A study on calcarea group of medicines with special emphasis on calcarea phosphorica

Dr Ravichandra Chakrala
PG Scholar, Department of Pharmacy
Sonajirao Kshirsagar Homeopathic Medical College Medical college, Beed.

In Homoeopathy the most of the drugs are having the similar symptoms but some symptoms differs the drug in to one to another in during the group study the common features are given in the group remedies.In Homoeopathy the group study is the easiest way to understand the drugs and differentiate to one another. The group study is important to study the drugs and it is the easiest way to study the vast Materia Medica.No two individuals are the same. They are individual from the moment of birth. Indeed, many of their individual characteristics are laid down long before birth. In the shape of its physique the newborn infant already gives tokens of what it is to be. Individual differences in physique are due to variations and mixtures of these bodily characteristics. Each of us is different from the other and our physical structure and general characteristics contribute towards the difference. What gives each of us the stamp of individuality is the way in which the behavior of each of us differs from that of every other person. The genes due to interplay of protein synthesize this difference of temperament.

Every man is different from the other in the way he reacts to various stimuli and they tend to retain the behavioral styles with which they are born with. The temperamental patterns present at birth are sometimes strengthened, weakened or otherwise modified by life experiences but the general tendency is for the ‘basic’ tends to persist over the years. When the infant grows he experiences various reactions from the surrounding world. Thus a layer of learned behavior is built around the temperamental core to form the developing personality.Reaction of a man to stimuli is very important. Each man will show different reaction depending upon its constitution and their susceptibility.In this research, an effort was made to show the advantage of studying a group with special emphasis on single drug in portrait. This research implies that we can master Materia Medica if we study a particular group with special emphasis on a particular drug with its different facet and relationship with other drugs. The differentiation becomes easy when we know the evolution of drug symptoms and match it with the evolution of patient.

Out of 30 cases, 21 cases showed improvement i.e. 70.00%, while 6 cases were Partially Improved i.e. 60.00% of the total cases & 3 cases were Not Improved accounting 10.00% of total cases. 

While studying Calcarea Phosphorica in detail, it was noted that the remedy had been extensively proved and verified again & again in regards to its clinical efficacy especially in cases of bone and glands affections; it also promotes ossification of bones. Calcarea Phosphorica corresponds to defective nutrition of all age groups whether of childhood, puberty or of old age. In Calcarea Phosphorica predisposition to glandular and bone diseases is more prominent. 


Calcarea group is also known as calcium group. Calcium is a mineral found mainly in the hard part of bones, where it is stored. Calcium is added to bones by cells called osteoblasts and is removed from bones by cells called osteoclasts. Calcium is essential for healthy bones. It is also important for muscle contraction, heart action, nervous system maintenance, and normal blood clotting. Food sources of calcium include dairy foods, some leafy green vegetables such as broccoli and collards, canned salmon, clams, oysters, calcium-fortified foods, and tofu. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and one of the most important.

Calcium is dull gray silvery metallic alkaline earth element belonging to group IIA and series 4 of periodic table.  

ELEMENT CATAGARY Alkaline earth metal
APPERENCE Dull grey, silver
ATONOMIC WEIGHT 40.078(4)gmol


1) Calcarea acetica  21) Calcarea met 
2) Calcarea ars  22) Calcarea mur 
3) Calcarea brom  23) Calcarea nitrica 
4) Calcarea carb  24) Calcarea oxalica 
5) Calcarea caust  25) Calcarea oxydata 
6) Calcarea chlor  26) Calcarea phos 
7) Calcarea citrica  27) Calcarea picrica 
8) Calcarea flour  28) Calcarea pantothenica 
9) Calcarea formicum  29) Calcarea pyrophos 
10) Calcarea glycerophos  30) Calcarea permanganica 
11) Calcarea glutamica  31) Calcarea renalis 
12) Calcarea gluconica  32) Calcarea sulph 
13) Calcarea hypophos  33) Calcarea silicata 
14) Calcarea hydrxidum  34) Calcarea silica flour 
15) Calcarea hyposulfurosa  35) Calcarea stib sulph 
16) Calcarea hydroiodica  36) Calcarea sul. Hahn 
17) Calcarea iodata  37) Calcarea versalis 
18) Calcarea lactica  38) Calcarea sulphurica – Plaster of paris 
19) Calcarea lact. Natronata  39) Calcrea silica fluorica — lapis alba 
20) Calcarea lact. Phos  40) Calcarea sulphurata Hahnemanni– Hepar sulph


Common Name- Calcium Phosphate, Phosphate of Lime 

Chemical Formula – Ca3 (PO4)2 

Prover- Dr. Constantine Hering 

General Description: 

Although Calcium Phosphate occurs naturally the homeopathic remedy is made from laboratory prepared Calcium Phosphate (combining calcium hydroxide with diluted phosphoric acid). Commercial uses are many in the manufacturing of paints, plastics and ceramics and it is well known as a fertilizer for plants. 

Remedy preparation:

Calcium Phosphate is triturated with lactose sugar to obtain mother tincture 


Proved in 1937 by Dr. Constantine Herring. Chosen as a “Tissue Salt” by Wilhelm Schussler later in the 19thcentury. 

Remedy Profile: 

For persons of anaemic and dark complexioned, dark hair and eyes; thin spare subjects, instead of fat .Friendly and sensitive people that are insecure. Tendency to easily succumb to emotional fatigue. Easily bored and constantly looking for new friends and different things to do. Children are slow developers and may have learning problems. Physically Calcarea Phosphorica people are easily fatigued; tend to anemia, brittle bones and teeth, weak and tired after an illness. 

Key Symptoms: 

Need to explore, discontent, slow development and growth, brittle bones and teeth. 

Used for treatment : 

Heartburn, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Abdominal pain, Headaches, Migraines, Insomnia, Growing pains, Slow development, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Teething (slow teething), Period Pains, Joint Pain, Broken bones (slow to mend), Arthritis, Sprains, Anemia 

Guiding symptoms: 

  1. During first and second dentition of scrofulous children 
  2. Rheumatism of cold weather, getting well in spring and returning in autumn. 
  3. Headache of school-girls. 
  4. Diarrhoea. At every attempt to eat, colic pains in abdomen. Fistula in ano, alternating with chest symptoms. 
  5. Lack of animal heat; cold sweat and general coldness of body. 

Particular symptoms: 

Mind─ Great depression; slow comprehension; cretinism. Children are peevish and fretful; difficulty in performing intellectual operations. 

Head─ Large open fontanelle ,Delayed closure or re-opening of fontanelle. Headache with craving for tobacco smoke,occiput. Itching in the scalp every evening. 

Nose─ Coryza: fluent in cold room; stopped in warm air and out of doors.Swollen nose with sore nostrils in scrofulous children. Large pedunculated polyp. Streaks of blood, nose-bleed in afternoon Frequent sneezing, with flow of mucus from the nose, and salivation. Blood follows when the nose is blown. 

Teeth- Teeth sensitive to chewing. Pain in molars. Tearing, boring pain at night; < from warm or cold things. Slow dentition, with cold and emaciation. Too rapid decay. Convulsions without fever during dentition. 

Stool and Anus─ Evacuations with much flatulence. Stools in which there were many small white points or flakes, like pus, scarcely perceptible. Diarrhea of dentition 

Male Sexual Organs.─ Increase of sexual desire in the morning, with unusual enjoyment in coition, Nocturnal emissions. Erections while riding in a carriage, without desire. Shooting through the perineum into the penis. Swelling of testicles.─ Scrotum: itching; sweating; sore; oozing a fluid. Hydrocele. Chronic gonorrhea in anæmic subjects. 

Female Sexual Organs.─ Menses too early, blood bright, with girls; too late; blood dark, or first bright, then dark, in women─ Leucorrhœa, like white of egg, day and night; < morning after rising; of sweetish odour; increased whites with a stool of bad odour. 

Respiratory Organs─ Hoarseness; burning in throat; constant hawking and hemming to clear voice when talking. Cough; tickling; with dryness of throat and hoarseness; with yellow expectoration. Sharp pain like an instrument through end of sternum.─ cracking in sternum. 

Neck and Back─ Rheumatic pain and stiffness of neck with dullness of head; from slight draught of air. Curvature of the spine to the left; lumbar vertebra bend to the left; 

Limbs─ Aching in all the limbs with weariness.─ Pains flying about, in all parts of rump and limbs after getting wet in rain.─ Extensors more affected than flexors. 

Children─ During first and second dentition of scrofulous children; diarrhoea and great flatulence, emaciated, unable to stand; slow in learning to walk (Cal., Sil.); sunken, flabby abdomen. Oozing of bloody fluid from naval of infants. Rachitis─ cranial bones thin and brittle; fontanelles and sutures remain open so long, or close and reopen; delayed or complicated teething. Spine weak, disposed to curvatures, especially to the left, unable to support body, neck weak, unable to support head (Abrot.). Girls at puberty, tall, growing rapidly, tendency of bone to soften or spine to curve. 

General Modalities: 

Aggravation: Cold, Damp Weather, Overexertion 

Amelioration: Warmth, Dry Weather, Summer 


Complementary: Ruta. 

Similar: to Carbo an., Calc. Fluor., Fluor. ac., Kali phos.; to Psor., in debility remaining after acute diseases; to Sil., but sweat of head is wanting. 

Acts best: before – Iod., Psor., Sanic., Sulph.; 


Source of Data:  The study is conducted on the patient who attended in the OPD / IPD of our Homoeopathic College and attached hospital. 

Method of Collection of Data:  Homoeopathy is based on individualization and its motto is to treat the patient not the disease. Accordingly 30 patients have been taken for the present study from different age group & of both sexes. 

Case Taking & Processing: The case has been taken in detail as per the principles of Homoeopathy & processed under the following headlines- 

• Diagnosis of disease 

• Diagnosis of phase of the disease 

• Diagnosis of miasm and susceptibility 

• Diagnosis of the remedy and potency  


  • All the cases were thoroughly examined before the prescription is given. 
  • After case taking medicine is given according to totality of symptoms with the help of Repertory, Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Philosophy. 

Follow Up:

  • Follow-up of the cases are done as per the need of the case. 
  • Records are maintained to draw Conclusion.

Observation & Analysis: 

Age Group No. Of Patients %
1 – 5 0 0.00
6-10 9 30.00
11-15 5 16.67
16-20 3 10.00
21-25 1 3.33
26-30 1 3.33
31-35 0 0.00
36-40 2 6.67
41-45 2 6.67
46-50 3 10.00
> 51 4 13.33
Total 30 100.00
Sex No. Of Patients %
Male 21 70.00
Female 9 30.00
Total 30 100.00
  Disease Diagnosis No of cases %
Hypocalcaemia 11 36.67
Hypertrophy of Adenoids 4 13.33
Conduct Disorder 3 10.00
Bronchitis 2 6.67
Gallbladder Calculi 2 6.67
Allergic Rhinits 1 3.33
Sinusitis 1 3.33
Alopecia Areata 1 3.33
Benign Hypertrophy of Prostate 1 3.33
DUB 1 3.33
Epilepsy 1 3.33
Fistula in Ano 1 3.33
Hypertension 1 3.33
TOTAL 30 100.00


Phase of Disease No. Of Patients %
Acute Phase 3 10.00
Chronic 27 90.00
Total 30 100.00


Fundamental Miasm No. of Cases %
Psora 15 50.00
Sycosis 12 40.00
Syphilis 1 3.33
 Mixed 2 6.67
Total 30 100.00


Medicine Prescribed No of cases %
Calcarea Phosphorica 16 53.33
Other Medicines of

Calcarea Group

14 46.67
TOTAL 30 100.00


Medicine Prescribed No of cases %
Calcarea Phosphorica 16 53.33
Calc. Ars. 1 3.33
Calc. Carb. 8 26.67
Calc. Sil. 1 3.33
Calc. Sulph. 2 6.67
Hepar Sulph 2 6.67
TOTAL 30 100.00


Result No. of Cases %
Improved 21 70.00
Partially Improved 6 20.00
Not Improved 3 10.00
Total 30 100.00


 While studying Calcarea Phosphorica in detail, it was noted that the remedy had been extensively proved and verified again & again in regards to its clinical efficacy especially in cases of bone and glands affections; it also promotes ossification of bones. Calcarea Phosphorica corresponds to defective nutrition of all age groups whether of childhood, puberty or of old age. In Calcarea Phosphorica predisposition to glandular and bone diseases is more prominent. 


1) HAHNEMANN S., THE CHRONIC DISEASE, THEIR PECULIAR NATURE AND THEIR HOMEOPATHIC CURE, Translated From the second Enlarged German Edition of 1835 by TAFEL L.H. WITH Annotations By HUGES R. Edited by DUDLEY P. Reprint Edition, New Delhi, B. Jain publishers pvt. Ltd.,1994. 

2) DR. ALLEN T F, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PURE MATERIA MEDICA, vol. VI, Reprint Edi 1982 B.Jain Publishers (p) Ltd, New Delhi. 

3) DR. ALLEN T F, HAND BOOK OF MATERIA MEDICA, Reprint Edi. 1994 B. Jain Publishers (p) Ltd, New Delhi. 2001. 

4) DR. CLARKE J H, A DICTIONARY OF PRACTICAL MATERIA MEDICA, Reprint edition B. Jain Publishers (p) Ltd, New Delhi, 1993. 

5) DR. DHAWALE, ICR SYMPOSIUM, VOL.II, Area D. Second Edi. 1994. ICR Symposium Council, Mumbai. 

6) BAILY P. M., HOMEOPATHIC PSYCHOLOGY, first Indian edition, New Delhi, B. jain publishers pvt. Ltd. 2002 

7) BHANJA K.C., MASTER KEY TO HOMEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA, fifth edition, Kolkatta, national Homeo laboratory, 1979. 

8) COULTER, C.R., PORTRAITS OF HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES, American edition, New York, quality Medical Publishing, Inc, 1998. 

9) DANO G., A STUDY OF SOME MEDICINES OF MINERAL ORIGINE, the Hahnemannian Gleaning, vol.XXIII, no. 3, march 1956. 

10) FARRINGTIN E.A., CLINICAL MATERIA MEDICA, reprint edition, New Delhi, B. Jain publishers pvt. Ltd., 1995 

11) GHATAK N., HOMEPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA, Indian Edition, Kolkatta, the Hahnemann Homeo Pharmacy. 

12) HAHNEMANN S. MATERIA MEDICA PURA, Translated From the latest German Edition By DUDGEON R.E. with Annotations by HUGES, R. Reprint Edition, New Delhi, B. Jain publishers pvt. Ltd.,1994. 

13) HUGES & DAKE, A CYCLOPAEDIA OF DRUG PATHOGENESY, Reprint Edition, New Delhi, B. Jain publishers pvt. Ltd.,1999. 

14)JAIN R.D., UNIVERSAL MINERAL MATERIA MADICA, Reprint Edition New Delhi, B. Jain publishers pvt. Ltd.,1995. 

15) KENT J.T., LECTURES ON MATERIA MEDICA, Reprint Edition, New Delhi B. Jain publishers pvt. Ltd., 1997 

16) LESSER. O., TEXT BOOK OF HOMEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA, Reprint Edition New Delhi, B. Jain publishers pvt. Ltd., 1993. 

17) TASTE A., THE HOMEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA, Reprint Edition New Delhi, B. Jain publishers pvt. Ltd. 1993. 

18) TYLER M. L., HOMEOPATHIC DRUG PICTURES, Reprint Edition New Delhi, B. Jain publishers pvt. Ltd. 2000. 

19) WITHMONT E.C., PSYCHE & SUBSTANCE, First Indian Edition, New Delhi, Indian Books, & Periodicals Syndicate, 1986. 

20) MANDAL T.C. HOMEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA, Vol.I, 2ndedition Books & Allied (P) Ltd. Kolkatta, 2005. 

21) DR. PATIL J D, GROUP STUDY IN HOM. MAT MED., 1st edi. B. Jain Publishers (p) Ltd, New Delhi, 2006. 

22) DR. GEORGE VITHOULKAS, THE ESSENCE OF MATERIA MEDICA, Reprint edition, B. Jain Publishers (p) Ltd, New Delhi, 2006. 

23)JOHN SHOLTAN, HOMOEOPATHY & THE MINERALS, Homoeopathic Medical Publishers, Mumbai. 

24) B.K. SARKAR, ORAGNON OF MEDICINE, 9thRevised Edition Birla Publications, New Delhi., 2004 


26) HERING C., THE GUIDING SYMPTOMS OF OUR MATERIA MEDICA, Vol. I & II, B. Jain Publishers, (P), Ltd., New Delhi (2005). 

1 Comment

  1. intellectually and insanity are relatives,even grandmothers knew brainy person but idle will go mad.sharp minded businessman bryonia talks business only even when ill, modern homeopaths say it is dry pleurisy pinch pains on any motion.calcarea lazy fearful when blended with brilliance of phosphorus is capable person precondition busy in intellect work otherwise has mental rage like tuberculin if idle.joette calabrese has given tip that calcarb200 bovista200 will relieve most of allergies to foods.so is calc phos good builder of mature RBC along with china and natmur in low to moderate potency.calc phos in children help dentition.all the intellectual remedies are highlited in article by elizabeth wright hubbard homoeo recorder feb 1931.modern homeopaths are trying best to link remedy with pathological symptoms but not much success till date.

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