Dr Vidhi Shah
Abstract- Repeated attacks of headache which are moderately or severely painful, frequent, last for few hours or couple of days, often hemiplegic, often experienced with loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting
Keywords-Migraine, Homoeopathy, Menyanthes, remedies.
Introduction- MIGRAINE headaches often have triggers which are mental or physical
Signs and Symptoms during migraine attack-
- Nausea, Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Perspiration
- Cold extremities
- Sensitivity to light (Photophobia)
- Sensitive to sound(Phonophobia)
- Scalp tenderness
- Pulsating pain
- Pressure Pain
Triggers: Changes in daily Cycles-
- No sleep
- Over sleeping
- Menses
- No breakfast
Triggers: Environment and diet-
- Weather
- Diet
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Altitude
- Bright light
- Some medications
Triggers: Mental
- Fear
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Anger
Major forms of Migraine
- Migraine without AURA (Common) seen in 70% pts
- Migraine with AURA (Classical) in 25%
- Migraine variants and complicated migraine 5% which includes-
- Hemiplegic Migraine
- Basilar type Migraine
- Opthalmoplegic and Retinal Migraine
Migraine with Aura
- Classical
- Associated with premonitory sensory , motor or visual symptoms.
- Scotomas
- Hallucinations
Migraine without Aura
- Common
- Unilateral headache
- Associated with nausea and vomiting
- Photophobia and phonophobia
Protective Factors
- Regular sleep
- Regular exercises
- Regular meals
- Healthy lifestyle
- Avoid triggers
Menyanthes trifoliata is a medicine prepared from buck bean, which is also called bitterklee of natural order gentianaceae. It is a water plant, abounding in fen districts mostly seen in America, Europe and was used successfully in treating ague fever next to cinchona. The flowers bloom in the month of May and June and are rose colored or white colour.
Preparation: Tincture is prepared from fresh plants just coming in to the bloom.
Clinical: It is clinically indicated in treating headaches, chest pain, angina, intermittent fevers.
Literature: The first literature to include this medicine is Materia Medica pura, vol 5, page 15.
Mind: Anxiety as if something evil or bad would happen, indifference to everything, taciturn and excessive gaiety.
Head: Constant heaviness of head with painful dullness of head, compressive headache in vertex > pressure on vertex, pressive stupefying headache < ascending steps, sensation of weight pressed upon brain with every step. Tensive headaches (J.H.CLARKE).
Modalities: worse rest, ascending stairs better: pressure on affected part.
Preliminary data:
- Name: SAB 34yr/F Reg no. 4996
- Resides in: Bandra east
- Marital Status: Married since 3 year( 2nd )
- Occupation: Tailor
Chief complaints– Pain in left occiput, temporal and mandibular region since 5 -6 yrs
- Pain and heaviness in B/L eyes
- Bursting and pulsating headache
- Nausea
- <talking, < sun, < light < noise
- > very hard pressure, > tight bandaging
- Frequency is twice a week
Personal details:
General- Appetite: Good, no hunger tolerance
Likes/Dislike: NS
Stool/ Urine: NS
Sleep: Talks, Salivation
Sweat: Profuse and offensive
Dreams: Clairvoyant, Dead people
Menstrual and Gynaec history
F.MP -14 yrs. LMP-25/4/2017
- Cycle- 21-30 days, lasts for 3 days
- Dark red , no clots, N.O N.S
- G2 P2 A0 L2 G1 – 16 yrs. FTND G2 – 14 yrs.
- Menstrual Characteristics– Anger on contradiction and trifles, Dwells on Past, Suicidal thoughts even tried once, Sensitive to Others opinion, Fear of death, Injustice intolerance
Thermal reaction
- CHILLY patient
- P/H – NS
- F/H – Father- MI , HTNs
Mother –DM
Hahnemanian Classification of disease: Dynamic, chronic, miasmatic, disease with developed symptoms.
Totality of symptoms:
- Anger on contradiction
- Anger on trifles
- Dwelling on past
- Fear of death
- Clairvoyant
- Sensitive to reprimands
- Headache > tight bandaging
- Rx Menyanthes 30 tds for 7 days > Very hard pressure
- 12/06/17
Headache – 0 – did not come in that week
New complaints of – Weakness, Body ache
Rx – SL 30 tds for 1 month
adv- Ca ++ supp, Vit D supp, Inj Arachitol
- 5/7/ 17
Better, no hdk, Rx Phytum 200 tds for 15 days
- 27/7/17
She was under stress as there was fights in the house- Grief
Headache started
Generals- N
Rx Nat Mur 1M 1P for 15 days
8/8/17 Better ,No headaches
- Boericke,Willium (2002). Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory (9th Edition, Reprint). B. Jain Publishers (Pvt) Ltd, New Delhi.
- https://thejournalofheadacheandpain.biomedcentral.com/
Dr Vidhi Shah
MD Part 2
Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College, Jalna