RGUHS MD Homeopathy Psychiatry Question Papers

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Final Year MD Homoeopathy Degree Examination  – May 2010
Time : 3 Hours   Marks : 100

Homoeopathic Psychiatry – Paper 1
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. Answer all questions

LONG ESSAY             2 x 20 = 40 Marks

1. Describe in detail about the limbic lobe with various circuits and its functions.

2. Explain the Neuropsychiatric manifestation of carcinoma_

   6 X 10 = 60 Marks

3. A Define stress. Explain the concepts of stress and conflicts.

4. Discuss in detail about aetiopathogenesis of psychiatric  disorders.

5. What is Psychopathology causing hallucination and delusion?

6. What is psychometric? Mention the various  psychological test and its use.

7. Narrate the interviewing techniques in not co operative patients.

8. Define learning and explain various theories of learning.

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Final Year MD Homoeopathy Degree Examination  – May 2010
 Time : 3 Hours   Marks : 100
 Homoeopathic Psychiatry – Paper 11  

2 x 20 = 40 marks

1. How will you examine a psychiatry case and prepare a case card with special mention of Homoeopathic medicine. .

2. Describe aetiology, Clinical feature and psychopathology of schizophrenia.

SHORT ESSAY        6 x 10 = 60 Marks

3. Miasmatic evaluation of claustrophobia

4. Write in brief on sexual & Gender disorders.

 5. Describe the biochemical and psychological theories of depression

 6. Describe the clinical features of BRIQUET”S syndrome and management

 7. Describe aetiology, Clinical features and  Homoeopathic management of  infantile autism

8. National mental health programme.

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Final Year MD Homoeopathy Degree Examination  – May 2011
Time : 3 Hours   Marks : 100
Homoeopathic Psychiatry – Paper 1  

LONG ESSAY       2 x 20 = 40 Marks

 1. Describe the classification of mental disorders according to Hahnemann

2. Discuss the role of social and environmental conditions in causation of mental disorders

6 x 10 = 60 Marks

3. Interviewing a patient with psychiatry problem

4. Discuss various personalities.

5. Sigismund schlomo freud

6. When was “Psychiatry” was coined as themedical specialty

7. Behavioral neurology

 8. Concepts of normality

 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Final Year MD Homoeopathy Degree Examination  – May 2010
Time : 3 Hours   Marks : 100
 Homoeopathic Psychiatry – Paper. II 

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked.
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. Answer all questions

LONG ESSAY     2 x 20 = 40 Marks

1. Differentiate the mind of Psora, Syphilis, and Sycosis in mood disorder.

2. Describe the mental retardation. Methods of IQ  assessment and the role of parental counseling

SHORT ESSAY          
 6 x 10 = 60 Marks

3. Describe in detail about the Dhat syndrome and its Homoeopathic management.

4. Discuss the aetiology clinical picture of puerperal psychosis, give indication of five drugs

5. Define “Rape” classify and discuss the management of its victims.

6. Describe the various dissociative disorders with Clinical features.

7. Admission and discharge procedure for mentally ill patients in mental hospital

8. Give A Brief Account of prevention in psychiatry.

Courtesy : Dr Ram Jyothish

1 Comment

  1. Briquets syndrome somatoform disorder a by product of modern life anxiety depression schizophrenia,make hay while the sun shines modern medicine doctors making millions calling a simple personality disorder hypochondria type a mental disease.simple homeo remedies arnica cimicifuga ignatia ambra kali phos phyto ranunculus etc have been best explained by Sadeghi Sseyedaghanoor in his article on subject.

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