Kamyar Esmaeili, M.D.
Viremedy Development Center
Tehran Iran
Kamyar Esmaeili: Physical Essence of Information-including Remedies. The Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine. 2009. Volume 6 Number 2.
Keywords: Viremedy, Homoeopathy (Homeopathy), Energy Therapy, Free Electron, Tunnel Effect, Matter Waves
Table of Contents
- Abstract
- Introduction
- “Free Electrons” & “Tunnel Effect” Phenomenon
- The Physical Essence of the Mentioned Remedies
- The Mechanism of Changing Carrier Substances to Remedies
- The General Effect Mechanism of such Remedies on Living Organisms
- Explanation of some other Relevant Facts
- More Studies in the Future
- References
Abstract Physical essence of Viremedy, Homoeopathic remedies and some Energy Therapy remedies, as kinds of “Information-including Remedies”, is a questionable subject. Here it has been attempted to attain a persuasive explanation of the existing realities, by presenting a convincing theory in physical essence of such remedies. The presented theory is emphasizing on the role of some particular wave-particles. These particles are relatively free electrons, which are freed, particularly in the “Tunnel Effect” phenomenon, which is partially known in Quantum Mechanics. Generally, in these kinds of remedies, the amplitude of the mentioned free electrons’ vibration indicates the remedy type, and the frequency indicates the remedy potency. As well, the mechanism of changing “carrier substances” to the remedies, manner of “information exchange”, description of the influences of some physical phenomena on these remedies, and elucidation of some relevant facts and findings in this field, have been also mentioned in this paper. |
The physical essence of the remedies as Homoeopathic remedies and some remedies prepared via a usual manner in the course called as Energy Therapy have ever been a questionable subject.
Up to now, various hypotheses have been presented to explain the essence of these remedies and their mechanisms of effects on living beings.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] Some of them point to a part of the fact; but, none of them could persuasively explain the existed realities and experiences in this field.
Because of high dilution of these remedies (that sometimes pass the Avagadro’s limit), some have denied existence of any effect for them, and have attributed all of the reported cases to factors like inculcation, advertisements, and the likes! In this way, they indeed deny many objective effects of these remedies in spite of frequent existing evidences. The effects of these remedies on living beings, and some particular acts of these remedies alongside some phenomena are such realities, which are provable through controlled experiments too.
In opposite, some resort to various pseudo-scientific theories and fantasy mentalities instead of realistically explaining existing phenomena in this field. (In this way, they practically assisted to strengthening first group non-scientific positions.)
Concerning the high dilution of most of Homoeopathic remedies, because of the production and multiplication procedures[9], and the possibility of absence of any additional material in carrier substances of Homoeopathic remedies and Energy Therapy remedies, some have denied the effects of these remedies…!
Here it has been attempted to attain a persuasive explanation of the existing realities and phenomena in this field, by presenting a convincing theory for the physical essences of such remedies.
The mentioned theory could also be used for methodically predicting some events in this field. By relying on that and the outcome regulations, it is possible to analyze and forecast the said events and phenomena.
Considering some relevant reports and findings, and regarding the possibilities and limitations, the mentioned theory has been tested through some experiences and experiments as much as possible. The investigating influences of some physical phenomena on these remedies (particularly, on Viremedy) and studying the effects of some of the mentioned affected remedies on the living being have been among these repeatable experiments.
Besides to objective observations and benefiting some materials, tools and apparatuses, in some of the experiences and experiments, the useful help of some individuals too sensitive to such remedies for evaluating the remedies and their effects and changes, is also benefited. Some of them could report particular tastes, colors, smells, etc, different in quality and/or quantity for miscellaneous types and/or potencies of these remedies.
These highly sensitive persons could sometimes be very useful and at hand indications and guides. [For example, one of the most sensitive before-mentioned persons, called as Aura-sighted, expressed a kind of branched spread pattern after trickling a drop of the water including Viremedy, in the tap water not including Viremedy….] “Nevertheless, their reports are not necessarily being precise, exact, or even reliable.” These kinds of experiences should be repeated several times, in diverse ways. Meanwhile, the primary results could be controlled through other appropriate ways, such as studies over living beings and the influences of remedies on them, using some apposite technologies, etc.
However, most of the said experiences and experiments have been repeated many times.
“Free Electrons” & “Tunnel Effect” Phenomenon
The presented theory is emphasizing on importance and the role of the vibration manner of particular wave-particles. These particles are relatively free electrons, which are continuously freed (throughout a kind of equilibrium process), particularly in the phenomenon named as “Tunnel Effect”.
The mentioned vibrations, as kinds of waves called as Matter Waves or “De Broglie Waves”, are partially known in Quantum Mechanics. “De Broglie Matter Waves”, “Tunnel Effect Phenomenon”, and the related equations, have been also discussed in the academic texts and references of the Modern Physics (“Quantum Mechanics”).[10,11,12]
Based on the issues mooted and accepted in Quantum Mechanics, some of electrons in the so-called orbits of Atom could pass through the potential barrier, and relatively become free.
Naturally, the relatively freed electrons during this phenomenon as any other materialistic particles have their own peculiar vibration characteristics, such as amplitude and frequency, which are dependent on several factors. [In fact, any particular vibration as a phenomenon, finds its peculiar existence, in accompaniment with other phenomena, simultaneously….]
For each particular simple or compound material in each particular condition; depending on elements’ types and their peculiar particles arrangements in relation with each other, and the mutual effects of complex of the related electromagnetic domains and other peculiarities on each other…, the vibratory characteristics of the mentioned relatively free electrons are “specific to that particular material in the particular condition”.
The mentioned waves can be according to the case demonstrated by “Diffraction Phenomenon”….
In Quantum Mechanics, Tunnel Effect phenomenon and the related issues (such as permeability power and the partial abilities of reflection or transparency in potential barrier) are being discussed in detail, considering the Uncertainty Principle and Schrudinger equation, electron’s potential kinetic energy and related de Broglie matter waves, particle structure of energy, Planck’s Constant, etc.[10,11,12]
However, this phenomenon (as some others in Atomic Physics) has some ambiguous points…. Even though considering Probability Rule, Wave Mechanics and the related equations, in spite of the Conservation of Mass and Energy Principle, the probability of electrons’ passing through the potential barrier is not zero, yet the reason why some electrons possess this ability and particular peculiarity should be clear….
Upon the mentioned theory; reciprocal induction of the characteristics of the said electrons’ vibrations (as physical information) takes place via exchange of the type of “Information Quanta” among the electrons.[13,14,15,16] In this regard, the electrons always tend to obtain the highest possible vibration energy level considering the receiving information quanta and existing effective energy.
In this way, there is a kind of information interchange among the particles and electrons, such as the electrons having higher vibratory energy and those having lower energy; which lets some electrons receiving the existing energy in environment in a particular, systematic manner, leads to finding higher vibratory energy and thus, higher possibility of passing through the potential barrier. [Generally, Vibratory Energy has a direct correlation with the square of multiplication of Vibration Amplitude by its Frequency.]
This interpretation also points to the existence of a type of “Information domain”, non-separate from other related domains of particle. Indeed, each particle (wave-particle) is a multifaceted complex of various, non-separate characteristics, “as a being”.
The Physical Essence of the Mentioned Remedies
Upon the mentioned theory, the amplitude of the mentioned relatively free electrons’ vibration could indicate the remedy type, and the frequency of these wave-particles’ vibration could indicate the remedy potency. [14,15,16]
The potency indeed means the particular so-called position and depth of the main primary influence of the used remedy in living organism. Thus, whatever the potency of a remedy be higher, its primary effect will be in the more effective sections of the non-bodily part of the organism. [It is worthy of mentioning that increasing the potency of such remedies, could lead to the more effects of them on the living being receiving the remedy, only to a limited extent. This extent depends on the grade of the so-called Vital Aura development or advancement. For example, increasing the potency of Viremedy “more than a particular limit”, doesn’t lead to more effects on the plants. Nonetheless, such increase could lead to more effects on the human beings. Although, it seems that we have finally a certain limit for increasing the effectiveness of Viremedy in the case of human being too.]
Therefore, each one of these remedies includes a type of physical “information”, particular to it and in the form of the mentioned electrons’ vibration characteristics.
In this regard:
– “Viremedy” (Bio-remedy or Unique remedy) includes the physical information correspondent with the particular dynamic, harmonic general course or proceeding named as “Health Current” in living beings. On the other hand, the mentioned relatively free electrons in the material including Viremedy have their special, high vibration amplitude correspondent with the Health Current in living beings. (The particular dynamic, wide-ranging and thriving course, named generally as “Health Current” is fundamentally so-called common in all of living beings….)
The materials including Viremedy have pertinently been in an special “information domain”, which is related to the common dynamic state (current) in living beings, called generally as Health Current. The said particular information domain could also be more in some especial places, times and situations…. [Nonetheless, also every human being has generally “potential ability” for producing Viremedy, in its turn….]
Viremedy could be also reproduced and concentrated in the carrier substances as water, some minerals such as agate, etc, via using the information-including materials, in the presence of sufficient effective energy. Indeed, these remedized materials, include the mentioned information also in physical form of the vibration characteristics in the said relatively free electrons.
– As well, the Homoeopathic remedies, similar to some particular Energy Therapy remedies, each one includes the information correspondent with an special unhealthy general state in living beings, in an special vibration of the mentioned particles.
During the production of “Homoeopathic remedies”, the vibration characteristics (as vibration amplitude and frequency) of the free electrons’ vibrations in the original materials of such remedies (mineral, herbal, animal, etc) are induced in a large number of the free electrons of carrier substances. Applying effective energy during potentization of these remedies, increases the frequency of the mentioned electrons’ vibrations.
Indeed, the usual dilution in the procedure of reproduction and multiplication of Homoeopathic remedies[9] mainly causes purification and detoxification of these remedies, according to the case.
– And in the mentioned “Energy Therapy remedies”, the so-called healer in practice performs this induction (as particular information, according to the healer) on the free electrons. [These so-called remedies are prepared via a usual manner in the course called generally as Energy Therapy, and their general physical essence is similar to Homoeopathic remedies, and Viremedy too…. Nevertheless, there is no consensus about what is called as Energy Therapy and so-called remedies; not only about their essences and effects mechanisms, but also about their influence fact…!]
The Mechanism of Changing Carrier Substances to Remedies
In some substances such as water, alcohol, sugar and agate “crystal” (as a particular type of “Quartz Crystal”), etc, because of their atomic and molecular structures and concerning the Ionization Energy of the mentioned particles, the formation probability of the afore-said free electrons, is relatively more. These materials could be used as carrier substances of such remedies, according to the case.
Meanwhile, “being carrier substance for each particular remedy” necessitates “lesser primary vibration energy” in the free electrons of the mentioned substance before being (changing to) the remedy, in comparison with the vibration energy of the mentioned free electrons in that remedy. Thus, the capability of being remedy varies according to the remedy and the mentioned substance.[13,14,15,16]
For instance; it is possible that a particular material such as salt could be a good carrier substance for a remedy as Viremedy, but not for the others as many remedies in Homoeopathy or Energy Therapy…, and could even according to the case, abolish them.
It should be said that reaching the partial number of the free electrons having the mentioned vibrations to a “Concentration Threshold” is necessary for changing the carrier substance not including the remedy, to the carrier substance including the remedy. This concentration depends on the several factors such as the kind of remedy, the kind of carrier substance, the environment’s circumstances, and so on.
In some done experiments, remedization or being remedy (in case of Viremedy) could be transported through the carrier substances (such as agate, salt, sugar, some metals, water, paper, etc) during the particular time according to the case. (This time depends on the mentioned factors in the previous paragraph.)
Moreover, inducing the character of being the remedy only by laying alongside the carrier substance including the remedy, and the carrier substance not including the remedy, was been experienced. By the way, increase of distance between the carrier substance including the remedy, and the carrier substance not including the remedy, and/or placing a material barrier between them decreased this inducing influence.
As it was stated before; compared to the others, the mentioned free electrons in Viremedy have the highest vibration energy. Therefore, while placing the Homoeopathic remedies near Viremedy for enough time could finally change them into Viremedy.
It is worthy of saying that according to the related conditions…, each remedy, which is being considered with a supposed particular potency, could also include some other potencies and/or even, some other remedies, in fewer extents. This could be due to some mentioned relatively free electrons with the same vibration amplitude, but having other vibration frequencies, and/or some mentioned relatively free electrons, with different vibration amplitudes, in the remedy. “Usually, through passing the time and because of the information exchange among the mentioned free electrons, the remedy tends to a particular remedy with a particular potency….”
Meanwhile, in case of mixing several remedies of different types and potencies, after passing the particular time (according to the case…), there will be only one remedy. For instance, in case of mixing a homoeopathic remedy prepared from the plants with another homoeopathic remedy in the same potency, prepared from the minerals, after passing the particular time, we will only have the mineral remedy. In general, the mentioned time depends on the type of carrier substances of those remedies, the type and potency and amount of each of those remedies, existing effective energy (or the manner of energy applying) and other environmental conditions, etc.
These phenomena could be simply explained by relying on the stated issues about physical essence of such remedies, and information exchange among the mentioned free electrons.
In the picture 1, the containers containing Viremedy in the mentioned carrier substances, as the instances, have been shown.
Examples of the Containers Containing Viremedy (The Carrier Substances are Water, Salt, Sugar, and Agate Crystal)
Here, it should be mentioned that as it was said before; “Information domain” is not separate from other domains of particle. Indeed, each particle (wave-particle) is a multifaceted complex of various, non-separate characteristics, “as a being or creature” (with dynamic partial existence). [In Homeopathy, we have different remedies, which their origins are Sunlight, Moonlight, X-Ray, etc. We had a remedy, which its origin was “Gamma-Ray”. As well, the Magnets have their particular remedies…. It means that the information field is not separate from electromagnetic field and the other fields…. Nevertheless, they are not the same. Indeed, the information field could be considered as a “basic” language, which could be according to the case translated or converted to various fields, in various kinds of existence. (In this way, information field could get various presentations….)]
The General Effect Mechanism of such Remedies on Living Organisms
As it was mentioned in the related literature[13,14,15,16]; exposure of the mentioned relatively free electrons having special vibrations (physical information) to the type of living being sensory domain or so-called perceptive domain, mostly, on more sensitive regions related to the domain or field named as Vital Aura (Bio-aura)[17,18,19], could “reciprocally” induce and establish the special general state correspondent with that special vibration, on the living organism. Therefore, direct contact of these remedies with body is not necessary for their influence on organism.
For instance; in an experienced method of Viremedy use, the carrier substances including the remedy, are wrapped and sealed completely (as the packs with no infiltration) before placing them on the mentioned relatively more sensitive regions over the body.[14,20]
This event could also be experienced with all kinds of “information-including remedies” such as Homeopathic remedies, some so-called Energy Therapy Remedies, some of the drugs and materials used in various courses of Traditional Medicine, etc.
On the whole, each one of these remedies has its particular “information”, indicating the vibration amplitude and frequency of the carrier substance’s relatively free electrons. Indeed, each general state (as a particular perceptional-functional unit)[21,22,23,24] in living being can be accompanied by an special vibration amplitude (which is correspondent with that) in the said relatively free electrons.
Identical translation of the mentioned vibrations to the correspondent vital information, and motivation (provocation) of the related vital processes, is performing with the mediators of non-bodily regulator and controller systems (in Vital Aura).
In this way, the degree of fulfilling these processes will be also in accordance with the development grade of the mentioned systems as the so-called Vital Aura, concerning living being’s so-called evolution & development level. Thus, each one of these remedies could directly and indirectly lead to its particular related general state in the living being.
Considering the regular functions of the mentioned systems and their well-organized, mutual and multilateral interactions (associations) with various sections in the living creature, different events resulted from the information induction and the related consequences happen. The processes such as Proving, Changing, Aggravation, Reacting Modification, and Inducting Modification of disorders and symptoms & signs, Induction and Promotion of “Health Current” (in the case of using Viremedy), and procedures like “Emergence” and “Discharge”, are among them. These processes are happening according to the case, and in a systematic manner in different levels of the living organism.[13,14,15,16]
Here, it’s worthy of mentioning that the particular existence of so-called Vital Aura is different from the existence kind of body….[14] Vital Aura in the broad sense (which includes chakras, nadis, and so on) and its components and relationships have been also pointed and discussed in the fields such as so-called Energy Therapy, Ayurveda, Yoga, Acupuncture & Acupressure, Reflex Therapy, Gem Therapy (Stone Therapy), etc.[17,18,19] [Meanwhile, about diverse kinds of being or existence and their correlations, some issues and theories as “String Theory” in modern physic, could be taken into consideration too.]
Concerning the mentioned issues, we could also explain many phenomena in various courses of the so-called Unconventional Medicine.[17,25] For Example, the materials and methods, which lead to partial increase of activity in the related centers in Vital Aura, according to the affected centers, called as Warm materials and maneuvers in Iranian Traditional Medicine.[25,26] The materials and maneuvers, which lead to partial decrease of activity in the related centers in Vital Aura, called as Cold materials and maneuvers. The materials and maneuvers, which lead to a kind of partial closeness (decrease of the activity field) in the related centers in Vital Aura, called as Dry materials and maneuvers. The materials and maneuvers, which lead to a kind of partial openness (increase of the activity field) in the related centers in Vital Aura, called as Wet materials and methods. Indeed, every thing could according to the numerous factors have its particular so-called temperament…. In this way, materials (such as foods, herbal and non-herbal medicines, oils, minerals and stones, etc), maneuvers (such as Wet Cupping[25] or Dry Cupping[25] on special more sensitive regions, some particular massages, pressures and stimulations on the mentioned more sensitive regions and points, some special phlebotomies on the particular veins, some physical positions), behaviors (such as some particular Hypnosis and Meditations), thoughts, feelings, citations, situations (such as places, times, Astral situations, etc), and so on, could cause or aggravate the related temperaments in the living creature.
As it was mentioned; only placing Homoeopathic remedies, or some drugs and materials also used in some courses of Unconventional Medicine (such as some herbs and materials used in Iranian Traditional Medicine) in the said more sensitive regions (“related to the Vital Aura”), via affecting the Vital Aura could lead to some particular effects on the totality of the living organism.
As well, the main effect mechanisms of some drugs and materials used in various courses of Traditional Medicine could also be similar to the main effect mechanisms of Homoeopathic remedies. Many times, the indications of employing them are similar too. For instance, “Arnica” is one of these drugs.
It seems that one of the main sources of Homoeopathic remedies have been the materials used in the Traditional Medicine and the likes.
Many of these drugs and materials, in the first instance, mainly influence on the Vital Aura. Nevertheless, many of methods and devices used in the Traditional Medicine, in the first instance, mainly influence on the bodily part or both bodily and non-bodily parts of the living creature.
Subsequent to use of any preventive or therapeutic device (such as drugs, materials, maneuvers, etc), and according to the factors as employed device, application method, the living being nature, and so on, we could have a wide spectrum of various kinds of so-called proving, aggravation, reacting or inducing modifications, disorders’ pictures alterations, etc, in various parts and levels of the living organism.
Naturally, the manners of these general processes could be different.
However, not only in the Iranian and Arabic Traditional Medicine, but also in the Chinese and Indian Traditional Medicine and the likes, the non-bodily part of the living creature and the related sections, functions and relationships, are indeed very important.
In this way, systematically making the expedient alterations on the non-bodily part (by employing various devices), in order to access to a so-called holistic balance in the system, is a basic strategy. Commonly, the strategic goal in various courses of Unconventional Medicine is balance establishment in the human being, through kinds of “Inducting and/or Reacting Modification”.
– More issues and discussions in this regard, have been presented in the related literature.[14,15,16]
In the picture 2, insertion of the sealed packs containing Viremedy in some more sensitive areas or spaces (related to the Vital Aura), as the instances, have been shown.[14]
Examples in Inserting the Large and Little Sealed Packs Containing Viremedy in some Relatively More Sensitive Areas or Spaces (Related to the Vital Aura)
In this way, Viremedy is also a material including specific information, whose translation to correspondent vital information and processes will lead to the rise of vitality in living being. This proceeding takes place in the framework of the living creature’s nature, considering the grade of development or advancement of its Vital Aura. This effect has been objectively experienced in various kinds of living beings.[14,15,16]
Explanation of some other Relevant Facts
Based on the said theory and issues, the influences of some physical phenomena on these remedies (particularly, on Viremedy) investigated. These phenomena were among them:
Exposing to various electrical and electromagnetic domains and high energetic photons (as microwaves and particularly, Gamma Rays), electricity flow and static electricity with negative and positive charges, high-speed electrons, ultra sound waves, air and water flows, temperature changes (as boiling and freezing), shaking in diverse ways, contact with different materials such as various crystals like the crystals of different metals, agate, sugar, salt, Battery’s coal, etc, and floating these materials into remedies….
– Some of these, like “floating” the mentioned crystals (particularly, “agate”, gold, silver, copper, salt and sugar), and some material having negative static electrical charge “into” Viremedy, increased the remedy’s concentration in various extents. [Here, the concentration means the number of the mentioned relatively free electrons having the information, in the volume unit of the carrier substance.]
Meanwhile, in similar conditions, floating gold in the water including Viremedy led to more increase of the concentration, compared to floating the iron into the water including this remedy.
As well, it seems that the materials having the physicochemical peculiarities of Pyroelectric and/or Piezoelectric (like Tourmaline Crystal as a type of Quartz Crystal), could increase the remedy concentration….
– Some other techniques, such as stirring, shaking, heating and boiling, exposing to ultra sound waves, electromagnetic domains and energetic photons (as microwaves, and particularly, “Gamma Ray”), and “high-speed electrons”, as the diverse ways of applying energy, increased the potency and concentration of Viremedy, which has been in accordance with the manner of applying energy, and the amount of applied “effective” energy in each case. (All of the mentioned ways of applying energy generally increase formation probability of the free electrons in the material.)
In this regard, Gamma radiation strengthened Viremedy in the carrier substance including Viremedy. [Meanwhile, this radiation could produce a particular remedy in the distilled water not including the remedy (before exposing to Gamma Ray). Indeed, the type of the said remedy produced in the distilled water not including Viremedy after exposing to Gamma Ray, also points to the origin of that ray in the related conditions….]
Increasing of potency via the mentioned methods, particularly by applying Gamma Ray and high-speed electrons, was done in the previous generations of Viremedy.
– Some of the said methods of applying energy could lead to weakening or even disappearing of the Homoeopathic remedies and some particular Energy Therapy remedies. Indeed, they can cause severe disturbances in the particular vibrations’ patterns of a large number of the mentioned free electrons having the information, in the afore-said remedies, according to the case. Even in case of Viremedy and for instance; after hardly shaking or stirring the water including Viremedy, its concentration becomes partially weaker at first. Nevertheless, after a brief pause and partial stability, the concentration becomes gradually higher again, even compared to its concentration before the shaking or stir.
It seems that the occurrence probability of the disturbances in the vibrations’ patterns of mentioned free electrons (having the information) of the remedies with higher potencies, is more than those with lesser potencies in similar conditions. Since, generally, lesser potency indicates lesser frequency of the mentioned free electrons’ vibrations. Meanwhile, the occurrence probability of the disturbances in the vibrations’ patterns of mentioned free electrons of the remedies having higher amplitudes, is lesser than those having lower amplitudes in similar conditions.
Thus, in Viremedy, concerning high vibration “amplitude” of the mentioned free electrons, the said disturbances cannot lead to the disappearance of the remedy, in total.
As well, the probability of disappearance of these types of remedies due to the afore-said disturbances will be partially diminished in the higher concentrations of the free electrons having the mentioned particular vibration (information).
* Moreover, cooling these remedies, floating some materials having positive static electrical charge “into” them, and exposing (not floating) the remedies to positive or negative static electrical charges or electricity flow (particularly with high frequency) weakened the remedies.
These phenomena could be simply explained by relying on the stated theory.
Besides, according to the case, exposing these remedies to air and water flows, exposing (not floating) materials with negative or positive electrical charges, and some other materials such as some metals…, could in particular conditions lead to decrease of the remedies’ concentrations, or even disappearance of the remedies. This takes place due to the exchange of the free electrons having the mentioned vibrations (information) in the remedies with the relatively free electrons having different vibrations in those materials. For example, because of usually higher vibration energies of the mentioned free electrons in the remedies in comparison with the vibration energies of the free electrons in the air, water or some metals not including remedy, the formation probability of the afore-said free electrons in the remedies, is more than this probability in those materials. Therefore, the mentioned atoms’ nuclei in the remedies could have more positive charges than the likes in those materials. Thus, attraction of the free electrons (with lesser vibration energies) in the materials by the mentioned nuclei in the remedies causes the said exchange, and results in the remedies’ concentrations fall. As well, in case of each remedy, noticing the potency and type of the remedy and carrier substance, and considering the existing conditions (such as temperature, etc), decrease of the concentration from a particular threshold, leads to disappearance of the remedy. [Meanwhile, the afore-said process will have a negative acceleration too.]
Indeed, in all cases of weakening the remedies, the number of the free electrons acquiring the particular vibrations (during a particular time) will be less than those of losing these vibrations in remedies, as kinds of dynamic systems.
– As well, concerning the said theory and the relevant issues, some particular alterations in the molecular arrangement of the water including such remedies (compared to the water not including such remedies) is possible.
Meanwhile, difference in such alterations in various remedies could in its turn affect the manner of crossing polarized light through the various types of these remedies too.
These alterations could be simply due to the alterations in the length and angles of bonds among the related atoms in the carrier substance (such as O & H in water). They could be caused by the established changes in the attraction & repulsion forces among the related electrons and nuclei, thanks to the increase of the formation probability of the mentioned free electrons (with partially more vibratory energy), in particular manners according to the case….
As a simple instance, more occurrence of Tunnel Effect Phenomenon could lead to more positive charges in the related nuclei, and more positive charges in the nuclei could in its turn cause more attraction between those nuclei and the related electrons….
For example, it’s expected that in the water including such remedies (particularly, Viremedy), because of more occurrence of Tunnel Effect Phenomenon (mainly in the case of electrons in the last orbit of the Oxygen,) the positive charges of the nuclei increase. In this way, the length of the bond between O and H will be partially shorter than that of in the water not including the remedy, and the relevant angle in the H2O will be partially wider in the water including the remedy. (As well, these phenomena affect the structure of Hydrogen bonds.) In this way, there will be a direct relationship between the mentioned shortness of the bonds and wideness of the angles with the free electrons’ vibratory energy.
On the whole, concerning the mentioned information quanta and existing effective energy, the rise of the free electrons’ vibratory energy could partially increase the occurrence probability of Tunnel Effect Phenomenon in the material, in total. And, higher probability of Tunnel Effect Phenomenon occurrence could in its turn lead to more alterations in the molecular arrangement of the carrier substance including the remedy.
Considering this issue, it is expected that:
– The mentioned alterations in the water including Viremedy, be more than those of in the water including the Homoeopathic remedies, in similar conditions.
– And in the case of Homoeopathic remedies;
. These alterations in the water including Homoeopathic remedies as Aurum metallicum or Natrum muriaticum, be more than those of in the Homoeopathic remedies as Belladonna or Stramonium, in the same potency and conditions.
. In the case of a particular Homoeopathic remedy; the said alterations in the water including the mentioned Homoeopathic remedy with more potency, be more than those of with lower potency, in the similar conditions.
Nonetheless, detection of the mentioned alterations needs a precise technology, with noticing to the effect of the used device on the ultimate result.
Finally, it is worthy of mentioning that the stated theory could also explain “some relevant findings[8] and considerable facts”, which have been pointed during the presentation of some other hypotheses[1,2,3,4,5,6,7] about the physical essence of such remedies.
More Studies in the Future
More studies about the presented theory and issues are of interest for the future. The mentioned subjects can pave the path towards further studies and progressions in the relevant fields.
Naturally, more access to some appropriate technologies may be useful in similar investigations. For instance; some recently modern technologies such as an especial Ultra-Laser, may be useful in partially estimating the mentioned electrons’ positions (with noticing to the “Uncertainty Principle”), or some existent technologies (as “GDV”; Gas Discharge Visualization) for photographing the Vital Aura or indeed, for recording and analyzing some physical and/or bodily “influences” of the so-called Vital Aura on the body and physical atmosphere of the body, could be among these useful technologies, according to the case.
It seems that by using the appropriate technologies with standard carrier substances in standard situations, it could be also possible to distinguishing the carrier substance including Viremedy from the carrier substance not including Viremedy or including other remedies.
As well, in this regard, it is suggested that any alteration in the molecular arrangement of the water including Viremedy, and the pattern of crossing polarized light through the water including the remedy, in the standard situations, be precisely evaluated. (Naturally, this should be done, noticing to the effect of the employed device on the ultimate result….)
It is necessary to be appreciative of all people, who helped in reaching the presented theory, and testing them, in various ways…. Their precious helps are greatly acknowledged.
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“The above-mentioned updated synopsis (Revision 2012)in the field is available at: http://www.homeobook.com/viremedy-homeopathic-remedies-energy-healing-remedies; https://files.secureserver.net/4sIqKeQHTX3S9n Or: https://sites.google.com/site/viremedy [Attachment No. 1].
“The above-mentioned updated synopsis (Revision 2012)in the field” is available at: ; Or:
https://sites.google.com/site/viremedy [Attachment No. 1]
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Some of the points and issues mentioned in this paper have been amended later.
More clearly describing the topics, as the origin of Viremedy, etc, in a systematic manner required “a synopsis” as the revision and completion of the previous literature.
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