Vegetable analogues
Phos –Allium cepa Nat mur -Ign
Cup met –Ipec Kali sulph -Dulc
Merc –Mez Kali mur -Puls
Plumb met –Podophyllum
Platina –Valariana
Kali iod –Phytolaca
Mag phos –Cham
Alum –Bry
Sulph –Aloes ,Lyc
Fer met –China
- Materia medica –Latin word
- Homoeopathic anti –toxin –Diphtherinum
- Homeopathic anti –septic –Pyrogen
- Chronic of Acon ,Aloes -Sulph
- Makes the use of catheter unnecessary –Solidago
- Often replaces the use of catheter –Thlaspi, Sabal ser
- Eustachian catheter –Merc dulc
- Aconite of C/c Ds –Alum
- Aconite venous capillary system –Hamamelis
- Never well since puberty -Puls
- Never well since change of life -Lach
- Never well since last miscarriage -Sulph
- Never well since that burn –Caust
- Acridity & Putridity -Kreos
- A/c idiocy –Hell
- C/c idiocy-Bar carb
Well selected remedies fail to act in a/c disease –Sulph
Well selected remedies fail to act in c/c disease – Psor
Lack of vital heat in a/c Ds -Ledum
Lack of vital heat in c/c Ds – Sep
Authoritative works in mm
1) Fragmenta de viribis medicamentorum postivis -1805 –latin -27 drugs –Leipsic –Hahnemann
2) Materia Medica Pura – 1811-1821 originally by –Hahnemann-“Reine Arznesmittellehre”6 vol. -latin
- 1st-1811,2nd-1816,3rd-1817,4th-1818,5th-1819,6th-1821
- Present edn translated by Dr.R.E.Dudgeon with annotations by Dr.Richard Hughes.
- 2 vol -1st-37 medicines ;2nd-30 medicines
- Total -67 medicines
- Medicines arranged alphabetically.2 grades –Bold[frequently occurring symps] & Ordinary
3) Chronic diseases –their peculiar nature &homoeopathic cure
- Originally 4 vol -Hahnemann
- 1,2,3 vol -1828 ; 4th vol -1830
- 1st –nature & theory of c/c ds ; 2nd , 3rd,4th vol –MM part
- Present C/C Ds -2 vol -1st –theoretical & 2nd –practical parts -48 med.
4) Guiding symptoms of our MM –by –C.Hering
- 10 vol -1879-1891,410 medicines
- Dr.Hering –father of MM
5) Encyclopedia of pure MM –T.F.Allen
- 12 vol – 1874- 1039 med
- 1-10 –MM ;11 &12 –index to MM /Repertory
6) A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis –R. Hughes & J.P.Dake
- 4 vol -304 medicines
- 1st -1886, 2nd -1888, 3rd -1890,4th -1891
Sources of drugs in Materia Medica
- Vegetable Kingdom
- Animal
- Mineral
- Nosodes – medicine prepared from diseased products
Eg:- Psor,Tuber,Variolinum ,Bacill,Ambra gr,Syphili,Diphth,Malandrinum,Lyssin,Med ,Vaccinum ,Sec cor ,Ustilago[veg nosodes] Nectrialinum – from Ca trees
- Sarcodes –medicine prepared from healthy secretions
Eg :- Adren,Cholest,Pancreatinum,Thyroidinum - Imponderabilia – medicine ppd from immaterial objects
Eg:-X ray, Rad brom,SOL,Mag poli ambo ,M.P. articus ,M.P.Australis, Electricity
Vegetable kingdom
- Compositae -Abrot ,Arnica ,Calendula ,Cham ,Cina ,Eupat.perf ,Taraxacum – Largest vegetable family.
- Ranunculaceae -Acon ,Actea rac ,Helleborus ,Puls ,Ranunculus bulb ,Staphy ,Climatis ,Adonis ,Hydrastis
- Solanaceae -Bell ,Stram ,Hyos ,Caps ,Tabacum ,Dulc
- Loganaceae -Gels ,Nux vom , Ign ,Spig
- Umbelliferae -Aethusa cyn ,Cicuta ,Con mac,,Hydrocotyle ,Asafoetida
- Liliaceae -Allium cepa ,A. sativa ,Aloes ,Lil tig ,Colch,Sabadilla,Helonias
- Papaveraceae –Chel ,Opium ,Sang
- Melanthaceae -Ver alb ,Ver virid
- Rubiaceae -Coffea ,Cinchona ,Ipec
- Ericaceae -Kalmia ,Ledum ,Rhodo
- Leguminaceae –Bapt ,Physostigma, Melilotus
- Beriberidaceae -Beriberis ,Caulo, Podo
- Urticaceae -Cann ind ,Cann sat
- Scrophularaceae –Dig ,Euphr
- Cucurbitaceae -Bry ,Colocynth
- Anacardiaceae –Anac ,Rhus
- Coniferaceae –Sabina ,Thuja
- Smilaceae –Saras ,Trillium pend
- Araceae –Arum tri ,Caladium
- Polygonaceae –Rheum ,Rumex
- Polygalaceae –Ratanhia
- Rutaceae –Ruta grav ,Xanthoxyllum
- Cruciferae –Thlaspi bursa ,Raphanus
- Lauraceae –Camph
- Euphorbiaceae –Crot tig ,Acalypha ind
- Myristicaceae –Nux mosch
- Lycopodiaceae –Lyc
- Thymelaceae –Mez
- Valarianaceae –Valarianum
- Verbanaceae –Agnus castus
- Sapindaceae –Aesculus
- Hypericaceae –Hyper
- Hamamelidaceae –Hamamelis
- Iridaceae –Crocus sat ,Iris vers
- Liniaceae –Coca
- Menispermiaceae –Cocculus ind
- Phytolacaceae –Phyt
- Primulaceae –Cyclamen
- Labiatae –Collins ,Teucrium
- Apocynaceae –Apocynum ,Aspidosperma
- Borraginaceae –Symphytum ,Onosm
- Lobeliaceae –Lobelia
- Caprifoliaceae –Sambucus,Vib op
- Droseraceae –Drosera
- Equisetaceae –Equis
- Verbanaceae –Agnus castus
- Violaceae –Viola tricolor.
- Aristolochiaceae –Asarum europ
- Lichen –Sticta pulm
- Bov ,Agar ,Sec cor
Animal kingdom
- All ‘Lac’ ppns –eg –Lac defl , Lac can ,Lac fel ,Lac vaccinum
- Moschus ,Mephites,Bufo etc……
- Crot hor –Rattle snake –Crotalidae
- Lachesis –Surukuku snake –Ophidae
- Naja –Cobra –Elapidae
- Asterias rubens –Star fish -Radiata
- Murex –A mollusk –muricidae
- Tarentula hisp & -Araneidae
- Tarentula cub
- Cantharis –Cantharidae
- Spong –Roasted sponge
Mineral kingdom
- HgCl 2 –Merc cor
- Merc –Quick silver As2O3 –Ars –white oxide of Ars
- HgCl –Merc dulc ,Calomel Bi2O3(OH) -Bism
- Hg2I2 –Merc Iiod flavus Borax –Biborate of Soda
- HgI2 –Merc –I Tinctura acris sine Kali -Caust
- Black oxide –Merc –Hahnemann’s soluble Mercury
- HF –Flour acid
- HgSO4 –Merc sul
- distillation of wood tar -Kreos
- Al2O3 –Alum Suphuret of lime -Hep
- Sa2S3 –Ant crud –Sulphide of Antimony
- Mineral Spring water –Sanicula
- C3H5(NO2)O3 –Glon ,Nitroglycerine
- HCl –Mur acid
- Arsenite of lime –Calc ars
- Oil of Turpentine –Teribinth
- Silicic oxide –Sil
- Coal /Rock oil –Petroleum (anthracite)
- CH3COOH –Acet acid
- C7H6O2 –Benz acid
- H3PO4 –Phos acid
- C2H2O2 –Ox acid
- C6H5OH –Carb acid
- C6H6O3 –Lact acid
- C6H2(NO2)3OH –Pic acid
- Bry –Rhus& Lach –Lyc ,Hepar, Nitr ac
- Apis –Nat mur Cham –Bell
- Calend –Hepar,Sal ac
- Carb veg –Kali carb Puls –K. mur,Sil,
- Lyc ;;Colocynth -Merc
- Lyc –Iod Nitr ac –Ars,Calad
- Ferrum met –Cinch ,Alum
- Mag carb –Cham
- Stan met,Sulph ac -Puls
- Dulc –Kali sulph,Bar carb
- Graph –Caust ,Hepar,Lyc
- Arn –Acon, Hyp ,Rhust
- Nux vom -Sulph
- Phos –Ars –isomorphic
- Ipec –Cup met
- Psor –Sulph ,Tuber
- Iod –Rhust,Lyc,Brom
- Caust –Carb veg ,Petros
- Petrol -Sep
- Ant crud –Squilla Aethusa –Calc carb
- Bar carb –Conium Trillium pend –Calc phos
- Hepar –Calend Thuja –Med,Sab ,Sil
- Chel –Bry,Lyc Carb an –Calc carb ,Phos
- Saras –Merc,Sep Dros –Nux vom
- Sil –Thuja ,Sanicula
- Sep –Nat mur
- Flour ac –Coca,Sil Zinc met -Ign
- Rheum –Mag carb
- Rhust –Bry ,Calc flour
- Ars –Allium sat,Pyr,Phos,Carbveg
- Sabina –Thuja
- Allium cepa-Puls,Phos,Thuja
- Calc phos –Ruta,Trillium
- Apis -Rhust
- Nux vom –Zinc met
- Amm carb –Lach
- Selenium -Cinchona
- Carb veg -Kreosote
- Ranunculus –Staphy ,Sulph
- Sepia –Lach [Puls –Never altered]
- Phyt –Merc sol
- Zinc met –Cham,Nux
- Arum tr-Caladium
- Merc sol –Sil
- Borax –Acetic ac,vinegar,wine
- Phos -Caust
- Coffea –Caust,Canth,Cocculus,Ign
- Ign –Coffea,Nux,Tab
- Bar carb -Calc
- Dulc –Bell,Lach,Acetic ac
- Lach-Acetic ac,Carb ac
- Cinch –Dig ,Sel
Antidotes of tobacco abuse are :
- Excessive nausea & vomiting –Ipec
- Bad effects of tobacco chewing –Ars
- For gastric complaints next morning after smoking –Nux vom
- Palpitation, tobacco heart ,sexual weakness –Phos
- For annoying hiccough from tobacco chewing –Ign
- Tobacco toothache –Clem , Plant
- Neuralgic affections of Rt. Side of the face ;dyspepsia;c/c nervousness ,esp. in sedentary occupations –Sep
- For impotence ,spasms,cold sweat from excessive smoking –Lyc
- Occipital headache & vertigo from excessive use, esp. smoking –Gels
- Tabacum potentized (200/1000) to relieve terrible craving when discontinuing use.
- Termini of nerves became so irritated & sensitive that some kind of friction was necessary to obtain relief. –Tarentula
- Is recommended as a prophylactic in malarial & African fevers.-Terebinth
- In scrofulosis where the best chosen remedies fail to relieve –Theridion
- “In rachitis,caries,necrosis ,it apparently goes to the root of the evil & destroys the cause –Dr.Baruch”-Ther
- Theridion follows well after –Calc ,Lyc
- Phthisis florida, often effects a cure if given in the early stages of disease -Ther
- “On blowing the nose, a pressing pain in the hollow tooth or at the side of it (Culex)”-Boenninghausen –Thuja
- Thuja – Follows well after –Med,Merc,Nit ac
- ——- is preferable for warts on the prepuce -Cinnabaris
- ——- to fatten the Pts. Cured with Tub.-Hydrastis
- —— for a/c attacks , congestive or inflammatory , occurring in tubercular diseases-Bell
- When Psor ,Sulph or the best selected remedy fails to > or permanently improve –Tub
- Follows Psor as a constitutional remedy in hay fever ,asthma -Tub
- For the abuse of chamomile tea- Valer
- For pain in the heels –Agar ,Caust,Cyclam,Led,Mang,Phyt
- Variolinum –Pus from small pox pustule
- Often removes bad effects of excessive use of alcohol & tobacco –Ver alb
- After Camph in cholera & cholera morbus –Ver alb
- After Amm carb ,Carb veg & Bov in dysmenorhea with vomiting & purging –Ver alb
- Should not be given simply to ‘bring down the pulse’ or ‘control the heart’s action’ ,but like any other remedy for the totality of the symptoms –Ver vir
- Is followed well by Ign ,but not by Nux, which disagrees –Zinc met
- When the best selected remedy fails to > or permanently improve in syphilitic affection –Syphilinum
- Fissure in anus & rectum ,prolapse of rectum ; obstinate cases with a syphilitic history –Syphilinum
- Follows well after Arn , for pricking pain & soreness of periosteum remaining after an injury –Symphytum
- In contusion & laceration of soft parts it vies with Calend –Sulph ac
- Follows well after Arn with bruised pain ,livid skin & profuse sweat ; after ,Ledum in ecchymosis –Sulph ac
- Ailments from brandy drinking –Sulph ac
- ——– 1 part with 3 parts of alcohol , 10- 15 drops , 3 times daily for 3-4 days ,has been successfully used to subdue the craving for liquor –Hering –Sulph ac
- ——- should not be used before Sulph -Calc
- Ailments from abuse of metals generally –Sulph
- ——- is the c/c of Acon & follows it well in pneumonia & other a/c diseases –Sulph
- Menorrhagia, has not well since her last miscarriage “A single dose at new moon”-Lippe -Sulph
- Acts best in goiter when given after full moon or when the moon is waning –Lippe –Iod
- Should not be given during lying –in period ,except in high potencies –Iod
- Will bring on the menses ,when Nat mur ,though apparently indicated ,fails –Kali carb
- “Persons suffering from ulceration of lungs can scarcely get well without this anti-psoric” – Hahnemann- Kali carb
- —– is followed well by Ars ,Phos ,Sulph in Ca & disease of a malignant tendency –Kreos
- It follows Spig well in heart disease -Kalm
- After over action, from repeated doses of Bell in whooping cough –Stram
- In metrorrhagia from retained placenta with characteristic delirium ,Sec often acts promptly when ———– has failed –Stram
- Cognates – Sulph ,Calc ,Lyc ; Sulph ,Saras , Sep
- Cognates – Puls,Colocynth ,Staph ; Caust,Colocynth ,Staph ; Puls,Sil,Flor ac
- Sulph – Compatible – Calc,Lyc ,Puls,Saras, Sep
- Stannum follows after —– & followed by Calc,Phos,Sil,Sulph,Tub -Caust
- Frequently called after abuse of mercury –Sarasaparilla
- It antidotes mental effects of over use of tobacco ,in Pts.of sedentary habits who suffer from over mental exertion –Sep
- Many symps. ,esp. those of head ,heart, & pelvis are < & > by rest & exercise –Sep
- Sep should not be alternated with —-Puls
- —- Frequently indicated after –Sil ,Sulph
- Itch checked by mercurials / Sulph often requires –Selenium
- Follows well after Calad, Nat,Staph,Phos ac, in sexual weakness -Selenium
- Cinnamon in pp h/ge ;it increases labour pains,controls profuse /dangerous flooding ,is always safe ,while —— is always dangerous.— Ergot
- Similar to Ars ,but cold & heat are opposite –Sec cor
- Silicia follows well after –calc, Graph,Hepar,Nitr ac,Phos
- Silicia followed well by –Hepar,flour ac, Sep, Lyc
- As a dynamic remedy for narcosis of Opium –Sang
- After Bell in scarlatina -Sang
- After Arn ,it hasten the curative process in the jts., after Symph , in injuries of bones –Ruta
- —— often quickly > itching & burning of Rhus , the vesicles drying up in a few days –Sepia
- Rhus is best antidoted by the ——— – similimum
- Follows Bry & Ran bulb well in pleuricy & has cured after Acon & Bry failed -Sabadilla
- After Hepar in furuncle; after Acon & Bry in pleuricy ,when a pressing sensation remains in affected side impending respiration –Abrot
- Follows well after Opium in bad effects of fright -Sambucus
- Sabina follows —— in codylomata & sycotic affection -Thuja
- May be given after abuse of Magnesia, with/ without rhubarb ,if stools are sour –Rheum
- Homoeopathic dynamic anti –septic –Pyr
- Ailments from abuse of chamomile, quinine , mercury,tea drinking ,Sulph –Puls
- Pts. Anaemic or chlorotic ,who have taken much iron,quinine & tonics, even years before -Puls
- After Arn in traumatic affections of ovaries –Psor
- After Lactic ac in vomiting of pregnancy -,,
- Sulph follows — well in mammary cancer –Psor
- “Whether derived from purest gold or purest filth ,our gratitude for its excellent service forbids us to inquire or care” – P.B Bell-––Psor
- ——– Removes bad effects of Iodine & excessive use of table salt –Phos
- Hahneman says: “Acts most beneficially when the Pt suffers from c/c loose stool / diarrhea” -Phos
- Cold air > the head & face symps. But , those of chest ,throat & neck –Phos
- ——acts well before or after Cinch in colliquative sweats, diarrhea ,debility :after Nux in faiting after a meal – P hos ac
- The skin symps are < in winter ,>in summer ; if suppressed , causes diarrhea -Petrol
- When symps correspond , the potencies may antidote bad effects of Opium drugging –Opium
- “Persistent diarrhea in those Tted with large doses of the drug” –Lippe –Opium
- “—— renders the intestines so sluggish that the most active purgatives lose their power” –Hering -Opium
- In Stram we have suppression ; while in —-,the secretion is not diminished, the bladder is full but fullness is unrecognised .-Opium
- —–should be given on retiring / several hrs. before going to bed ; it acts best during repose of mind &body –Nux vom
- ——– antidotes mercurial inhalation , lead colic , oil of turpentine ,spirituous liquors, & esp.the effects of bad beers –Nux mosch
- In intermittent fever —— follows Lach well when the type changes .-Nat mur
- Probably no remedy in the MM presents a more valuable pathogenesis in symp of the throat / one that will better repay a careful study –Lac can
- For the bad effects of drunkars in people with light hair ,blue eyes ,florid complexion ,corpulent, Lob bears the same relation that —– does to persons of the opposite temperament. – Nux vom
- Bad effects of onions , bread, wine,spirituous liquors ,tobacco smoking & chewing –Lyc
- It is rarely advisable to begin the Tt.of a c/c disease with Lyc unless clearly indicated ,it is better to give first another anti –psoric—Lyc
- The burning feet of Sulph &restless fidgety legs & feet of Zinc are both found at the same time in —– -Med
- Ailments from sugar, insect stings,vapors of Ars /Cu –Merc
- For bad effects of large doses / too frequent repetition of Merc –Mez
- When it acts well it produces a profuse, watery diarrhea withb great > to the Pt. ;it is as imp. as Ars in hydrothorax –Merc sulph
- Epidemic occurring in Jan & Feb often call for –Mez
- Cures muscular weakness following excessive use of Opium & tobacco –Mur ac
- In vertigo & headache be very persistent / prostration be prolonged after Natrum ——— > -Nux
- Should never be given during fever paroxysm –Nat mur
- Can’t often be repeated in c/c disease without an intercurrent , called for by the symps –Nat mur
- Relieves ailments resulting from abuse of mercury , esp. if there be erythrism ;bad effects of repeated doses of Dig –Nit ac
- In wounds where formerly Acon & Arn were given alternately —— cures –Hyper
- There are more Ign Persons in N .America than Nux vom Pts. –Hering
- Often curative after Eugenia jam in acne –Kali brom
- —– often cures lasciviousness when Hyos fails – Phos
- Follows Bell well in deafness after apoplexy –Hyos
- Complementary to Calend in injuries to soft parts –Hepar
- ——–antidotes bad effects of mercury & other metals ,iodine, iodide of potash ,cod liver oil; renders Pts.less susceptible to atm. changes & cold air –Hepar
- Bad effects of Ign are antidoted by –Puls
- Is followed well by Ars in influenza,chills,croup,debility,cholera infantum ;by Ant tart in foreign bodies in larynx –Ipec
- After Canth / Carb ac has removed the scrapings , in dysentery –Kali bich
- After Iod in croup when hoarse cough ,with tough membrane , general weakness & coldness are present; Calc in a/c /c/c nasal catarrh –Kali bich
- —- Follows Kali bich well in catarrhal affections & skin diseases –Ant tart
- Unless indicated by exciting cause, is nearly always injurious in 1st stages of typhoid fever -Acon
- Rarely indicated in fevers which bring out eruption –Acon
- Complementary to Coffea in fever sleeplessness, intolerance to pain; to Arn in Traumatism; to Sulph in all cases.-Acon
- ——— Should not be given simply to control the fever , never alternated for that purpose .If it be a case requiring —– will cure the case.- Acon
- ——antidotes Carb ac.-Cider vinegar
- It antidotes anaesthetic vapors; fumes of charcoal & gas ;Opium & Stram-Acetic acid
- Follows well after Cinch in H/ge ;after Dig in dropsy –Acetic acid
- It < the symps of Arn, Bell, lach ,Merc; esp. the headache from Bell –Acetic acid
- Hahnemann says “Whenever —– is chosen homoeopathically ,you must ,above all ,observe the moral symps, & be careful that it closely resembles them; the anguish of mind & body;the restlessness; the disquiet not to be allayed.” -Acon
- The more profuse the flow the greater will be the suffering –Actea racemosa
- After Collins has improved in piles , ——- often cures –Aesculus
- Useful after Nux & Sulph have improved , but failed to cure piles –Aesculus
- Calad & Selen follow well after ——–in weakness of sexual organs or impotence –Agnus castus
- “Efficacious when feet rubbed sore” –Dioscorides –Allium cepa
- Allium cepa- Compatible before –Calc ,Sil in polypus
- Like Sulph in many c/c diseases with abdominal plethora & congestion of portal circulation ;develops suppressed eruptions –Aloes
- —– is one of the chief antidotes for lead poisoning ;painter’s colic ; ailments from lead –Alumina
- ,, follows- Bry ,Lach,sulph
- It antidotes poisoning with Rhus & stings of insects -Amm carb
- Often palliative in incurable cases ; very imp. as regards euthanasia –Amyl nit
- Puerperal convulsions immediately after delivery –Amyl nit
- Acts promptly by inhalation ;resuscitates persons sinking under anesthetics –Amyl nit
- Profound & repeated yawning – Amyl nit ,Kali carb
- Crude drug chiefly palliative ;must be repeated as Pt. becomes accustomed to it; is curative in the stronger higher potencies – Amyl nit
- Anac follows well after – Lyc ,Puls
- Anacardium follows & is followed well by- Plat
- When Ars / best selected remedies fail to > the burning pain of carbuncle / malignant ulceration -Anthracinum
- —— in the terrible pains of Ca , carbuncle,/ erysipelas when Ars / Anthr fail to > -Euphorbinum
- Ant crud- follows well after –Puls,Merc ,Sulph
- When lungs seems to fail, Pt becomes sleepy , cough declines /ceases ; it supplants Ipec –Ant tart
- For bad effects of vaccination when Thuja fails & Sil not indicated – Ant tart
- Before Sil in dyspnea from foreign bodies in the larynx / trachea ;Puls in suppressed gonorrhea ; Tereb from damp basements –
- In spring & autumn ,when damp weather commences ,coughs of children get worse -,,
- Children not easily impressed when Ant tart seems indicated in coughs require –Hepar
- Has cured scarlatina albuminuria after Canth, Dig, Hell. failed –Apis
- —– has cured bad cases of general dropsy after Apis, Apoc, & Dig failed –Haynes –Blatta orientalis
- ——— for bad effects of cauterizing with nitrate of silver –Arg nit
- Coffea increase nervous headache-,,
- Boys complaints after using tobacco –Arg nit, Ars ,Ver
- The 200 /1M potency in watery solution as a topical application in ophthalmia neonatarum has > when crude silver nitrate has failed –Arg nit
- In ailments from spirituous liquors / from charcoal vapors -Arn ,Amm carb ,Bov
- Arn – follows well after –Acon ,Apis, Ham, Ipec ,Ver
- Arnica is followed well by – Sulph ac
- Ailments from chewing tobacco , alcoholism , sea bathing , sausage poisoning, dissecting wounds & anthrax poison , stings of venomous insects –Ars
- Useful after Hepar & Nit ac in dry, hoarse , croupy cough ; after Caust &
- Hepar in morning hoarseness & deafness & in scarlatina –Arum tr
- Over sensitiveness nerves , scratching of linen / silk ,crackling of paper is unbearable -Asarum
- Cold air / cold water very pleasant to the eyes ; sunshine , light, & wind intolerable,
- Aurum follows & is followed well by ——- -Syphilinum
- When Arn has been improperly given / too frequently rptd in typhod /typhus -Bapt
- After Bar carb ,—– will often eradicate the constitutional tendency to quinsy -Psor
- Useful after Colch fails in gout ; after abuse of suppression of gonorrhea –Benz ac
- Enuresis after Nitr has failed -,,
- Benz ac –Incompatible –Wine , which < urinary ,gouty, & rheumatic affections.
- Borax – ,, -Acetic ac , wine ,vinegar
- When Rhus seems indicated , but fails to cure , in c/c urticaria –Bov
- —— antidotes , effects of local application of tar, suffocation from gas -Bov
- Hard goiter cured after Iod failed -Brom
- “The chief distinction b/w Brom & Iod is the former cures blue –eyed & the latter the black eyed Pts” –Hering .
- —- has cured in croup after failure of Iod ,Phos, Hepar, Spong; esp. in relapses after Iod –Brom
- Destroys craving for tobacco-Calad
- Was 1st used as a tobacco antidote –Coca
- Prevents caries of teeth –Coca
- Follows well after Conium in lymphatic , psoric /tubercular persons –Calc ars
- Calc acts best before –Lyc,Nux, Phos ,Sil
- ,, follows -Nitr ac, Puls, Sulph ( esp. if the pupils dilated ) ; is followed by , Kali bich in nasal catarrh
- “Calc must not be used before Nitr ac & Sulph ;may produce unnecessary complications”- Hahnemann
- In children it may be often rptd , in aged people should not be rptd ; esp. if the 1st dose benefited , it will usually do harm –Calc carb
- Calc phos –acts best before – Iod, Psor, Sanic,Sulph
- Calc Phos acts after – Ars, Iod, Tub
- The burning pain & intolerable urging to urinate is the red strand of this remedy -Canth
- Acts as well in potency as in Q ,applied locally ,& may be administered internally at the same time- Calend
- ———– is almost specific for clean ,surgical cuts / lacerated wounds , to prevent excessive suppuration -Calend
- In all case of loss of soft parts when union can’t be effected by means of adhesive plaster – Calend
- All sequelae of measles -Camph
- —– antidotes nearly every veg. medicine ; also tobacco, fruits containing prussic acid , poisonous mushrooms ; should not be allowed in the sick room in its crude form –Camph
- “All our progress as school depends on the right view of the symps obtained by proving with Camph &——-Opium”-Hering
- Cina follows well in intermittent fever -Caps
- The constricting ,burning , smarting pains differentiate from Apis & Bell -Caps
- —— is useful after bad effects from spoiled fish & decayed veg .-Carb an
- Want of susceptibility to well selected remedies –Carb veg,Opium ,Valar
- The potencies are made with alcohol –Carb ac
- Similar to labor pains of Puls , but mental condition opposite -Caulo
- Sep , “moth patches” & reflex symps from uterine irregularities -,,
- ———– antidotes paralysis from lead poisoning ,bad effects of holding type in mouth of compositors & abuse of Merc /Sulph in scabies -Caust
- Caust -Incompatible –Phos, coffea,acids
- Mental calmness contra indicate ——- – Cham
- In cases spoiled by the use of Opium /morphine in complaints of children -Cham
- Complementary –Bell in diseases of children ,cranial nerves ; Cham ,abd. Nerves
- —— antidotes abuse of Bry esp. in hepatic complaints -Chel
- Ars ,Lyc & Sulph follow well & will often be required to complete cure -Chel
- In pertussis after Dros has > the severe symps –Cina
- Has cured aphonia from exposure when Acon,Phos & Spong had failed -Cina
- Is frequently to be thought of in children ,as an epidemic remedy ,when adults require other drugs –Cina
- —— sometimes cures in worm effections when Cina seems indicated ,but fails – Santonine
- Useful in bad effects from excessive tea drinking / abuse of chamomile tea , when h/ge results –Cinch
- Physical exertion ,even much walking brings on abscess in some part , but generally Rt. ear –Carb acid –R.T .Cooper
- Small boils in any part of the body ; esp. n external auditory canal –Picric acid
- Cinch – Follows well – Calc phos in hydrocephaloid
- Has cured umbilical hernia with obstinate constipation , after Nux failed -Cocculus
- When fever assumes a slow ,sneaking nervous form , with vertigo ; with disposition to anger -Cocculus
- Often cures dropsy after Apis & Ars fail -Colch
- Has cured colic after Col & Nux had failed -Collinsonia
- In heart Ds complicating with haemorrhoids consult ——— when Cac, dig & other remedies fail -Collins
- Rt . sided sciatica -Gnaphalium
- The ‘Balm of Gilead’ for diseases of old maids & women during & after climacteric –Con mac
- Con mac is followed well by ——- in tumors of mammae with threatening malignancy -Psor
- Pts . requiring ——– often improve from wine / stimulants , though persons susceptible to it can’t take alcoholic stimulants when in health –Con mac
- Psor Pt. will not iprove while taking –Coffee
- In Lach , skin is cold & clammy ; in Crotalus ——– -cold & dry.
- —— antidotes the direct action of Dig & increases the anxiety -Cinch
- Often > the constant distressing night cough in T.B -Dros
- Hahnemann says –MM Pura –“ 1 single dose of the 30th potency is sufficient to cure entirely epidemic whooping cough. The cure takes place surely b/w 7 & 8 days. Never give a 2nd dose immediately after the 1st ; it would not only prevent the good effect of the former , but would be injurious”. -Dros
- Eup per is followed well by –Nat mur,Sep
- ——– is the nearest analogue , having free sweat, but pains keep Pt. quiet ; while
- Eup has scanty sweat & pains make Pt. restless -Bry
- Should never be given in syphilis ; always < the condition –Fer met
- Follows well after Ars in ascites of drunkards ; after Kali carb in hip Ds ; after
- Coffea , Staph in sensitive teeth ; after Phos ac in Diabetes ; after Spong in goiter –Flour acid
- After Calc in obesity of young women with large amount of unhealthy adipose tissue ; follows Sulph well in skin affections ; after Sep in gushing leucorrhea -Graph
- Hearing confused ,can’t tell from what direction the sound comes –Carb an
- Want of breath in athletics ,shortness of breath in oldage –Coca
- Dyspnea ,Pt. can breath only by standing –Cann sat
- Great weakness & loss of breath on going upstairs –Calc ,Iod ,Amm carb
- Dyspnea can inhale ,but no power to exhale –Samb ,Med
- Least thing coming near nose interfere with breathing –Lach
- All irritating things –salt ,wine ,pepper etc .produces cough –Alum
- Cough during pregnancy –Con mac ,Kali brom ,Apocynum ,Caust,Nux mosch
- Violent cough in spasmodic paroxysms with eructations –Ambra gr
- Laughing excites cough –Arg met ,Stan met ,Dros ,Phos
- With every cough there escapes a vol . of pungent ,foetid air –Caps
- Lumps of mucus fly from the mouth during cough –Chel ,Kali carb ,Badiago
- Cough only during daytime –Euphr ,Fer met ,Staphy
- Cough only during night – Petroleum
- Cough returns every winter – Psor
- Cough deep , & hollow like coughing in a barrel – Med
- Cough has a gurgling sound as if water was poured from the bottle –Cup met
- Cough on going from warm to cold air –Phos [Cold to warm air –Bry ]
- Dyspnea >lying down –Kali bich [X Ars ,Grind ,Lach ,Aral]
- Expectoration profuse like egg white -Stan met
- Expectoration salty –Stan met ,Kali iod ,Phos ,Sep ,Ambra
- Expectoration bitter –Nux vom ,Puls
- Cough < undressing –Hepar ,Rumex
- Saliva tough , ropy viscid & froathy in mouth & throat with constant spitting –Lyssin ,Hydrastis
- Cough in single paroxysm –Calc carb
- ,, 2 ,, -Merc sol ,Puls
- ,, 3 ,, -Stan met,Cup met
- Heart trubles from reflex symp. Of uterus / ovaries –Actea rac
- Sensn as if heart is suspended by a thread –Lach ,Kali carb
- Palpitation <least physical exertion –Iod ,Dig
- Palpitation < ,, mental ,, – Lith carb,Calc ars
- Palpitation violent while lying on Lt. side –Tab (> lying on Rt. Side) ,Lac can
- Sensn of coldness abt . the heart –Petr, Carb an ,Nat mur ,Kali mur
- Hypertrophy of heart from gymnastics in growing boys –Brom
- Hypertrophy of heart calesthenics in young girls –Caust
- Angina pectoris ,intense throbbing of the heart & carotids –Bell ,Glon ,Amyl nit
- Irritating ,dry sympathetic cough of organic heart disease –Naja , Spong
- Pulse increases suddenly & decreases gradually below normal -Ver virid
- Menstrual irregularities & irritable heart –Lil tig
- Can’t walk in uneven ground –Lil tig
- Afraid of sharp,pointed things –Spig
- Pin mania –Sil
- Naturally of sweet disposition , now in the borderland of insanity –Tub
- Can’t get asleep unless the legs are crossed –Rhod
- Can’t sleep lying on back –Acetic acid ,Amm carb
- Feels > while lying on back –Ars
- C/C blue condn; every thing seems so dark;that it can grow no darker –Lac can ,Lyc ,Puls
- “———– is chiefly successful with persons of an ardent character ; of an irritable , impatient temperament, disposed to anger, spite/ deception” –Hahnemann –Nux vom
- Pain in Lt. floating ribs -Theridion
- Aversion to sweets & ice creams –Rad. bromide
- Aversion to sweets – Graphites
- Sensation of thoracic constriction & anguish –Adrenalin
- Thirsty in dropsy ;thirstless in fever –Acetic acid
- Nausea > eating –Lith carb
- Epidemic spleen diseases of cattle, horses & sheep –Anthracinum
Abrotanum -Southernwood | Bapt – wild indigo |
Aconite –Monkshood | Collinsonia –stone root |
Actea racemosa –Cimicifuga ,Black cohoshCaulophyllum –Blue cohoshActia spicata –Bane berry | Kalm–mountain laurel Crocus sat –saffronColch –Meadow saffronLedum –Marsh tea |
Abies Canadensis –Hemlock spruceAbies nigra –Black spruce | Dros –sundewTaraxacum -dandelion |
Arnica –Leoperd’s bane Hyos –Henbane Rheum–rhubarb Colocynth–sqirtingcucumber | Liltig–tiger lily Apis –poison of honey bee |
Bell –Deadly night shade Rumex –yellow dock | Rhododendron–snowrose Melilotus –sweet cloverDulc –Bitter sweetMenyanthus –Buck bean |
Cicuta –water hemlockCon mac –poison hemlock | Lobelia inflata -Indian tobaccoApocynum ,Cann ind –Indian HempCann sat –Hemp |
Lyco –club moss /wolf’s foot; | Arum triphyllum –Indian turnip |
Anac –Marking nut | Caladium –American arum |
Nux vom –poison nutRhus–pioson oak& | Ign –St .Ignatius ; |
Nuxmos –nutmegSang –blood rootSpigelia –pink root | Hyper –St. John’s wort Staphy –stavestcreDios –Wild yam |
Phyt –poke rootHydrastis –orange root /golden sealAsarum europ –European snake root | Physostigma –calaber bean Opium –poppy |
China –Peruvianbark Sambucus -elder | Sanicula –mineral spring water |
Aethusa–fool’sparsley Petrosel-parsley | Ranunculus–buttercup Agaricus –toad stool |
Calend –mariegold Podo –May apple /Veg. Mercury | Bovista –puff ball |
Gels–yellowjasmineStram –thorn apple | Trillium–Wakerobin Sec cor –ergot /spurred rye |
Puls–windflower/anemone /weather cock Hamam –Witch hazel | Thalaspi/Capsella–shepherd’spurse Ustilago –corn smut |
Helleborus–ChristmasroseEquis –scouring rush | Cina–wormseed Canth – Spanish flies |
Cactus –night blooming cereusVeralb–Whitehellebore Symph -comfrey | Helonius–unicornplant |
Ver virid –American ,, /green hellebore | Theridion–orangespider Tarent hisp –Spanish spider |
Millefolium –yarrowThuja –arbor vitae/ tree of life / white cidarSaras –wild liquorice
Spong –roasted Lachesis –Surukuku snake poison |
Caps–cayeneepepper Tarent cuben –Cuban ,,Tarent hisp –Spanish spider,, cubensis –Cuban ,,
Sulph –Brimstone |
Naja –cobra | Coca –Divine plant of Incas Mygale –Black Cuban spider |
Asterias rubens -starfishSepia –cuttle fishMurex –Purple fish | Oxalic acid –sorrel acidPicric cacid -trinitrophenol |
too good. keep it for ever.
very much usefulll..
informative,good and useful work
too good
very much informative things