible with the support from countries like India and Pakistan.

Prof Nik Omar also highlighted that the Ministry of Health supports the development of Homeopathy and he gave credit to the Homeopathy Faculty of Malaysia for successfully persuading over 6 staff from the Ministry of Health to attend a short course on the principals and practice of Homeopathy. This gave them a deeper understanding of the science. He also highlighted that the Malaysian Medical Act sanctioned the practice of Homeopathy since 1971, and that homeopaths were free to practice in the whole of Malaysia. From a national perspective, Homeopathy could eliminate the need for diagnostic tests and to some extent hospitalization.

He highlighted the work of the various organizations in Malaysia and their significant contributions to many countries around the world who had sought assistance from Malaysia. Homeopathy would open a whole new chapter of healthcare in Asia and that all homeopaths should come forth and seize the challenge.

Address by Dr A K Seth, Secretary General, AHML, India
Dr Seth praised Prof Nik Omar for organizing the international conference and for strengthening the roots of Homeopathy. He said he was especially happy as he had a chance to reconnect with old friends and make new ones at the conference and encouraged all to do the same.

Dr Seth highlighted the shortcoming of allopathic medicine, citing the creation of disease resistant conditions (e.g. through the use of antibiotics) and the high cost of medicine with no total cure. Homeopathy as a science was complete and provided man with total healthcare. He felt it is the responsibility of all homeopaths to strengthen their roots and prove themselves worthy of this science in order for all to have a brighter future.

Address by Dr M A Rangachari, Founder and Principal, Singapore Faculty of Homeopathy
Dr Rangachari congratulated Prof Nik Omar for his stalwart leadership and said that his efforts had provided great impetus for the growth of Homeopathy in Singapore and the region. He also shared the common goal of serving humanity through Homeopathy and highlighted the many activities that were being undertaken by the Faculty of Homeopathy Singapore for the benefit of the less privileged and ill in Singapore. He also extended a personal invitation to all present to the next international homeopathy conference to be held in Singapore in April 2007. All interested to participate are to get in touch with Dr Rangachari via email at .

Address by Dr B S Chandhok, Chief Medical Officer of Punjab
Dr Chandok congratulated Prof Nik Omar for having made Malaysia the most progressive country in terms of adoption of homeopathy in the region and also in the world. He highlighted that creating 2000 homeopaths in 30 years was a great feat, and added that he was most impressed with his interactions with the Malaysian students of homeopathy. He felt they were by far the most diligent and inquisitive students that we had met and said that homeopathy in Malaysia had a great future.

Official Opening of the Conference by Her Royal Highness, Permaisuri Siti Aishah Bt. Dato Seri Abdul Rahman
Her Royal Highness warmly welcomed all the delegates and was grateful to note that Malaysia had been given the honour to host a reputable international conference on complementary medicine. She encouraged all to forge ahead to discuss the future direction of Homeopathy and complementary medicine and urged the group to look forward to improving the standard of healthcare amongst the population and complementing efforts made by the Government.

Convocation of the Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia and Awards Ceremony
The following certificates were presented for the convocation:
Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine (2 years study with thesis presentation )
Bachelors in Homeopathic Medicine (4 years full-time study with thesis presentation)
MB (Homeopathy) ( More than 1 year practice after completing BHMS with thesis presentation)
Masters in Acupuncture (2 years course)

Awards were presented for the following contributions :
Development of Homeopathy in Malaysia ( Practicing homeopaths with more than 20 years membership with the Faculty of Homeopathy in Malaysia)
Development of Homeopathy in Malaysia (Practicing homeopaths with more than 10 years membership with the Faculty of Homeopathy in Malaysia)
Professorship in Homeopathy
Hwang Ti Yellow Emperor Award
We were proud to have Dr M A Rangachari as one of the recipients of this prestigious award.
Country Awards
Development of Homeopathy in Asia , to Prof Nik Omar
Honorary Doctorate in Homeopathy, to Her Royal Highness

Photo with Her Royal Highness
At the conclusion of the convocation ceremony, Her Royal Highness was gracious and kind to have accorded all the foreign delegates a photo opportunity. This moment would remain precious in the hearts of all who were present.

Presentation of Scientific Papers – Day 1
The following papers were presented. Please refer to the conference material provided for further details. Highlights of some of these papers are presented in section 4 of this report.

1. Contribution of Homeopathy to Modern Surgical Oncology by Dr Alok Pareek, India
2. Prescribing the Homeopathic Way by Dr A K Seth, India
3. Chronic fatigue Syndrome by Sandeep Kaila, India
4. The Logic of Understanding Homeopathic Therapeutics by Dr Udachankar, India
5. An Ultrasound based Clinical Study of Benign Enlargement of Prostrate in response to Homeopathic Treatment by Dr Praveen Sawhney, India
6. The Effect of Homeopathic Drugs on the Eating Behaviours of Children by Dr Mahmoudian A. , Iran
7. Homeopathic Medicine : Role of Transactional Analysis in enhancing Efficacy of Homeopaths by Dr Mrs Sapna Gupta, India
8. Homeopathy : A Surgeon without Knife by Dr K M Nisanth Nambison, India
9. Role of CAM as part of A Self Management Strategy by Sufferers of Fibromalgia, a UK based study, by Dr Hardy Pickering Robert, UK
10. School of Research and Training by Dr S H Dhole, India
11. Ovarian Cysts with Homeopathic Treatment by Dr Harshal Anaokar, Singapore
12. Ethical Case Taking in Homeopathy by B S Chandhok, India

Dr Harshal’s Presentation
Dr Harshal did the Singapore Faculty of Homeopathy proud with her sharp and precise presentation on the treatment of Ovarian Cysts with Homeopathy. The 2 case studies presented clearly reflected Homeopathy as a “very effective cure and a great alternative to surgery”. Although young in comparison to the other speakers Dr Harshal stood in confidence and stood as a shining example of the new generation of homeopaths.

Dr Harshal, representing the Singapore Faculty of Homeopathy. Like our Faculty, she was strong in both, substance and form.
Rekindling of Inspiration and Love for Homeopathy
In our heads, the journey of learning had advanced significantly, but more importantly, in our hearts we felt a deep sense of satisfaction. It was as if the light of inspiration and love for homeopathy had descended upon us.
Charged with renewed energy, we ventured out to seek the gifts of Genting Highlands, before settling down to a good nights sleep.

3. The Conference – Day 2
Day 2 of the conference started with none other than the charismatic Dr Alok Pareek who charmed the audience with a dose of homeopathic humour while the technical crew worked hard to resolve a glitch in the equipment.

Dr Rohini’s Presentation
The day started with none other than our very own Dr Rohini presenting her case of ulcer. Being the youngest presenter in the entire conference was no barrier to this bright, confident homeopath. She charmed the audience with a case study of a severe case of ulcer which she had cured with success. The audience responded with enthusiasm when she asked them to guess the correct remedy.

Presentation of Scientific Papers – Day 2
The following papers were presented. Please refer to the conference material provided for further details. Highlights of some of these papers are presented in section 4 of this report.

1. A Case of Ulcer by Dr Rohini Warungse, Singapore
2. Biological Multi-Therapy of Tumour by Prof Dott Domenico, Italy
3. Role of Homeopathy in Infertility by Dr Rashme Pande, Singapore
4. Homeopathy & Computer Science by Dr Jawahar Shah, India
5. Veterinary Homeopathy : New Potentials of the Alternative Medicine by Dr Surjit Singh Makker, India
6. Hypouricemia Effect of Polyphenois From Pistacia Integerrima Galls in Mice by Dr (Col) Naseem Ahmad Saud, Pakistan.
7. Mind Body and Homeopathy by Dr Jatin Shah

Dr Rashmi’s Presentation
Dr Rashmi stood with all her might and declared that Homeopathy could indeed be the first line of treatment for infertility. Her conviction in homeopathy and her own successful experiences in curing infertility came rushing through the audience, as a strong current washing away any doubts that anyone might have had. She stood confidently in her beautiful sari, extolling the strength of herself as a woman and the passion of her heart, the science of Homeopathy. Slowly but surely she unfolded her case study of infertility, leaving no doubt in anyone’s mind, that homeopathy could be a sure cure.

Dr Rangachari bid the entire delegates farewell on behalf of the Singapore, Faculty of Homeopathy. He said he was very proud of the 3 Singapore homeopaths who had given excellent presentations. In his natural warm and vivacious manner, he bid thanks to all and extended once again, a personal invitation for the upcoming international homeopathy conference to be held in Singapore in April 2007.

With a Heart Full of Gratefulness
We would like to thank Prof Nik Omar and his team for organizing such a wonderful conference and for making such a significant contribution to the progress of homeopathy in this region. With renewed knowledge, inspiration and love, we, the Singapore Faculty of Homeopathy, are ready to receive one and all for another journey of transformational healing in homeopathy. Please contact Dr Rangachari or the conference secretariat at  . We look forward to serving you.

4. Highlights of Scientific Papers
Contribution of Homeopathy to Modern Surgical Oncology by Dr Alok Pareek, India
Dr Pareek shared his study of over 60 patients, treated with homeopathy instead of other post-cancer surgery treatments like chemotherapy and radio-therapy. Majority of the cases were symptomatically free, mentally cheerful and showed no clinical or investigative sign of local or metastasis recurrence after 4 years of homeopathic treatment. The study concluded that Homeopathy is a very positive alternative to conventional post-cancer surgery treatments.

Typical Picture of Cancer Patient
o Internalise cares
o Caring introverts
o Prefer to suffer in silence [Nat mur, aurum met, igantia, puls]
o Bear burdens without complaints [ staph]
o Take others problems
o Little time for themselves
o Intelligent and hardworking
o Events remembered at sub-conscious level
o Melancholic women (most likely to develop cancer)
o Need emotional outlet

Prescribing the Homeopathic Way by  Dr.A.K.Seth, India
Every patient has many layers of pathology and there is a need to deal with each layer. Proper constitutional prescribing taking into account totality can deal with the deepest layers. Even then only superficial layer is apparent. Some pathology remains in constitutional layers for life and are only brought to surface in traumatic conditions.

Case : Female , 42 year with cancer of throat. PH: chronic sinusitis and leucorrhea. Patient not worried about death, but worried about cost of treatment and how her hard-earned money will fizzle out. No one helped her with money and she felt resentful that she was not able to spend the money for her own enjoyment.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Sandeep Kaila, India
Etiology: No known cause, difficult to diagnose. Viral, immunologic disturbance, abnormalities in endocrine, psychiatric disorders.

Diagnostic Criteria : 1) severe chronic fatigue for more than 6 months with no other known medical conditions excluded by clinical diagnosis and 2) four or more of the following symptoms : impairment in short term memory, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, muscle pain, multi-joint pain with swelling or redness, headaches of a new type, patterns or severity, un-refreshing sleep.
Rx: Constitutional remedy.

Homeopathy : A Surgeon without Knife by Dr K M Nisanth Nambison, India
Dr Nisanth introduced a revolutionary concept in treating chronic disease, that is, with the use of a homeopathic anti-oxidant in combination with the administration of a deep acting anti-miasmatic remedy. He cited the case of Hepato-Cellular Carcinoma which was treated with Lycopodium ( deep acting anti-psoric) and Cardus Marianus Q [Hepatic anti-oxidant]. Over the years, Carduus Mar Q has been used as a homeopathic hepatic tonic, but only in recent years it has become evident that two of its major components protect the liver from free radical induced oxidative damage. Other remedies that can be used in the same manner as a homeopathic anti-oxidant include : Agaricus[cerebro vascular], Calendula [Local and system anti-oxidant], Capsicum, Fucus, Cuprum Met, Silymarin and Silybin [inhibits lipid peroxidation].

Ovarian Cysts with Homeopathic Treatment by Dr Harshal Anaokar, Singapore
Case : Female patient 42 year old
o Came with the chief complaint of excruciating pain in right abdomen, since the last 5 days, pain radiating towards the right thigh, pain aggravated with least motion or pressure
o LMP two months ago
o USG shows multiple cysts in the right ovary
o Operated on for left ovarian cysts 3 years ago
o Menses usually profuse with severe pain before menstruation and better after the flow starts
o Associated symptom : Severe throbbing headache
o Diagnosis : Right Ovarian Neuralgia

Ethical Case Taking in Homeopathy by B S Chandhok, India
“ A good doctor can make the patient laugh and cry in the first meeting “.

o Important observations : How he speaks , how he dresses [expressive/not expressive], innate characteristics
o Innate Characteristics
o Will [e.g. strong or weak willed, positive or negative, courageous or coward]
o Morals [e.g. diligence]
o Intellect
o Natural Traits (non-diseased state)
o Emotions (diseased state)
o Sensitivity
o Attachments
o Energy/Activity level (important for acute cases)
o Speech
o Thermals
o Case Taking
o Note down observations and statements.
o Do not interrupt. See how he is narrating the complaints
§ Sepia, Puls, Nux V – constantly talking of their coughs
§ Arg Nit – sits in FRONT of the doctor and challenges him
o Past History : traumas or past traumas
o Family History :
o Personal History and Mentals (FEEL the patient)

o Tips for Beginners
§ Impress upon the patient on the need to open up. For this explain what is homeopathy (prepare 1-2 page brochure)
§ Give him the background and likely course of action
§ Very important to imbibe : confidence, confidentiality, hope and finally faith in the patient
§ We need to be friendly and trust he science
§ Positive inter-communication stimulates the vital force

“You die the day you stop being a student “.

Role of Homeopathy in Infertility by Dr Rashme Pande, Singapore
Case : A 35 year old lady, with primary infertility. Patient came alone for the consultation. Patient married for 5 years, late marriage. Had h/o tumor over right ovary and the left fallopian tube completely blocked. Her tumor was operated. She had migraine and irregular periods. She was sad and cried saying that her husband is also tired of her headaches.

Veterinary Homeopathy : New Potentials of the Alternative Medicine by Dr Surjit Singh Makker, India
o Human remedies are used in the same way for animals. Case history is taken from owner. Medicines are administered in tablets or drops or mixed with mild foodstuff.
o In selecting the remedy one has to be conscious of habits of animals and not consider some of these characteristics as being peculiar, e.g. Horses sleep on their feaces, or dogs coughing after drinking.
o Homeopathy has been proven efficacious for cows, horses, dogs and cats.
o Other references :,

Singapore Representative for British Institute of Homeopathy, London
ACRA, Singapore Regn. No. 53029483D
04-44, Serangoon Plaza, 320, Serangoon Road, Singapore 218108
Tel: 62994502 & HP 98523327
Email: “


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