Conquering veterinary diseases with homoeopathy

Dr Riva Singh
Dr Veer Davinder Singh

Homoeopathy is the medicinal science which focus on both the subjective symptoms and objective symptoms. In homoeopathy observation of the physician play a vital role in treating the cases where we do not get the history from the patient because of some pathological issue for e.g. if the patient is in coma. Homoeopathy is very effective in treating animals where the prescription is based upon physician observation. In this article we will see the role of homoeopathic medicines in treating animals’ diseases with effectives ways to administer the medicines.

KEY WORDS– homoeopathy veterinary, Doses

Diseases of domestic animals yield as promptly to homeopathic treatment as for ‘man. It acts equally efficiently in large animals, small animals and pets.

In human, for effective treatment by homeopathy, a number of things are prohibited or contra-indicated, e.g. Consumption of alcohol and tobacco, smoking, coffee, and use of perfume, camphor etc. Fortunately, with the animals there is no such problem which strengthens our case to recommend homeopathy for the treatment of domestic animals and birds, and we can predict a better response too. The basic principle of homeopathy is ‘Similia Similibus Curentur, i.e., let like be treated by like.

Animals are honest in conveying genuine symptoms, therefore the feigning of disease common in human patients is usually absent in animals.

Doses of homeopathic medicines are quite small, few small globules, or few drops, or grains of powder, which can be put on the tongue of the animal or administered

in water. Whereas in allopathy doses are relatively large, sometimes in pounds, as for magnesium sulphate and common salt when used as purgative.

The homeopathic medicines have no side-effects and are easy to administer, so easy that in many cases the owners of the domestic animals themselves may administer the drugs without having to wait for a veterinary.

In homeopathic system of treatment, there is no blood-letting, blistering, purging or other painful and debilitating procedures, which may reduce the value of the animal after recovery.

Use of allopathic drugs should be allowed in addition to homeopathic remedies, especially in emergencies, where it may prove life-saving.

Homeopathic medicines can be used internally and externally. For optimum results, these medicines should be internally administered preferably 15 to 30 minutes prior to or after the feeding schedule.

 INTERNAL USE: For internal use, homeopathic medicines are available in following forms.

  1. Mother tincture: For large animals, like cattle and horse, 10 drops of tincture should be mixed with clean cold water and be drenched by bottles. The bottle should be cleaned before it is used for other animals. Five drops of tinctures are used for small animals, e.g., sheep, goat, swine and dogs.
  2. Powder or pills: Triturates or pellets may be placed dry on tongue of the animal or it may be mixed with feed and given to animals. The powders are given at a dose rate of two grains to large animals and one grain to small animals.

Very few homeopathic medicines are used in the form of lotions and ointment. Lotions are prepared by mixing one tablespoonful of mother tincture with half a pint of pure water for external use.

1.Arnica Montana: Useful in contusion, mechanical injuries, blows, falls etc. Its prompt use in stiffness, swellings, soreness resulting from bruises, prevents further tissue.

2.Calendula officinalis: It is useful in cuts, wounds, stabs, in which the flesh is torn and which needs healing by granulation. It also controls bleeding, relieves severe pain caused due to accident.

3.Rhus Toxicodendron: it has a great value in sprain, injuries to ligaments, tendons, joints and in membranes rheumatism.


  1. Aconitum napellus: Chill and fever in winter due to cold, inflammation in any part of the body.
  2. Alfalfa: To increase weight and appetite of chick.
  3. Antimonium tartaricum: Coryza, respiratory diseases, itching, erysipelas, smallpox, skin diseases, pneumonia.
  4. Arnica montana: Injury to the eyes or other parts of the body, sprain, contusion and bruise.
  5. Arsenic Album: Cholera epidemic, bad cold and general debility.
  6. Belladonna: Redness of the eyes.
  7. Calcarea Phos: To harden the egg shells, for growth of the chicks and to increase weight and size of the egg. Reduces chick mortality. Can be given as a very good bone meal.
  8. Cicuta: A medicine for tetanus, neck becomes stiff and bends towards back. Foam from mouth due to injury and epilepsy.
  9. China: Best remedy for deworming of birds.
  10. Echinacea: A very good preventive against bacterial diseases of birds.
  11. Ferrum phos – A very good tonic for growing chicks and enhances resistance to disease. General complaints due to heat. Stops bleeding from operated beak (de-beaking). Also checks chick mortality.
  12. Rhus tox – Excellent remedy for fever in rainy weather, diseases of claws in rainy season, sprains and skin eruptions
  13. Sabadilla: Good for lice infestation.
  14. Thuja: Food poisoning, foot and mouth disease.
  15. Sulphur: Itching, diseases of claws in chicks.
  16. Echinacea and calendula locally: for Antiseptic and disinfectant


  1. SUNSTROKE- direct exposure to sunrays increases the body temperature of animal’s body, which may cause dilatation of cerebral blood which in severe cases can causes paralysis

          Common medicines are- Nat mur 6, gloninum 200, Natrum carb 30.

  1. ABSCESS (boil)- animals especially dogs are often fighting with abscess

         Common medicines are- Apis mellifica 12, Hepar sulph 30.

  1. DISEASES OF EAR– Inflammation of ear is otitis in which ear canal become red nd inflamed with or without discharge, ear folds may be swollen and dogs rubs it against wall or another dog

         Common medicines are- Hepar sulph 6, pulsatilla 30, chamomilla 6

  1. MANGE– this disease affects all kinds of domestic animals, caused by mites which live on the surface of the skin. it produces intense irritation. In some cases, there may be intense itching necessitating continuous scratching. The affected part become dry and scaly or humid and ulcerous. There are eruptions over different parts of the body particularly in the back which causes the animal to rub and bite itself., often to such a degree that the skin become raw

         Common medicines are– sulphur 30, psorinum 30, arsenic album 30

  1. AGALACTIA-It is the condition where milk secretion is diminished or completely stopped. This partial or complete absence of milk may be in the entire udder or in many cases may affect on or more mammary quarters. The condition may be due to failure of let-down or absence of synthesis of the milk. The causes of failure of letdown of milk include condition of nutritional status, infection like mastitis, hormonal defect etc.

         Common medicines are-alfalfa 30, calcarea Phos 30, lecithin12, Ricinus comunis

  1. MASTITIS-Mastitis is the inflammation of the memory gland,it is characterized by physical , chemical, bacteriological changes in the milk and pathological changes in the glandular tissue.

         Common medicines are- conium 30, Phytolacca 30, scrofularia nodosa 30, silica 200.

  1. RETAINED PLACENTA– after foaling if the placenta has not separated within two to Three hours seen emergency help to avoid the risk of infection. There is considerable risk of toxic metritis developing and subsequent problems such as laminitis.

         Common medicines are-sabina 30, caulopjhyllum 200, sepia 200.

  1. PYOMETRA-In pyometra pus is collected inside the uterus due to which it is enlarged and distended as a consequence. Causes is considered is adhesions within the cervix which interfere with drainage of fluid.

          Common medicines– Hepar sulph 1m, pyrogenum 1m, Fraxinus americana 200

  1. CONSTIPATION– constipation without any colic symptoms is is mostly causes by incorrect feeding. This condition is accompanied with many diseases.

        Common medicines– Nux vomica 30, alumina 30, magnesia muriatica 6, graphites 30.

  1. LEPTOSPIROSIS– It is infectious bacterial disease, seen in dogs

         Common medicines-cantharis 6, mer sol 30, Chelidonium majus 30

This article shows the effectiveness of homoeopathic medicines in treating animals’ diseases. There are many medicines in homoeopathy which shows the diversify action upon the animals, which enable us to do the research in animal diseases


  1. [cited 2024 Aug 17]. Available from:
  2. Abbott AV, D. VS. Homeopathy in veterinary practice.1 [Internet]. [cited 2024 Aug 17]. Available from:
  3. Therapeutics of veterinary homoeopathy by B.P.Madrewar
  4. The Practical Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy- Nurturing Animals with Natural Care by dr Surjit singh makkar.
  5. Practical Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy: Healing Our Companion Animals from the Inside Out by Wendy Thacher Jensen
  6. Everyday Homeopathy for Animals by francis hunter

Dr Riva Singh (B.H.M.S) :
Dr Veer Davinder Singh (B.H.M.S) :

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