Award for outstanding teachers – nominations invited for 2012

For last two years Higher Education Forum had undertaken a unique initiative of felicitating some outstanding teachers from among the members as well as others on the Teachers’ Day, 5th September. In 2010 and 2011, 14 and 20 teachers were felicitated.

Keeping in view the importance of the event, it has been decided to continue the tradition of felicitating a few teachers from the institutions of higher education, who are well respected teachers and have contributed to the society at large, this year also.

We are aware that there are thousands of such teachers and we salute to all of them. But with limited reach and financial strength, it is not possible for us to reach all of them and therefore, our sincere apologies to those who are great teachers but have not come within our scheme of things.

Scheme Outline:

A. Streams: The following are the disciplines from where the teachers would be considered:

1.  Engineering
2.  Graduation & Post-Graduation  (Science & Humanities)
3.  Management (Post-Graduate) from different functions like Finance, Marketing, HRM, IT, etc.
4. Medicine

5. Other unique achievements like young teacher award, teacher teaching some unique courses like entrepreneurship, contribution to CSR, etc. and / or achieved something significant

There is also a special award this time for life time achievement award.

B. Eligibility: The teachers must be involved in teaching in an institution of higher education in any of the areas identified above. Other criteria are as under:

a. Minimum possession of Master’s Degree

b. More than 40 years of age (except young teacher award where the upper age limit is around 35 years)

  1. Around 10 years of teaching experience
  2. Respected by students and peers as a good teacher
  3. Has been involved in mentoring / coaching students outside class room
  4. Has been instrumental in designing / creating / modifying some innovations in teaching pedagogy

g. Has been involved in activities aimed at contributing to community / society at large

h. Been active on the research front

All teachers may not be good at all the fronts and hence an overall view has to be taken while nominating.

The upper age limit is restricted to around 35 years for young teacher award.

C. Who will nominate: Any member can self-nominate himself / herself or any member can nominate any other member or any of the colleagues they would like to nominate as per the criteria mentioned above. The two forms (one form self-nomination and the other from nominating others) are enclosed. The nomination forms may be sent to the email id of the undersigned (

D. Last date of nomination: 30th June, 2012
The HEF will constitute a committee of Jury who will decide the final awardees out of the nominations received. The committee may also look for and consider any candidates who have not applied for the award.

E. Venue of Function: H R College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai

F. Date of the award: 5th September, 2012 (Wednesday)

A K Sen Gupta
Founder and Convener
Higher Education Forum (HEF)
Mob: 98211 28103

Format of self-nomination form :

Format of Nomination from others :

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