Abbreviations in day today medical practice
- General Medicine
1. WNL: — within the normal limit.
2. CFS: … —Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
3. AEC: … —Absolute esonophil count
4. ADH —Antidiuretic hormone.
5. ACE —Angiotensin converting enzyme.
6. BMI —Body mass index.
7. BMR —Basal matabolic rate.
8. CPK —Serum creatinine phosphokinase.
9. EFA —Essential fatty acids
10. EAA —Essential amino acids
11. FFA —Free fatty acid.
12. HDL —High density lipoprotein
13. LDL —Low density lipoprotein
14. MUFA —Mono unsaturated fatty acid.
15. VLDL —Very low density lipoprotein
16. AFB —Acid fast bacilli.
17. ASO —Anti streptolysin O
18. ANA —Anti nucliar antibody.
19. ATD —Auto immune thyroid disease
20. BCG —Bacillus calmitte guirine.
21. CMV —Cyto megalo virus.
22. CIN —Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
23. CMI —Cell mediated immunity.
24. CEA —Carcino embryonic antigen.
25. CKV —Chikunguna virus
26. CIS —Carcinoma in situ.
27. EBV —Ebstin barr virus.
28. HLA —Histocompatibility locus antigen.
29. HSV —Herpes simplex virus.
30. HHV —Human herpes virus.
31. HPV —Human papilloma virus.
32. NHL —Non hodgkins lymphoma —
33. PPD —Purified protein derivative.
34. PSA —Prostate specific antigen
35. RA Factor —Rheumatoid arthritis factor.
36. TNM —Tumour nodes metastasis.
37. ATS —Anti tetanus serum
38. DEC —Diethyl carbamazine.
39. AD —Alzheimer’s disease.
40. ADS —Aids dementia complex.
41. HIE —Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy.
42. IVDSA —Intravenous digital substraction angiography.
43. ICP —Intra cranial pressure.
44. MID —Multi infarct dementia.
45. SPECT —Single photon emission computed
46. TD —Tardive dyskinesia.
47. VEP —Visual evoked potential.
48. TBM —Tuberculous meningitis.
49. WA —Wernicke’s aphasia.
50. UMN —Upper motor neuron.
51. TIA —Transient ischaemic attack.
52. MSLT —Multi sleep latency test.
53. MND —Motor neuron disease.
54. PET —Positron emission tomography.
55. NMS —Neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
56. SNS —Sympathetic nervous system.
57. SAS —Sleep apnoea syndrome.
58. SAH —Sub arachnoid haemorrhage.
59. SSPE —Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.
60. SND —Striatonigral degeneration.
61. SCA —Spino cerebellar ataxia.
62. NREM —Non rapid eye movement
63. .NTD —Neural tube defect.
64. REM —Rapid eye movement.
65. RIND —Reversible ischaemic neurologic deficit.
66. OPCA —Olivo ponto cerebellar atrophy.
67. MS —Multiple sclerosis.
68. ICSOL —Intra cranial space occupying lesions.
69. CSM —Cerebro spinal meningitis.
70. LMN —Lower motor neuron
71. CVA —Cerebro vascular accident.
72. PD —Parkinson’s disease.
73. PVS —Persistent vegitative state.
74. CA —Conduction aphasia.
75. EEG —Electro encephalography.
76. ENMG —Electro neuro myography.
77. CJD —Creutzfeldt jakob disease.
78. SLE —Systemic lupus erythmatosis.
79. RF —Rheumatic fever.
80. PUO —Pyrexia of unknown origin
81. MDRTF —Multi drug resistant typhoid fever.
82. MDT —Multi drug therapy.
83. MOF —Multi organ failure.
84. MODS —Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.
85. MSOF —Multi system organ failure.
86. MDR —Multi drug resistance.
87. ICU —Intenssive care unit.
88. ICCU —Intenssive cardic care unit.
89. JE —Japanese encephalitis.
90. BRE; benign rolantic epilepsy
91. LGV —Lympho granuloma venereum.
92. MCTD —Mixed connective tissue disorder.
93. DOA —Dead on admission.
94. DAMA —Discharged against medical advice.
95. DF —Dengue fever.
96. DHF —Dengue haemorrhagic fever.
97. DSS —Dengue shock syndrome.
98. SMR —Sub mucus resection of septum
99. ENG —Electro nystagmography.
100. HAR —High altitude retinopathy.
101. PTH — Parathyroid hormone.
102. CFS — Chronic fatigue syndrome
103. HIE: Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy
104. MAS: Muconeal aspirate syndrome
105. MTPJ: Metatarso phalengeal joint.
106. ED: Erective dysfunctio
107. HTN: Hypertension
2. Nephrology
1. RTA — Renal tubular acidosis.
2. PTH — Parathormone.
3. PTRA — Percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty.
4. IPD — Intermittent peritonial dialysis.
5. DI — Diabetes insipidus.
6. ARF — Acute renal failure.
7. ADH — Anti diuretic hormone.
8. ESWL — Extra corporeal short wave lithotripsy.
9. BUN — Blood urea nitrogen.
10. CRRT — Continuous renal replacement therapy.
11. CRF — Chronic renal failure.
12. ESRD — End stage renal disease.
13. GN — Glomerulonephritis.
14. IVU — Intravenous urography.
15. MPGN — Membrano proliferative glomerulo nephritis.
16. IVP — Intravenous pyelography.
17. PCNL — Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy.
18. EPO — Erythropiotin.
19. PAN — Poly arteritis nodosa.
20. RFT — Renal function test.
21. RPRF — Rapidly progressive renal failure.
22. MCU — Micturating cystourethrography.
23. RPGN — Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
24. RVH — Renovascular hypertension.
25. RAS — Renal artery stenosis.
26. TURP — Transurethral resection of prostate.
27. VUR — Vesico ureteric reflux.
28. UTI — Urinary tract infection. - Rheumatology
1. RA —Rheumatoid arthritis.
2. AS —Ankylosing spondylitis.
3. SCS —Spinal canal stenosis.
4. JRA —Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
5. CTS —Carpal tunnel syndrome.
6. ACTH —Adreno corticotrophic hormone.
7. ATD —Autoimmune thyroid disease.
8. DOMS: Delayed onset muscle soreness
4. Diabetology
1. AN —Autonomic neuropathy.
2. DKA —Diabetic ketoacidosis.
3. DN —Diabetic neuropathy.
4. DR —Diabetic retinopathy.
5. GTT —Glucose tolerance test.
6. GH —Growth hormone.
7. GHD —Growth hormone deficiency.
8. GDM —Gestational diabetes mellitus.
9. GIGT —Gestational impaired glucose tolerance.
10. HRT —Hormone replacement therapy.
11. HONC —Hyperosmolar non ketotic coma.
12. IDDM —Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
13. PDR —Proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
14. PTH —Parathyroid hormone.
15. IGT —Impaired glucose tolerance test.
16. NIDDM —Non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
17. OHA —Oral hypoglycemic agents.
18. OGTT —Oral glucose tolerance test.
19. DKA: diabetic keto acidosis
5. Psychiatry
1. ADHD —Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
2. NMS —Neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
3. ECT —Electro convulsive therapy.
4. EST —Electric shock therapy.
5. IQ —Intelligence quotient.
6. SAD —Seasonal affective disease.
7. ODD: Oppositional Defiant Disorder
8. CD: Conduct Disorder6. Dermatology
1. VDRL —Venereal disease research laboratory.
2. SCC —Squamous cell carcinoma.
3. PGH —Primary genital herpes.
4. OCA —Oculocutaneous albinism.
5. KS —Kaposi sarcoma.
6. BCC —Basal cell carcinoma.
7. LL —Lepromatous leprosy.
8. BL —Boderline lepromatous leprosy.
9. BT —Boderline tuberculoid leprosy.
10. BB —Boderline leprosy.
11. LP —Lichen planus.
12. LI —Lamellar icthyosis.
13. OHL —Oral hairy leukoplakia.
14. PRP —Pityriasis rubra pilaris.
15. RGH —Recurrent genital herpes.
16. TT —Tuberculoid leprosy.
17. SCLE —Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus.
18. SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus
7. Diagnostic tests
1. AP —Antero posterior.
2. CT —Computed tomography.
3. CECT —Contrast enhanced computerized tomography.
4. DUS —Duplex ultrasonography.
5. DSA —Digital subtraction angiography.
6. FNAC —Fine needle aspiration cytology
7. LP —Lumbar puncture.
8. LAO —Left anterior oblique.
9. MRI —Magnetic resonance imaging.
10. PET —Positron emission topography.
11. PA —Postero anterior.
12. RAO —Right anterior oblique.
13. RIA —Radio immuno assay.
14. SPECT —Single photon emission computed
15. PCR —Polymerase chain reaction.
16. SAFA — Soluble antigen fluorescent antibody.
17. SOL —Space occupying lesions.
18. USG —Ultra sonography.
19. CRP —C reactive protein.
20. CFT —Compliment fixation test
21. CFT —Compliment fixation test
22. ELISA —Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.
8. GIT
1. APD —Acid peptic disease.
2. CRC —Colorectal cancer.
3. EGD —Oesophago gastroduodenoscopy.
4. FAP —Familial adenomatous polyposis.
5. GOR —Gastro oesophageal reflex.
6. GORD —Gastro oesophageal reflux disease.
7. GIST tumor — Gartrointestinal stromal tumor
8. HNPCC —Hereditary non polyposis colorectal cancer.
9. IRHS —Intraoral recurrent herpes simplex.
10. IPSID —Immuno proliferative small intestinal disease.
11. IBS —Irritable bowel syndrome.
12. LOS —Lower oesophageal sphincter.
13. MLP —Malignant lymphomatous polyposis.
14. OC —Oesophageal cancer.
15. ORS —Oral rehydration solution.
16. RAU —Recurrent apthous ulcer.
17. UGI —Upper gastro intestinal.
9.Hepato-biliary system
1.FP —Alpha fetoprotein.
2. ALD —Alcoholic disease.
3. APG —Arterioportography.
4. CBD —Common bile duct.
5. CACC —Copper associated childhood cirrhosis.
6. CPH —Chronic persistent hepatitis.
7. CAH —Chronic active hepatitis.
8. CLH —Chronic lobular hepatitis.
9. EVL —Endoscopic variceal band ligation
10. HBA —Extra hepatic biliary atresia
11. EHPVO —Extra hepatic portal vein obstruction.
12. ERCP —Endoscopic retrograde
13. GGT —Gama glutamyl transpeptidase.
14. GABA —Gamma amino butyric acid .
15. FNH —Focal nodular hyperplasia.
16. HAV —Hepatitis A virus.
17. HBV —Hepatitis B virus.
18. HCV —Hepatitis C virus.
19. HDV —Hepatitis delta virus.
20. HEV —Hepatitis E virus.
21. HBsAG —Hepatitis B surface antigen.
22. HBIG —Hepatitis B immunoglobulin.
23. HCC —Hepato cellular carcinoma.
24. ICC —Indian childhood cirrhosis.
25. MRCP —Magnetic resonance
26. NCPF —Non cirrhotic portal fibrosis.
27. OCG —Oral cholecystography.
28. OLT —Orthotopic liver transplantation.
29. OBT —Oral bile acid therapy.
30. PHT —Portal hypertension.
31. PSC —Primary sclerosing colangitis.
32. PBC —Primary biliary cirrhosis.
33. PTC —Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography.
34. SPG —Spleno portography.
35. SPV —Spleno porto venography.
36. SOD —Sphincter of oddi dysfunction.
37. TIPSS —Transjugular intrahepatic porto systemic shunt.
38. TAH —Transfusion associated hepatitis.
39. NAFLD: Non alcoholic fatty liver disease
40. CPK: Creatinine phosphokinase
10. Cardiology
1. AF —Atrial fibrillation
2. AMI —Acute myocardial infarction
3. ACLS —Advanced cardiac life support
4. ASD —Atrial septal defect
5. AVS —Aortic valve stenosis.
6. BCLS —Basic cardiac life support.
7. BMV —Balloon mitral valvotomy.
8. BBBB —Bilateral bundle branch block
9. BV —Balloon valvotomy.
10. CD —Colour doppler
11. CVS —Cardio vascular system
12. CHB —Complete heart block.
13. CAD —Coronary artery disease.
14. CVD —Cardiovasculer disease.
15. CHD —Congenital heart disease.
16. CCF —Congestive cardiac failure.
17. CHF —Congestive heart failure.
18. CPR —Cardio pulmonary resuscitation
19. CHD —Congenital heart disease.
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