Effectiveness of homoeopathic medicine berberis vulgaris in treatment of urolithiasis in adults – case series

Dr Hirannmayee V


Background: The production of stones in the urinary tract, which includes the kidney, ureter, and bladder is known as urolithiasis. One of the most prevalent urological illnesses is kidney stones can occur at any point in the urinary tract, they are more commonly located in the kidney and ureter than in the bladder. Homeopathy is known to treat urolithiasis by its holistic approach with which it can relive the pain, dissolve the stone, and prevent recurrence and formation of urinary calculi.

Besides the constitutional treatment, appropriate homoeopathic organ specific medicines selected based on important particular symptoms can be effective. This method assumes that certain remedies have a special affinity for certain organs; there are patients whom it is desirable or necessary to treat specific organs or system in order that the whole person may be properly cured All the described 3 cases are treated with specific remedy Berberis Vulgaris and pain was assessed using VAS SCALE for Pain.

Case Summary –

Case 1- A male patient named Mr. XYZ aged 40yrs residing in Hunsur, Karnataka working as Utensil Vendor presented to the outpatient department of GHMC, Bangalore with pain in the right lumbar region with burning urination on and off since 6 months. Berberis Vulgaris was prescribed and  patient recovered during the course of treatment.

Case 2 A female patient named Miss XYZ aged 20yrs, unmarried residing in Shankar Mata, Bangalore, studying Diploma presented to the outpatient department of GHMC, Bangalore with pain in the right lumbar region radiating to inner thighs on and off since 7 months  .Berberis Vulgaris was prescribed and patient recovered during the course of treatment.

Case 3- A male patient named Mr. XYZ aged 29yrs residing Jalahalli, Bangalore working in a software company presented to the outpatient department of GHMC, Bangalore with pain in the Left lumbar region on and off since 1 and half years. Berberis Vulagaris was prescribed, and patient recovered during the course of treatment.

Key words – Homeopathy, Berberis Vulgaris.

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