Meniere’s disease –an overview of and its homoeopathic therapeutics

Dr Deekshitha P

ABSTRACT: Meniere’s disease is considered as an idiopathic syndrome, which is characterized by a triad of vertigo, deafness and tinnitus. Among these symptoms vertigo and tinnitus are the most bothering symptoms. As there is no permanent cure for Meniere’s disease in conventional system of medicine , Homeopathic system of medicine aids as a best alternative mode of treatment as it treats the severity of disease symptoms and also helps in the control of recurrence and progression of Meniere’s disease.

KEYWORD: Meniere’s disease, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Deafness, Homoeopathy


Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear, characterized by episodes of vertigo, fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus and aural fullness1. In the year of 1861 this disease condition was described by Meniere, a French physician hence it is named as Meniere’s disease.

There is excessive pressure and dilation of the endolymphatic system. So it is also known as endolymphatic hydrops. It damages the both vestibular and cochlear system.

The annual incidence of Meniere’s disease is 0.5 to 7.5 per 1000, onset is most frequently seen in the fifth decade of life and occurs more often in older, female patients2.

The exact etiology and pathology of the disease is not known. Histologically, it is found that there is degeneration of vestibular and cochlear hair cells due to distention of endolymphatic system. And also vasospasm, emotional factor, hormonal disturbances, family history, pre-existing autoimmune disorder, allergy and trauma to the head or ear are considered as risk factors for developing Meniere’s disease.


  • Vertigo-sudden attack, episodic, lasting up to 24 hrs.
  • Tinnitus-buzzing or roaring noises in the ear, present constantly or intermittently.
  • Aural fullness-Sensation of fullness or pressure in the ear.
  • Hearing loss-Typically low frequency unilateral sensorineural hearing impairment is seen.
  • Accompanying symptoms – Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, diaphoresis, gait unsteadiness, headache and anxiety.

Initial attack will be sudden onset of vertigo with absence of hearing loss and tinnitus. As the disease progresses the hearing impairment persist and gradually worsen and tinnitus may be constant3.


  • Clinical Evaluation
  • Audiogram and gadolinium- enhanced MRI to rule out other causes.



  • Smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided.
  • Dietary restriction of salt.

Medical (Conventional system)

  • Symptomatically relieved with antiemetic, antihistamines or benzodiazepines.
  • Diuretics help in reducing the tension of Endolymph.


  • Endolymphatic sac decompression
  • Vestibular neurectomy
  • Labyrinthectomy indicated in severe cases.



Vertigo with tendency to fall sideways < in afternoon. Vertigo associated with vomiting of bitter or salty substance. Tinnitus aggravates while swallowing and walking in open air.


Sudden onset or frequent attack of vertigo, it aggravates while sitting. Vertigo associated with headache and deafness. Indicated for tinnitus characterized by buzzing and singing noises in the ear like an Aeolian harp, it aggravates when walking in morning.


Key note of this remedy is paralysis – paralysis of single nerves or muscle .Sensation of fullness of ears especially in right ear. Rumbling , rolling sound in the ear. Words spoken and steps re-echo in the ear. Vertigo associated with weakness of head and anxiety .It aggravates during sleep, at night, while looking up and at menstruation.


It Acts on auditory nerve and indicated for aural vertigo. High pithed sounds are heard better. Progressive deafness for human voice but great sensitiveness to sound as of passing vehicle or distant sounds.


Deafness from concussion of brain at the region of auditory nerve. Hearing loss with violent headache. Noises or tinkling in the ear especially in left ear, sometime deafness may be experienced on same side. Vertigo – inability to remain standing, falling on the street and associated with tinnitus and twitching of eyelids.


Ringing in the ear with headache. External ear sensitive to touch .Dizziness when walking. Sensation as if brain were balancing to and fro and striking against head. Vertigo – falls backward < walking. Tinnitus followed by vertigo. Discharge from the ear which is offensive and bloody.


Throbbing, buzzing and ringing noise in the ear like boiling water .Extreme sensitiveness to noise.


Indicated for left side affection (left ear) .Dryness of the internal ear. Noises or cracking sound in the ear when eating and at night .Noises in ear characterized by singing , buzzing , rumbling like that  of thunder in the ears . Peculiar sensation seen in left ear that is Sensation as if air is filled in the Eustachian tube or sensation as if the ear were filled with water. Deafness with dryness of external and internal meatus .Hears better in a noisy area or when riding in a carriage. Vertigo < looking upward, reading and sewing. Tympanic membrane covered with white coating and sensation in right ear at every step as if valve closing or opening.


Tinnitus associated with headache < after cold milk. Stiches in ear from within outward. Excessive acuteness of hearing in evening and when lying down. Perspiration, backache and weakness is symptom triad of kali carb.


Whizzing in ear as from insect in ear. Hardness of hearing partially better by inserting finger in external meatus and shaking it. Vertigo with fainting, nausea and paleness of face. Vertigo aggravates while looking at one object, from walking and closing eyes.


Vertigo aggravates while kneeling. Sensation of heaviness of head and itching of scalp. Numbness of ear. Sudden attack of deafness after hearing unpleasant news, taking cold and removal of wisdom tooth. Feeling of distention in middle ear. Hearing impaired and buzzing sound in right ear. Indicated for nervous deafness.


It acts on internal ear producing vertigo, tinnitus of low tone and conductive hearing loss. Persistent giddiness or vertigo, it aggravates on rising from lying and


Noises in ear unbearable as if several people talking together. Vertigo on rising as if intoxicated. Dry or chronic Eustachian catarrh causes roaring, whizzing sound in the ears. Hearing impaired in old people. Excessive secretion of cerumen.


It irritates and inflames the spinal cord and nerves causing paralysis. Noises in ears characterized by ringing and roaring in nature, it is associated with severe vertigo and fainting spell. Vertigo of aged people worse after rising. Hearing impairment for human voices and after typhoid fever.


Vertigo in mild form associated with confusion of mind and intense nausea. Vertigo –tendency to fall towards left side. Tinnitus due to hyperemia or rush of blood in vessels. Noises in the ears like buzzing of a swarm of bees or of flies in the open air when there is great stillness. Nervous deafness with roaring in the ears.


Best suited remedy for paralysis of auditory nerves. Obstruction of ear or sensation of fullness of ear which is better when blowing the nose. Vertigo from looking up or lying on left side and it better by wrapping up of head warmly. Tinkling clucking and noises in the ears like fluttering of a bird. Hardness of hearing aggravated during full moon. Hearing impaired especially for human voice. Deafness alternates with extreme sensitiveness to noise.

Meniere’s disease affects the individuals social life and productivity, overall it affect the quality of life of the person. Homeopathy is a holistic and effective system of medicine. As such there is no cure or permanent treatment for Meniere’s disease in conventional system of medicine, homoeopathy will be the best alternative medicine to improve health without causing any adverse effect.


  1. Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine.
  2. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine.
  3. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy.
  4. Ear, Nose, Throat trouble cured with homoeopathy –Dr. P Sivaraman
  5. A short text book of E.N.T Disease-K B Bhargava , S K Bhargav, T M Shah
  6. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica with Indian Medicines and Repertory-William Boericke.
  7. The Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica –J H Clarke.
  8. Materia Medica of Homoeopathic Medicines – Dr SR Phatak

PG Part I, Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
Under the guidance of Dr. Ashok Kumar Dantkale
Professor and PG guide, Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica,
Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore.

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