Empty Sella Syndrome Cured with Homoeopathy

A Case of Empty Sella Syndrome with Trigeminal Neuralgia Cured with Homoeopathy
Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma
Dr. (Km) Ruchi Rajput

This lady presented with periodical shooting pain in right temporal region, extending to right cheek and right side of forehead associated with formications < 10 years. Pains were < in morning exactly at 6 am. She is gradually increasing weight. Her appetite is decreased and is constipated with hard stool but with daily evacuations.

Further enquiries

  • Head fees chilly and < in open air
  • Desire salt
  • Aversion sweets and fats
  • Irritable, angered easily < consolation
  • Hot patient 

MRI Head- 19-05-2005- Imaging features are suggestive of – a possible neurovascular conflict of right trigeminal nerve with right superior cerebellar artery. Empty sella.

Empty sella syndrome with Trigeminal neuralgia


S. No. Degree Rubrics
 1 3 HEAD – COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. – icy
2 3 HEAD – COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. – air; in open – agg.
3 1 FACE – PAIN – Nerves – Trigeminal neuralgia
4 1 FACE – PAIN – neuralgic – nerves – trigeminus
5 2 HEAD – PAIN – shooting pain
6 3 HEAD – PAIN – periodical – day – every
7 3 HEAD – PAIN – periodical – day – every – hour; at the same
8 1 HEAD – PAIN – periodical – hour – certain; at
9 2 HEAD – PAIN – periodical – hour – same; at the – morning
11 2 GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – salt – desire
12 1 GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – fat – aversion
13 1 GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – sweets – aversion

Result : Cedron is the similimum one.        

12-08-2008 : Marked clock like periodicity
Cedron 30 TDS 

Better. CECT Head with coronal scan of sellar region- 27-08-2008 – No obvious abnormality detected.

Cedron 30 TDS

No marked symptoms. Almost cured.

Cedron 30 BD 

Asymptomatic. Cured. 

Complete cure of empty sella syndrome with trigeminal neuralgia by classical Homoeopathy.

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)
Dr. (Km) Ruchi Rajput BHMS
E mail- drrajneeshhom@hotmail.com


  1. Hi, could you please let me know what homeopathy methods were used for this patient? I have both Trigeminal neuralgia and empty sella turcica. Thanks you

  2. My wife was diganosed with partial empty sella looking for help to reverse this condition.I live in florida- usa. Can you please help. thanks Dan

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