Dr Nandgirikar Vaishali
- As an anatomy teacher for more than 20 years and yoga practioner for more than 10 years, this topic always fascinated me.
- Anatomy and yoga poses are deeply connected; they have a vital impact on the body, mind and soul.
- Homoeopathy too as a holistic science emphasize on trio of life.
- This concept is now widely accepted by whole world including modern medicine.
- In spite of being in the field of anatomy for so many years i always believed in the realm beyond physical.
- Human body is a premium product gifted to us by nature with not a single mistake in its assembly.
- Human body as a tool can be used effectively when we synchronize body, mind and soul with the right yogic postures.
- Many anatomical systems are involved in practice of yoga postures.
Skeletal system
- Knowledge of bony skeletal framework of the body enables us to get deep insight in our daily yoga practice
- Bones act as lever for movements in our day to day life; this is true for yoga practice too.
- Axial as well as appendicular skeleton are equally important.
- Ligaments joining the bones and their flexibility matters too in practice of yoga.
- Articulation of bones forms joints. Flexibility of which is of utmost importance.
Muscular system
- Knowledge of muscular system enables yogi to go in to the posture, maintain it and hold it.
- Also the yogi becomes aware of micro adjustments occurring while holding the postures.
- Activation of various groups of muscles while going in to the posture is pleasurable experience if u has the knowledge of human body.
Nervous system
- The master/ cpu of the whole body.
- Controls and responsds to stress,strain, movements and pleasure.
- The cerebrum,cerebellum,medulla,spinal cord all play crucial roles in this practice.
Respiratory system:
- Oxygenation is crucial while performaing any physical activity.
- Demand if o2 increases when we are doing any physcial activity.
- Lungs, intercostals muscles, diaghphram play dey role in yogic practices.
Circulatory system
Heart and circulatory system are integral part of any muscular and physical activity. increase in heart rate is a good exercise for heart as well as body. increase in heart rate is a pointer towards calorie consumption.
Types of yoga
- Hatha yoga
- Vinyasa yoga
- Restorative yoga
- Power yoga
- Medical yoga
Benefits of yoga
Physical benefits
- Flexibility and Balance
- Strength and toning
- Improved posture
- Weight management
- Cardiovascular health
- Hormonal balance
Mental benefits
- Connection to inner self
- Stress release
- General feeling of well being
- Releases feel good hormones
- Spiritual growth
Therapeutic benefits
- Chronic pain management
- Improved immunity
- Improved cardiac –respiratory health
- Control over sphincters.
- Regulation of menstrual cycles,fertility and reduce symptoms of menopause.
Here are few yoga poses in corelation with anatomy
Yoga poses in relation to anatomy.
Yoga is a journey and not destination.
Lets begin this blissful journey together with help of little bit of insight of the Anatomy.
Dr Nandgirikar Vaishali. D M.D (Hom)
Associate Professor /HOD (Anatomy Department)
LSFPEF’S LHMC, Chinchwad, Pune
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