Chronological development of Homoeopathy Repertory

Dr Sreelekha

A repertory is an index to the huge mass of symptoms of various drugs  of the homeopathic Materia medica

Need for a repertory
As the volumes of Homeopathic Materia medica expanded & remedies multiplied it became a problem to apply the this knowledge according to the directions laid down by Hahnemann. In his own time Hahnemann too became conscious about the need for suitable indices to the growing Materia medica In the chapter 21 of the Life History of Hahnemann Richard Haehl says that “His professional use in the consulting room & at the bed side, he required & promoted in every possible way the issue of repertories arranged on a definite & clear plan.

He had several partly drawn up by him & partly compiled by students All these tasks received his support, as far as it was possible for him, in the shape of special prefaces & introductions. During Hahnemann,s time he & his disciples had proved about100 remedies. In spite of the small no. of drugs their close intimacy with the details of the symptoms, Hahnemann & his band of workers started to make repertories. In comparison to the smaller no. of remedies at that time, now it is true to say that the repertory was born to meet the challenges of the Materia medica.

Materia medica contain the symptoms of remedies whereas the repertory is an index that relates remedies to the symptoms

Growth of repertories
1. Formative years ( from Hahnemann upto Kent)
2. Middle age ( Kentian era)
3. Recent repertories ( software based & screen based)

Historical development of repertory 
The earliest repertory was born in 1805 as the second part of Fragmenta. Dr. Hahnemann had 4 volumes of this reference book consisting of 4239 pageswith slits to hold little square papers, of which he had cut off the corners, so as to slip them into slits & be able to change them at need.

In 1829 Hahnemann wrote to his friend Rummel “ how useful will be a  good alphabetical repertory once it is compiled In about 1829 he assigned  Dr. Ernest Ferdinant Ruckert to arrange a repertory. This was to form  the last volume of Chronic Disease. Ruckert worked on it from 1829-30 & his work was constantly checked by Hahnemann . But this attempt  was not successful remained limited to a manuscript form, housed now  in Haehl’s museum in Robert Bosch Hospital Stuttgart , West Germany.

Dr.Hahnemann employed Dr. Jahr in about 1834 to complete second edition of Chronic Disease &also to lay foundation of repertory & encyclopediaof symptoms. Jahr was a medical student & he could not publish his first repertory until 1835 It was in German in 2 volumes, of 1052& 1254pages followed by a third volume on glands , bones , mucus membrane,ducts & skin diseases in 200 pages. These manuscripts are housed inthe Hahnemann,s library in the Robert Bosch Hospital.
1828 – One of the earliest repertories as by Hart laub published in 1828in
1829 –  Leipzig
1830  – Weber compiled in German, a repertory consisting of 536 pages.
Systematische Darstellung der Antipsoriche Arzneimittal with a repertory of deteriorations & ameliorations in health ranging from top to toe of the subject & ending up with sleep & the mental symptoms.
1832 – Boenninghausen, s repertory of Antipsorics with a preface by
Hahnemann ( Its English translation by Boger published in 1900)
Being disappointed in Jahr, Hahnemann gave Boenninghausen every  assistance & encouragement. As early as in 1830, he had already prepared  a repertory for his own use.
Second edition of this repertory appeared in 1833 There was alphabetical order & systematic arrangement. Besides the extremely logical arrangement the most useful innovation introduced by him was the gradation of drugs for a particular symptom
1. Symptoms denoted by italics with each letter separated from the next by a blank space.
2. Italics
3. Ordinary type spaced.
4. Ordinary type
5. Ordinary type in parenthesis

Plan of Boenninghausen first repertory  
Boenninghausen in his first repertory gave locations in general to comparatively fewer parts of anatomy. In section on Head internal, he gave forehead, sinciput ( not in BTPB) temples si9des vertex & occiput The only other region he gave such location was Abdomen, where he gave, upperabdomen , lower abdomen , umbilical region, sides of abdomen, entire abdomen,entire abdomen, hips & loin region. He had kept hypochondria separately L- meant liver region or  right hypochondrium& S- meant spleen or left hypochondrium. B -meant both sides

Modalities were appended at the end of various sensation in a particular region or area. Concomitants were given together in a generalized manner like modalities at the end of modalities that after giving complaint in a particular
region. The most valuable part was the Generalities  given at the end of the  book followed by general modalities like aggravations & ameliorations.

1833 – First alphabetical pocket repertory by Glazor inn Leipzig (165 pages)
– Repertory of purely pathogenic effects by Weber Peschier ( Prefaced by Hahnemann) 376 pages.
1835- Repertory of Medicines that are not Antipsorics by Boenninghausen
1836 – An attempt at showing the relative kinship of homeopathic medicines (Verwandchaften Repertorium) by Boenninghausen   This later formed the concordance or relationship of drugs of his Pocketbook
1837- The repertory published in Stutgart by Rouff (236 pages)
1838- A repertory published in English language in Allentown academy by Constantine Hering
1840- A repertory of Nosology by Rouff (254 pages) in English published in  America, translated to German by Okie Humphry.
1843- A Homeopathic Repertory of Symptomology (first original repertory in French,in 975pages )  by Laffite- one of the first Parisian homeopath, who completed a repertory

1845-Boenninghausen,s Therapeutic Pocket Book
Was translated to English by Dr. Hempel & Dr. Okie Later Dr. T.F.Allen published another edition with modification (initially book contained 126 drugs. Allen added 220 &removed 4. Now contain 364 drugs ) The  last & current edition was published by Dr. H.A. Robert of Connecticut,U.S.A.
In 1935 , he edited it & made some modifications.

The Philosophic Background
Hahnemann insisted on the necessity for considering the totality of the case, Boenninghausen proceeded on the hypothesis that this totality wasnot only the sum total of the symptoms but was itself a grand symptom.
Consisting of 3 factors – location, sensation & modalities. In the plan of his repertory , he emphasized the value of completed symptom & added a fourth requirement – the concomitant symptom.
They are often symptoms for which we can find no reason for their existence in the individual under consideration. They are called unreasonable attendant of the case in hand yet they have an actual relationship, in that they exist at the same time in the same patient.
He soon learned that symptoms which existed in an incomplete state in some part of given case could be reliably completed by Analogy, by observing the condition of other parts of the case . Conditions of < & >are not confined to this or that particular symptom, but that, like red thread in the cordage of British Navy they apply to all symptoms in the case.
Boenninghausen proceeded upon the Hahnemannian theory that it is the patient who is sick, nor his head , nor his eye. Every symptom  that refers to part may be predicated to the whole man.
In Allen,s edition there are 5 types of gradations

  • Capitals (5)
  • Bold face (4)
  • Italics (3)
  • Roman (2)
  • Roman in parenthesis (1)

This repertory is useful in obscure & chronic cases, with many symptom groups, where no single group stands forth with sufficient clarity to warrant a prescription. For it was with a consideration of these cases in mind,   Boenninghausen developed this repertory.

 Book is divided into 7 sections

  1. Mind & Intellect
  2. Parts of the body & organs
  3. Sensations & complaints in general , of glands, bones , skin
  4. Sleep & dreams
  5. Fever
  6. Aggravations & ameliorations
  7. Relationship of remedies

Mind & intellect 
Comparatively few rubrics are given. Boenninghausen based his work  on the concept whole man , placing the balance of emphasis on the value of concomitant symptom & modalities . It was his stand that the solid basis of the 4 square foundation was the only method of securing the totality of the case. At the same time , chapter aggravation include 17 rubrics devoted to
Emotional Excitement . Both Hahnemann & Boenninghausen believed that the disturbed emotional sphere might manifest itself in a long & varied train of symptoms. But the consequence of these disturbed states do not always manifest themselves clearly in the mental sphere. Therefor these rubrics under “ aggravation “, that deal with the emotional causes of functional disturbances are closely related to the part dealing with the mental symptoms.

Part of the body & organs 
Begins with Head & ends with Lower extremities. Each location (especially sense organs ) followed by symptoms of its functions.
Eg: Eye – Vision
Ear – Hearing
Urinary organs – urine
These chapters also contain few aggravations , concomitants & Sensations.
Eg: for aggravation

1. Troubles before Mictiuration – Mictiuration
2. At the beginning of menstruation – Menstruation   Eg: for rubrics in Sensation & Complaint
1. Stopped feeling in Ears – Hearing
2. Toothache – Teeth   Eg: for concomitants
1. Drugs which have concomitant of mental symptoms.
2. Accompanying symptoms of nasal discharge.

Sensation & Complaint 
This section contain not only subjective symptoms , but many conditions, objective symptoms & a few locations.
Eg: for subjective symptoms
1. Desire for open air
2. Intolerance of clothing  Eg: for locations
1. Side ( symptoms of one side)
2. Side left
3. Side right
Eg: for conditions
1. Apoplexy
2. Consumption Eg: for objective symptoms
1. Blackness externally
2. Cyanosis

Fever Contain 7 subsections . They are

  1. Circulation 
  2. Chilliness
  3. Heat
  4. Coldness
  5. Shivering
  6. Sweat
  7. Compound fevers

Modalities include
1. Aggravations according to time
2. Aggravations according to time & circumstances
3. Amelioration
The section for Aggravation covers a no. of conditions. While the section  devoted to Amelioration is comparatively small. Aggravations are much more often reported by patient than amelioration.

Concordance or  Relationship of Remedies 
This section give a better understanding of drugs & points of contact with each other with regard to specific spheres , locations, modalities, tissues etc. So that by working out these relationships we could find out the remedy which is likely to follow after the former one has done its job though partially. This way the remedy which was to complement the action of first remedy, could be find out by working out the Relationship with regard to the case in hand. This section of the book was envisaged as early as 1836by Boenninghausen, but at that time he had not done it properly & completely.

In BTPB he tried to make it as complete & as correct as possible.
Unfortunately most of us have not understood properly or utilized this section  for practical applications.

1847- Hempel’s Boenninghausen ( 500 pages )
1847 – BTPB edited  by Okie
1847 – Jahr,s Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory edited by P.F. Curie
1848 – Systematic alphabetic repertory by Clofar Muller ( 940 pages )
1849 – Mure -367 pages – Rio de Genero
1851 – A pocket manual of Repertory of Homeopathic medicine by Bryant  (352 pages) – New York. An alphabetical repertory.
1853 – A repertory of characteristic homeopathic remedies by Possart, published
1854 at Kothen. 700 pages.

1853- Jahr,s new Manual or Symptom Codex Volume 3 (repertory) translated & edited by Hempel & Quin.
It was published in U.S.A. & was prefaced by Hering. Apart from  Hempel Dr. F.K.G. Snelling & Dr. A. Gerald Hill also translated Jahr,s work  & repertories.

In 1859,Charles J. Hempel, translated Jahr, New Manual which was modified with additions from Possart,s translations & editing of the fourth edition of Jahr,s new manual. Hempel followed Possart, by producing the American edition in English in one volume & combined the repertory section to that of Materia medica which had been modified by giving briefer account of the remedies.

The repertory section of the book is differed from Jahr,s earlier work on it &  seems more to be precursor of Kent’s repertory. It was considered as the fifth edition of Jahr,s new manual. In this work he not only introduced gradation of remedies, (common type , italics,small caps & large caps) but also introduced Boenninghausen,s concept of generalization of locations.
Eg: 1. In chapter 22- for affections of the urinary organs, bladder , kidneys etc.he has given Bladder affections of
2. Under affections of Larynx & Trachea, he has given Bronchial affections
In 1907, Dr. Freder K.G. Snelling edited & enlarged Hill,s translation of fourth edition of Jahr,s Symptom Codex, was published by Boericke & Tafel as Hill,s Jahr. The repertory part of this book was called Clinical Index but this work was done poorly
Jahr wrote that he had arranged repertory as an independent work, not  necessarily connected with the text symptoms given in the Materia Medica because the student might like to use the repertory without caring about a mere synopsis of symptoms given in Materia medica thus able to survey at a glance, the principal remedies required in a given case. The repertory does not have to be a mechanical index. It has to be a logical & scientific guide.

Structue of Jahr,s earlier repertory
Divided into 29 chapters from Mind , disposition , sensorium to characterisric symptoms of remedies contained in the repertory.

Structure of last edition translatedby Hempel
In this book, Jahr changed the arrangement of chapters & broke  up the symptoms & tabulated them, as Boenninghausen had in his  earlier repertories. He has given description of symptoms as they  appeared in proving & clinical confirmation. The arrangement of chapters is as follows
1. General affections & conditions which correspond with Generalities of Kent or Sensations & Complaints of BTPB   Eg: Females disease of
2. Cutaneous affections & other affections of external parts
3. Sleep & dreams
4. Fever & feverish condition
5. Mind & disposition
6. Sensorium
7. Headache & other internal affections of head   Upto  37. Affections of lower extremities

Jahr did not place all the remedies for a particular symptom,  but kept them as appeared in pathogenesis
Eg: Absence of mind , Absence of thought, Absence of mind irresolution, Absence of mind he does not recognize his friend.

Thus Jahr had listed 45 sentences giving conditions of absentmindedness. Kent later brought together , all the remedies showing indications of absentmindedness in a single paragraph (50 drugs ) & 8 small subrubrics which indicate modification of symptoms. Jahr,s arrangement of symptoms make very difficult to do repertorialal analysis. But it is useful if one has to confirm a particular remedy which have been indicated by Kent’s or other repertories.
Eg: He does a variety of things with great haste , runs about in the house – Aconite

1853 – Dysentery & its repertory of medicine by Fred Humphreys
1854 – A repertory of Comparative Materia Medica by A. Lippe
1859 – Cipher Repertory(600 pages ) by English Homeopaths . Enlarged  edition in 1878 containing 1030 pages by Drysdale, Atkins, Dudgeon & Stokes.

About this time in England, were known the following repertories.
1. Buck,s Regional Symptomatology & clinical dictionary.
2. Hempel,s Repertory
3. Repertory by Curie
4. Hahnemann Society Repertory by Drysdale & Dudgeon.

About this time American Homoeopaths were busy in making repertories.
1873 – Repertory of the Eyes by Berridge  .This repertory is divided into 2 sections
1 – The symptoms themselves
2 – Their conditions ( including concomitants )  .Section 1 is further divided into 5 subsections
A – Functional symptoms
B – Anatomical Region
C – General character , sequence & direction
D – right side
E – left side
Section 2 is into 2 subsections
A – Aggravations
B – Ameliorations

All the symptoms are arranged alphabetically excepting the peculiar  symptoms which do not fall under any general heading, are placed last.
All the symptoms of a nearly identical meaning are placed under the same  rubric. Hering,s Materia Medica is used as basis of this repertory. Also added many valuable symptoms from cases of poisoning reported in Allopathic journals.

1874 – Granier of Nimes – Homoeoluxican in 2 volumes
1876 – Repertory of New remedies by C.P. Hart published by Boericke &
Tafel based on Hael,s special Symptomatology & Therapeutics.
1879 – Repertory of More Characteristic Symptoms of Materia Medica by Constantine Lippe (322 pages, Indian edition has 438 pages)

This work is based on the Repertory to the Manual published in Allentown in 1838 by Dr. C. Hering to this have been added selections from Boenninghausen,s work, A. Lippe,s Materia Medica , Bell,s Diarrhea,H.N. Guernesy, & Jahr. Mental symptoms are given first & then followed the order pursued in Materia Medica Pura.
Consist of 34 chapters , from Mind & Disposition to Generalities, Aggravations & Ameliorations. Some other chapters include Scalp (4),Fauces, Pharynx & Oesophagus(11), Complaints during & after meals (13),
Coryza (22), etc. concomitants are given at the end of many chapters with a preface “with”
Eg: Teeth & Gums (9)
With pains in the limbs as if bruised
With cheeks swollen
Certain important rubrics are given at the end of chapters irrespective of  alphabetical arrangement.
Eg: 1 – Abdomen , groins & flatulency – colic
2 – Female sexual organs – catamenia

1880 – Symptom Register by T.F. Allen. 
It is an index to his Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica &
contain references to about 825 remedies . It is not useful for easy reportorial analysis due to
1 – Its structure
2 – Allen stuck rigidly to what was obtained from reliable proving & toxicological symptoms & ignored the symptoms which were confirmed & verified a number of times in the clinical use of the remedies , with the result, that, the rubrics for use are left with much fewer remedies.

Allen has followed a unique idea of listing & indexing symptoms in his  Symptom Register. He thought of location or part affected as the starting point for the search for a symptom . In this concept he followed Boenninghausen to some extent. He located regions or organs on absolutely   alphabetical order, so that the search for a particular symptom can be made easier.

He has taken first the general locations followed by various sensations or pains in the alphabetical order. Among sensations first , unmodified sensations followed by modified sensations. Time modalities are listed first, followed by other modalities in alphabetical order which is followed by extensions.
Unlike other repertories,he has not listed sides separately but has given the sides against different remedies in brackets.Eg: Cheeks swollen – Acon (l) , Ammon ®
Arrangement of sensation & locations are confusing as he strictly followed the alphabetical order.
Eg: Cheek is followed by cheerfulness as the next rubric. Ordinarily cheerfulness  should be located in Mind. But Allen does not give separate section on Mind but refers to see Thoughts.

Another important difference from other repertories is that Allen has madea clear distinction between symptoms which appear only at certain time or circumstances from those symptoms which are aggravated at certain times or conditions, but are present otherwise also.

He has given under Regions, sensations in general , followed by time incidence & circumstances which made the appearance of symptom . This section under general unmodified sensation is marked by “C” on the left hand side of the paragraph . Later on, towards the close of this paragraph, he has indicated remedies which have <&> at specified time or conditions.
Next section is made up of rubrics or symptoms which are termed as peculiar sensations ( arranged after unmodified sensations). This section is marked by “P” on the left hand side of this section. (In this included extension & concomitants ).
Eg: under Back
P Back pain (ache) As in cold stage of Ague. Like a blow on stooping > by pressing against something hard

  • 1880 – Repertory to the modalities by Samuel Worcester M.D.
  • 1881 – Hering ,s Analytical Repertory of Mind
  • 1883 – Repertory of Intermittent Fevers by W . A. Allen
  • 1884 – Cough & Expectoration by Lee Clarke
  • 1885 – Alphabetical repertory by Father Muller (First repertory published in India)
  • 1888 – Pathogenetic & clinical repertory of the symptoms of Head by Neidhard

1890 – Gentry : The repertory of Concordance ( in 6 volumes , 5500 pages )
Second edition appeared in 1892 . It was published in 6 volumes . He arranged chapters as follows.
1 – Mind & disposition
Head & scalp
Eyes & ears
Nose & nostril

2 – mouth , throat , stomach , hypochondria
3 – abdomen , anus , rectum
Urine & urinary organs
Male sexual organs
4 – uterus & appendages
Menstruation & discharges
Pregnancy & parturition
Lactation & mammary gland
5- voice ,larynx & trachea
Chest, lungs , bronchia & cough
Heart & circulation
Chill & fever
Skin, sleep & dreams
6 – neck & back
Upper extremities
Lower extremities
Bones & limbs in general
Generalities & key notes

His objective was enable the physician to find any characteristic symptom with comparative ease & certainty. Since it was becoming more difficult to locate desirable symptoms in the expanding materia medica .
In the preface of the first edition the author wrote that , in his effort to locate a symptom ( constant dull frontal headache , worse in temples with aching in umbilicus ) he spent days in search in different materia medicas & repertories . So he thought of planning a repertory on the pattern of Cruden,s Concordance bible.

Cruden’s Concordance Bible gives 2 or 3 words only in each sentence ,  necessitating a reference to the bible to find the complete sentence . In this way all that work is included in 1 volume. Such an arrangement was possible as there is but one bible , but such is not possible with the concordance repertory as there are many materia medicas. In consequence if this  fact , it was thought necessary in preparing this work to condense the phraseology of symptoms without altering the sense, thus  rendering it generally unnecessary to refer Materia medica.

He has not taken all the symptoms of the remedies in the book & taken only  the symptoms which are  1. more characteristic with concomitant element of the symptoms 2. only symptoms which have been verified repeatedly.
Frequently difficulty may be met in finding a symptom on account of difference in phraseology of materia medica writers. Therefore when there is a failure to find a symptom under one word, the synonym should be thought of.
Eg: symptom – want to do something & yet feels no ambition
While the symptoms can be fond by referring to “do”, “something” & “ambition”yet the first word , “wants” cant be found , the word used in materia medica is “desires”.
Certain remedies are given in the bracket. These are connected with the main symptom, but have other marked concomitant.
Eg: anxiety – as if he had committed a great crime – cocc( chel , ferr)
Anxiety – as after  committing crime – ferr

1890 – Classified index of materia medica for urogenital & venereal diseases by Carleton M.D. &Coles M.D.

1896 – Kneer,s repertory to the Hering,s Guiding Symptoms (by  Calvin B. Knerr)
It is basically an index of Herring’s Guiding,s symptoms. Knerr in his repertory has divided the book into chapters, according to Hering,s plan of regions in his guiding symptoms. The main chapters are 46 , but he added the 47th chapter based on Hering,s stages of life & constitution
Last 48th on drug relationship. The chapters include inner head, outer head, upperface , lower face ,inner mouth , rest, position, motion, nerves , time ,touch , passive,Motion & injuries.
The basic difference of this repertory from that of Allen,s Symptom Register is that it contain symptoms & remedies which have had not only provings & toxicological pathogenesis, but had also clinical provings &  confirmation. Apart from this it had 4 gradations of the symptoms marked  by vertical lines.

  • II – occasionally verified symptoms
  • I – less occasionally verified symptoms
  • Double vertical line – most frequently verified by cures.
  • Single vertical line – remedies confirmed or verified on clinical practice.

This is one of the main repertories where the symptoms have been placed, unbroken as far as possible. He has given first the general rubric followed by smaller rubric which have special association with a particular circumstances or condition or related to a specific time frame. All these thing are given alphabetically.
Eg: mind & disposition
Forgetful, losses appetite – anac
Forgetful ,associated with business –crept into corner & said he must sleep, could not sleep but   still remains lying down –jambol.
Unfortunately in this repertory, the arrangement although made very  systematic, & after a lot of hard work is not amenable to quick & reportorial analysis.

1897 – Kent’s repertory of the homeopathic materia medica (first edition 1349 pages)
Dr. Kent used Lippe,s repertory for a no. of years. After he took up  teaching materia medica in 1883, he became more & more aware of the vastness of the subject, & keenly felt the need for a better index. His clinical  experience also convinced him about this. Kent gathered together all that was in earlier repertories then added his own notes. He verified symptoms as far as possible. Dr. Gladwin, Milton , powel , Mary Ives &Dr. Allen helped him. He talked to Lee of Philadelphia as Lippe,s abridged form of new repertory  was with Lee. Lippe had desired that Dr.Kent should work jointly with Lee in producing a comprehensive repertory a. At that time Dr. Kent had compiled a repertory of the urinary organs, chill, fever & sweat with other sections partly done.

Taking help from Dr. Kent, Lee started working & compiled the mind & head section . But the compilation was not proper as it was based on  Boenninghausen,s idea of generals & the modalities were given at the end of the book. Lee,s work was not upto the expectation of Dr. Kent. Later when Lee became blind, Dr. Kent took it up, revised & arrranged it according to his own plan.

The plan that Dr. Kent followed was chiefly that of Lippe. Which was outlined in Lippe,s Handbook of Characteristics. After the completion of the work Kent was not in a position to publish it due to exorbitant cost. Dr. Boericke of B&T refuse to publish. At last Dr. Kimball & Thurston justify the publication.It was issued section by section. He left behind the handwritten corrected copy for the third edition before his death in 1916. The successive 4th & 5th edition  were published with the help of Dr. Gladwin, Dr. Clara Louse Kent. Dr. Pierre Schmidt in1935 & 1945

The sixth American edition, was published in1957 while the Indian edition came out in 1961. At present most of the practitioners posses this particular edition .

A revised edition of Kent was published in 1974 under certain unusual  circumstances. Dr. Pierre Schmidt took the pain of going through it word  by word & detected many mistakes in the form of omission, grading of medicine & arrangement of rubric in both Indian & American edition . He corrected it with the help of the original work of Kent. Unfortunately when the book was ready for publication it was stolen . Dr. Diwan Harischand an eminent homeopath of India succeeded in salvaging the manuscript which were in a mutilated form. This is supposed to be the seventh edition. But it is generally called the revised first edition or final general repertory Kent.

This repertory is arranged on the concept of general rubric to particular rubric. Symptoms are arranged in the following manner.
Main rubric
Sides of the body or organs
Time modalities
Modalities arranged alphabetically
1- alternations are given
2- concomitants are spread in this section extension
sub locations – in these also, rubrics if any are arranged in the same
character manner as that under main rubric.
Eg: ear pain

Repertory contain 648 medicines in 37 chapters. Kent,s work can be said to  be a desirable extension  of Boenninghausen. He has absorbed almost all of Boenninghausen except generalization of locations, generalization of concomitants & modalities of particulars. He has particularized them as given in the materia medica. At  the same time Kent made use of Boenninghausen,s S&C by incorporating them totally in generalities.

In the first edition of Kent,s repertory he has given more of particularization & details of modalities than in later editions. These things were generalized later. 
Eg: 1. Irritability cough before
Epilepsy before
Eg: for some other rubric which are omitted in later editions
Nose – nose external
Mouth – ailments of mouth

1904- Clark’s repertory
it is a clinical repertory of various medicines given in his 3 volumes  of Dictionary of homeopathic materia medica. This repertory is divided into 5 sections
Clinical repertory
Clinical relationship
Natural relationship Eg: vegetable & animal kingdom

1905- Boger,s Boenninghausen,s Characteristic & repertory 
This was built upon the basic structure of Boenninghausen,s earlier repertories ( Repertory of antipsorics , Repertory of medicines that are not antipsorics , sides of the body , whooping cough , intermittent fever, aphorisms of Hippocrat , Domestic physician ) especially repertory  of Antipsoric medicines.
The repertory was not complete & Boger conntinued to work on it till his deathin 1935 . His manuscripts were published posthumously, under the guidance of Mrs. Boger by Roy & sons of Bombay in 1937 . Unfortunately there have been many omissions & errors of evaluation & of missing remedies.
The second edition , proved very useful in working out cases. It contain characteristic of medicines in the first part & repertory proper in the second part. Hence the title. The work is an attempt to bridge Boenninghausen & Kent.

Book contain 53 chapters, 464 medicines used.
This repertory is based on the following fundamental concepts.

  1. doctrine of complete symptom & concomitants
  2. doctrine of pathological general
  3. doctrine of causation & time
  4. clinical rubrics
  5. evaluation of remedies
  6. fever totality
  7. concordance
  • Boger borrowed the idea of complete symptom from Boenninghausen,s  method of erecting totality, but he improved over it by relating sensation & modalities to specific parts.
  • Pathological generals tell the state of whole body & its changes in relation to constitution. They help us  to concentrate on more concrete changes to select the similimum. The chapter in the sensation & complaint in general is full of examples for pathological generals which include discharges,structural alterations , constitutions , diathesis etc. E.g.: discharges, hemorrhage tendency to, induration , offensiveness etc.
  • Boger has given an adequate place & importance to causation & time.
  • Each chapter in the book is followed by time aggravation. The section on aggravation also contain many causative factors

1. Boger is the first person who has mentioned several clinical conditions,
2.They  help the physician in cases of advanced pathology

Eg.: hydronephrosis, hemophilia
3. Boger followed gradation used by Boenninghausen of 5 types in his repertory.
4. Fever chapter is well explained & arranged as follows

  • Fever – pathological types
  • Blood
  • Chill
  • Heat & fever in general
  • Sweat
  • Compound fever

Plan & construction 
While compiling the repertory, Boger followed the basic plan & construction of Boenninghausen,s repertory of Antiposoric medicines.
He made several sections for different parts of the body & he added many rubrics & sub rubrics . Most of the sections in the book start with the rubric
“ In general”. This location followed by further subdivisions of parts with each part having rubrics “side “ & “ extending to “. After the location different sensations are arranged in alphabetical order. Each sensation is a general rubric which is followed by a group of medicines. It is subdivided into sub rubrics under which parts are mentioned . This is followed by time , aggravation , amelioration, concomitant & cross reference.
Eg: head – internal
Extending to
Extending to
Abdomen as if from

1908 –  Clinical repertory by P.W. Shedd M.D. 
1920 – Repertory section on Bell’s Diarrhea . It was the difficulty in treating the loose evacuations of the bowel, arouse the desire in author to possess this  work. This book is intended to apply to all loose evacuations of the bowels  & to describe them, their aggravations & ameliorations with their immediate accompaniments & general accompanying symptoms. Under the rubric, most frequently observed remedies  are italicized.

1927- Clinical Repertory by Oscar E. Boericke
Division of sections in this repertory is according to old Hahnemannian order & there are 25 chapters extending from Mind to Modalities. Headings & subheadings are arranged in alphabetical order. All headings when extensive  in scope, e.g. Headache, are presented under definite captions in the following order , that is – cause , type , location , character of pain , concomitants & modalities. Remedies are arranged in alphabetical order & the Italics indicate the more frequently verified remedy. Contain 1409 medicines.

1929- Materia Medica & Repertory by N.M. Choudhary
Pierre’s Materia Medica & Repertory
1931 – Synoptic Key of Materia Medica by C.M. Boger Consist of a short repertory containing

  • periods of aggravation
  • conditions of aggravations & amelioration
  • generalities
  • regional repertories from intellect upto sweat

1937 – Boger’s Times of Remedies & Moon Phases
Is composed of 2 different booklets bound up as one volume. The former deals with the symptoms aggravated in different parts of day & night, while the latter is concerned with aggravations brought on in different  phases of moon like new moon, full moon , first quarter & second quarter of moon.
First section contains

  • Remedies characterized by hours of aggravation
  • Seasonal remedies spring , summer
  • Fever remedies characterized by the time & hours of appearance of chill & Sweat
  • Periodical remedies
  • Daytime remedies ,morning remedies up to night

1937 – Robert’s Sensation as if

1963- Phatak,s Repertory (A concise repertory of Homeopathic Medicines)
This repertory is intend to serve as a handy & useful reference book.
It is an attempt to lessen the difficulties of prescriber. Remedies for a particular rubrics are reduced to minimum possible by a careful selection.
No drug is given unless there is strong justification provided for it by authorities like Boger , Kent , Clark’s Dictionary etc.

In this  repertory the headings including Mentals , Generals ,Modalities,  Organs & their subparts are arranged in alphabetical order. All the physiological & pathological conditions are also included . Cross referencesare given wherever necessary. New additions are marked with a + mark.

1973- Synthetic Repertory
This was originally published by G.Haug Verlag Gmbh & Co. & improved on 1982 by Barthel & Will Klunker. It was basically an extension of Kent’s Repertory. Many practitioners have found some lacunae while referring to Kent’s repertory & have made some notes here & there. A need by was keenly felt by the practitioners for a repertory better organized & accommodating ma more rubrics & medicines. This was achieved by Barthel & Will Klunker.. The authors have given all importance to generals Though the utility of particulars cannot be denied in homeopathic practice, the generals acquire a higher place in case analysis. The changes in the feeling state as well as in generals represent the whole person hence they are sure guide in understanding the totality & selecting the similimum. Prominent generals alone indicate the right medicine & the need of referring to particulars become unnecessary in their presence. It has been divided  into 3 volumes.

Mental generals
Physical generals
Sleep , dreams & sex
It contain 1594 drugs. 4 types of gradations ( capital under lined, capital , bold , ordinary )

1973 – Homeopathic Medical Repertory by Robin Murphy ( Indian edition in 1994 )
Is an alphabetical repertory mainly based on Kent’s repertory &  Knerr,s repertory. This repertory follows alphabetical arrangement. There are  67 chapters arranged alphabetically from Abdomen to Wrist. Though it is  based on Kent’s repertory, it does not follow the arrangement – sides ,time , modalities & extension. It contain about 1800 medicines. Gradation used  is same as that of Kent’s repertory. Repertory  contain addition of clinical terms & modern terminologies.
E.g.: Generalities – candida albicans
Elbow – tennis elbow
Throat – adenoids

1990 – Kent’s repertorium generale by Kunzli Jost  
This was first published in 1987 in German language. Subsequently it was translated into English. It is based on Kent’s repertory. Kunzli has also added many of Hahnemann’s observations from his Chronic diseases & Materia medica Pura. The  work was compiled & edited by Michael barthel with the able assistance of Charlotte Barthel & Ilse Seider.
It follows Kent’s pattern of plan & construction & arrangement of rubric.
The original repertory contain red points ( in some publication they are printed as black points. ) These are known as red points of Kunzli. These points indicate Kunzli,s own therapeutic experience. At some places a black point is entered behind the drugs. It means that the therapeutic efficacy of that remedy has been frequently proved. It contain 689 medicines.

1993 – Synthesis by Fredrik Schroyens ( Repertorium homoeopathicum Syntheticum)
It is the printed version of RADAR computer program. It is an enlarged version of 6th American edition of Kent’s repertory . The need of continuously developing repertory was felt by many . Consequently many repertories were compiled. In earlyeighties, Dr Frederick Schroyens & his team collected a lot of informations through the co- operation of practising Homeopaths throughout the world.

The information was used in making RADAR computer program. On the  request of many homeopaths Synthesis was made available in print.
Since 1987, Synthesis has been used as a database file for RADAR program. Version 2&3 were released respectively in 1988 & 1990. Version 3 offered 136000 additions from about 130 authors compared to Kent’s original repertory.
The 4th version was released in 1992 . It contained 178000additions from 200 authors. Synthesis 5th version was available for the first time in book form in 1993. Synthesis 6th version was published in 1995 while 7th version in 1997.
The sources are indicated in abbreviated form towards the end of each medicine. Arrangement of rubric is same as that of Kent’s repertory.
A no. of clinical rubrics are introduced
E.g.: Throat – adenoids
Abdomen – gall stones
It contain thousands of cross references & 2000 remedies. 4 types of gradations are used. It is based on Kent’s philosophy of generals to  particulars. Almost all types of cases can be repertorised by using Synthesis.

1996 – Complete Repertory by Roger Von Zandvoort
Roger Von Zandvoort while practicing Homoeopathy, started working  on additions & corrections to Kent’s repertory. While working on it, he noticed that the information’s differed from what had been previously published in  the Synthetic repertory & he decided to take up full time repertory work.
The  initial version came out as a database file for use with Kent homeopathic  associates Mac repertory. In 1990 , Roger Von Zandvoort met Jost Kunzli & a group of doctors. They accepted the challenge to make  the complete repertory by making corrections & additions based on Boger’s additions of Boenninghausen,s repertory, Boger’s additions to Kent’s repertory, & Sivaram,s additions & corrections to Kent’s repertory. After the death of Jost Kunzli, the supervision work was taken up by Dr. Dario  Spinedi.

The main sources are

  • Kent’s repertory
  • Boger’s Boenninghausen,s repertory
  • Boger’s additions to Kent’s repertory
  • Boerick,s materia medica & repertory

It contain 41 chapters. & follows Kent’s scheme of order of arrangement. It has new chapters like head pain , smell taste ,extremity pain etc. dreams  included in Mind. 4 types of gradations are used – capital underlined, capital,
bold italics & ordinary roman.

1996 – Kent’s comparative repertory of homeopathic materia medica by Rene Docks & by Guy Kokelenberg
One of the many problems that are encountered while practicing  Homoeopathy is the conversion of patient’s symptom into the proper language of the repertory. In order to overcome this problem one should be able to understand exactly the meaning of each rubric; This book has been made with the purpose of helping to overcome the already told problems.
Meanings of most of the rubrics are given with a brief explanation of main remedies along with cross references. In this book , much importance is given to the chapter Mind. However they are not always clear in quoting their sources. Book contain 37 chapters.

Card Repertories
In the  very early days of Homoeopathy doctors started thinking of using cards , for the purpose of elimination of remedies , becaus4e the time taken in noting down rubric & remedies was so much that it discouraged the very effort. The most important & really the only legitimate use of the card repertories is its eliminative function. Unfortunately most card repertories were either very limited in their scope or were ineffective, because of lack of proper construction.

Card repertories in chronological order.

  1. 1888-   Guernsey’s Boenninghausen,s slips by William Jefferson Guernsey (2500 Cards. )
  2. 1912- Punched card repertory by Dr. Margaret Tyler -based on Kent’s (1000 Cards)
  3. 1913- Loose punched card repertory by Welch & Houston – based on Kent’s (134 cards)
  4. 1922- Fields cards – based on Kent’s (6800 cards)
  5. 1928- Boger’s card index repertory
  6. 1948- Dr. Marcos Jaminez card repertory (It has 600 large size cards, He was first to introduce the evaluation of drugs on the cards. It is based on Boenninghausen,s work)
  7. – Dr. Braussalian,s card repertory -based on Kent’s (1861 cards)
  8. 1950 –J.G. Weiss  card repertory
  9. -R.H. Farley,s spindle card repertory
  10. -Dr. P.Sankaran,s card repertory -based on Boger’s card repertory
  11. 1959 – Kishore card repertory (10,000 cards )
  12. 1984 –Dr. Shashi Mohan Sarma,s card repertory based on Kent’s Final General Repertory (3000 cards)

Era of Regional Repertories
1873 – Repertory of Eyes by Berridge
– Desires & Aversions by Guernsey

1880 – Repertory of Modalities by Worcester
– Repertory of Hemorrhoids by Guernsey
– Repertory of Respiratory organs by Lutze
– Repertory of Neuralgias by Lutze
1883 – Repertory of Intermittent Fevers by W.A. Allen
– Repertory of Fevers by H.C. Allen
– Repertory of Footsweat by O.M. Drake
– Repertory of Sensation as if by Holcomb
1884 – Repertory of Cough & Expectoration by Lee & Clarke
1892 – Repertory of Digestive system by Arkell McMichell
1894- Repertory of Rheumatism by Perkins
– Repertory of therapeutics of Respiratory system by Van Denburg
– Repertory of Rheumatism by Pulford
– Repertory of Eczema by C.F. Mills Pugh
– Repertory of Headache by Knerr
– Repertory of Appendicitis by Yingling
– Repertory of Labor by Yingling

1899 – Repertory of Urinary organs by A.R. Morgan
1904 – Clark’s clinical repertory
1906 – Repertory of Uterine therapeutics by Minton
– Repertory of Head by Neidhard
– Boger’s Times of Remedies
– Repertory part of Rau,s Special Pathology
– Repertory by Boericke
– Repertory by B.K.Sarkar
– Repertory of Respiratory Diseases Nash
– Repertory of Mastitis by W.J.Guernesy
– Repertory of Throat by W.J.Guernesy
1908 – Shedd,s Clinical Repertory
1920 – Repertory of Diarrhea by Bell

Computer Programs in the field of Homoeopathy  
Introduced by Dr. Piertkin in 1965 in London. Main homeopathic softwares are as follows

  1. Hompath by Dr. Jawahar J. Shah
  2. Kentian – Sai Homeopathic Boob Corporation
  3. MAC
  4. RADAR – Rapid Aid to Drug Aimed Research
  5. HRS – developed by CIRA ( Center for Informatics, Research & Advancement)
  6. Polychresta
  7. CARA – Computer Aided Research Analysis. Installed at Royal London Homeopathic Hospital
  8. Micropath
  9. Homoeorep
  10. The Profile
  11. Organon ,96
  12. The Samuel – The Co- operative Association Holland
  13. VES – Vithoulkas Expert System
  14. KBES – Knowledge Based Expert System
  15. ATAM
  16. Similia


  • Evolution of Homeopathic Repertories & Repertorisation – Dr.Jugal Kishore
  • Essentials of Repertorisation – Dr. S.K. Thiwari
  • Boenninghausen,s Therapeutic Pocket Book
  • Berridge Eye
  • Repertory of More Characteristic Symptoms of Materia Medica   – C. Lippe
  • Concordance Repertory – W.D. Gentry
  • Kent’s Repertory of Homeopathic Materia Medica
  • Clark’s Repertory
  • Boennighausen,s Characteristics & repertory – Dr.C.M. Boger
  • Boerick,s Materia Medica & Repertory
  • A Concise Repertory of Homeopathic Medicines – Dr. S.R. Phatak
  • Homeopathic Medical Repertory – Dr. Robin Murphy
  • Synthesis – Frederick Schroyens
  • Synthetic Repertory – Barthel & Will Klunker
  • Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica – Dr. T.F. Allen
  • Analytical Repertory of  Mind – Dr. Hering
  • Repertory of Herring’s Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica – Dr. Calvin B. Knerr
  • Bell’s Diarrhea
  • Text book of  Repertory – Niranjan Mohanthy
  • Kent’s Comparative Repertory of Homeopathic Materia Medica – Dockx & Kokelenberg
  • Kent’s Repertorium Generale – Dr. Jost Kunzli
  • Times of the Remedies & Moon Phases Dr. C.M. Boger

Dr Sreelekha
Medical Officer, Department of NCT Delhi

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