A case of allergic rhinitis with some weird dreams

Dr Manthan Upadhyay 

A guy aged 26yrs suffering from allergic rhinitis from past 4yrs. He had taken allopathy, Ayurveda and homeopathic treatment without much relief. He also took Ars alb 200 BD and Allium Cepa 30TDS for one month after watched in a youtube video but that   didn ’ t help him. 

Case History : 

  • I am allergic to dust. I cant bare the strong perfumes and the smell of spices. I get colds very easily . Watery coryza all day with lots of sneezing . I sneeze 50+ times in a day. My nose become red at that time. Frequently nose block. Stuffy nose . Difficulty in breathing due to that. Along with that I get bursting type of headache which is worse by walking , talking and by noise .I feel weakness and want to lie down in a bed. but I cant sleep properly cause of this problem. Don ’ t want to go for work . 
  • I have three girlfriend and I have physical relations with all of them. i get lot of sexual dreams at night . Nocturnal Emission with dreams since past 1yr.I become very disturb due to that please give me medicine for this also.
  • I feel extreme weakness ,body become loose , there is no strength in me at all and I cant sleep after emission . I Keep on thinking about it. After performing sex I have to sleep for ablest 1 or 2 hours .
  • I cant eat properly. I feel lot of gas and distention of abdomen. I feel gas is moving in my stomach thats why there is heaviness. Appetite decrease . Once I vomitted after having non veg since than I become very fearful . I cant eat properly . i get eructation and nausea while eating . i feel I will vomit again every time I eat. I am not eating late night since than . . while eating I always think whether this thing will stay in my stomach or not ? What if I get stomach pain again?what if I get acidity? i love warm food but I cant eat now. I become more conscious and avoiding non veg and heavy meals. This affects me a lot . I think I loose 3-4kg weight in past 2months. don ’ t get mood to work . Cant concentrate in anything .
  • Basically I m very mild person .I don ’ t get anger easily. Don ’ t like to talk much . Cant mix up easily with others . I have very few friends.  I was same as a child also..very quiet and obedient…I was not good in study.I was average student through out my school life. 
  • After passing 12th I join my dad ’ s business. we are in to clothing business.I am fond of fancy clothes. It gives you good look,people will notice you if you wear good cloths and shoes.that gives you extra confidence.i like  when people give me compliment about my looks . 
  • Like to travel and playing cricket . As a child I used to get scared of water but then I learnt swimming , now no such fear . But occ I startle from sleep. I get fearful dreams after watching horror movies. 
  • I get very weird dreams sometimes . i see my nose is not at its proper place . Sometimes I see my nose on my hands..sometimes on my legs or sometimes on my umbilical region. i feel strange..I feel I m different from others..will my girlfriend accept me like this ? what if people come to know about this? People will neglect me .. I will be all alone..no one will be there…I want to hide it from people. I think I have some different type of disease..I am not going to cure.. I feel I m alone ..feel scared and startle from sleep every time a see this dream. I get such dream 3 to 4 times in a month since so long. Can your medicine help me for this? Its so annoying. I cant sleep due to this. 

Physical generals : Appetite. : decrease Thirst : thirsty                  Desire. : chicken. sweet+++     Aversion : green veg              Perspiration. : less Urine. : ( N ) Stool : constipated Thermal. : C2H2 NAD in Past history and family history 

Analysis :
Here all the symptoms of rhinitis are very common…dreams are different and peculiar..so dreams becomes the entry point of the case. I took following rubrics: 

  • mind; dreams; amorous ( 361 )
  • mind; dreams; lewd, lascivious, voluptuous ( 228 ) 
  • mind; dreams; lewd, lascivious, voluptuous; emissions, pollutions, with seminal ( 129 ) 
  • mind; dullness; emission, seminal, pollutions; after ( 11 )
  • generalities; weakness; emissions, pollutions, after seminal (82)
  • mind; anxiety; eating; while ( 10 )
  • stomach; nausea; eating; while ( 89 )
  • mind; delusions, imaginations; body, body parts; erroneous ideas as to the state of his ( 11 )
  • mind; delusions, imaginations; body, body parts; separated, body and thoughts are ( 12 )
  • mind; delusions, imaginations; deserted, forsaken ( 72 )
  • generalities; food and drinks; sweets; desires ( 257 )

 Sabadilla 200 was given followed by sac lac 

Follow up after 1week : Better .. no nose block in the week .. coryza is still there but sneezing is very less . I can tolerate it . Nocturnal emission only once . No dreams . Sleep improved . Energy level is also good. Weakness improved . Appetite is good but still I feel some anxiety while eating. 

Rx, sac lac for 15days 

2nd follow up : Better in all complains . no coryza and sneezing . I get sexual dreams but no nocturnal emission. no weakness .appetite is very good . Before 2days had weird dream again. I saw my nose between my eyes . Startle from sleep at that time . 

Rx, Sabadilla 200 followed by sac lac 

Follow up after 2 months : I travel a lot in past one month but no episode of cold or nose block . Anxiety level is very less. Concentration in the work improved . Energy is very good now . No sexual dream . Sleep better. 

Rx, Sac lac 

Follow up after 4 months : dr can u believe I see my nose at its own place in my dream…I feel so happy and satisfied…Didnt get any weired drems since almost 2-3months.This is so relaxing.I can sleep properly now. no complain of nose block at all since past 2months. anxiety during eating is also in control . Now can eat anything . No acidity. Stool ( N ) 

Sabadilla :

Its from a Liliiflorae family and Sycotic miasm . The main feeling of this family is forced out , Excluded and left out. In the mind sensation is excluded , in the physical sphere extruded . We can see religiousness and attractive behaviour in need to be included . If the main feeling of Liliflorae combined with sycotic miasm , the feeling could be : “ There are abnormalities in my body , such as one part is larger and another is too small ; for this reason , I will be excluded and therefore I must be careful not to to be seen” 

He is doing very well now and happy with the treatment. No physical complaints and mentally so much relaxed, peace of mind and his comfidance also increse . Only Homoeopathy can give such marvellous results . 

Dr.Manthan Upadhyay  ( B.H.M.S,C.C.A.H,F.C.A.H) 
Surat , Gujarat.

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