MCI invites suggestions from Public – Why not CCH?

Dr Mansoor Ali

Medical Council of India invites opinion from public, academicians, professionals and  others  on Graduate Medical Education Regulations 2012  before June 30th 2012 .Public need to understand the document and give their  input to MCI which has requested the same from public. MCI want this regulations as perfect  as possible. The regulations displayed on the website are only to seek the opinion of the experts and all the other stakeholders. These are neither final nor approved

Why not our council – Central Council of Homoeopathy – not requesting any feedback from Homeopathic community, public or academicians before finalizing the Undergraduate or Post Graduate regulations?.

Just see the recent Post graduate Homoeopathy regulations 2012

The Organon of Medicine, Materia Medica, Repertory syllabus are same for both Main and Subsidiary.

Students must choose one subsidiary subject? – Even though Post graduation means specializing in one subject .

No clear cut demarcation on various specialties.

It seems to be difficult to concentrate on the concerned specialty – for example a Matertia Medica main students if opting Repertory as the subsidiary subject- he has to study the entire Repertory syllabus of the Repertory Main (Specialty) student.

Completely omitted one and half years of Man in Health & Man in Disease of the last year syllabus.

Introduced the same MD Homeopathy Syllabus of 1989 (discarded the same in 1993!!) again in 2012 without any modification or up gradation!

The last year PG syllabus Part – I (Up to 2011) is just like a repetition of BHMS syllabus – re reading Anatomy to Practice of medicine- with less importance to Homoeopathic subjects.

‘Experienced’ beurocrats and members  of  CCH not ready to accept changes as per growth and development in the medical field including teaching because of some unknown reasons, known to them only. They diluted the norms even in the latest regulation for the sake of private colleges. Many of the CCH members have their own Homeopathy colleges. Just observe the standard of  BHMS, MD and PhD run at their institute.   CCH must have good vision, loyalty and Dedication.

It is better to have an apex bod like – BOG- Board of Governors over CCH as in MCI  “To provide quality medical care to all Indians by promoting  excellence in Homeopathic education”.

The Board of Governors with inputs from leading homeopathic teachers and educationists to develop a new structure for Undergraduate and Postgraduate education is the need of the hour.

No recent updates available in CCH website since many years. But we are congratulating the Central Council of Homoeopathy for renovating their website recently after many years.

Let us hope for the best

MCI Proposed regulations 2012 :

Also Read :
Reforming Medical Curriculum in India in Recent Years:
Conflicts of Political, Regulator, Educationist and Professional Natures and Strategies for their Resolution.Rita Sood (All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India) and N. Ananthakrishnan (MGMCRI, Pondicherry, India) Volume 2, Issue 1. Copyright © 2012. Link :

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