A guide to using deep web search engines for academic and scholarly research
Chris Stobing
Google utilizes what’s known as a “spider-based crawler” to trawl the web for static webpage results, and then return them to you when you punch the right terms into the search bar. This only covers a very small portion of the actual information that’s available on the web
The deep web contains a constantly updated torrent of raw, unchecked information, surging with complex technical terms and so many diagrams it’s enough to make Google’s Deep Dream AI blow a circuitboard.
It’s estimated that the whole of the entire surface web only amounts to about 20 terabytes of information, or 5 percent of the information available for open search. On the other hand, the deep web occupies about 7.5 petabytes of information, or just around 95 percent of the total
How to Search the Deep Web
Read full guide : https://www.comparitech.com/blog/vpn-privacy/using-deep-web-search-engines-for-academic-research/