Unleashing the therapeutic potential of allium sativum – a homoeopathic approach

Dr Karthik K.S

Garlic is a vegetable that belongs to Allium Class. The name Garlic is of old English origin, being derived from “gar” [a spear] and “leek” in reference to the shape of its leaves . Sativum means ‘cultivated. Sulfur containing compounds contribute to garlic’s strong flavor and smell. All members of the Liliaceae family, especially onion and garlic, store organic sulfur in their bulbs. Garlic promotes the wellbeing of the heart and helps to maintain healthy blood circulation. Garlic’s constituents include vitamins A, B and C, manganese, salicylic acid, iodine, selenium [high concentrations], and hormonal substances. It reduces cholesterol, helps circulatory disorders, such as high blood pressure, and lowers blood sugar levels, making it is a useful dietary addition in late-onset diabetes. Garlic has demonstrated significant antifungal activity in many in vitro and in vivo studies. From a clinical perspective, its inhibition of Candida albicans and studies have shown garlic to be more potent than nystatin, gentian violet, and six other reputed antifungal agents.Human studies showing garlic’s immune-enhancing and anticancer effects are largely based on population studies. From these studies it appears that there is an inverse relationship between cancer rates and garlic consumption; that is, cancer rates are lowest where garlic consumption is greatest.This article is an attempt to study the drug picture of Allium sativum and its therapeutic utility in clinical practice.

Keywords – Allium sativum, Homoeopathy, Allicin, Metabolic syndrome, Garlic, Liliaceae family

  • Common name: Garlic
  • Family : Liliaceae
  • Preparation: Tincture of fresh bulb
  • Major garlic growing countries – USA, Egypt, China, Korea, India
  • Chemical constituent: Allicin


  • Immunomodulating
  • Antiviral:In vitro studies reported antiviral properties against influenza A and B,Cytomegalovirus,Rhinovirus,HIV,Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2,Viral pneumonia and Rotavirus.
  • Antibacterial:Effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Multi-drug resistsance tuberculosis.Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
  • Antifungal:Many fungi are sensitive to allicin,including Candida,Torulopsis,Trichophyton,Cryptococcus ,Aspergillus.
  • Antiprotozoal:Effective against a host of protozoa including candida albicans.
  • Anticholesterol:It lowers Low density lipids
  • Antidiabetic:It is effective in reduction of blood glucose levels.
    Constitution: It is suited to fleshy people and those used to high livers,great deal more than they drink.  Meat-eaters, with dyspepsia and catarrhal affections
  • Traditional use:Native land of garlic is Middle Asia.In ancient Indian medicine it was a valuable remedy used as a tonic,roborons,cough,skin disease,rheumatism,weakness,lack of appetite.In the Vedas garlic is mentioned among other medicinal plants
  • Ailments from: drinking bad water, Complaints from least change of diet, gluttony.

Sphere of action:

GIT: Acts directly on the intestinal mucous membrane increasing peristalsis.Colitis with pathological flora

Circulatory system:Has vaso-dilatory properties.Arterial hypotension begins usually in 30 to 45 minutes after twenty to forty drop doses of the tincture.


  • Weeping during sleep.
  • Fears he will never get well; fears he cannot bear any medicine; fear of being poisoned
  • Sensitive, impatient
  • Impulse to run away


  • HEAD – Heavy; pulsation in temples; catarrhal deafness. Vertigo while reading . Dandruff
  • EARS – Hardened ear-wax and crusts
  • MOUTH – Much sweetish saliva after meals and at night. Sensation of a hair on tongue face or throat. Extreme thirst.
  • STOMACH- Desire for butter. Voracious appetite . Burning eructations   least change in diet causes trouble. Chronic dyspepsia of meat-eaters
  • RESPIRATORY SYSTEM – Constant rattling of mucus in bronchi.Cough in morning after leaving bedroom, with                                       expectoration, which is tenacious and difficult to raise.Sensitive to cold air.Bronchiectasis  with fetid expectoration, darting pain in chest .Pulmonary tuberculosis, hemoptysis
  • EXTREMITIES -Pain in hips; pain in psoas and iliacus muscles.Legs do not grow as rapidly as rest of body .Rheumatism of hips aggravation crossing legs.
  • FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS -Swelling of breasts after weaning. Eruption in vagina and on breasts and vulva during menses.Itching of vagina during pregnancy [Calad.]

WORSE – change of temperature, Cold wet weather, evening and at night, walking, drinking bad water, gluttony, After eating, pressure
BETTER – sitting bent and pressing  with both hands


Catarrhs,Colic ,Cough Dandruff, Hairfall ,Diabetes, Dyspepsia, Hypertension, Hip rheumatism,Metabolic syndrome


  •  Nose-smell –acute-garlic : Phos,Sabad
  •  Mouth-odor-garlicky:  Ars,Tell
  •  Mouth –taste-garlic,like: Asaf
  •  Urine-odour-garlic,like : Cupr-ars,bell,phos,podo
  •  Expectoration-odor-garlic,like : Ars,Petr.
  •  Chest –perspiration-axillae-garlic,like:  SULPH,Bov,Kali-p,Lach.
  •  Perspiration –odor-garlic:   Art-v,Tell.
  • Generals-food and drink-garlic-aversion:   Phos,Sabad,Thuj.
  • Generals-food and drink-garlic-desire :Thuj.


  • Antidoted by: Lycopodium,.
  • Complimentary: Ars.
  • Incompatible: Aloe., All.cep., scilla.


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PG Part I, Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Under the Guidance of Dr. Renuka S Patil,
Professor and HOD, Department Of Homoeopathic Materia Medica,
Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital Bangalore.
E-mail: karthikks708@gmail.com

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