Dr Anisa Khalid Arkati MD ( HOM)
Background: Warts are common lesion of skin in children and adults although they may be encountered at any age. It is caused by HPV. Worldwide 10%of population is affected by warts. It makes disfiguring of face/ neck and warts of the finger interfere in fine movements.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness of 5 specific Homeopathic remedies in the treatment of various warts ie 1.THUJA 2.DULCAMARA 3.CAUSTICUM 4.ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 5.CALCEREA CARBONICUM
METHODOLOGY: Patients were selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. History and interview as per perform prepared for the topic were taken on the basis of homeopathic totality and treatment will be started. Prognosis was assessed. Cases were followed according to signs and symptoms until treated in the due course of study.
This study examined the efficacy of specific homeopathic medicines in the management of warts. 30 clinically confirmed out patients who visited OPD/IPD of A.M SHAIKH HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE AND PG RESEARCH CENTRE NEHRU NAGAR BELGAVI 590010. All 30 cases were given specific Homeopathic remedies to know the result of treatment as recovered, improved or not improved.
RESULT: Out of 30, 4 patients recovered, 12 patients improved. And remaining did not show any changes.
Conclusion: Homoeopathic remedies are more effective in individualistic approach to remove the disease from its root cause and not just symptomatic treatment. In homeopathy warts are not just a benign epithelial growth but a significant manifestation of sycotic miasm and its expression. Homeopathic remedies not only remove the symptom but also improves the wellbeing of the patient.Effectiveness of these 5 Homoeopathic remedies were seen in this study.
Keywords: VariousWarts, thuja, Dulcamara, Causticum, Antimonium Crudum, Calcarea carb
Verrucae or warts are common lesion of skin in children and adolescents, although they may be encountered at any age. Transmission usually involves direct contact between individual or auto-inoculation. Warts makes disfiguring of face or neck and warts on the fingers interfere in fine movement. Warts are hyperkeratosis skin outgrowth of mainly sycotic manifestation due to internal derangement of vital force.
Destruction of the infected area of epidermis by using external application, or by surgery is not the only solution for this problem, as it is the external manifestation of internal deranged vital force there should be treated by dynamic remedies. Homoeopathy is said to be effective in the management of skin disorder like warts and etc.
Which consider the patient as whole, on the basis of totality of symptom and individualization. These not only remove the warts but also restore the internal deranged vital force. And also prevent recurrence. Hence a systemic study of clinical presentation of warts and the effect of homoeopathic medicine in the management of warts was done.
STUDY DESIGN: Randomized non control trial.
TYPE OF RESEARCH: Prospective case study .
SOURCE OF DATA : The subject of the study were selected from the OPD of A.M Shaikh Homeopathic medical college and hospital, Belagavi.
- 30 patients were selected who were suffering from warts that fit into inclusion and exclusion criteria.
- Homoeopathic case taking format was followed.
INCLUSION CRITERIA 1. Patient of all age group and sex 2. Patient irrespective of ethnic group socioeconomic status and occupation will be considered.
EXCLUSION CRITERIA 1. Patient with any other chronic disease on active treatment. 2. Genital warts.
STUDY DURATION: Every case will be followed for minimum period of 6 months.
FOLLOW UP OF THE SUBJECTS: Every case was followed weekly for 1 st 3weeks or as per the need of the case for minimum period of 6 months to assess the recurrence, all criteria for the second prescription will be followed according to the case demand.
AGE INCIDENCE: This table shows the age of incidence. The idea of such a statistical approach is to identify the age group with the highest incidence.
As shown in the above chart, the maximum incidence was in the age group 10-20 years that is 40 %(12 cases). Followed by the age group 21-30 years that is 30 %( 9 cases). Followed closely by the age group 31-41 years that is 20%(6cases). And 06.67% that is 2 patients were observed in the age group of 41-50 years. Only 03.33% that is 1 patient was observed in the age group of 51-60.
B.SEX INCIDENCE. This table shows the sex incidence. This shows the statistical approach to identify the sex group with the highest incidence.
From the above data, out of 30 cases 18 were male, 60% of the total number of the cases and 12 were female that is 40% of the total number of cases.
CLINICAL PRESENTATION OF VERRUCA. This table shows the clinical types of verruca among the patients.A statistical approach is to identify the presentation with the highest incidence.
From the above data , out of 30 patients , 13 were diagnosed as a verruca vulgaris that is 43% of total number of cases. 10 were diagnosed as a verruca plana that is 33%.And 4% were diagnosed as a verruca plantar that is 13%. And 3 were diagnosed as a verruca Filiformis that is 10% of total number of cases.
FAMILY HISTORY: This table shows the family history of the patients. This shows us the family history of verruca.
From the above table it is observed that 56% had family history of verruca. 16% of the patients had family history of diabetes mellitus.13% of the patients had family history of hypertension and asthma.6% of the patients had family history of renal stone,haemorrhoids and tuberculosis.
MIASMATIC BACKGROUND The statistical study is done to show the incidence to the Miasmatic background involved.
The data shows the incidence of Miasmatic background involved Psora with 14 cases (46%) Psoro sycotic with 13 cases (43%). Psoro Syphilitic with 2 cases(6%).And Psoro syco syphilitic with 1 case(3%) in the background.
In this study it was seen that 53% (16 cases) showed complete recovery. 26%(8cases) showed improvement and 20%(6cases) showed no improvement.
INDICATED REMEDIES: The tabulation clearly shows the indicated remedy for 30 cases. Thuja was the most indicated remedy that is 12 cases. Then Antimonium crudum with 8 cases. Calcerea carb with 4 cases and Causticum with 4 cases and last Dulcamara with 2 cases.
Warts are raise bumps on skin which are caused by HPV which are seen different parts of the body. It spreads from one location to another. The present study was carried out over 30 patients who satisfied the inclusion criteria of study.
In India the prevalence rate is 1.07%. It is higher among men than women. Warts are common worldwide and affect approximately 10% of the population. In school-aged children, the prevalence is as high as 10% to 20%. They are more common among immune suppressed patients and meat handlers.It can occur at any age. Although rare in infancy and early childhood, prevalence increases among school-aged children and peaks at 12 to 16 years. They are twice as common in Whites as in Blacks or Asians.
In this study the maximum incidence was in the age group of 10-20 years 40 %( 12 cases),21-30 years 30 %( 9 cases), 31-41 years 20 %(6cases), 6.67% 2 patients in the age group of 41-50 years. Only 3.33% 1 patient was observed in the age group of 51-60.
13 were diagnosed as a verruca vulgaris from total number of cases. 10 were diagnosed as a verruca plana,4 were diagnosed as a verruca plantar,3 were diagnosed as a verruca Filiformis 10% of total number of cases.
56% had family history of verruca. 16% of the patients had family history of diabetes mellitus.13% of the patients had family history of hypertension and asthma.6% of the patients had family history of renal stone, haemorrhoids and tuberculosis. Thuja was the most indicated remedy for12 cases. Antimonium crudum for 8 cases. Calcerea carb for 4 cases and Causticum for 4 cases and last Dulcamara for 2 cases.
In world wide 10%of population is affected from warts. It is a viral infection caused by HPV common in children, unhygienic place, and immune-compromised in the vulnerable category. In this clinical study, the effectiveness of specific homeopathic remedies in the management of warts was observed on 30 patients. Homoeopathic remedies are more effective in individualistic approach to remove the disease from its root cause and not just symptomatic treatment. If we follow specific treatment. It will only suppress rather than cure similar to that of allopathy. In homeopathy warts are not just a benign epithelial growth but a significant manifestation of psychotic miasms and expression. Homeopathic remedies do not only remove the symptom but also improve the wellbeing of the patient.
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Dr.Anisa. Khalid. Arkati. MD ( HOM)
(Associate Professor, Department of Organon of Medicine)
A.M.Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College & PG Research Centre Belagavi-590010.
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