Dr Sinsen Joseph
Homoeopathic Medicines made out of Rubiaceae group of plants and their preparation, properties and clinical indications.
This family contains 2 subfamilies;
a. Cinchonaceae
b. Galiaceae
And these are called Rubiales. The word Rubiales is derived from the word Rubor means red. Many of the plant extract of this family is used for making dyes and are red in color. .Madder, Galium, and Gambier are red colored dyes of the family.
There are 9 remedies in the family.
- Cainca (chicocorea racemosa)
- Cinchona boliviana
- Cinchona officinalis
- Coffea cruda
- Coffea tosta
- Galium aparine
- Ipecacuanha
- Mitchella repens
- Rubia tinctorium
The general characters of the family are:
1. Haemorrhagic:
- Cinchona; Dark, clotted and profuse. Indicated in APH and PPH. Associated with coldness of face, grasping for breath and the patient demands fanning.
- Ipecac; Profuse, passive ,bright red blood. Accompanied bynausea, coldness of face, coldness of surface and cold sweat.
- Haemoptysis of incipient phthisis.
- Mitchella; Profuse, passive bright red blood. Uterine haemorrhage of bright red blood with dysuria.
2. Periodicity:
- Cinchona; Intermittent fever, quartan, tertian fever return every 7 or 14 days. Colic at a certain hour each day. <night,<3am.
- Ipecac; Intermittent fever; when no other remedy is indicated. Chill followed by long fever; nausea in all stages. Intermittent dyspepsia every other day at the same hour.
- Coffea; Intermittent toothache and features of intermittent fever.
3. Over sensitiveness:
- China; Over sensitiveness to all external impressions, slight pain < and hard pain>.
- Ipecac; Over sensitiveness to heat and cold.
- Coffea; Over sensitiveness. All the senses are more acute. Sight, hearing,smell,taste and touch.
4. Irritability:
- Cinchona; Irritable after loss of fluids.
- Ipecac; Mental depression with tissue irritability. With nausea during intermittent fever.
- Coffea; Irritability with pain. Teste places Coffea in front rank of remedies for irritability.
5. Prostration:
- China; Exhaustion after loss fluid. Prostration after intermittent fever.
- Ipecac; Prostration after constant and continual nausea.
- Coffea; Is said to relieve the effects of fatigue.
- Cainca; Is similar to Coffea in fatigue.
- Mitchella; Prostration with inability to concentrate mind.
6. Dyspepsia:
- China; Dyspepsia after loss of fluids. Stomach cannot tolerate food and is distended with flatus. Voracious appetite with thirst for cold drinks. Craves for acid drinks and fruits. Complaints from dainties. Enormous distension of abdomen. Indicated in gall stone colic (Dr; Thayer of Boston)
- Ipecac; Dyspepsia with continual and constant nausea. Constitution in which gastric symptoms predominate. Profuse salivation. Stomach feels as if HANGING DOWN and relaxed. Indicated in gallstone colic (Dr; Nancy T William says Ipecac 6C is indicated gallstone colic.). Pain from Lt to Rt side
- of abdomen.<from rich food, pork, pastry and fruits.
- Coffea; Excessive hunger, intolerance of tight clothing. Complaints after wine and liquor. Complaints from excessive joy and pleasure.
- Mitchella; Coldnes of abdomen and whole alimentary tract. Transverse colon tender to pressure.
7. Diarrhoea:
- China; Diarrhoea from fruits<night.Diarrhoea in hot weather after eating fruits. Lienteric stool. Rapid prostration and emaciation. Stool yellow,watery or brown and very offensive.Painless with white tongue.
- Ipecac; Pain around abdomen during stool. Clean tongue. Stools are like frothy molasses. Indicated in amoebic dysentery with tenesmus.
- Coffea; Diarrhoea in housewives. From excitement.
- Summer weather (hot) causes diarrhoea; China, coffea and Ipecac.
- Diarrhoea from fruits; China and Ipecac.
8. tooth ache;
- < by eating & night ; china and coffea.
- >by eating; Ipecac.
- >by cold water; coffea.
9. Perspiration;
- China; Perspiration on the side on which he lies. Suppressed perspiration; Nocturnal debilitating sweat. Oily sweat in the morning.
- Ipecac; Sour smelling sweat. Copious perspiration with coldness and dampness of hands and feet.
- Coffea; Perspiration of the face.
10.Sleep & dreams;
- Frightful dreams; Ipecac & Mitchella.
- Dreams of falling from a height; China.
- Sleeplessness in ; Coffea.
11. Action on kidneys & urination;
- Frequent urging to urinate; China, Cainca, Ipecac & Mitchella.
- Unsuccessful urination; Mitchella.
- Nocturnal enuresis; China and Coffea
- Brick dust sediment in urine; China and Ipecac.
- White sediment and high urine; Mitchella.
12. Hyperesthesia of skin:
- China; Slight touch < & hard pressure >.
- Coffea; Sensitive to touch.
13. Measles; China, Ipecac and Coffea.
14. Headache; Throbbing type in; China, Coffea and Mitchella.
15. Thermal reaction;
- Chilly; China and Coffea (Gibson Miller).
- <by both heat and cold; Ipecac.
16. Complimentary relation with metals;
- China is complimentary to FERRUM MET.
- Coffea is complimentary to AURUM MET.
- Ipecac is complimentary to CUPRUM MET.
17. Adaptability;
- China; For stouty persons; for systems once robust ;which have become debilitated ; broken down from exhausting diseases.
- Coffea; Tall lean stooping persons with dark complexion; Choleric and Sanguine temperament. Hyperaesthesia of skin.
- Ipecac; Fat children and adults; who are feeble and catches cold easily in relaxing atmosphere.
- Clinical Materia Medica by Dr: E.A. Farrington
- Boericke’s Materia Medica
- Kent’s Materia Medica
- Condensed Materia Medica by Dr: C. Hering
- A text Book of Materia Medica by Dr: Cowperthwaite
- Clarke’s Materia Medica
Dr.Sinsen Joseph BHMS,MD(Hom)
Medical Officer,Dept. of Homoeopathy, Govt. of Kerala
Email : drsinsen@yahoo.co.in
every remedy epicentre of action was analysed by aw wood ward,we are confused by secondary symptoms and importance to primary symptoms is ignored,further confused by research reports of homeo remedies on cats rats.china key is SENTIENT NERRVES lead to gastric catarrah and sensory disturbances are secondary noise in ears etc.for pathological similarity one has to listen to woodward like homeopaths.
Thank you for the valuable information sir .