A case of chronic suppurative otitis media

Dr Sangita Sharma

Otitis Media is the inflammation of middle ear. Otitis Media is not only the most common bacterial infection in children, but also a leading cause of hearing loss in children. The common cause of chronic Otitis Media are multiple episodes of acute Otitis Media, unhygienic conditions, low socioeconomic status.  Chronic Otitis Media is the chronic inflammation of the middle ear and mastoid cavity, which presents with recurrent or persistent ear discharges (otorrhoea) for 2 to 6weeks.

This article shows usefulness of Individualized Homoeopathic medicine in a male patient of 12 years of age with Chronic Suppurative Otitis Medica with Hearing Loss. The medicine was selected on the basis of symptom totality.

KEYWORDS- Homoeopathy, Chronic Suppurative Otitis Medica, Hearing Loss, Individualized Homoeopathic Medicine.

Chronic Otitis Media is the chronic inflammation of the middle ear and mastoid cavity, which presents with recurrent or persistent ear discharges (otorrhoea) for 2 to 6weeks. The most common organisms are streptococcus pyogenes, haemophilus influenza, pneumococcal and staphylococcus aures. The common causes of chronic Otitis Media are multiple episodes of acute Otitis Media, unhygienic conditions, low socioeconomic status. The common clinical features are ear discharge, hearing loss, earache, tinnitus and vertigo.

It is of two types-

  1. Acute Suppurative Otitis Media – It clinically presents as tense and hyperemic tympanic membrane along with pain and tenderness and sometimes mastoiditis.
  2. Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media – It manifests clinically as draining ear with perforated tympanic membrane and partially impaired hearing.


  • A 12 years old male child came on 4-July-2024 with a complain of right ear discharge 6 months.
  • Discharge of ear thin watery, profuse, non-blood staining and yellowing in color.
  • <by cold things, cold weather and Upper Respiratory Tract Infection.
  • >by warm things and medication.
  • Associated complaint- slightly reduced hearing while URTI.

History of presenting complaint:
At the age of 3-4 years patient develops complain of Ear discharge from right side of ear. It was intermittent, mucopurulent, non-blood stain and yellowish in color which was aggravated by cold things, cold weather and upper respiratory tract infection and for this he took allopathic medication, it was recovered. Treatment was stopped after recovery. The same problem has started again from last 6 months.

  • The patient was also complaining of reduced hearing in right ear.
  • He has history of upper respiratory tract infection since childhood.
  • There is no history of itching and pain in the ear and no history of vertigo, tinnitus, dizziness, and any head trauma.
  • No history of epistaxis and nasal blockage. No history of any alternat and loss of smell, no itching in the nose.
  • No history of pain, sore throat and difficulty in swallowing. No history of loss of taste and facial swelling.
  • No history of pain in eyes, no visual difficulty.

Physical appearance-

  • – Face rounded chubby
  • – Skin tone fair
  • (flabby from childhood)

Past history
At the age of 4 year – ASOM- took allopathic medicine/ recovered.

 Personal history

  • Developmental landmarks- on time
  • Diet- Non-vegetarian

Family history-

  • Cousin brother – Hearing loss
  • Father- Heart attack and deceased.

Physical generals:

  • APPETITE- normal 3 meals /day, desire for warm food.
  • THIRST – 2-3 L every day, quantity varies, drink in long interval.
  • DESIRES- sweets++
  • AVERSIONS- papaya
  • URINE – D3- 4, N-1before sleep
  • STOOL – Unsatisfactory alternat on day, hard stool, straining required.
  • SLEEP- refreshing sleep, 6 to 7 hr. / day.
  • DREAMS– doesn’t remember.
  •  PERSPIRATION- profuse perspiration all over the body and specially on head. offensive smelling
  •  THERMALS – chilly++

Mental generals-

  • Patient was very reserved and soft spoken while case taking.
  • Doesn’t express his anger in front of anyone.
  • He starts weeping if someone shouts on him.
  • Aversion to work and exertion.

Systemic examination-

  • Cardiovascular examination- heart sounds heard normally.
  • No added sounds
  • Respiratory Examination- normal vesicular breath sounds
  • Abdominal Examination- no mass per abdomen, no organomegaly.
  • CNS Examination- no neck rigidity, facial palsy, and neurological deficit.

Local examination-

EAR                                                     RIGHT                                    LEFT

PRE-AURICULAR                           Normal                                    Normal

PINNA                                                Normal                                    Normal

POST AURICULAR                         Normal                                    Normal

EXTERNAL AUDITORY CANAL   Discharge                                Discharge

TYMPANIC MEMBRANE               Not visible                              Not visible

TRAGEL SIGN                                 Negative                                 Negative

MIDDLE EAR                                 Not visible                              Not visible

FACIAL NERVE TEST                      Normal                                    Normal

TUNING FORK TEST             RIGHT                                            LEFT

                                                          –                            R                          +

 FISTULA SIGN                  Negative                              Negative

NYSTAGMUS                    Absent                                Absent



Reportorial analysis-

The following rubric were selected from complete repertory and using RADAR software.

  1. Ears- DISCHARGE, from- purulent
  2. Ears- PERFORATION of eardrum, tympanum
  3. Food- SWEETS, general- desires
  4. Perspiration- ODOR, general-offensive

PRESCRIPTION : Calcarea carbonicum 1M/ 1 Dose was prescribed, followed by Sac.lac 30 BD for a month.

Follow up-

06-08-23 Complain of seasonal cold and coryza for 2

Discharged from the ear increases after coryza.

Calcarean carbonicum 1M/ 1 Dose was prescribed, followed by Sac.lac 30 BD for 7days.


13-08-23 Discharge from ear and coryza was relieved.

Difficulty in hearing decreased.

Sac.lac 30 BD for a month.


15-09-23 Tympanic membrane was healed and there was no discharge.

Difficulty in hearing decreased.

Sac.lac 30 BD for a month.


Persistent acute otitis medica with tympanic membrane perforation typically result in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media. For mild to sever hearing impairment, it is most common cause in developing countries. After reportorial study the knowledge of Materia medica, therapeutics, guide us to reach up to Homoeopathic simillimum medicine. In the Otitis Media like conditions conventional conservative medicines have limited role and surgical treatment doesn’t assure the permanent cure

This case report shows the usefulness of Individualized Homoeopathic medicine in cases of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media with Conductive Hearing Loss.  Therefore, Homoeopathic simillimum not only treat the diseases condition but also helps in prevention of recurrent attack.  The most important part is understanding the individual approach of each patient and their peculiar reactions.





Dr. Sangita Sharma
Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital


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