Rubrics for Infants in Murphy’s Repertory

Based on Murphy’s Repertory 3

Compiled by Mansoor Ali

Abdomen – INFLAMMATION, abdomen, enteritis – umbilicus – infants, of
Abdomen – ULCERS. abdomen – umbilicus, about – infants, in

Bladder – PAIN, bladder – urine, retention, of, painful – new born infants
Bladder – RETENTION, of urine – babies, in – newborn infant, fails to urinate
Bladder – RETENTION, of urine – infants, in new born
Bladder – RETENTION, of urine – new born, infants, in
Bladder – URGING, to urinate – frequent, – infant screams before the urine passes

Breasts – BREAST-feeding, nursing, lactation – headache after nursing infant
Breasts – SORE, pain – infants

Breathing – ASPHYXIA – new-born, infant
Breathing – CYANOSIS , breathing – infants, in

Children – ABDOMEN, general – hard – hard, tense, infants
Children – ANXIOUS, children – infants, in
Children – ASPHYXIA, infants
Children – ASPHYXIA, infants – after, great loss of blood by the mother, or if infant is pale
Children – BREASTS, induration and swelling, infants
Children – BREATHING, rattling, infants
Children – BRONCHITIS, infants
Children – CATARRH, infants
Children – CHAFING, skin, infants
Children – CHILL, infants
Children – COLIC, infants
Children – CONSTIPATION, infants
Children – CONSTIPATION, infants – active, irritable infants, or those who have been prematurely fed on meat
Children – CONSTIPATION, infants – newborn, infants
Children – CONVULSIONS, infants, in
Children – COUGH, troublesome, dry, or loose, infants
Children – CRYING, children – infants
Children – CYANOSIS, infants, in
Children – DIARRHEA, infants
Children – DWARFISH, children – infants
Children – EMACIATION, children – infants, bottle fed
Children – ERUPTIONS, crusts on head, infants
Children – ERYSIPELAS, infants
Children – FACE, infants, like and old man
Children – FEVER, constant, infants
Children – FLESH, soft, infants
Children – GROWTH, disorders – infants, in
Children – HEAD, infants, cannot hold up
Children – HEAD, infants, cannot hold up – parietal, bone swelling, infants
Children – HEART, anguish, infants
Children – HERNIA, infants
Children – HICCOUGHS, children – infants
Children – HYDROCELE, boys, of – infants
Children – INFANTS, general
Children – INFANTS, general – asphyxia – after great loss of blood by the mother, or if infant is pale
Children – INSOMNIA, children – infants
Children – JAUNDICE, newborn infants, in
Children – MOUTH, infant, palate wrinkled, infant cries when nursing
Children – MOUTH, infant, palate wrinkled, infant cries when nursing – mouth, sore, infants
Children – MUSCULAR, weakness, infants
Children – NOSE, coryza, infants
Children – PARALYSIS, infants, of
Children – PNEUMONIA, infants
Children – RESTLESS, children – infants, in
Children – SCREAMING, children – day, and night, infants
Children – SLEEP, infants
Children – SORENESS, infants
Children – SOUR, smelling, infants
Children – STARTLED, easily, infants
Children – TRISMUS, infants
Children – URINE, retention, in – infants, in new born
Children – VOMITING, infants, blood, of

Clinical – asphyxia – new-born, infant
Clinical – convulsions, general – children, in – infants, in
Clinical – cyanosis, lungs – infants, in
Clinical – death, general – apparent, death – new-born, infant
Clinical – dwarfish, children – infants
Clinical – growth, disorders – infants, in
Clinical – hernia, general – infantile
Clinical – paralysis, general – infantile, paralysis
Clinical – pneumonia, infection, inflammation, lungs – infants
Clinical – trembling, nerves – nursing, infant, after

Constitutions – DWARFISH, constitutions – infants
Constitutions – GROWTH, disorders – infants, in
Constitutions – INFANTS, constitutions
Constitutions – INFANTS, constitutions – asphyxia – after great loss of blood by the mother, or if infant is pale

Eyes – INFANTS, eye complaints of
Eyes – INFLAMMATION, eyes – children, infants, in
Eyes – INFLAMMATION, eyes – infants

Female – DYSMENORRHEA, painful menses – infantilism, with
Female – SMALL, infantile uterus
Female – VAGINAL, discharge, leucorrhea – girls, in little – infants

Fevers – CHILDREN, fever in – night, all, in nursing infants
Fevers – REMITTENT, fever – infantile

Food – FATS, general – agg. – infants, in

Glands – swelling, glands – infants, in

Headaches – NURSING, infant, after

Hearing – NOISES, in ears – humming – meningitis, in infants, after

Intestines – PERISTALSIS, general – lost, contractility, in constipation of infants
Intestines – ULCERS, and ulceration – remittent, fever, in infantile

Kidneys – SUPPRESSION, urine, kidneys – infants, in

Lungs – CYANOSIS, lungs – infants, in
Lungs – PNEUMONIA, infection, inflammation, lungs – infants

Mind – ANXIETY, general – children, in – infants, in
Mind – CRYING, weeping – children, in – babies, infants
Mind – DEATH, general – apparent – new-born infant
Mind – HELPLESSNESS, feelings – infant, feels like a
Mind – INFANTILE, behavior
Mind – QUIET, disposition – diarrhea, of infants, in

Nose – CORYZA, general – bloody, in infants
Nose – OBSTRUCTION, nose – children – nursing infants
Nose – SNUFFLES, general – infants, in new-born
Nose – SUNKEN, nose – infants, in

Rectum – CONSTIPATION, general – children, in – infants, in
Rectum – CONSTIPATION, general – infants, in
Rectum – DIARRHEA, general – nursing, after, infants
Rectum – FISSURE, rectal – infants

Skin – NEVI – small, in infants

Stomach – HICCOUGHS, hiccups – eating, while – infants, in
Stomach – VOMITING, general – blood, blood,, vomit – infants, in
Stomach – VOMITING, general – children, in – cyclic, infants
Stomach – VOMITING, general – cyclic, in adults – infants, in

Teeth – PAIN, teeth, toothaches – nursing, mothers, in – while the infant nurses

Urine – CASTS, urine, containing – infants, in
Urine – ODOR, urine – ammoniacal – infants, in
Urine – RETENTION, of urine – babies, in – newborn infant, fails to urinate
Urine – RETENTION, of urine – infants, in new born
Urine – RETENTION, of urine – new born, infants, in

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