Homoeopathic pioneers on infectious diseases

Dr Amal Babu TS

The word infectious disease means disease took place by infection. Before onset of disease, no one is aware and concerned about this source of infection. But once one is infected, we all are concerned to find its source and do preventive measures, so that in future we again will not become the victim of this source of infection. Actually, we are exposed to too many sources of infection daily and also many organisms are natural habitant inside our body. They are not affecting us but once we become susceptible, we become diseased by these organisms. Our master Hahnemann told Cessus Effecta, Cessus Causa i.e., if we treat the effect, cause will be removed by itself. Once we become unsusceptible to any such kind of infection, we are not         being          diseased          if          they          enter          inside          our          body. In our country there is hardly any individual who is not exposed to Mycobacterium tubercule, but how many of us actively suffer from tuberculosis, which can be easily understood if we see the chest x-ray of any individual.

About Infectious Diseases: Infectious diseases are disorders caused by infectious agent include viruses, bacteria, nematodes, arthropods and other micro parasites such as tapeworm and other Helminthes. According to WHO – Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganism, such as bacteria, virus, parasites or fungi, the disease can be spread directly or indirectly from one person to other. Active Infection: Symptomatic infections are apparent. Latent Infection: Does not produce noticeable symptoms e.g. – Latent Tuberculosis A short term infection is an acute infection and long-term infection is a chronic one.

The entry and development or multiplication of an infectious agent in the body of man or animals.

Infectious disease: A clinically manifest disease of man or animals resulting from an infection.

Transmission of infectious disease

Infectious disease mainly transmits through two modes:

  1. Direct mode
    1. Direct contact
    2. Droplet infection
    3. Contact with soil
    4. Inoculation into skin or mucosa
    5. Transplacental
  1. Indirect mode – they mostly spread through flies, fomites, food , fluid and
    1. Vehicle borne
    2. Vector borne
    3. Air borne
    4. Fomite borne
    5. Unclean hands and

Investigation of infectious disease

A Non microbiological – e.g. FBC, plasma CRP, cell count in urine or CSF, CSF protein and glucose

  1. Direct detection
  • Microscopy
  • Detection of organism component (E.g. antigen or toxin)
  • Nucleic acid amplification (e.g.: PCR)
  1. Culture – antimicrobial sensitivity testing
  2. Immunological Tests
  • Antibody detection
  • T cell stimulation test

Common Symptoms of Infection are:

  • Fever
  • Diarrhoea
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle ache
  • Cough

Infectious disease spread from person to person, bites from an insect, ingesting contaminated food and water, being exposed to organism directly or indirectly.

The bacteria are results of disease. In the course of time, we will be able to show perfectly that the microscopical little fellows are not the disease cause, but that they come after, that they are scavengers accompanying the disease, and that they are perfectly harmless in every respect.

They are the outcome of the disease, are present wherever the disease is, and by the microscope it has been discovered that every pathological result has its corresponding bacteria.

The Old School consider these the cause, but we will be able to show that disease cause is much more subtle than anything that can be shown by a microscope.

We then have to advance and carefully study each of the acute miasms from the books, from observation, and from every source of information, carefully arranging it on paper so that it can appear before the mind as an image.

Smallpox has few features and it can be made to appear as an image before the mind, and so with all the acute miasms, infectious diseases, cholera, yellow fever, etc., the diseases that have hereto before appeared in epidemic or endemic form. These have all to appear before the mind as images. It may be said of them that they are all true diseases seen by the examination of the totality of the symptoms.


 Disease classification:

  1. Psora – functional Attack nerve & à functional disturbances> by surface manifestations
  2. Syphilis – Attack meninges, larynx, throat, eyes, bones & periosteum
  • Sycosis – infiltration & Attack pelvic & sexual organs. Abscess, hypertrophies, cystic degeneration & moral degeneracy, mania, dishonesty

In the treatment miasm should be considered as a part of totality. First treat the prominent miasm.


General Pathology of Homoeopathy: Homoeopathic General Pathology, is concerned with Chronic Diseases.

In formulating his “Theory of the Chronic Miasms,” Hahnemann did for pathology what he had already done for therapeutics: he reduced a great mass of unsystematized data oldibor to order by making a classification based upon general principles. Hahnemann reduced all the phenomena of chronic disease according to their causes to four fundamental classes, Occupational or drug diseases, Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis. Occupational diseases, caused by exposure of healthy persons to noxious influences incidental to environment or vocation, such as unsanitary dwellings, exposure to fumes and emanations from chemicals, absorption of minerals such as lead or copper, etc.

The treatment of such conditions involves merely the removal of the cause, and, in some cases, antidoting the poisons, chemically or dynamically. A careful review and collection of all the known phenomena of syphilis was made, greatly enlarging its scope. Gonorrhoea as a constitutional disease was but little known, but Hahnemann’s keen mind had detected its relation to many evil consequences following the suppression of the primary discharge by local treatment.

Psora – The determination of a primary cause opened the way for a consistent reclassification of the secondary causes, and the correction of many errors of grouping and nomenclature of diseases. It obliterated at one stroke a large number of dictitious diseases which were in reality named from merely single symptoms.

Relation of Bacteriology to Homoeopathy – Modern bacteriological science, by long independent research, slowly arrived at the goal Hahnemann reached more than half a century before in regard to the nature and causes of certain forms of disease. Hahnemann was the first to perceive and teach the parasitical nature of infectious or contagious diseases, including syphilis, gonorrhoea, leprosy, tuberculosis, cholera, typhus and typhoid fevers; and the chronic diseases in general, other than occupational diseases and those produced by drugs and unhygienic living, the so-called drug diseases.

Hahnemann, in using the word miasm, had something more in mind than “an aerial fluid mixed with atmospheric air,” is proven not only by his use of the word “parasitical,” but by his several references to the “living beings” of which his “miasma” was composed.

Hahnemann has classified disease – on the basis of etiology and pathology. The cause of disease is existence of living, specific infectious, micro-organisms and it has an incredible capacity of multiplication and growth. The organism and the disease produced by it he (Hahnemann) named psora. (Stuart close gives a materialistic concept for psora)

The Doctrine of Latency – Hahnemann taught that psora, like syphilis and sycosis, may remain latent for long periods, “until circumstances awaken the disease slumbering within and thus develop its germs.”

Hahnemann’s doctrine of latency is confirmed by modern research in regard to tuberculosis, as it has long been of syphilis, and, for a shorter period, of gonorrhoea.

Metastasis-Hahnemann says about metastasis in his psora theory.

The infectious, parasitic, primary and typical microorganism of Psora, driven from the skin by local treatment, finds a ready route to deeper tissues, structures and organs through the capillaries, the lymphatic and glandular systems and the nervous system. Here it develops its secondary specific form and character according to its location and the predisposition and environment of the individual, giving rise to a vast number of secondary symptoms.

The Identity of Psora and Tuberculosis – practically all the diseases known to be due to the tubercle-bacillus are attributed by Hahnemann to Psora, it follows that the cause is identical, and that the two terms, psora and tuberculosis are synonymous. This AUDE is substantiated by the fact that Hahnemann has said one of the primary manifestations of psora is leprosy. Now a days the tubercutin test is positive both in tuberculosis and leprosy patients. So there by establishing the cause is identical, they can be considered as synonymous.

Dr Hughes was significantly influenced by the latest medical developments of his time. His belief in the dynamic cause of the disease was very weak as he opposed the miasmatic theory. According to him, pathology is not a part of disease. A physician must select a medicine that covers the disease pathology as well. For example, in a patient with ulcers, we should select a medicine that is known to produce ulcer. Due to this, he was later granted the moniker of pathological prescriber[7] While compiling the Cyclopedia, Dr. Hughes decided to eliminate all the proving symptoms gained from the drugs taken at potencies above 6C. He said that, “It is necessary to understand the pathology created by the remedies on the organic level and it is the pathology level which has to be treated.”. His writings and lectures are full of examples

where medicines against the various nosological diseases have been administered resembling the allopathic approach. He justified the use of medicines administered by Hahnemann citing similarity between symptoms of the medicine and diagnostic symptoms of the diseases such as Belladonna for scarlatina, Camphor for cholera, Cuprum for 2nd stage of Cholera, and Baptisia for typhoid.


Mode of living: Only labors that interfere with the health of healthy persons should be avoided. Those in sedentary work-walking in open air should be advised. Good music allowed. no cards playing, banish intercourse if it is physically/psychically injurious, control frequent riding & driving. Use of domestic remedies, perfumes, etc avoided.

Diet: The lower classes need no strict limitations. Drinks: no coffee, if addictions are up to 30 yrs, advice to suddenly deprive & if it is beyond 30 it is better to propose to discontinue it gradually& every day to drink somewhat less. No Chinese tea, beer, whiskey, brandy but wine is allowed.

Food: Acid fruits in small quantity, sweet fruits-in moderate qty, all dishes containing citric acid should be avoided in nervous& abdominal ailments. Don’t take young chickens, eggs, veal. In ladies with scanty menses avoid saffron & cinnamon, cloves, pepper, ginger. As per master ideal food-beef +good wheat bread +cow’s milk +fresh butter, little salt. No smoked meats, springling chopped raw herbs on soups. Fish without sauces prepared by boiling is allowed.

Other hindrances to the cure of Chronic Diseases – Excessive hard ships, laboring, unsatisfied hunger & poverty, sudden death of a son to a tender mother, uninterrupted grief & vexation, mineral baths, mistreated by allopathy, cases where medicinal S/O are more, seduced by wicked passions, gambling etc.., suppressed sexual instinct.

Homeopathy can manage modern infectious diseases
Homoeopathy has a long history of prophylaxis against epidemics. A lot is known about increasing immunity with homeopathy. However, there is some evidence of homeopathic prophylaxis and treatment against infectious diseases specifically. Historically, homeopathy was used to treat and protect against scarlet fever by its founder, Dr Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathy was also famously used during the Spanish flu epidemic after World War 1. Dr Marino has published peer reviewed research about homeopathic prophylaxis against swine flu and dengue in 2008 and 2009.

In 2013 another peer reviewed publication by Robert Mathie and others surveyed over one thousand cases of swine flu like symptoms in India during 2009 and concluded that there was basis to justify further research. One of the most important pieces of research on prophylaxis with homeopathy in recent memory is the prophylactic effect of homeopathic medicines prepared by dilutions of the causative organism of a disease called leptospirosis in Cuba. This was published in 2010. 2.3 million Cubans were provided homeopathic prophylaxis and a much lower than expected incidence of the infection occurred that year. What is most relevant about this is that leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that human’s contract from animals.

India has seen epidemic conditions of viral infections like dengue, chikungunya and swine flu. Hundreds of thousands of homeopathic prescriptions for the treatment and prevention of these diseases are prescribed each year. Reputed homeopaths are asked for consultations of very complicated cases of these diseases. Homeopathy is used in intensive care units of hospitals when there is acute respiratory distress or multiple organ dysfunction and often when there is no hope of improvement left. Similar positive effects of homeopathic treatment have been seen in severe acute respiratory syndrome (S.A.R.S.) cases.

Several of these diseases were novel only a few years ago. Yet, homeopathy is repeatedly demonstrating, albeit anecdotally, that it benefits these patients. This Is the kind of background that informs homeopathic advice on a novel clinical entity like COVID-19. It is important to remember that conventional medicine does not have any specific treatment for COVID-19. Suggested medicines like hydroxychloroquine and anti-viral medicines in different combinations are also being ‘tried’ on patients and achieving variable degrees of success.

Similarly, homeopathy, with its rich and consistent history of addressing viral infections both as prophylaxis and treatment should be considered seriously as a therapeutic option. It is irresponsible to imply that a cure or vaccine for COVID-19 is available in homeopathy. It is also important to stress the need to follow all public health guidelines with or without the consumption of homeopathic medicines. However, in the absence of any side-effects, and adverse interactions with any conventional medicines, with a robust safety profile and with repeated evidence-based successes in prophylaxis against and management of viral infections, homeopathy should not be disregarded in the fight against COVID-19. Just as conventional medicine is engaged in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 with little or no evidence base to work with, homeopathy should be, too. This phase is crucial in generating evidence that will inform prescription practices for this illness for the future. It may turn out that homeopathy has a crucial role to play, particularly in COVID-19 patients who do not respond to conventional medicines, as is the case for so many severe and life-threatening viral infections.

It is difficult to provide suggestions of medicines based on limited understanding of a disease. However, based on the ability to treat viral infections, other indications like acute respiratory distress and multi-organ dysfunction syndrome, and a study of the classical texts of homeopathy, some of the medicines that may be considered are Arsenic Album, Eupatorium Perfoliatum and Lycopodium.


Hahnemann as a Pioneer in the field of hygiene in respect of Organon of Medicine.

  • 3: Obstacle to recovery and how to remove them from persons in health.
  • 4: Preserver of health
  • 5: In the investigation of fundamental cause e.g., patient’s occupation, mode of living, diet and habit.
  • 7: Disease, from which no manifest exciting or maintaining cause (causa occasionalis) has to be removed1, we can perceive nothing but the morbid symptoms
  • 73: In case of individual type of acute disease. In case of sporadic type of acute disease. Caused by meteoric (climatic) and telluric (physical substances e.g., water, soil) influences & injurious agents.
  • 77: Inappropriately named chronic diseases- Diseases due to continuous exposure to avoidable noxious influences.
  • 78: A true chronic disease arises from chronic miasm. Most robust constitution, best regulated mode of living, most vigorous energy of the vital force cannot eradicate itself.
  • 81(Footnote 1): Causes of transformation of Psora into Chronic Diseases
  • Climate & physical character of the place
  • Neglected/ Delayed/ Excess/ Abuse of physical & mental training of youth (e.g., Diet, Regimen, Passion, Manner, Habits, Customs etc)
  • 150: A slight alteration in the diet & regimen will usually suffice to dispel such an indisposition.
  • 204: If we deduct all chronic affections, ailments & diseases that depend on a persistent unhealthy mode of living.
  • 226: Those mental diseases arising from emotional disturbances should be treated with psychical remedies with appropriate diet & regimen which will rapidly change into health.
  • 260: Chronic diseases are aggravated by noxious influences & other diseases causing errors in diet & regimen.
  • 261: Appropriate regimen in treatment of chronic disease. Active exercise in open air, Nutritious unmedicated food & drinks.
  • 262: Diet & Regimen in acute disease: In acute disease desired food & drinks give the patient palliative relief


  • The writings deal with instruction and advises on matter of public health and personal hygiene.
  • He criticizes the prejudices and conceptions of his
  • He stresses upon the importance of cleanliness and antiinfection measures in towns, doctors and nurses, advices to avoid things which pollute the air, dampness, excessive fumigation.
  • He gives special attention to the problems of town life, upbringing of children, necessity of exercise and fresh
  • This was the first book written in a simple style on common subjects of hygiene, which could be read and utilized by the patients as well as

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Dr Hahnemann in his Lesser Writings ‘The Friend of Health-part II’ published at Leipzig in the year 1795. He advocated an active role for each individual, communities, administrators, etc., in the management of health. The preparedness measures to be taken during epidemics in various aspect such as in prisons, military hospitals, famines & floods (inundations), hygiene on ships, sanitation in societies, institutions, churches and industrial measures.


  • Well-ordered police should take care that rag-gatherers are not allowed to live anywhere but in isolated houses near the paper mills (which should never be built close to towns and villages) nor they be permitted to have in any house in town a place where they may deposit the rags by little and
  • Under penalty of imprisonment, he should be forbidden to pick out from his heap of rags and sell to others for their use any articles of clothing that may be still fit for wear.
  • They should also be forbidden to wear such articles themselves or put them on their
  • The crude rags should be kept in well-ventilated buildings far away from the dwelling houses and the dealers in old clothes should only be allowed to carry on their trade in open shops and should not be permitted to sell them in their
  • All the linen and articles of clothing they have for sale in their shops should be previously washed even the coloured and woollen articles and the police officer should be charged to examine if they be
  • Such an article of clothing, probably worn by a sick person, might prove dangerous to the policemen, in order to avoid such a loss, it should be considered that the poor broker should most certainly take care to have none but clean washed things in his shop and thus the police agent will have little or nothing to confiscate.
  • There are several kinds of prisons, where prisoners are kept imprisonment for life or until the termination of their trial, or for several The visitation and inspection of which is often the cause of infectious diseases. Even if the prisoners themselves have not been ill of such fevers, their exhalations, their breath and the miasm lurking about their dirty clothes have often occasioned malignant fatal fevers (Heysham, Pringle, Zimmermann, Sarcone & Lettsom adduce a number of cases of this kind).
  • Every torture that is unnecessarily inflicted when in custody is a crime on the part of the police (Dr. Hahnemann only allude here to the pain inflicted on them by unhealthy diseases producing prisons). In order to avoid this, prisons should never be raised less than four feet above the ground & the openings of windows should allow the free access of fresh air.
  • The floor should either be paved with slabs of stone or better with rounded stones, so that it may be deluged and scrubbed once a week with boiling water, also the walls and roofs be washed with hot
  • If it were possible to construct an air-hole for the purpose of carrying off the deteriorated vapours into the open
  • His bed-cover, together with his clothes & linen should be washed at least once a week in hot His chamber utensil should be emptied daily and rinsed out with boiling water.
  • He should be allowed to walk about in the open air at least an hour at a time and when he is removed from prison, his cell must be prepared for the reception of future prisoners by washing a new the floor, walls and the roof with hot
  • A person who is exposed to the danger of infection, should not allow his courage to sink, should not leave off any of his accustomed comforts, rest, exercise, food or drink; but he should also carefully avoid all excess in any of these Should it be articles of food let him not partake before preparing them on fire or heating them.
  • Infectious diseases have even been communicated by money coins and letters; therefore, the former may be washed in boiling water and the later to be fumigated with sulphur.
  • A draught of air can carry the miasm arising from a sick person to a distance of many paces and then occasioned infection. Thus, should avoid travel across narrow lanes where we should have to pass close by a sick person and for similar reason should shun narrow passages through
  • Above all we should refrain from looking into an open window and conversing with people in whose house or room cases of infectious diseases may exist
  • Acquaintances kissing each other or shake hands and drinking out of another’s glass should be omitted when the danger is so imminent.
  • Avoid particularly making use of a stranger’s water-closet or allowing a stranger to use ours and at such time should never bring second hand furniture into our premises (often seen putrid fevers that occur periodically for many years merely by old furniture which had belonged to person who had died of such affections, coming into other families by purchase).
  • Domestic animals that are given to rove (dogs and cats) often carry about with them in their hair the virus of infectious diseases, for security’s sake it is advisable to get rid of them at such times, and not to allow strange dogs or cats to approach us.
  • The low-lying houses that have been inundated by the water are a fertile source of epidemic diseases. The police authorities must see that every householder digs a deep ditch round his premises and especially round his dwelling-house and that all his windows and doors be open for fresh air, that he occasionally lights fire even in summer and in winter.
  • The deteriorated air in closely built towns with high houses is especially injurious to children which gives rise to deformities such as Most of the towns are not adapted and not calculated to promote health. High town walls and ramparts are now generally acknowledged to be useless for towns that are not fortified. That they are injurious by preventing the access of fresh air.
  • The handsome roomy, high and airy butchers shop we meet with in some towns are not so good as the open butcher’s stalls standing in market places. A putrid stench is always concentrated in the shops built for the sale of
  • The shops for the sale of stock-fish and herrings should be situated in the open air, at the outside of the city-gates, the disgusting stench that proceeds from them is sufficient evidence of heir unwholesomeness.
  • In large manufactories & workhouses, where the workpeople live in the house and those who fall ill should be immediately separated from the healthy workmen and kept apart until they have completely recovered their health.
  • Public schools are generally places for the diffusion of contagious diseases such as small-pox, measles, scarlet fever, malignant sore throat, military fever, etc and many skin diseases. The schoolmaster be given to attend more to the physical & moral training to the pupils than to cramming their
  • A sick child can learn nothing and therefore should be impressed upon them not to admit any sick child to the classes, whose altered appearance betrays the commencement of a
  • In times of prevailing sickness, the clergymen should publicly warn the members of their congregations, not to attend church when they are feeling indisposed and thereby expose their neighbours to dangers.


  • Hahnemann believed that every epidemic or sporadic disease is different from each The physician has to consider the picture of every prevailing disease as a new and unknown one.
  • Usually in a case of epidemic, just by investigating one patient the entire totality cannot be understood. So, the physician has to closely investigate several numbers of cases in that epidemic area till he collects maximum number of signs and symptoms (§101).
  • After collecting this “group totality”, the physician carefully removes the general symptoms and based on the peculiar uncommon symptoms, he selects a specific remedy to that particular epidemic which is the genus epidemicus(§102).
  • When this medicine is applied on healthy persons of that affected locality, it acts as a preventive medicine and escapes those persons from that particular

E.g.: Cuprum met and Camphora for the prevention of Cholera, recommended by Hahnemann in Europe (1831).


  • Children born with latent dyscrasia for chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, bronchial asthma and so on may be prevented from developing these diseases by constitutional antimiasmatic
  • Repeated spontaneous abortion, miscarriages and still birth may be prevented by antimiasmatic treatment of mother before and during
  • Potential diabetics may not turn into overt diabetics if treated in time with constitutional
  • Expectant mothers should be treated throughout the period of pregnancy with constitutional antimiasmatic medicines, so that possibility of hereditary diseases being transmitted to the offsprings may be averted or modified to great


  1. AIDS/HIV (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
  2. Amebiasis
  3. Anthrax
  4. Avian Influenza (Bird flu)
  5. Babesiosis
  6. Bird flu (Avian influenza)
  7. Botulism
  8. Brucellosis
  9. Campylobacter infection
  10. Chancroid
  11. Chickenpox (Varicella)
  12. Chlamydia infections
  13. Cholera
  14. Ciguatera Fish Poisoning
  15. Coccidioidomycosis
  16. Colorado Tick Fever
  17. Coronavirus [(2019 Novel Coronavirus) (COVID-19)]
  18. Cryptosporidiosis
  19. Cysticercosis
  20. Dengue Fever
  21. Diphtheria
  22. Domoic Acid Poisoning (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning)
  23. coli Infections
  24. Ebola Virus (see also Viral Haemorrhagic Fever)
  25. Ehrlichiosis
  26. Flu (Influenza)
  27. Gastroenteritis, Viral
  28. German Measles (Rubella)
  29. Giardia Infection
  30. Glanders
  31. Gonococcal Infection (Gonorrhoea)
  32. Gonorrhoea
  33. Haemophilus Influenzae Serotype B Disease (Hib)
  34. Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease
  35. Hantavirus Infections
  36. Hepatitis A
  37. Hepatitis B
  38. Hepatitis C
  39. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS)
  40. Influenza (Flu)
  41. Lassa Fever (see also Viral Haemorrhagic Fever)
  42. Legionellosis (Legionnaire’s disease)
  43. Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease)
  44. Leptospirosis
  45. Listeriosis
  46. Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV)
  47. Malaria
  48. Marburg Virus Haemorrhagic Fever (see also Viral Haemorrhagic Fever)
  49. Melioidosis
  50. Measles
  51. Meningitis
  52. Meningococcal disease
  53. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
  54. Monkeypox (guidance for providers)
  55. Mumps
  56. Norovirus infection (Norwalk and Norwalk-like virus infection)
  57. Non-Gonococcal Urethritis
  58. Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
  59. Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning
  60. Plague
  61. Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
  62. Pneumococcal Disease
  63. Polio
  64. Psittacosis
  65. Rabies
  66. Relapsing Fever
  67. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  68. Rubella (German Measles)
  69. Salmonellosis
  70. Scombroid fish poisoning
  71. Shigellosis
  72. Smallpox
  73. Syphilis
  74. Tetanus
  75. Toxoplasmosis
  76. Trichinosis (Trichinellosis)
  77. Tuberculosis (TB)
  78. Tularemia
  79. Typhoid fever
  80. Typhus
  81. Varicella (Chickenpox)
  82. Viral Gastroenteritis and Norovirus
  83. West Nile Virus
  84. Whooping cough (Pertussis)
  85. Yellow Fever
  86. Yersiniosis (Yersinia enterocolitica)
  87. Zika Virus


  • [Boenning] [Fever]PATHOLOGICAL TYPES: Infectious, grippal, exanthematous, typhus, etc: (12)

Ail, Ars, Arum-t, BAPT, Caust, Chin-ar, EUP-PUR, Ferr-p, Gels, Merc, Rhus-t, Sulp

  • [Boericke] [Ears]DEAFNESS, HARDNESS OF HEARING, REMEDIES IN GENERAL: Cause: Infectious diseases: (8)

Arn Bapt Gels Hep Lyc Petr Phos Puls

  • [Phatak] [Phatak A-Z] HEART: Infectious, diseases after: (2) Naja Saroth
  • [Khullar] [Menses Profuse] DISCHARGE, MENSES: Menses Profuse: Infectious diseases, after: (1)


  • [Miasms] [Female Genitalia] ABORTION, MISCARRIAGE: Infectious diseases, (1)


  • [Miasms] [Female Genitalia] MENSES Profuse Infectious diseases, after: (1) Ergot
  • [Phatak] [Phatak A-Z] NEVER WELL, SINCE: Infectious diseases: (1) Psor
  • [Phatak] [Phatak A-ZIPARALYSIS: Infectious diseases, after: (1) Caust

From Synthesis Repertory: 

  • HEARING IMPAIRED – infectious disease; from Arn Bapt Gels hep lyc petr phos puls
  • FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – MENSES – copious – infectious disease, after ergot
  • CHEST-HEART; complaints of the – infectious disease; after Naja
  • CHEST – PALPITATION of heart – irregular – infectious diseases; after Spartin-s
  • EXTREMITIES – INFLAMMATION – Joints – infectious Osteo-a
  • SKIN – ERUPTIONS -vesicular – accompanied by -infectious disorders Fl-ac
  • GENERALS CONVALESCENCE; ailments during – infectious diseases; after Carc, form-ac, gels, psor, puls, pyrog, sulp, thuj, tub, vario
  • GENERALS CONVALESCENCE; ailments during -infectious diseases; after – childhood; during carc
  • GENERALS INFECTIOUS disease Acon, ail, arn, bell, chir-fl, cortiso, echi, leptos-ih, mal-ac, med, morb, nat-ox-act, pyrog, ser-ang, sul-ac
  • GENERALS – INFECTIOUS disease – accompanied by development; difficult Mal-ac
  • GENERALS INFECTIOUS disease – acute – anaerobic pyrog
  • GENERALS INFECTIOUS disease – chronic GENERALS – INFECTIOUS disease – streptococcus Ail, arn, chir-fl, sul-ac
  • GENERALS-INFLAMMATION – Joints; of – infectious Coli, influ, osteo-a, syph


  • Belladonna:

Belladonna is derived from the deadly nightshade plant. It is indicated for sudden and intense fevers with a flushed face, dilated pupils, and hot, dry skin. It is commonly used for conditions such as high fevers, sore throats, tonsillitis, and acute inflammations.

Arsenicum album:
Arsenicum album, prepared from arsenic trioxide, is known for its antiseptic properties. It is indicated for conditions such as food poisoning, gastroenteritis, and viral infections causing diarrhea and vomiting. People who require Arsenicum album often experience anxiety, restlessness, and burning pains that are relieved by warmth.

Bryonia, derived from the white bryony root, is indicated for conditions with dryness and inflammation. It is commonly used for respiratory infections, including bronchitis and pneumonia, where symptoms include dry cough, stitching pains aggravated by motion, and a desire for stillness and rest.

Eupatorium perfoliatum:
Eupatorium perfoliatum, also known as boneset, is indicated for influenza-like symptoms. It is particularly useful for conditions with severe body aches, bone pains, high fevers, and a sensation of the bones breaking. It is commonly used for flu, dengue fever, and other viral infections.

Gelsemium, derived from the yellow jasmine plant, is indicated for conditions characterized by weakness, trembling, and prostration. It is commonly used for flu-like illnesses with heavy, drooping eyelids, headaches, muscle aches, and chills.

Rhus toxicodendron:
Rhus toxicodendron, prepared from poison ivy, is indicated for conditions with stiffness and restlessness. It is commonly used for viral infections, including herpes and shingles, where symptoms include blistering rashes, intense itching, and aggravation from cold and damp weather.

Pulsatilla, derived from the windflower, is indicated for conditions with changeable symptoms and emotional sensitivity. It is commonly used for respiratory infections, sinusitis, and ear infections, where symptoms worsen in warm rooms and improve with fresh air and gentle motion.

Mercurius solubilis:
Mercurius solubilis, prepared from mercury, is indicated for conditions with excessive sweating, foul odors, and swollen lymph nodes. It is commonly used for bacterial infections, including tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and gum infections.

Hepar sulphuris:
Hepar sulphuris, derived from calcium sulfide, is indicated for conditions with suppuration and extreme sensitivity to touch. It is commonly used for abscesses, boils, and infections in the throat and respiratory tract.

Pyrogenium is prepared from decomposed animal matter and is indicated for conditions with septic states and intense fever. It is commonly used for severe infections, sepsis, and bedsores. Individuals who require Pyrogenium often experience a high fever, offensive discharges, and extreme restlessness.

Lachesis, derived from the venom of the bushmaster snake, is indicated for infections that tend to worsen on the left side of the body. It is commonly used for conditions such as throat infections, abscesses, and septic states with intense het, swelling, and purplish discoloration.

Rhus radicans:
Rhus radicans, prepared from poison ivy, is indicated for skin infections with intense itching, burning, and blistering. It is commonly used for conditions such as eczema, herpes, and allergic reactions resulting in skin infections.

Silicea, derived from silica, is indicated for chronic, lingering infections and conditions that are slow to heal. It is commonly used for conditions such as chronic sinusitis, abscesses, and slow-healing wounds. People who require Silicea often have a low immune response and may be prone to recurring infections.

Tuberculinum is prepared from the bacteria causing tuberculosis. It is indicated for conditions where there is a history of tuberculosis or a tendency to respiratory infections. It is commonly used as a constitutional remedy to address underlying susceptibility to infections.

China officinalis:
China officinalis, derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, is indicated for conditions with debilitating weakness and exhaustion. It is commonly used for conditions such as malaria, anemia, and conditions with persistent weakness following an infection or loss of fluids.

Natrum muriaticum:
Natrum muriaticum, derived from sodium chloride, is indicated for conditions with watery or clear discharges. It is commonly used for conditions such as cold sores, colds, and flu with watery nasal discharge, dry lips, and a craving for salty foods.

Calcarea carbonica:
Calcarea carbonica, derived from calcium carbonate, is indicated for individuals who are prone to recurrent respiratory infections and slow recovery. It is commonly used for conditions such as chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, and recurring ear infections, especially in children.

Carbo vegetabilis
Carbo vegetabilis, prepared from vegetable charcoal, is indicated for conditions with extreme weakness, debility, and slow It is commonly used for conditions such as sepsis, collapse, and infections with coldness, blueness, and offensive discharges.

Kali bichromicum:
Kali bichromicum, derived from potassium dichromate, is indicated for conditions with sticky, stringy discharges. It is commonly used for conditions such as sinusitis, bronchitis, and respiratory infections with thick, tough, yellowish-green mucus.

Sabadilla, derived from the seeds of the Cevadilla plant, is indicated for conditions with intense sneezing and nasal symptoms. It is commonly used for allergic rhinitis, hay fever, and colds with spasmodic sneezing and watery discharge.

Ipecacuanha, derived from the root of ipecac, is indicated for conditions with persistent nausea and vomiting. It is commonly used for conditions such as gastroenteritis, food poisoning, and morning sickness during pregnancy.

Kreosotum, derived from beechwood tar, is indicated for conditions with foul-smelling discharges. It is commonly used for conditions such as vaginal infections with a strong, offensive odor, tooth infections, and gum diseases.

Merc solubis corrosivus:
Merc solubis corrosivus, prepared from corrosive sublimate, is indicated for conditions with intense inflammation and ulceration. It is commonly used for conditions such as severe sore throat, mouth ulcers, and infections with excessive salivation.

Kali sulphuricum:
Kali sulphuricum, derived from potassium sulfate, is indicated for conditions with yellow, slimy discharges. It is commonly used for respiratory infections, sinusitis, and ear infections with yellow or greenish discharge.

Phytolacca decandra:
Phytolacca decandra, derived from the pokeweed plant, is indicated for infections with swollen and painful glands. It is commonly used for conditions such as tonsillitis, mastitis, and breast infections with intense pain and tenderness.

Nitricum acidum:
Nitricum acidum, derived from nitric acid, is indicated for infections with sharp, splinter-like pains. It is commonly used for conditions such as urinary tract infections, anal fissures, and oral ulcers with sharp pains and bleeding tendencies.

Spongia tosta:
Spongia tosta, prepared from roasted sponge, is indicated for respiratory conditions with dry, barking coughs. It is commonly used for conditions such as croup, bronchitis, and respiratory infections with a dry, harsh cough and difficulty breathing.

Hydrastis canadensis:
Hydrastis canadensis, derived from the golden seal plant, is indicated for conditions with thick, yellowish discharges. It is commonly used for conditions such as sinusitis, post-nasal drip, and chronic respiratory infections with yellow or green mucus.

Cuprum metallicum:
Cuprum metallicum, prepared from metallic copper, is indicated for conditions with spasms and cramps. It is commonly used for conditions such as whooping cough, convulsions, and spasmodic coughs with difficulty breathing.

Cina, derived from the wormseed plant, is indicated for conditions with intense itching and irritability. It is commonly used for conditions such as pinworm infections, allergies, and irritability in children.

Ferrum phosphoricum:
Ferrum phosphoricum, prepared from iron phosphate, is indicated for conditions in the early stages of inflammation. It is commonly used for conditions such as fevers, sore throats, and respiratory infections in the early stages with mild symptoms.

Natrum sulphuricum:
Natrum sulphuricum, derived from sodium sulfate, is indicated for conditions with excessive fluid retention. It is commonly used for conditions such as water retention, liver disorders, and respiratory infections with excessive mucus production.

Arum triphyllum:
Arum triphyllum, derived from the Jack-in-the-pulpit plant, is indicated for conditions with intense burning and rawness. It is commonly used for conditions such as sore throat, sinusitis, and colds with burning nasal discharge and rawness in the throat

Every disease is a challenge to physician, but in infectious disease the physician and patient is more worried because of its fast progress and very rapid fatality, if not controlled in a right time. Since long back and today also homoeopathic medicine has shown its place and importance so far treatment of infectious disease is concerned. The most important thing is to prescribe right medicine in right strength at a right time. So proper knowledge of medicine, its potency and proper repetition play a very important role in successful and failed cases.


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  • Hahnemann, Samuel., “The Chronic Diseases- Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic cure”, translated from the second enlarged German edition of 1835 by Prof. Louis H. Tafel, with annotations by Richard Hughes, edited by Pembertton Dudley, Reprint edition New Delhi : B. Jain Publishers Ltd., 2001.
  • Haehl, Richard., “Samuel Hahnemann His Life and Work”, Translated from the German by Mrs. Marie L. Wheeler and Mr. W. H. R. Grundy, edited by J. H. Clarke & F. J. Wheeler (Vol I & II); Reprint Edition, New Delhi : Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2001.
  • Hahnemann, Samuel; ‘Organon of medicine’, First corrected, Retranslated and Redacted edition of 6th and 5th editions by Singh, , and Singh, Subhas., first edition, Kolkata : Homoeopathic publications.,2004.
  • Kent, J. T., “Kent’s New Remedies, Clinical Cases, Lesser Writings, Aphorism and percepts”, I New Delhi: Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.,1998.
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  • Roberts, Herbert A., “The principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy”, New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Ltd.,1995.
  • Vithoulkas, George., “The science of homoeopathy”, Reprint edition ,New Delhi : B Jain publishers Ltd., 1990.

Dr Amal Babu TS
PG Scholar (Batch 2021) Department of Organon of Medicine And Homoeopathic Philosophy

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