A literary research article on fundamental principles of homoeopathy and its evolution

Dr Vinuta Yathiswarappa G

ABSTRACT: This article includes a detailed study of the fundamental principles of homoeopathy- the origin, history, description, perspective of other philosophers.

KEY WORDS: Principles, Similia, Similar, Simplex, Minimum, vital force, Dynamisation, Chronic, Miasms, history, evolution.


  1. 1796 – law of similars “an essay on new principles for ascertaining the curative powers of drugs & some examinations of previous principles”
  2. 1797 – law of simplex, law of minimum “ are the obstacles to the attainment  of simplicity & certainity in practical medicine insurmountable”
  3. 1801 – law of drug dynamisation “ the cure & prevention of scarlet fever”
  4. 1805 – doctrine of drug proving “fragmenta de viribus medicamentorum positivis”
  5. 1814 – theory of chronic diseases
  6. 1833 – the theory of vital force “fifth edition of organon”. 


INTRODUCTION: The Law of Similia is the basic foundation of homoeopathic system of medicine, word meaning “HOMOEOS – similar & PATHOES – suffering”, derived from Greek.

HISTORY: Although origin of the law is not known, traces have been found in other systems of medicine & many of the philosophers & physicians before Hahnemann could formulate the law have spoken about the similar cures.


  1. AYURVEDA :This is the Ancient Indian system of medicine consisting of two methods of treatment
  • VIPAREETHA CHIKITSA – The principle being the opposites where the treatment is opposite to the cause or effect or cause effect of the disease.
  • THADHARTHAKARI CHIKITSA – THADHA – ARTHAKARI which means “same meaning” further divided as:
    • Hethu Thadharthakari – similar cause or something which produces similar cause.
    • Vyadi Thadharthakari – similar effect or something which produces similar effect.
    • Hethuvyadi Thadharthakari – something which produces both similar cause and effect   respectively used   for treatment
  1. HIPPOCRATES :  Hippocrates regarded as the father of medicine, where he claims that, the drugs selected on the basis of similars is useful in practice, and he  practiced both on similar as well as opposite principles.
  2. PARACELSUS: The father of Anesthesia did not agree with the principle of Contraria & also emphasized on the principle of Similars & Doctrine of signature. E.g. : yellow remedy to treat Jaundice.
  3. GALEN: Divided the diseases into three classes among them one was –those affecting similar parts or similar tissue & nerves.
  4. PHYSICIANS & PHILOSOPHERS : Many of the physicians like Xenocrates, Nicander, Varro,  Quintus, Serenus, Paracelsus, Roman school physicians, Basil, Valentine ,Benedictines monk of Erfurt ,Galen , Aristotle many more have said about the cures with law of similars.

It was Dr. Samuel Hahnemann who innovated this law by elaborating the concept through   various angles & directions & put down the whole system of Homoeopathic medicine under this law “SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTER”


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Dr Vinuta Yathiswarappa G
PG Scholar, Department Of Organon of Medicine
Father Muller homoeopathic medical college
Deralakatte, Mangalore- 575018

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