Dr Vinod Solanki
Objectives: This prospective and experimental controlled parallel arm study was planned to evaluate the efficacy of homoeopathic potentised medicine Natrium phosphoricum (3X, 6X, 12X) on plant growth, germination time, plant height, number of branches & number of flowering using calendula officinalis in Natural environment.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seeds were sown in designated area of Government Homoeopathic Medical College Campus, Bhopal. Total 40 plants were grown in four groups : Group A (3X), Group B (6X), Group C (12X) and Group D (control) each group having10 plants. They were treated with Natrium phosphoricum 3X, 6X, 12X & normal water. After 6 months all plants were measured in their entire growth (Germination time, plant height, Number of branches & Number of flowering).
RESULT: After 6 months, Germination time in the groups receiving Natrium phosphoricum 3X, 6X & 12X was earlier as compared to group which receives normal water. The height of plant, number of branches & number of flowering increase in the group which receives Natrium phosphoricum 3X, 6X & 12X as compared to the group which receives normal water. Natrium phosphoricum 12X showed more effectiveness in various aspects of growth and quality of Calendula officinalis.
CONCLUSION : The application of potentised homoeopathic medicine Natrium phosphoricum 3X, 6X, & 12X demonstrated a beneficial result as observed by significant difference in Germination time, plant height, number of branches, number of flowering between experimental group and control group. Natrium phosphoricum 12X induced increased plant productivity & quality in relation to the control group.
Keywords: Agrohomoeopathy, Potentised medicine, Natrium phosphoricum 3X, Natrium phosphoricum 6X, Natrium phosphoricum 12X, Calendula officinalis.
Agro-homoeopathy is a branch of homoeopathy that uses homoeopathic medicines to treat crops, plants, trees, soil and to heal their illness with the tool of homoeopathic science. This approach aims to enhance productivity, promote crop health and reduce chemical inputs. It is an alternative to use of chemical fertilizers, fungicides and pesticides. Agrohomoeopathy is a low-cost, chemical free, harmless method of healing and protecting plants and agricultural sources from pests and disease.
Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj is a Dutch homoeopath and pioneer in Agrohomoeopathy. He is the author of the book “Homoeopathy for Farm and Garden.
Agrohomoeopathy in India: In India, Khanna and Chandra obtained significant results in rot control of tomato, caused by Fusarium roseum, with the application of Homoeopathic preparations of Kali iodatum and Thuja occidentalis in pre and post-harvest conditions. Homoeopathic medicines can be used safely for various purposes (Seed germination, betterment of soil health, growth of seedling, flowering, fruiting, and protection against diseases and to overcome environmental stresses).
- H.P.I. Volume I
- Botanical name: Calendula officinalis Linn.
- Family: Compositae
- Common Names: Zerzul, Garden Marigold
Calendula is very important cosmetic plant which growing as winter annual for landscape gardening. It is also known as pot marigold. Calendula has been traditionally used in the treatment of inflammations of internal organs. It is considered as a valuable medicinal plant which contains oleanolic acid and other compounds, Which have a considerable interest for potential health benefits, including protective effects against development of cancer, inhibition of existing tumor cells, protection against several diseases. Pigment of Calendula flower is used in coloring of food. It has a long flowering period bearing large yellow or orange single or double flowers with many petals. This hardy annual prefers well drained, light and sandy soil and grows to a height on about 21-65cm. The highest concentrations of Na were found in the leaves and in the flowers. NPK are required maximum quantities by the plant. These nutrients are often deficient. Calendulas are observed by many gardening specialist as among the easiest and most versatile flower to grow in a garden especially because they endure most soils.
Nat-p is found in the sap, the cell of the cambium and the intercellular fluids. Through the action of Natrium-phos., carbonic acid is formed. Each part of phosphoric acid receiving two part of carbonic acid and it is able to bind itself with carbonic acid. It conveys to the leaves, when it has thus bound the carbonic acid. The oxygen taken up to photosynthesis liberates the carbonic acid, which is only loosely bound to the phosphoric acid. The carbonic acid is then exchanged for oxygen and exhaled which is absorbed by manganese and iron in the sap. During the day this process is reversed. It is observed that Nat-p is the remedy par excellence for problems with photosynthesis. It can be used for the rust and indeed in all cases where the leaves develop a golden yellow scab.
Humans and plants both are prone to pests and parasites. Humans may suffer from parasitical worms, scabies, lice, fleas and mosquitoes, for e.g.: carrying typhus, malaria and yellow fever among others. Similarly plants carry yellow dwarf virus and other pests that can disturb the life of plants.(24)
- H.P.I Volume- I
- Chemical Symbol– Na2HPO4.12H2O
- Common Name– Natrum phosphate, Disodium hydrogen phosphate.
Description- A colourless, white prism or granular salt; odourless having a cooling saline taste; It is soluble in 4 parts of water; very slightly soluble in alcohol.
- Agrohomoeopathy in place of pesticides will build up the plant’s resistance to pests and disease.
- Homoeopathic remedies are applied in very low doses.
- To provide strength to the plant to sustain in biological and environmental stress.
- To increase the rate of germination and improves growth of plant.
- No negative impact on soil and human health.
- Increase the nutritional absorption of the plant making them stronger and making them produce truly nutritious food.
- Farming without pesticides.
Type of study and Study design: Prospective and Experimental controlled parallel arm study.
Study site: Government Homoeopathic medical college & Hospital, Bhopal.
Calendula seeds were sown directly in field in designated area at campus.
Study duration: 12 months
Number of plants: 40
- Experimental Group:
Group A: 10 plants (receiving Natrium phosphoricum 3X)
Group B: 10 plants (receiving Natrium phosphoricum 6X)
Group C: 10 plants (receiving Natrium phosphoricum 12X)
- Control Group:
Group D: 10 plants (receiving only water)
Inclusion Criteria: 1) Annual plant.
2) Healthy seeds.
3) Flowering plants.
Exclusion Criteria: 1) Use of fertilizers
2) Use of Manure
Proposed Intervention:
- For this study, we are taking two groups (Experimental group and control group) of samples and in each group 10 plants are taken.
- In Experimental group, various potencies (3X, 6X, 12X) of Natrium phosphoricum in Decimal scale are taken.
- In Control group, each of 10 plants receives normal water.
- Experimental groups: (4 tablets in 100ml of water for each plant)
Group A: 10 plants of Calendula officinalis receiving Natrium phosphoricum 3X
Group B: 10 plants of Calendula officinalis receiving Natrium phosphoricum6X
Group C: 10 plants of Calendula officinalis receiving Natrium phosphoricum 12X
- Control Group: 10 plants of Calendula officinalis receiving normal water.
Dosage and Repetition:
- Experimental group A: 4 tablet of Natrium phosphoricum 3X in 100 ml of water every seven day.
- Experimental group B: 4 tablet of Natrium phosphoricum 6X in 100 ml of water every seven day.
- Experimental group C: 4 tablet of Natrium phosphoricum 12X in 100 ml of water every seven day.
4) Control group D: Receiving normal water.
Data Collection: After 6 months, the entire plant is measured for following Parameter.
- Germination time
- Plant height
- Number of branches
- Number of flowers
- Seeds of Calendula officinalis are taken
- Homoeopathic medicine in different potencies are taken (Natrium phosphoricum 3X, 6X, 12X)
- Beaker
- Normal Water
- Spatula
BOTANICAL NAME: Calendula officinalis Linn.
COMMON NAME: Zerzul, Garden marigold.
FAMILY: Compositae
MORPHOLOGY: Calendula officinalis is a member of Compositae family. It is also known as pot marigold and it is a valuable medicinal plant. A more or less hairy, annual 30 to 60 cm high; leaves thickness, oblong, 5 to 15 cm or more long. Calendulas are perennial or annual plants with smooth, Waxy or glandular stems. Calendula officinalis flowers are a source of biologically active substances, used in the pharmaceutical industry and cosmetics.
Habitat: It is cultivated in India
Part used: Leaves and Fresh flowering tops.
Season – October to March.
Calendula grows best at 18 – 20 ℃.
Bright, sunny and airy place is perfect for the calendula plant.
Calendula is easy to grow in any well-drained and loose soil in full sun. (Calendulas need three primary nutrients to grow – NPK & Secondary nutrients like- calcium, magnesium & sulphur).
- Sowing chilli seeds
- Seed germination
- Calendula seedling
- Flowering
- Maturation
After all the flowers, plant is near the end of its life.
Seeds were put in medicine Natrium phosphoricum (3X, 6X, 12 X) for 15 minutes before sowing. It allows the seed to absorb the medicinal water, after soaking the medicine seeds were put into the soil. During germination, temperature of at least 20℃ & a bright location is required. During this time, retain the soil constantly moist with regular watering. As soon as they sprout their pair of leaves, calendula seedlings were picked out. Separate the young calendula plant with the help of wooden stick and plant them in new, more nutrient-rich soil. Seeds were planting in 4 rows having 16 inches, maintain a distance 16 inches from plant to plant & row to row. After plantation, the Calendula plants mature in 30-50 days in month of February. After maturation Plant height, number of branches & number of flowers was measured.
Agro homoeopathy is a chemical less and non- toxic method for crop cultivation. This method is suitable for anti-doting the effect of heavy metals on plant growth & productivity. In the present study, application of homoeopathic medicine Natrium phosphoricum 3X, 6X & 12x on Calendula officinalis demonstrated a beneficial result by increasing Plant height, number of branches and number of flowers. There is a reduction in germination time too, in comparison to Control group. Natrium phosphoricum 12X Showed more effectiveness in various aspects of growth of Calendula officinalis than Natrium phosphoricum 3X & 6X. Therefore this study demonstrates the effect of potentised homoeopathic medicine in agriculture.
In every aspect of agriculture agrohomoeopathy may be a good choice. Proper application of homoeopathic medicines in agriculture helps to increase the growth & productivity of plants.
- Robin Murphy; Lotus Materia Medica; Third edition; B. Jain Publishers (P)Ltd.
- Gupta G, Vyas H and Sharma B, Agrohomoeopathy – Does homoeopathy has a role in agriculture? Wesleyan journal of research 2020; 13 No 40.
- Homoeopathic pharmacopoeia of india. First edition. Volume – i. New delhi: government of india, minstry of health & family welfare1971.
Dr. Vinod Solanki
MD Scholar (Homoeopathic Pharmacy)
Guide – Dr. B.D. Dwivedi
Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal (M.P.)
Email : solankivinod513@gmail.com
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