Homoeopathy and Lifestyle disorders-Nux vomica on Hypertension

Dr Tanmay Jagtap

Life style disorders can be defines a set of clinical pathological conditions that are mainly caused due to factors arising from adaptation of the sedentary lifestyles. such disease are very common in day to day life.

Most of the causative factors of the diseases are due to stress etc and due to adverse effects of the modern life.

A study shows significant rise in such cases in from 2002 to 2022, attribute to the factors such as sedentary lifestyle poor diet and office work all which contributes to the gross national product .

The gross national product of India is updated yearly averaging from 277.336 USD from December 1957to 2023 which consists of 67 observations. which reached its all time high in 2023 which categorizes India in a set of high gross national product countries.

This gross national product is most contributed  the tertiary sector of country consisting of several sectors such as transport ,financial services ad real estate activities. most of which are upper middle class.

However despite the sedentary lifestyle the higher middle class suffer much less from the lifestyles diseases. a new study shows occurrences of these non communicable disease are mostly seen in the lower middles class or the poor people of the country.

The treatment of such diseases puts a heavy loads on the economical loads of these people which are unable to diagnose as well as undertake the medication schemes for the diseases. in fact the lifestyle diseases costs Indian economy of 6 trillion dollars estimated by a study.

Globally on the global hunger index India is ranked 111th out of 125 countries. 52.4 %i below poverty lines lives in urban areas verses the 47.6 in rural areas. most of the people are hence unable to carry out treatment of the disease due to financial problems.

Hypertension is one of the man lifestyles disorders seen commonly. in fact 220 million people in India are living with hypertension and only 12% have their blood pressure under control. The disease kills more adults than most diseases.

Dr H.C Allen has explained the usage of the Homoeopathic remedy called Nux Vomica in cases of bad effects of coffee and tobacco and heavy use of alcohol.

The remedy is mostly suitable to thin irritable careful and zealous characters along with quarrelsome nature and other characters.

The common characteristic is that of being competitive nature that which is common.

Humans operate on survival instincts over the years, not only survival but to evolve. which proves that humans are in fact competitive in their personality, which is a fundamental pillar of evolution.

Such a statement is observed in the homoeopathic remedy Nux Vomica as stated by William Boricke.

Stating the go getter personality of the remedy  due to their fear of being occupied by someone else

Following case is presented .

An individual of age 45 years male who was on a manager in a company of textile production had arrived with the complaints of acidity since 3 ears

Pain was of a burning nature arises from the pit of stomach, pain was worse when skipping meals and at night after a meeting or session.

Patient is a known case of hypertension since 3 years. Sudden rise of Blood pressure.

Father has hypertension and mother had died 3 years ago.

Appetite is reduced ad desires for spicy food

Thirsty patient with sleep disturbed.

Mental Generals : Patient is irritable in nature, cannot be in crowded places and wants to be in a quiet place. Does not like to be opposed.

Person wants to be a member of the committee of textiles ad own his own company.

Totality of Symptoms

  • Mind-irritable
  • Mind-anger-contradiction to
  • Mind-ambitious
  • Stomach-pain-burning
  • Stomach-pain-agg-night
  • Stomach-thirsty
  • Generals-food and drinks-desires-spices

Diagnosis -Acidity or Acid Reflux


  • Mind – Ambition Increased
  • Mind – Anger – Contradiction from
  • Mind – Irritability
  • Mind – Quite wants to be
  • Stomach – pain ninght
  • Stomach Pain burning
  • Stomach – thirst
  • Gen. Food and Drinks Salt desire
  • Ge. Heat lack of vital heat

Differential Remedies-Nux Vomica, Arsenicum Album, Sulphur, Phosphorous.

Final selection of remedy-Nux vomica

Potency selection-200 potency was selected based on the mentals and totality of symptoms.

Prescription : Nux Vomica 200 stat

After one month- complaints of acidity reduced by 20%, patient feels calm

BP-140/90 Reduced attacks of sudden increase of Blood pressure

Prescription-Nux Vomca 200 stat

After 1 month

  • Acidity reduced by 50%
  • Blood pressure -130/90 mmhg
  • Sudden attacks of rise of Blood pressure reduced


  1. Lifestyle diseases consequences by Medcrave
  2. The Economic Times Article on Alarming physical inactivity Among Indians
  3. India Gross National Product by CENIC
  4. Sectors Contributing towards GNP
  5. Tertiary sector by INSEE
  6. Lifestyle Diseases Article in THE HINDU
  7. Lifestyle Medicine and Economics article in NIH and PubMed
  8. Article at ResearchGate
  9. Article at ResearchGate
  10. Allens Keynotes-By Dr H.C. Allen
  11. Article on How Alcohol affects Blood pressure and Heart by HSE Live
  12. Article on how smoking affects blood pressure in NIH and Pubmed
  13. Article on how caffeine affect blood pressure by MAYOCLINIC
  14. Article on Growing Competition good for youth in READERS’ BLOG by Anurag Titus
  15. Boricke’s new manual of Homoeopathic materia medica with Repertory-By Dr Willam Boricke
  16. Article on target organs of hypertension at NIH and PubMed by George A Mensah et al and Cardiol Clin

Dr Tanmay Jagtap
PG 1st Year DKMM medical College and Hospital
Under guidance of Dr Anagha Beedkar Associate professor DKMM medical college and hospital
Email : ranaghabeedkar58@gmail.com

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