Review on Cushing’s Leucorrhea: A Woman’s Companion for Reproductive Health

Dr Jaimin Chotaliya
Dr Jalpa Atri

Abstract: Health of Women is one of the major concerns at global level. Many international and national organizations putting efforts in persistent manner to improve quality of health in this gender group. Homoeopathy being a healing science is giving significant contribution for betterment of women’s health. Success of Homoeopathy in this field powered by its precious literatures containing rich experiences and valuable comments of Homoeopathic Pioneers. Among those precious literatures, Cushing’s Leucorrhoea is one of the important gems that helps physician to handle cases related to Leucorrhoea in female. So, let’s take a look over its data in order to expand its utility among Homoeopathic fraternity.

Keywords:  Dr. Cushing, Female, Homoeopathic Management, Leucorrhoea

Homoeopathic literature specially on females carries an important place as it is not only describing the management of female disorders but explains importance of healthy reproductive system in general health of females. Alterations at another system/ organs during reproductive pathology reflects general state of disease in women which must be grasped by Homoeopaths in order to achieve goal of holistic cure.

In Homoeopathic literatures, Symptoms that seems to appear along with chief complaints and find their origin from a different system/ organ having a special place in Homoeopathic Case taking. These are the symptoms known as Concomitant which manifest individuality of case. Homoeopathic prescriptions based on these Concomitant symptoms have a high likelihood to bring holistic cure in cases.

This book named “ Leucorrhoea, its Concomitant Symptoms, and its Homoeopathic treatment” describes not only various manifestation related to leucorrhoea but also its impact on another system in form of concomitant symptoms along with its treatment. Understanding of this aspect of leucorrhoea on general health of female will give many insights in management of leucorrhoea cases.

Plan & Construction
In order to utilize this book in managing cases of leucorrhoea in day-to-day practice, one must be acquainted with its plan & construction for better utilization.

  • Author’s Name- A. M. Cushing (Alvin Matthew)
  • Editions – 2 editions (1st edition in 1872, 2nd edition in 1882)
  • This book contains mainly following parts-
  • Materia Medica is followed by Index.
  • Index was divided into 4 sections
  • Leucorrhoea, Menses, Urine, Stool, Mind (in 2nd edition)
  • Each section was presented with Alphabetical Manner in terms of rubrics, Sub-rubrics and List of medicines.
  • Some Important Rubrics, Sub-rubrics and Medicines were presented in Italics typography.
  • Cross references were presented with pre fix- “See”
  • First edition-1872

Publishers- LYNN, Mass, Thos. P. Nichols, Printer, No. 24 Market Street

In first edition, introductory section is followed by Materia Medica part.

Introduction was written by Dr. A. M. Cushing where he said this book compiles all his 16 years’ experience and also encourage one to use high potency if low doesn’t work. One of the important messages from him i.e. Study, learn, Prescribe.

He also mentioned about blank space that could be used to make addition by new generation in Homoeopathic Field with their own experience.

In first edition total no. of medicine- 107 medicines

Second edition 1882

Publishers- Alfred Mudge & Son, Printers, 34 School Street

In this edition, introductory section of first edition remains same but preface to second edition was added by Author.

Here author mentioned about popularity of previous edition and this edition was a fruit of his 26 years of experience.

His understanding about leucorrhoea and its impact on body help us to get insights regarding lecorrhoea at larger extent. He said, “Firmly believing that many cases of insanity or death, some by suicide, have been caused by the unwise and unscientific treatment of leucorrhea, and satisfied that the internal administration of remedies, homoeopathically indicated, is safer, surer, and more speedy, gives me courage to issue it at a time when the tendency to a different method of treatment seems to have the ascendency. Select the right remedy, and in some attenuation it will cure.

In second edition, total no. of medicines-172 Medicines

Merits and Demerits-

  • This book contains not only symptomatology related to leucorrhoea but presence of concomitant symptoms helps us to understand the holistic approach of case where leucorrhoea is presenting as a chief symptom of case.
  • Index part of this book presented with different types of bodily discharge with its various manifestations in presentation opens a broad scope to select a suitable rubric for case.
  • Addition of many new remedies in 2nd edition shows author’s vast experience with lesser-known medicines. E.x. Nympha odorata, Vosla, Nabulus etc.
  • Presence of Mind symptoms along with other female genital related symptomatology help us to understand the concept of author about psychosomatic relationship between mind and Leucorrhoea
  • Symptoms that manifesting constitution were also mention by author in this book. Ex. Suitable to tall, slender, “Phthisical” patient under Phosphorus.
  • Some exclusive symptoms like Cramps of pregnant females, milky leucorrhoea in paroxysms with cutting pain in the umbilical region makes this book invaluable treasure to explore symptomatology related to female genital system.
  • Useful for the cases with menstrual troubles or other complaints related to female genital system as this book contains broad representation of symptomatology related to female genital symptoms


  • Some symptoms presented with italics typography without any specification about its significance. (reference with other books of that era suggests its important ones for prescribing)
  • Some lesser-known medicines were mentioned but with few individualistic symptoms which needs to explore more at clinical site.

Character of Discharge provides insights regarding status of health. Character of Lecorrhoea gives idea about status of reproductive health. It helps us to diagnose a series of disease conditions regarding Reproductive system from inflammations(-itis) to carcinoma of tissues. This book conveys information regarding symptoms of reproductive health along with its impact on holistic health. So, to achieve goal of optimum health status of women with holistic approach this book may become as one of the important tools in path of healing.


  • Cushing A.M., Leucorrhoea its Concomitant Symptoms, and its Homoeopathic Treatment. 1st Edition,1872. LYNN, Mass, Thos. P. Nichols, Printer, No. 24 Market Street(retrieved from forgotten books)
  • Cushing A.M., Leucorrhoea its Concomitant Symptoms, and its Homoeopathic Treatment.2nd Edition,1882. Alfred Mudge & Son, Printers, 34 School Street (retrieved from welcome

Dr. Jaimin Chotaliya
Assistant Professor, Homoeopathic Repertory and Case taking
Government Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Dethali, Siddhpur, Patan- Gujarat

Dr. Jalpa Atri
Assistant Professor, Community Medicine
Government Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Dethali, Siddhpur, Patan- Gujarat

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