Jethwani KS, Kanodra NM
Research is not something one can begin impulsively. It is something which requires prior planning
as well as dedication and persistent working for effective ex ecution and completion of the project. Here’s a step-by-step process that one can go through while conducting research.
Our basic school education helped answer most of the questions, quenched our thirst for knowledge and we stopped being curious of the world we live in.
However, at the level of professional education especially in the field of medicine we have a quest, a quest to learn more, to look beyond what is written and to contribute a little to the field we plan to dedicate our lives to. As a beginner, one is usually unsure of how exactly to go about research. This article aims at giving a brief overview of the general methodology of conducting a research project.
Part II is a continuation of our previous article “A Beginners Guide to Research- I”. In part I of the article, we discussed research methodology; while in this article we have tried to explain difficulties that one could encounter, especially as beginners to this field and how to avoid them, how to tackle data analysis and finally how to present the study in the form of a report.
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