A case of Psoriasis cured by Homoeopathy

Dr. K.M. Nisanth Nambison

Dr.K.M.Nisanth Nambison is an Asst. Professor, Head of Surgery & Computer Department, Govt.HomoeopathicMedicalCollege, Bhopal He has been practicing and teaching Homoeopathy since 11 years in Bhopal and presented research papers at several national and international seminars. He has wide knowledge in computer education, with great interest he developed some softwares.

A heavy built male, aged 30 years presented with pinkish elevated lesions on face, neck and dorsum of hand. The lesions with itching and flaking. The spots appear in a symmetric pattern, i.e. on left hand fingers then on right hand fingers too. Spots are pink in colour.

History of presenting complaints 
A heavy built male, aged 30 years presented with pinkish elevated lesions on face, neck and dorsum of hand. The lesions with itching and flaking. The spots appear in a symmetric pattern, i.e. on left hand fingers then on right hand fingers too. Spots are pink in colour. History of presenting complaints In childhood, when he was 3-4 yrs suffered from primary complex and then at the age of fifteen he had bronchitis with typhoid. Psoriasis since 1995. It started with a small spot on the left hand index finger. Then spread to back of the neck, fingers, hands, elbows, toes and feet. Groins also were itchy, was under allopathic treatment till 2004. Gained weight as side effect of medicines. Took electro-homoeopathy for 3 months. Earlier there was a viscous discharge, now it has stopped. Itching happens but not continuous. Skin becomes rough and dry. White coloured (like dandruff) scaling present.
Family History 
Maternal family has some persons with eczema or skin ailments. Maternal family has history of diabetes.
Mental Causation
Father’s death. continuous irrational comparisons, disbelieve, public disgrace by parents, insult and humiliation by mother negatively impacted self confidence and self dignity. But still care and loves mother.
Present Mental State
Disinterest, emptiness, loneliness but optimistic to change it sooner than later.
To live peacefully in a village with a big family, friends and all amenities..

Lie, dishonesty, hurt on self-dignity or been taken for granted.

Liking (Atmosphere) 
Cold sunny days, no extreme weather, day feels dull without sunshine (cloudy).

Rubrics (Boger Beoninghausen)
Conditions of aggravation and amelioration in general, phenomena, emotions, anger, vexation, etc., indignation, with agg. Staph 7/2Coloc 7/2Lyco 5/2Nux V 4/2Ars 4/3 Skin and exterior body, phenomena, desquamation, exfoliation, peeling, etc., of, white scales
Conditions of Aggravation and Amelioration in general, phenomena, emotions, anger, vexation, etc., silent grief, suppressed, etc., with agg.

First prescription       22-01-09
Staph 200 Single Dose
Followed by Placebo for one month.

Follow up 1       25-02-09
Patch on the forehead gone, patch on the neck and hand better, itching still persists.
Placebo for one month

Follow up 2      25-03-09
Patches much better, but some new spots appear with dwindling self confidence.
Lycopodium 200 single dose
Followed by placebo for one month.

Follow up 3       21-04-09
Very small patch left, with the self-confidence better than before.
Placebo for one month.

Follow up 4       25-05-09
No patches left, self confidence much better.
Placebo for one month..

Dr. K.M. Nisanth Nambison
Asst. Professor, Head of Surgery &
Computer Department,
Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College,
Bhopal (M.P)
www.nambisons.com, www.diagnozit.com


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