Dr Aneesfatima. B. Tallur. Asst. Professor, Dept of OBG. A.M. Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College, Belagavi.
Co-Authors: Dr Sangeeta C.Belgavimath. Asst. Professor, Dept of Repertory. A.M. Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College, Belagavi.
Abstract: A patient with Intramural Fibroid measuring 4cm*3cm, Presenting with complaints of excessive bleeding during menses since last 8 years, dysmenorrheal, weakness since last two years, reported in the OPD. Patient was on Allopathic treatment till she approached for Homoeopathy, the apprehension to undergo surgery brought her for Homoeopathic treatment. Based on the presenting symptoms and signs Sepia 200 was prescribed, and one dose of Thuja 1M as intercurrent remedy which proved to be effective in the expulsion of the stone.
Keywords: Homoeopathy, Intra mural Fibroids, size 4cm*3cm, Sepia, Thuja,
Introduction: Uterine Fibroids or Leomyomas are Benign Tumors arising from smooth muscle fibers of uterine wall. There are 3 types of Fibroids 1) Intramural 2) Submucus 3) Subserious. 20 percent of women with Fibroids remain totally asymptomatic. Fibroids arise in reproductive age group starting from 20 to 35 years of life. Fibroids which do cause and symptoms which have adverse effect on health needs surgical removal.
Case report:
A 43-year female presented with excessive bleeding during menses since last 8 years, Profuse bleeding with pain in lower abdomen during menses since 8 years. Passing of clots during menses. Pain in lower abdomen on and off since last 2 years. Profuse bleeding with pain in lower abdomen during menses since 8 years. Duration: Once in 20 days, continuous bleeding 6 days. Bleeding dark in color, brown, excessive. Needs to change 5-6 pads a day. c/o dysmenorrhea since 2-3 years, spasmodic pain in lower abdomen on first day of period. Better by pressure and warmth. passing of dark colored big clots during menses, spasmodic pain before passing the clot. Ailments from: Her complaints started after her resumption of menses in for almost 1 ½ years, she took hormonal therapy to start her menses. Weakness and tiredness easily. Slight physical exertion makes her tired and feels like lack of energy. She had lactational amenorrhea for one and half year.
Family History: Father suffered from throat cancer and expired in 1986 when she was 7 years old. Mother is alive and Diabetic since 20 years, her mother has a strong family H/O of Diabetes from her family. No history of infertility in her family and Husband’s family.
PAST HISTORY: H/o primary infertility for 12 years. Unexplained infertility had taken allopathic treatment. Underwent HSG and Laproscopy for four times, Conceived after IVF. Child is now 9 yrs old. Took allopathy all these years for menorrhagia but there was no change, she was on Hormonal therapy for 6 months. Suffered from acute appendicitis and was operated for the same.
This pre diagnosed case of Fibroids presented with the complaints, physical and mental which were very much helpful in selection of similimum, Sepia acted well in this case to take care of her physical, general and mental symptoms. As Fibroids are Benign growth from smooth muscle fibers of myometrium and represent Sycosis as miasmatic approach, there fore Thuja 1M was prescribed one dose one time as intercurrent remedy. The case was managed with constitutional remedy (Sepia) and one dose of Thuja as Anti miasmatic and inter current ,and Pl rest of the time, the patients started showing improvement right after the first prescription and improvement was seen constant. The patient’s general health improved with mental well being too.
Respected Sir,
There are some corrections in the article which are need to be done:
1. In Abstract (Last Line): intercurrent remedy which proved to be effective in the expulsion of the stone.
Correction: It is not the “expulsion of the stone”. Rather there should be “dissolving of the fibroid”.
2. Keywords: Intra mural Fibroids
Correction: It is written “Intra mural fibroids” in the keywords but Intra and mural are not two different words here, it should be “Intramural”
3. Keywords: size 4cm*3cm
Correction: Size should no come in Keywords
4. Introduction (Second line): fibers of uterine wall. There are 3 types of Fibroids 1) Intramural 2) Submucus 3) Subserious.
Correction: third type should be “Subserous”
5. Introduction (Second last line):Fibroids which do cause and symptoms which have adverse effect on health needs surgical removal.
Correction: Language is not proper.
6. Case report:
Correction: In 1st paragraph of case report in which the present complaints are mentioned, the complaints are not mentioned properly and one complaint is mentioned again and again
7. Past History:
Correction: Year of operated acute appendicitis not mentioned.
8. Personal History:
Correction: Appetite reduced since???
9. Totality of Symptoms:
Correction: Point 7 where bearing down pain mentioned which was absent in presenting complaints.
10. Totality of Symptoms:
Correction: Point 9: There was no examnation of skin mentioned earlier and here it is written Skin Pale
11. Totality of Symptoms:
Correction: Point 10: Not mentioned about the complaint of malesma previously.
12. Repertorisation sheet not clear
13. LMP mentioned after first precription which was not present earlier in the complaints
14. Second follow up: What is the judgement criteria of 30% bleeding reduced, haven’t used any scale. Spelling mistake of pain as pin
15. In follow up of 26/4/2021, Spelling mistakes in remarks
16. In last follow up: the follow up date is 9/12/2021 and the LMP is 17/12/2021???
17. In follow up table: Some texts are bold without any specific reason.
18. Reports are not clear and no post treatment CBC given
Thank you