A German Train Named Samuel Hahnemann

trainThe founder of homeopathy have been set many monuments, streets were named after him and stamps printed in his honor and now Hahnemann will be honored with the naming of a modern train

On August 27, 2015 has baptized a train the Elbe-Saale-Bahn in the name of Samuel Hahnemann- Father of Homoeopathy –  in Köthen (Anhalt) station. Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors paid tribute in their speeches the merits of Samuel Hahnemann.

Hahnemann laid the foundation that Köthen is today associated with homeopathy worldwide.

Thomas Webel , Minister of Transport of Saxony-Anhalt, Werner Sobetzko, President of the Municipal of Köthen, Henriette Hahn, German Railways, and Monika Kölsch, Chief Financial Officer of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ) paid tribute in their speeches the merits of Samuel Hahnemann.

To appoint a train to Samuel Hahnemann, a wonderful idea.Hrdly a worthier namesake provides for a train that is traveling in the home of the founder of homeopathy.

The new double-deck coaches are air-conditioned and designed for a speed of up to 160 kilometers per hour. Its features include comfortable seats with plenty of leg room and tables, generous luggage racks and large panoramic windows. The vehicles are geared to the needs of mobility impaired traveler. They feature low entrances and spacious multi-purpose compartments with shelves for wheelchairs, bicycles or prams. Modern passenger information systems facilitate orientation.

This indeed is a great respect to true master of healing. Another reason for all homeopaths to celebrate. Looking forward to travel in the train during next visit to Germany.


From here his teaching went out into the whole world. Both took place in Germany and around the world teaching his ardent supporters, who the pugnacious scholar Hahnemann set many monuments. 1851 one in Leipzig, 1897, another in Köthen, 1900 probably the most monumental statue in Washington, in 1906 a street in Leipzig was named after him in 1955 and 1996 stamps were printed in his honor and now he is 2015, with the baptism of a modern train Elbe Saale Bahn honored to Samuel Hahnemann. That pleases us as the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors course especially.



  1. A memorable tribute to the master. Thanks to all associated with this effort. I shall try to see this train in the near future…cant wait.

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