Dr. D .G .Bagal, Professor,& Dr. Uttara Agale
Abstract:- A case of 18 yr student having tinea in between fingers and palms cured with Arsenic and never appeared again.
Preliminary Data:-
Age:-18 yrs
Marital Status:-Unmarried
Chief Complaints:-
1. Red raised ring shaped eruption with clearer center on palms and spaces between fingers, since one month on & off.
2. The borders may appear scaly and there is thickening of the area in between.
3. Itching.
History Of Chief Complaint:-
The patient was alright before six months but he shifted to hostel for his higher studies. According to patient he has excessive sweating in between fingers, and because of Poor hygiene in hostel, using contaminated personal care items (such as: towels) he might have developed this eruption.
Past History:- No history of any major illness in past
Past treatment taken:- Antifungal creams – ketoconazole given to him by a physician. The eruption was diagnosed as ringworm
Family history:- No history of any major illness in family
Personal history:-
Diet:-Veg and Non veg
Physical generalities:-
- Appetite:-2 roti in a meal twice a day
- Desire:-Sour 3+
- Aversion:-Not specific
- Thirst:-9-10 glass of water per day
- Urine:-5-6 times per day
- Stool:-Regular, Satisfactory
- Sleep:-sound, refreshing
- Dreams:-Can’t remember
- Perspiration:-Scanty only in axilla, no odour , no stain
- Thermally:-Hot pt
- Fastidious
- Wants to be in company
- Anger by least contradiction
Vital data:-
- B.P:-120/80MM OF Hg
- Wt:-56 kg
- R.R:-20/min
- P.R.:-80/min
- Temp:- Afebrile
Systemic Examination:-
- CNS:-Conscious oriented
- CVS:-S1,S2 +
- RS:- AEBE, Clear
- P/A:-Soft
Local examination :-
Scales in between fingers there is thickening of the area in between. Red raised ring shaped eruption with clearer center on palms.
Diagnosis:– Tinea Manus: Ringworm infection of hands and inter digital spaces
Analysis of symptoms:-
Mental Generals:-
Wants to be in company
Anger by least contradiction
Physical Generals:-
Desires sour things 3+
Pespiration scanty only in axilla
1.Red raised ring shaped eruption with clearer center on palms and spaces between fingers, since one month on & off.
2. The borders may appear scaly and there is thickening of the area in between.
3. Itching.
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